Immortal, not Invincible

by KenDoStudios

Stage 6

Dear Journal,

I must admit, today I experienced a disheartening moment of forgetfulness. It pains me to acknowledge that I momentarily forgot the identity of a significant pony in my life, a purple pony who has played a vital role in shaping the destiny of Equestria.

Oh Equss what is her name? What is her name?

I find myself grasping at fragmented memories, desperately trying to recall the name and significance of this dear friend. It is a distressing realization, as if a veil has been momentarily drawn over my mind, obscuring the once-familiar details that were once so effortlessly accessible.

In my cognitive decline, moments of forgetfulness have become an unfortunate occurrence. While this particular lapse may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, it serves as a reminder of the challenges that accompany my condition.

However, even in the face of such forgetfulness, I refuse to be consumed by despair. I am determined to approach these moments with grace and resilience, acknowledging the imperfections and limitations that come with the passage of time.

It is during these moments that the unwavering support of my sister,

my sister...


please i dont want to live like this please.

It is my hope that through embracing vulnerability and seeking support from my loved ones, I can continue to face the challenges that lie ahead with courage and resilience. Together, we will navigate this journey, cherishing each moment and finding solace in the shared experiences that shape our lives.

Dear Journal,

The frustration and confusion weigh heavily upon me as I grapple with the relentless nature of my forgetfulness. It is disheartening to witness the names of those who surround me slip through the cracks of my memory, evading my grasp like elusive shadows.

Why can't I remember? It is a question that echoes through the corridors of my mind, as I desperately seek answers within the labyrinth of my thoughts. Each forgotten name is a reminder of the intricate workings of my condition, a reminder that my mind is undergoing changes that I struggle to comprehend.

In the realm of Equestria, where friendships are forged and bonds are cherished, names hold profound significance. They carry with them the essence of individuals, representing their unique qualities, stories, and contributions. To forget a name is to feel a profound sense of loss, as if a vital piece of the puzzle has been misplaced.

As an alicorn, entrusted with the responsibility of guiding Equestria, the weight of forgetting weighs even heavier upon me. I have served as a beacon of wisdom and knowledge, guiding my subjects through the trials and triumphs of life. Yet, in this journey of mine, I find myself grappling with the very essence of who I am and the memories that define me.

The touch of unfamiliar hooves against my body sends shivers down my spine, as if an invisible barrier separates me from the world around me. Each encounter feels like an intrusion, a violation of the sacred space I have come to call my own. The fear intensifies, making it difficult to trust even those who claim to be there to help.

In this state of mind, the concept of personal autonomy and independence becomes paramount. I yearn to break free from the grasp of those who seek to guide and assist me, for their intentions are shrouded in uncertainty. I crave the freedom to make my own choices, to navigate this labyrinth of confusion on my own terms.

A disorienting realization has washed over me as I awaken from what feels like an eternity of slumber. I am told that I have slept for a full 24 hours, an entire day lost to the depths of unconsciousness. In the wake of this extended slumber, I find myself grappling with a sense of confusion, desperately trying to piece together the events that unfolded during my absence.

But as I strain to recall the missed moments, the memories elude me like fleeting shadows, slipping through the crevices of my mind. What have I missed? The question echoes within me, a haunting reminder of the fragments of time that have slipped through my grasp.

The realization that I may have missed significant events, conversations, or precious moments of connection weighs heavily upon my heart. I yearn to regain those lost hours, to be present in the lives of those I hold dear. Yet, the fog of forgetfulness blankets my mind, obscuring the details I so desperately seek.

In this moment of uncertainty, I must remind myself that dwelling on what has been missed serves no purpose. Instead, I must focus on the present and the opportunities that lie ahead. Each new day offers a chance for renewed connections, for the forging of new memories that will light the path before me.

Though the specifics of the past may elude me, the love and support of those around me remain steadfast. It is through their patient guidance and understanding that I find solace, knowing that even in the midst of my cognitive decline, I am surrounded by a network of love and care.

As I navigate the labyrinth of forgetfulness, I hold onto the hope that each day brings the potential for new beginnings and cherished moments. It is my resolve to approach each waking moment with gratitude, cherishing the connections that still grace my life and embracing the possibilities that lie ahead.

So, as I face the uncertainty of what I may have missed, I choose to embrace the present and the gift of each new day. With an open heart and a spirit of resilience, I will embark on this journey, savoring the moments that are within my reach and finding strength in the love that surrounds me.

She has been pointing at my page very calmy. like she wants to write again. her message is this.


she lapses into sleep again.

Dear Journal,

Who is this, blue pony? Why is she always here, lingering in the shadows of my consciousness? These questions reverberate within me, searching for answers that remain elusive. I yearn for a respite from the constant companionship, longing for a moment of solace within the confines of my own thoughts.

The weight of this confusion feels suffocating, as if the walls are closing in around me. I yearn to reclaim my sense of self, to wander in the vast expanse of my own mind without the specter of your presence. I crave the solitude to untangle the threads of my own thoughts, to make sense of the fragments that remain.

But even as I voice my desire for solitude, I am aware of the paradox it presents. For within this state of isolation, I yearn for connection. I yearn for the reassurance that I am not alone in this labyrinth of forgetfulness, that there are beings who care for me, even when I struggle to recognize their faces.

To the blue pony who stands by my side, though I may question your existence, I acknowledge the importance of your presence. You are a steadfast companion, guiding me through the maze of uncertainty, offering a glimmer of familiarity in the midst of chaos. For that, I am grateful.

In this journey of mine, I must learn to navigate the delicate balance between solitude and companionship, between self-reflection and connection. It is a tightrope I walk, seeking moments of respite while also embracing the support that surrounds me.

So, I implore myself to find moments of tranquility within the chaos, to honor my need for solitude while also acknowledging the value of companionship. It is through this delicate dance that I hope to find a semblance of peace amidst the ever-shifting tides of my mind.