Life's End

by Nightingale28

Insidious Impalement

The dusk was beautiful.

Celestia watched as the moon rose high in the sky above. The stars glistened and twinkled in the moon’s presence.

She walked along a winding cobblestone pathway.

As she glanced around, she caught sight of a trail of smoke, it seemed to be winding around the exact pathway she was taking.

She shrugged it off and continued making her way along the path.

Before she could reach her destination, she felt a searing pain shoot through her stomach.

She wanted to turn around to see what it was, but was unable to, as something sharp and pointy had impaled her back.

She coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Suddenly, whatever had pierced her skin was pulled downward, breaking ribs and Celestia’s spine.

It was then retracted abruptly and Celestia hit the ground with a thud, a crimson puddle pooling around her body.