//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 - The Costumes // Story: Cold War: The Global Threat // by GeneralSniperplayer //------------------------------// August 20, 1950 | 7:32 am | cold and dry 3 days into the attack, I was in my office checking some reports, nothing out of the ordinary, then another report caught my attention, it was from the SIEE, according to the report, in Western Germaneighia there was an attack on the Parliament, where a man became deputy by force, so I got up, and went to Screen's office: "What the hell is that?" I asked irritably. "How?" Screen found it strange. "The Attack on the Chamber of Deputies in Western Germaneighia!" I replied. "Oh yes, that. Looks like someone wants to resurrect the 'Spirit of Aryanne'." he said. "Armin Kessler, huh?" I asked him if that was the subject's name, just to confirm that the content that was in the report was correct. "Yes sir!" he replied. "I want all his information, date of birth, criminal and military history, address, anything you can get!" I ordered. "We'll do our best, sir!" Screen said. "Great, let me know when you find something!" I replied. "Yes sir." he stated. When I was leaving, the alarm sound went off, something was wrong, so I ran to the security room: "What is happening?" I asked the guard. "Gunfire sounds, even broke a window." he replied. "Damn…" I grumbled. The movement at the base became more agitated, there were agents going outside to look for the shooter, others, going to protect the entrance and the other rooms, I left there and went to my office, took my phone and called the Ministry of Defense, then, one of the secretaries there answered: "Hello?" said the secretary. "This is the Sniperplayer General Commander, I need to speak with the Minister." I went straight to the point; "She is not at the moment, sir." he replied. "What the... where is she?" I asked. "She went to one of the Star Powder factories." he informed. "Okay, I appreciate her understanding!" I up said right away. I went to the entrance of the Pentagon: "Be prepared for the worst!" I told the agents. "We're ready!" one of the agents answered. I positioned myself behind a reception desk and pointed my revolver outside, any stranger would be shot if they dared to enter, after long minutes, 2 people appeared, all the agents pointed their weapons, but when I realized, it was Jack and Eduard: "Put down the weapons!" I ordered, making everyone lower their weapons. "Sniperplayer, we found a killer's diary." Eduard said, entering with Jack. "Have you seen Rainbow Dash around?" Jack asked. "The Minister is in one of the Star Powder units...wait, is the shooter already dead?" I spoke. "He didn't do any work." Jack replied. "Well, at least…" I signaled for everyone to go back to circulating. "But we found his diary, which is written in Germaneighian, so we want to translate the diary." Eduard said. "Where's Frank?" Jack asked. "I didn't even remember him…" Eduard said. "Leave Rainbow Dash alone, now we want Frank..." Jack said. "Germaneighian? I'm fluent!" I exclaimed. "Ah, Frank, there you are…" Frank said coming. "What it was?" Frank asked. "We want you to translate this diary for us…" "Translate said?" Frank questioned. "It's written in Germaneighian, and you being a Germaneighian, it's easy to translate…" "Let said me see…" Frank said, taking the diary. "Sniperplayer, do you have? Computer or typewriter?" Frank asked "Wait..." "What said it was?" Frank asked. My dad had one of those machines and it’s still at home today… "It will be useful…" Frank answered. "That's why your house is a museum, Jack…" Eduard said. "I have a computer in my office!" I spoke. "No need, Sniperplayer, I have the typewriter, Frank can use it to translate the diary…Follow me." Jack said, heading for the exit with Eduard and Frank. "I'll stick around, then send me a copy!" I exclaimed, as I returned to my office. Going back to the reports, I saw some from the Navy and Air Force, they were together watching the sea, looking for ghost ships, I remember that AppleJack had warned me that he sent the Navy to increase the patrols, but I had no idea that there would be ghost ships in ours coast, things were getting more and more dangerous. After 1 hour, I was talking to Rainbow Dash and AppleJack, I informed her about the sniper from earlier, and about the increase in maritime patrols, then, Jack appeared again with Eduard and Frank: "Sniper told me about the attack earlier today and the attack on the Chamber of Deputies in Germaneighia." Rainbow said. "Rainbow Dash, Sniperplayer...we have more clues about how the Germaneighians and Stalliongradis get into Equestria here..." Jack said. "And they also want to hunt Frank..." Eduard added. "It's true, they want my head as a reward." Frank said. Jack showed the shooter's diary papers from earlier, it said: I've been here in Equestria for a while now, along with my Ghermaneighian brothers and a few Stalliongradis. Since then, it seemed easy to enter this way, but it was a mistake: the security of the ports of Equestria are reinforced and protected, and it is difficult to enter through ships without authorization. The only way to enter Equestria is to forge our names at ports, as at airports there is already a technology that detects false names. So, getting into Equestria, I spent 5 months spying, learning, adapting and surviving on the city streets, but no one suspected that most beggars are actually spies, but not all of them. Oh, I almost forgot about the Traitor: Frank Kriegsveteran. He is our main target after he fled Germany after a civil war there. I found out that he was working for Pentagon agents, which despite being a well-protected building, still has weak spots there, so I went to a gun shop and stole a Remington 700 and with a telescopic sight, so off I went. in an abandoned building, close to the Pentagon, I prepared, arranged, positioned and waited for that bastard. "I think we'll have a little talk with the Germaneighians…" Rainbow said. "Perfect, we barely left the Second War and the Third is about to begin…" I mumbled. "No, the German government already knows that, but they don't want a new war, that's all, because in my land there's a civil war going on, between the easterners and the westerners and that diary there, it's from a Revenger, as if it were the Germaneighian anarchists." Frank said. "Revenger?" Jack found it strange.. "When I left there, to try to escape the war, they were chasing me all the time." Frank said. "Now it makes sense...it was the one that Jack killed when we got to the abandoned building." Eduard interrupted. "And the Germaneighian government?" Jack questioned. "It is also divided." Frank said. "No kidding…" Jack said. "There are politicians who have been killed or are missing…" Frank said. "In Germaneighia?" Jack asked. "Yes... not even the army was able to contain it..." Frank said. "So Germaneighia is upside down…" Eduard concluded. "Exactly. It's not a war between Germaneighia and Equestria or something else, but a civil war that's been going on for a long time there, which now, they want to declare war on other countries because of it…" Frank said. "Like it's the Gargoyle Revolution, only Germaneighian…" Frank said. "Dude, this is dangerous. If no one stops this revolution that has been happening in Germaneighia, it can be decimated by other countries in a matter of months…" replied Eduard. "I agree…" Frank said. "Wait, isn't there a wall there?" Jack found it strange. "Yes, but they knocked it down using bombs…" Frank replied. "When was that?" AppleJack questioned. "After the second world war was over…" answered Frank. "It's explained…" Jack said. "So we have several problems, attack and Espionage by Stalliongradis, Illegal entry of immigrants, Germaneighians wanting Frank's head, a shitload of things…" Eduard grumbled. "Wait, wasn't the wall built in '46?" Dash found it strange. "Yes, it was built. A month later, the civil war broke out." Frank replied. "But why didn't Screen say about it?" AppleJack questioned. "Screen wasn't leader of SIEE yet." I explained. "Just a doubt: are our members already in Germaneighia, or any unit there?" Eduard asked. "Yes, we ship Sweetie Drops, Lyra Heartstrings and High Script." Dash said. "Oh my God…" Frank said. "What it was?" Jack questioned. "Even if the wall exists over there, the guerrillas are attacking with everything…" Frank replied. "Wait, how long has it been since you've been there?" I asked. "I haven't been there for years, but I know a Germaneighian who tells me everything there in letters." Frank replied. "Makes sense..." I said. "Well, I've solved enough problems. I'm tired and I need to go home." Jack said. "But why? We still have problems to solve, have you forgotten?" Eduard said. "I'm not going to be home all day, I'm just going to take a nap, and then I'll meet you here at the Pentagon." Jack replied. "Right." I spoke. "Well, your right. Take a rest." Eduard said, seeing Jack go home. "Sniper, want to try out the new outfits?" AppleJack asked. "Clear!" I answered her. "New costumes?" Eduard asked. "They're suits for you to wear in Stalliongrad, they're made of aramid." AppleJack informed. "Even I was curious…are they stealthy?" Eduard said. "Yes!" AppleJack replied. So, we went to one of the Star Powder units, the place had several test rooms with weapons, equipment, everything, we entered a room and I put on a black suit, it had a kind of helmet and anti-reflective visor, it was comfortable and I could move around just fine, when I looked over at them, I saw that Dash was holding back a laugh: "Nothing..." Dash said, still holding back a laugh. "What?" I found it strange. "I liked it…" Eduard said. "Well, I don't have much to do here, I'm leaving now…" Frank said. "Where are you going?" Eduard asked. "Go to the bar, where Jack's girlfriend works…" Frank replied. "If I were you, I wouldn't even go there..." Eduard recommended. "Why?" Frank questioned. "Remember what Jack did to you, you know? However, much worse…" Eduard replied. "You can't even go into the girl's bar and I'll still be threatened?" Frank found it strange. "Look: enter the bar? You can. Talk to Mary? He can. Just beware of intimacy." Eduard said. "Come on, Dash, tell me what's funny." I spoke. "Your muscles are very highlighted!" she replied, and soon began to laugh. "Tsk, come on, it shouldn't be for that much." I said. "Look in the mirror." she said. "Oh…" I looked at myself in the mirror, and she was right, it really stood out. "Are you available tonight, stud?" she made a joke, and I started to laugh. "Look, you have a sense of humor." AppleJack said, laughing too. "Okay, enough." I said, after I stopped laughing. "A strong point of this costume is that it adjusts easily when you put it on." she informed. "There are other costumes too." Dash said. We went into the next room, and Dash put on the suit, it was an all black suit, but it was a shade of black that would be good for blending in the dark, it also had a balaclava and it looked to be tight: "Wow...I like that one." I spoke. "This one is no longer made of aramid, it is made of tactel, it dries quickly." AppleJack detailed. "This would be good for invasion by rivers and lakes." Rainbow said. "Do you have more costumes?" I asked. "I figured you'd ask." AppleJack replied. She wore a different outfit, it was a lighter black but had a medium vest and was looser: "This one is for direct confrontation, made of aramid too, but has an armored plate on the vest." she informed. "I liked the costumes, but I'm going to go, tomorrow I'll see the other costumes, in case they have more." I said. "See you tomorrow, sugarcube!" AppleJack said, waving as I left. I was walking down the street, I lit a cigarette and I was looking around to see if everything was ok, I saw a man leaving a gun store and going straight to an alley, so I started to follow him, he put some things on the trunks of a car, I tried to identify the face, and when the trunk was closed, I was amazed. To be continued!!!