//------------------------------// // Twilight learns the truth of her past // Story: Celestia and luna have a third sister // by Luffyfan //------------------------------// One morning twilight wakes up and ready to start the day, so she gose downstairs to have some breakfast, when she gets the table sees that spike made her some daisy sandwiches,"thanks for always making breakfast it helps a lot". Its no problem i know that you can't make food so i try to help the best i can, just then he breaths out green flames and a scrool come out,"hey twilight a litter came from celestia". "Can you read it for me while I finish eating". "Sure it says,dear twilight can you come to the castle me and luna would like to tell you something very important", "come as soon as you please that would be great". Twilight finished with her sandwiches then starts to thinks,"what so be important, it be that they need help with something, or that there are planing something and are asking for advice", Sipke snaps his finger and brings her back from her thoughts,"twilight you better start heading to the castle it sound pretty important if they want to see you". "Your right i will start to get ready to leave, will you be alright while I'm gone spike". "Yes I will be alright,#now go get ready". Twilight then starts to get ready to go to canterlot, once ready she says goodbye to spike, then starts to head to the train station. She hears a familiar voice and turns to see fluttershy, "how's it going fluttershy". "Oh nothing much just saw you headed to the train station and was curious where you were headed". "Me i was just headed to canterlot the princess wanted me to get there as soon as I can to tell me something important. "I just wanted to say hi before you leave, you can go now it sound pretty important if they need to see you that soon". "Ok see you and the girls when I get back", with that she heads to the train station , once there she gets a ticket to the next train that gose to canterlot. She wates for about an hour then the train arrives, once it stops she boreds the train, she finds a seat and sits down. The thoughts of what could be important come back,"I still don't know what could be so important, its probably a new threat or a problem they can't solve, she gets frustrated so she decides to just let celestia tell her when she gets to canterlot. After two hours of waiting the train comes to a stop. Twilight gets up and gose outside to be greeted by some royal guards "Hi princess are you ready to head to the castle the princess are waiting for your arrival". "Yes im ready to head to the castle they must be dying to talk to me". The guards then lead twilight to the castle. once at she gets to the castle she is lead to the throne room. Twilight knocks to let celestia and luna know she arrived. They say both say to come in. Twilight then gose in," hi what important thing did you want to talk about. "Well you may want to sit down for this it may shock you a little form what you hear". She sits down,"ok what did you want to say". "Twilight do you know the history of equestria", "Yes I know the history of equestria, on how you stopped nightmare moon, how you and luna saved the crystal empire, and so on", "But did you know that me and luna had another sister named night star". "No I did not know that you amd luna had another sister, I haven't read it on any books". "We do but is not in any book because of what happened". "one day when nightmare attacked she was hit by a spell and was unconscious for a thousand, but a thousand years later she wakes up but looks like she didn't age and didn't have memory of me and luna, so I erased the memory of me and her metting each other ". "I couldn't take care of her with me being busy, so I gave her to a family that wanted a foal, to not cause suspicion that she was a alicorn i used a spell to hide her wings. "So what dose that have to do with me". "Well you see you and night star are the same pony, so that makes you me and luna related to each other". Once twilight heard this she is surprised by what she heard, so she put a lie detector spell to know if luna and celestia are telling the truth, but the spell dosent detect any lies from celestia and luna. "Why didn't you tell me when I first entered the school". I wanted to but you were in a family and you were to young to know the truth, so I waiting for the time you were worthy to be a princess to undo the spell to give back your wings. "What about my family, do they know the truth about me". "No I told them that I found by a store and that no one came to look for you so they took you in, they were already looking for a to have another foal so I gave you to them". "Did they sigh adoption papers". "No I told not to sign them just incase the real family came looking for you ad that it be a lot of trouble to sign the adoption papers so it was better not sign them". "So im technically still luna sister and your sister". "Yes, but know I'm going to give three options you could say yes or no to either". " the first if for me to use a spell to bring back the memories of me and luna, note you might have personality of a kid since you were a kid when it happend you might also remember your old name and think you are her so for that not to happen you could change your name". "Second opinion if for me to use another spell that lets you get to your original age, so basically your body would look 1000 years older, you might be the same height as luna, note it could take 3 days for the spell to finish its job". I also may have kept changing how you look with a spell to make you look your aging, but if I take off the spell your body will look like a foals body". Third option change your name so that everypony knows who you truly are, well except your friends and family they could still call you twilight if they choose. "So what do you say yes or no". "Twilight thinks," if choose to say no to the first option I won't get those memories back' butif I say yes I will get the memories of luna and celestia, I mean I do want to know the other side of me". Twilight then makes up her mind amd says yes. Celestia and luna both go to twilight and hug her. "I'm so pleased you said yes". "Now for the second option if I say no my body will say a kid body and won't be its original age, but if I say yes my body will go to its original age, I mean I don't want to have a fake body". Twilight then decided to go through with the second option. Celestia and luna are surprised she said yes to almost all the options. Now for the third, "I could keep my name but my memories of my other name might get a little confusing but at least my friends and family will still call me twilight im just going to have to get used to my other name as well. With that she chose to change her name. "Oh i forgot you could also move in with us if you want in the castle". "What about my firends and castle back at ponyville". "I could show how to fly, and an advanced teleportation spell if you like to go and come back from canterlot". "Twilight then starts to think," I could get to know to celestia and luna more if I move i could also learn to fly and an advanced teleportation spell, so she decides to move in with celestia and luna". "One last think you would learn to move the stars". "Why isn't that luna job". "Not always before luna it was me and before me it was you". "I was originally the the princess of the stars". "Yes you were originally the princess of the stars". With that celestia activates all the spell. Twilight then starts to get memories of when she was night star and she night star, so thats why celestia game me the option to change my name so that won't happen. She then feels like her body is aging to its original age. "Now with all the thing you heard and spells I put on you, you must be tired". Twilight starts to fell tired so she asked to be excused to a bed room, but before she left she told twilight she will get her own room to sleep in a couple of months. With that she gose to get some rest.