Form O-134

by marmalado

Form O-134

Name: Starlight Glimmer.

Age: Rarity once said "a lady never reveals her true age".

What seems to be the problem?
Well, I'm testing this new portal spell I learned that supposedly connects to other dimensions...and it just so happens that I stumbled my way into one that's populated by humans, though I don't think it's Sunset Shimmer's world. Anyway, apparently two of your agents think I'm some human turned into a pony, which, I can assure you, I'm not. And apparently, this "Odd Squad" doesn't know a thing about Equestria. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I'll have to ask Twilight about that later.

When did this happen?
I'd like to say...mid-afternoon? I'm not too sure, I wasn't really keeping track of the time.

What were you doing when this happened?
...I just told you. Two questions ago, I told you. See above.

Do you know what caused this to happen?
Well, let me guess. Either it's because I'm a pony in a world populated by humans -- er, mostly populated by humans, anyway -- or it's because I'm a unicorn. Or maybe it's because I classify as something "odd" that the "Odd Squad" has to get rid of.

...Yeah, that last one's probably it.

Describe how you are feeling:
A little upset. I mean, I've been to a world of humans before, but they never accused me of being a pony inside of a human's body. So why is the "Odd Squad" accusing me of being a human inside of a pony's body? Sure, you guys don't know me. I'm not some big household name in your world or anything like that. But surely unicorns are common here, are they not? I've seen them walking here before, although they're nothing like the unicorns of Equestria. They're...pretty ugly-looking. No offense.

That all being said, perhaps proper introductions are just what we need to resolve this issue. I know this is just a silly questionnaire, but maybe you guys could keep me updated? A letter in response? A visit to Equestria?

Have you ever contacted Odd Squad before?
No, because I've never heard of the "Odd Squad" before today. I got this form from one of your agents and it doesn't even have any contact information on it. So how, exactly, would I contact you?

Do we have permission to use gadgets? If they're anything like what we have in Equestria, sure, but I have a feeling we both have different ideas on what a gadget is. Can we compromise and say that you can use gadgets on things that aren't living?

Do we have permission to bring you to Headquarters?
Yes! Please do. I'm actually quite interested in learning more about this world, and going to "Odd Squad" Headquarters seems like a good place to start. My curiosity certainly is piqued.

Emergency contact:
You're free to contact my friends. No, no, wait, maybe just Twilight would be better. Her contact information will be listed below...