Uniquivity With The Faithful Doctor Whooves

by Mr Mlp

Doctor Whooves and The Climatic Finale

Here we have the majestic and grey-colored pony Ditzy Derp, making her rounds on the island, gathering all the juicy potatoes should could find. Soon, the predator Doctor Whooves makes his way over to his prey, who had just found what she was looking for. A grand, mouth watering, potato. The Doctor runs up shouting his evil predator chant.


His prey now understand the delicate issue at hoof and begins to sprint away. Actually never mind scratch that, she sprints towards the ferocious beast still chanting its evil war cry.


Ditzy, still hearing the terrifying noises, decides to ignore the fear and danger and still approach him anyway. Both slow down coming to a screeching halt and face each other staring directly into one another's eyeballs. This has been your lovely nature and earth documentary loving narrator and I bid you, adieu.

Alright, thanks John.

No problemo Micheal.

Did you guys enjoy that? That last part right there was narrated by my friend, who has the job of narrating over nature documentaries. Oh right, the actual story. My bad.

Both the Doc and Ditzy stood still in the open land of the shore, waiting for either one of them to talk.

"Uh, Doc? Were you going to say something? You said this was life or death. Your voice even cracked when you said 'you' that first time. So silly."

"I'm- vicious cough just- vicious cough catching my breath. vicious cough WOOOOOOOOOOOO! That was a long sprint! Alright let's get down to business! I was walking over to my banana boat, like I said I was going to and when I arrived I noticed something quite peculiar. The water level had risen from when I was last there. Sure, water levels do understandably do that, but surely there's no way on Luna's great Equestria that it would be rising this fast! I think it may have risen nearly 5 feet!"

"That's a lot right?"

"Why yes. Yes it is. My running theory is that the island is sinking."


"Yes, sinking."



"Yeah, sinking."





"Ohhhh sinking. Yeah, that's right the island could be sinking."


"Well you see, we just simply need to build a boat and sail away from this mysterious island. However there is just one problem. We need food to carry us through however long, we'll be on the sea away from the island."

"What about water?"

"Well there's plenty of water in the sea."


"I'm kidding! I say we search this place for some of those juicy potatoes you keep finding. We'll figure out the water problem later."

Ditzy took a bite out of a potato.

"How do you know the island is truly sinking?"


Ditzy stuffed her potato straight into the Doc's mouth, leading to a muffled noise like a trumpet filled with spit coming from the Doc's pie hole. The Doc took a bite into the potato and pulled it out.

"Well, I don't know for sure, but 5 feet is not normal. Besides food is an absolute must at the moment, as there is no source of food around, plus it never hurts to be safe. Once we search the island a bit and come back to the shore, I can plan accordingly to the water level."

"Where should we start?"

"As good as any place. I'm taking a hop, skip, and a jump all the way over into the dense trees of this island. Where I found Steven! It might be dangerous however, so I'm also taking the sprinkle stick as well as the silver block cube, which I haven't used once yet."

"And I'll join you!"


And so, the two brave adventures traveled inside the heavily dense forestry area accompanied by their wits, a stick/block, and a camera Ditzy decided to take with them without the Doc's knowledge. She kept it secretly tucked within her wing. Who knows what lies beyond the trees or the solution to this mystery? Well I do. Hi, I'm the narrator, of course I know what lies beyond.

About 1 hour had passed since they had ventured into the forest. They had encountered spider webs, numerous creatures, sticks, and branches galore, but no glistening potatoes or even a running Steven. Still the music provided by the island persisted just as they did. Bored from the lack of conversation Ditzy gazed around her stale surroundings finding nothing, but what you'd expect to find. She did come across a pile of sticks laid upon the ground that almost formed together to create letters. It reminded her of a question she still had lingering in her mind.

"Say, Doc! What's you're real name?"

"Didn't you already ask this before? And didn't I say the first time that it was the Doctor?"

"You did! I'm glad you remembered."

"Yes, of course."

A few more moments of silence passed.

"You know, you're the one who's always asking the questions. Why aren't I ever asking you questions?"

"But you do ask me questions."

"Well yes, that is true. Though, you ask me A LOT more than I do and my questions are so boring. Alright that's it. I'm going to ask a question."

"Hit me with your best one!"

"...You can't hit me with 'hit me with your best one' like that! I'm getting pressure-ish."

"What's pressure-ish?"

"SEE! That's a brilliant question to ask! I got to follow up with an equally monumental one."


And a few more moments of silence passed.

"Alright, here we go! ...nah."

"Doc. You are filling me with deadly muffins, just ask me."

"Ok. Alright. I'm going to do it. Why did you get so angry at me, when I threw your cupcake into the ocean? I mean it was just a cupcake."

"It was a muffin."

"Ah yes, great response."

"I'd rather not answer."

"You'd rather not answer?"


"Hm. Alright then."

"Can I ask you another question?" She questioned aloud.

"Sure, at this point we're just playing questionnaire."

"I want the total truth, Doc."

"I swear on behalf of the potatoes."

"Are you really angry with me?"

"Well not at this particular moment. I said this before I'm still kinda ticked on the 1843 Olympic dive you did."

"I messed up big time, didn't I?"

Ditzy let out a little sniffle, a sign some one would cry, but she would not. Even over the sustaining tune drifting around the island the Doc was able to pick up on the soft sound she allowed to escape. He didn't really understand the situation at hand and as he turned his head towards the mare he could see a different type of expression Ditzy hadn't displayed before. He knew he had to at least say something insightful.

"Well, um no. Uhhhh. You messed up, big deal?"

"So I did mess up?"

"...I- well- listen. Everybody messes up and all that, I'm sure you've heard this before. Everyone makes mistakes, including I. You would not believe how many times I messed up in some weird form or fashion."

"No! It doesn't matter if everyone makes mistakes, they're still incredibly damaging!"

"Yes... yes they are."

"I don't want to lose you as a friend if I make some sort of big mistake, like I did with the whirlpool!"

"...Yes- no- I-"

"I've made so many mistakes..."

The Doc had no idea what to think of this. The mare had proven herself to be random and weird at times, but this felt off. He could however relate.

"I think... I think this. Mistakes like these are tricky. Sometimes you have one pony who is clearly in the wrong, while other times there is a grey area. Those times it comes down to public opinion or for the two ponies caught in the mistake to make a compromise. I think I am in the right. You believe you are in the right. Maybe I was a bit too harsh on you, but uh... you know what. I'm just going to forget the whole whirlpool thing."


"Yeah. Between the two of us, I don't think a conclusion is going to appear over which one is right. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you're wrong, or maybe we're both wrong or right. I'm not going to care anymore and now that I think about it, it's not like you had much choice, right?"


"Technically if I died you would've died to. Technically sacrificing yourself."

"Yeah! Death!"

"I'm still not excusing you though for trying to take my camera and decking me in the head, causing me to fly off the boat."

"Fair enough!"

Both laugh cheerfully giving the slow and soothful tune played by the island a new quiet two part harmony.

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I've thought of something. There's such thing as writer's block, but what about narration block? That can happen right? Between the last scene and the start of this new scene I had to take a 12 hour break, just to think of some way to narrate this part and still I'm not sure about it. Oh, well.

Another couple hours had passed and still no sign of potatoes. They did find rocks and boulders, which do vaguely have the shape of a potato, so there's that. The sun was getting ever so close to being unseen into the shifting waters down below. Walking became treacherous in the forest once the obstacles ahead occurred more abundantly.

One such obstacle being a unfortunately placed tree root catching onto the Doc's hoof, making him tumble all the way down one tall hill to the bottom of... the hill. Ditzy rushed over sticking her head over the hill to see the Doc all the way at the... piedmont.

"Are you okey Doc?" She hollered.

"Holy JUMPERZ FUN ZONE that hurt!"

The Doc lazily stretched himself upward wincing and grimacing anytime he felt a twinge of pain. It wasn't long before his pain ceased, due to the lack of attention he gave to it. His attention was instead diverted elsewhere causing his pupils to widen. The overdose of shock factor was enough to... shock him. Wow, I shocked myself from how bad that was.

"Ditzy! You might want to get down here!"

Ditzy rolled herself down the hill. Literally and joined the Doc at the bottom.

"Rolling is fun, don't you think Doc?"

"Ditzy... look in front of you."

She looked in front of her- ok no. This part needs good narration. I gotta figure something out here.

...Mandatory break.

Ok, here we go. I really hope I'm not ruining the flow right now.

High above the minuscule main characters the roofs of the trees flourished guarding the setting sunlight slowly trickling through the dense and breathing greenery. Barely you could witness the curious site of what sat below, being illuminated by glimmering light beams.

Ahead the vines and overgrown flora consumed the objects left in time, leaving them almost indistinguishable. These objects were homes, structures, rivers, and more, all here in the middle of a forest, in the middle of an island, in the middle of an Ocean. Everything was damaged, run down, dirty, in unacceptable condition bearing several pieces of rubble, metal, wood, and other materials.

Right here was a town. A completely abandoned one.

"Oh my Luna..."

Nailed it.

"I know right, Ditzy! This is amazing! An entire civilization was here, living off the land in this place I'm sure not even the two sisters know about!"



Steven saw the two gawking at him with two very different expressions. He took this as a threat and started bolting in a random direction.

"Aw, Doc! He picked a random direction and go-ed! I'm so proud of her!"

"Steven! I gotta go after her!"

Soon enough the Doc left Ditzy in a pile of smoke chasing the Bunny through a plethora of more obstacles in the town. And also soon enough, Ditzy just left the air in a pile of smoke as she chased the Doc.

A sharp left cutting the corner of half of a home he managed, picking up his speed in the process. His eyes did not let go of Steven. Steven hopped over a branch on the ground, while the Doc skipped over a pile of leaves on the ground, and following close behind was Ditzy, who jumped up and around anything she thought fun to jump over.

Throughout the chase they passed many locals from a library, a cafe that sold bread, and a multitude of small streams of water. Eventually the bunny led them north in a straight path having no road blocks in the way. It was complete flat ground. It allowed the Doc to gain confidence and go full speed. The bunny came to a screeching stop and turned left at a 90 degree angle. The Doc who still had his eyes locked on the bunny tried to slow down and turn, but instead hit his noggin on the pile of rocks that he did not in fact lay eyes upon. Apparently neither did Ditzy, because she also rammed herself right into the stacked pile of rocks.

"Ugh... did I just get hit by a microwave?"

"I think we just got hit by some rocks, Doc."

"Did you also slam your face into them? Wow, that's two for two, good job rocks."

Ditzy began to regain her composure and landed her eyes onto the stacked pile of rocks.

"Those are some pretty rocks."

The rocks were completely normal ones.

"I'm going to take a picture of it."

"A picture? With what? A camera? You don't-"

Ditzy pulled out the camera she had stored into her wing hours ago.

"Hey, now wait a second! That's mine!"

"I know! Now where's the take picture button..."

The Doc tackled Ditzy attempting to snatch the camera away from her, eventually leading into a tumble between the two. The Doc was trying his hardest to get the camera back into his hooves, while Ditzy was not paying too much attention to the Doc trying her hardest to figure out where the take picture button was. Thankfully for her after much effort she found it and pressed it. The Doc saw this and immediately took action.

"EEYAH!" The Doc screamed pushing Ditzy with a mighty force, allowing for the camera to slip out of her hooves and onto the ground where it conveniently shot a missile straight into the rocks, effectively blowing them up. The Doc got up and swooped back his camera.

"Oooooo. I love explodey things, I didn't know it exploded things!" Ditzy exclaimed in excitement.

"I didn't either. Huh."

The smoke cleared from the explosion and in place of the rocks now stood an entrance of some kind. An entrance to what seemed to be a dark and mysterious cave.

"Doc! It's a cave! I love caves!"

"You love everything don't cha?"

"We have to explore this cave."

"For once, I agree with you Ditzy. There absolutely has to be some sort of interesting thing hidden in this cave. Time is limited, however. It's getting close to dark. Ehhhh, though I do have my trusty flame stick. I can use it like a torch, so I think it'll be fine."

Both step forward, where vision is nowhere to be found and darkness is the most prominent sound.

Inside the cave was a number of twists in turns, leading to more and more rooms the further they went. Pretty soon, however they discovered this cave was actually an abandoned mine filled to the brim with torches, mine carts, rails, pickaxes, crystals, and all sorts of things. Even water. They also found a map, but whoever drew this map obviously didn't understand you're not supposed to make them in a pixelated art style.

With each area they enter, the more things they discover. All from just following the torches placed in the mines. Some areas were made from stones shaped like bricks, accompanying boxes and barrels, while some areas had storage for supplies ponies would use for their cave diving missions. Along the path hidden amongst the other same feeling spaces came a change in scenery.

Small bodies of water, blending in beautifully with the light grey and black tinted grounds and walls, further illuminated with the abundance of crystals lighting the way. Purple mushrooms and stalagmites complimenting this unique feeling of wonder associated with the space. There were no torches on this side of the mines.

Stalagmites are the ones that are on the ground and point upward. Don't worry I had to search it up as well.

"Woahhhhhhhhh. Ditzy you gotta check this out!"

Ditzy made her way to where the Doc stood, now being introduced to the wonders of the space.

"That's it, I'm taking a dip in the water. It's been ages since I've been to any swimming pool. You should join in, Ditzy."

The Doc took a huge leap in the small body of water shouting cannonball right before he breached the surface. Ditzy hesitated a bit, but still she dive bombed into the water joining the Doc with a silly smile. Splish Splash they went, the Doc sending massive waves Ditzy's way and her retaliating with a upwards splosh created with her face. They competed with each other in a couple other water games, having the Doc win some and Ditzy win some, in surprisingly smart ways.

"I bet I can hold my breath underwater for a longer period of time. After all, I invented underwater breathing."

"That's not possible! You can't invent that!"

"Then why am I about to beat you!"

The Doc face planted himself inward colliding with the water and continuing to dive underneath. Ditzy with a surprised expression rushed to do the same somehow flipping herself underwater. Both stared at each other intensely seeing who would be the first to cave in and float above the water. The winner this time was the Doc.

"No fair! Go again!"

And so they did. This time went a little different, however. Directly at the bottom of this natural swimming pool was what looked like numbers, dashes, and commas carved into the cave floor. The Doc noticed this, seeing some sort of code that read "^3-5, 2-9, 1-7, 1-3,, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2,, 2-6, 1-3, 1-4, 1-3." Upon finding this the Doc zoomed up, reaching the surface, followed by Ditzy shortly after.


"Ditzy, what do you know about codes?"

"Well, I saw one on the blue pipe earlier on in our adventure. That's also where the weird forcefield is. You can't go past where the blue pipe is."

"Ignoring the forcefield theory. A code? On the blue pipe? Are you sure?"


This confuzzled the Doc, just a bit considering he still didn't believe in the blue pipe's existence. The fact that she had supposedly seen a code was strange to him.

"Hm. Very fascinating. From what it looks like, I don't think this code is like any other type of code I've seen. It's unique, that's for sure. Maybe it's another language?"

"Wait, you found a code? That's so exciting! I remember the one I found that went something like... ^2-2, ^2-6, ^1-8, ^1-5."

"Ditzy. I am dropping everything we are doing right now, to look for clues for this code."

"But what about our fun times?"

"They were fun times, weren't they? Doesn't matter. This code could be extremely important and might lead to something meaty. Like potatoes or treasure."

"Ok, fine."

Ditzy pulled herself out of the water waving goodbye to it, as she walked close behind the Doc. Further through the mines they went and this time the scenery did not change. The mines still looked identical to where they swam in that body of water. The crystals shedding the much needed light commenced to cease the deeper they went. Pitch black was the only sort of light left, until the Doc pulled out the stick from his bag.

"Say Ditzy? How did you get the stick to create fire?"

"Oh, there's a button right there."

He pressed the button and allowed for fire to take hold and spread light.

Not wanting to fall into any of the water both of them stuck to the illuminated walls. The Doc became interested in the rocky sides of the mines wondering if perhaps there would be anything written or drawn onto them. Each step of the way he gazed upon them, until he was proven right. He came to a dead halt locking sight with a drawing of the moon on the walls. A moon that was colored a deep red.

"Do you see that Ditzy? Looks like a blood moon."

"I don't like blood."

The Doc inspected it closer, but nothing new popped out to him. It was just a fake blood moon. Then he walked forward finding another drawn blood moon, same as the first. Then another one and another one and another one. No matter where he stood the walls were fully covered in these identical drawings of the blood moon.

"Oh my Luna... who did this?"

The drawings came to a stop, just as the pathway deeper into the cave came to. On that final wall preventing them from going any further was a message surrounded by the sea of blood moons. Words written in plain pony language. The Doc read it out loud.

"Hi. As depressing as it is, no one will find this message. I have lots of optimism and I love it, but this is different. By the off chance someone is reading this message, just know that this is my only way of warning ponies of what is to come. Warn the most powerful equines you have in Equestria if you have to. These blood moons on the walls were made by a horrible creature. He's done things... horrific things... I'm going to follow him into the land of Equestria and find a way to put an end to him. I hope to see you in the fight."

The Doc took in a breath.

"It's signed by a pony named Aqua."

"Do you think that creature is what caused this town to be abandoned?"

"...As horrifying as that message sounds... I say forget it and move on. Probably just a prank back in the past right? A tall tale?"

"I sure hope so..."

"Your reassuring I sure hope so, is very reassuring. I think... I would like to get out of these mines now."

And so they make their way back to where they came with the new found knowledge placed in their minds and hearts. Very strange it is. Still. A cave holding a messed up message and messed up drawings purposefully being vague, for the sake of interest? Don't get me wrong, I'm interested, but seems kinda cheap doesn't it? Here, let's spice things up a little.

The flaming stick the Doc had been holding to light the path burnt out and would not light again. Unfortunate for the two of them he dropped the stick into one of the bodies of water and could not be found again. Both of them stood still in the pitch black with no crystals close to where they are. And worse yet, somehow, by some chance, the water in the area began to rise.

"Doc? Why are my hooves wet?"

"...Ditzy that's disgusting. Although mine are wet as well... it's incredibly dark with no way to see... hm. Alright if we take this slow, we could just eventually make it to where the crystals are. No harm done."

Sluggishly they both attempted to find each other in the dark and when they did they put one hoof on each of their backs, hoping in doing so, they would not lose each other. Surely they would get lost if they were just to wander around.

"Should we pick a random direction and go?"

"No, give me a second... I'm going to hug the wall. As long as I hug the wall, it should be fine."

Step by step they took, being careful not to trip or bump into anything that might hinder their journey. Thankfully the end was in sight. The gracious relief of the shining crystals. This was but a mere checkpoint, because past this point was the ginormous maze of a cave still sitting strong in the complete darkness. All the torches they followed up to this point were out.

And better yet, the water had risen higher.

"The torches are out... Now what do we do Doc?"


He took a glance around the scene, then scooped up one of the crystals.

"Use this as light."

"What about directions?"

"The um... torches. I followed them, while you followed me, so I'll just follow them out."

At this point the risen water was impossible not to notice reaching the ground level of the entire mines. They ignored it, as they started to quicken their pace following the torches. There was no way to know how many torches laid still in the mines. One could lead to another path, then another, and then another. They went this way, then that way, seeing unfamiliar landmarks, letting panic start to settle in.

"Uh, Doc... I don't remember seeing that when we came in..."

"Me- me neither," He stated having nerves creep into his tone of speech.

More and more the water rose, now instead of slightly above ground level to touching the mid part of their legs. Try as they might running was now reduced to a slosh filled walk. They picked up the pace even more.

"Is there a way we can move faster?"

"I don't know Ditzy. Just keep moving."

One turn there- nope. A left? A right? Neither were correct. More than a few significant minutes had passed. It had at least been 30 minutes. Now they were swimming through what smelt like the sea. Swimming with desperation, diving down every so often in hope of finding something they need.

"What do we do now?! We can't find the exit!"

"I don't know Ditzy!"

"Maybe I can use the camera?"

"You'll blow us up!"

"The cube?"

The Doc pulled out the silver cube, then threw it up into the air. It came back down in the shape of a metal sword and shield.

"I don't believe this is going to help us!"

The water had nearly reached the top of the mines.

"Surely there has to be something we can do with the sword and shield?"

The Doc took one last look at the sword and shield and like all the inventions he owns, on them was a secret ability that made no sense for the product at hand. It could grow and shrink to whatever size you'd like and turn back into a cube.

"It can grow and shrink. Nothing of use."

"Well, what can we do know?"

"I don't know."

"We're running out of space there has to be something! Can't you invent something right now?"

"I don't know."

"Your camera has some sort of second feature?"

"It'll blow us up if you use it! If we don't blow up the whole cave will collapse and kill us afterwards!"

"You've invented so many things! You have a solution, right?"

"I don't know!"

"Doc, you have to know! You're the one who's built all these machines! You have to know!"



"I don't know... I don't know, alright? I don't think I ever knew. It's over."

"Your inventions..."

"My inventions... here's the thing about my inventions. They're not even mine!"


"Every single one of my so-called inventions aren't even mine! I've only created one in my entire life! I can't invent things, just like the ponies in Ponyville say... someone should at least know that, before I die."

"You want to prove to yourself that you're more than what ponies see..."


Neither elaborated nor spoke a single word. The Doc had accepted his death, awaiting a reunion. Ditzy swam in the freezing dark waters deep in her mind. The water was unrelenting, still rising ready to take the lives of the two ponies.

She held on tightly to the Doc, then backed away now holding on to the two inventions left in their possession. She had an idea. A smart one, a brilliant one, an intelligent one. The smartest idea only one could come up with. Promptly she grew the size of the sword and shield.

"What are you doing?"

She pushed the sword over to the Doc, instructing him to hold it upward in front of his body. Ditzy did the same with the shield in her hoof. She told the Doc on the count of two, to make the sword and shield turn back into its cube form. She took the camera, picked a random direction to shoot the missile, and went for it.


Upon the sword and shield reversing back into its cube state it enclosed Ditzy and the Doc inside of it, due to the now growth in size. The cube was filled to the brim with water as it floating calmly in the mines. The missile traveled far and touched one of the walls a fair distance away from them, effectively puncturing a hole in the mines to the direct outside. Water rushed and poured from inside the cave, making the ride for the two ponies inside the cube rather unpleasant, but the water lessened the impact against the walls.

Soon the cube tumbled outside of the mines onto dry land. Shortly after the cube reverted back to the sword and shield, dropping flowing water and the two ponies that were inside. They were safe and alive, all thanks to Ditzy's intelligence.


"I- did?"

"I'm so happy I could kiss you, except I would never!"

"My smarts... saved us?"

"Ok, ok, no need to rub it in."

"I can't believe it..."

"How do you think I feel! HA AHA! I WILL ASK THAT ONE GIRL TO THE PROM! WOO!"

No matter how happy the moment Ditzy froze with disbelief and shock at the events that transpired. She had kept both of their lives from leaving the mortal realm, with her own intellect. Someone bring the chorus and sing "Hallelujah" am I right?

"Well we didn't find any potatoes, but I think it's safe to say, leaving this island is the top priority. I don't want to die anytime soon and I believe I am now traumatized. YAHOO! I'm heading back to the shore. You coming with? It's awfully dark, like some actions to messed up to say in a E for everyone rated story!"

"Yes. I'm coming with," She said giving out a slight smile, also tucking the water logged camera into her wing.

And so, both made their way back to the shoreline. It took a bit of time, but eventually they went about laughing, and joking along the way. Back to the shoreline, that was inevitably covered in the waves of the endless ocean.

On their way back to the shore, the Doc gave out a heart filled whistle in tune to what sounded like a song.

"Ditzy, do you know this one?"

"Sounds like you're whistling. Is the song you're whistling called whistle song?"

"Oh my Luna, I love the whistle song! EEEEEE! I get giddily just thinking about it!"

"I used to listen to a lot of songs."

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"There was this one, that went like beeeeeeehhhhh ERRRRRRR WAKA WAKA! And another that went squip der WOOP!"

"No, no, I think I know what you're talking about. Eventually after a while you start going crazy, because of how good the shwoop de doops are. Quite the sophisticated taste, I'd say."

"I only listen to the fun ones!"

"I am inclined to agree- EEEYAH! YIPPERS!" The Doctor bellowed in a high pitched squeal.

Ditzy stopped in her tracks witnessing the sight ahead.

"Where's the shore?" She questioned with a shiver in her tone.

The shore was completely buried underneath the pounds of relentless ocean. There was no shore anymore, just the entrance to the woods they had gone through all those hours ago.

"More importantly, where's the Banana Boat?" The Doc asked in a more calm manor, almost expecting this to happen.

If they were going to get off this island they were going to need a boat- oh and the Banana Boat also housed Sharen. The Doc's very own home assistant, which I'm pretty sure you forgot about, just like I the narrator did... and also I think the Doc as well.

"SHAREN! I left Sharen back on the Banana Boat! Listen, a boat or a raft has got to be built right now. Who knows how long, until Sharen's microchip gets dunked into the ocean!"

"Why not use the floating cube?"

"I want you to think about that for 5 seconds."







And so the two got to working. The Doc grabbed the sword, while Ditzy hung onto to the shield. The Doc slowly but surely chopped away at the trees with the sword gathering log by log as fast as he could. Ditzy used her wings to fly high to the roofs of the trees, collecting vines via the sharp end of the shield... somehow.

Both pushed each log with all their strength till it touched a different log. Once all logs were touching with the Doc on one side and Ditzy on the other they tied the logs together using the vines. Now they had a lovely make shift raft, that they shoved into the water, hopped on, one on each side, and drifted along for the ride. Even now they could still feel the water rising at an unnatural level, as they steered the raft using the sword and shield like boat oars.

"Let me know if you see a yellow, broken up, piece of fruit floating in the ocean."

"Okey! I'm on it! You can count on me! I'm on the double! At your service!"

It says in my notes here, that in this part of the story a storm starts to brew and cause danger for the two. I don't know why people keep doing this. The old storm in the ocean cliche. This happened earlier as well! Let's fix this broken record, shall we? And create something all the more dangerous and exciting.

In a mere instant the water had risen by 5 feet- no 10! Waves began to rear their ugly head, causing shifts of unbalance on the raft. Phoenixes glided up above with the intent for blood and in the very part of the ocean I'll call far far away a tsunami approaches ever so leisurely.

"Is it just me, or did this water just rise by 10 feet?"

"I think it's just you Doc."

"What about the fire phoenixes, who seem to be flying towards the raft at unimaginable speeds?"

"Awww! I love phoenixes!"

"They'll set fire to the raft! How in Equestria?! Ok, here's what's going to happen. You try to block the birds from our raft using your shield, while I drive them away with my sword here."

"On it!"

The battle had commenced. Birds came swooping down at first one by one. The Doc took a swing missing, as the bird rushed through almost grazing his cheek with its blazing fire. It ran into DItzy's shield bonking its head and landing in the water, by complete luck. The music of the island kicked in and changed into a slow build up.

"Nice job, Ditzy."


"I was- nevermind."

Others came soon after, this time just two. One of the birds pecked at Ditzy's shield, circulating around her and the other dodged attack after attack from the Doc. Ditzy pushed the bird away into the water simultaneously when the Doc got his first hit, causing the bird to slam into the raft setting fire. Without hesitation he kicked the bird off and quickly doused the fire with ocean water.

"Round 2 over. If they keep coming like this, I think it'll all be fine Ditzy."

After round 2, the birds weren't playing around anymore. The full swarm dove down ready to strike and feast on their flesh. A parry by Ditzy followed swiftly knocking the first bird into the Doc's sword, that was swinging and swinging against the swarms of birds coming his way. He could feel the cinders barely caressing his skin. He blocked with his sword, then another jab took hold. The waves became more rowdy as the water rose 5 more feet and bringing unbalance to the two on the raft, just as the music ramped up in tempo.

One miss and either one of them would be pecked by the fiery beak each bird possessed. Both continued fighting, while the waves made it considerably more difficult to do so. The raft tipped downward soon going in that new direction as a new massive wave appeared. It took all their effort not to slip off it. 3 identical birds zoomed directly for the Doc. He closed his eyes in blind faith forcefully jabbing the sword forward as well as making it grow in size piercing all three at once.

Another massive wave approached carrying a gigantic height. At the tip of it they stood, followed by a downward speeding motion down the wave with them still deflecting the attacks. The music complimented the actions, rhythmically twisting up and down as well as creating impact anytime a bird was struck. Reaching the bottom of the wave a third equally as dangerous one stood before them and would easily drown them if they came into contact with it. The raft was moving at breakneck speed and off the top of her head Ditzy grew the size of her shield enough to block the effects of the wave.

The fourth wave launched them upward into a spiraling motion. The Doc held out his sword outward on the raft, helping take out more of the birds with the raft's spinning maneuver. A lighting bolt struck with ferocity in the background. In the midst of the air the Doc caught sight of a tiny little bunny sitting calmly on the edge of the island. It was Steven and she even obtained Sharen's microchip.

"DITZY!" The Doc pointed at the island.


In between the constant barrage of birds the two would try their best to steer themselves back onto the island. The looming threat of the incoming tsunami did not matter to them. With enough determination they achieved this, reaching the island and rushing to grab Steven. The birds had finally scattered admitting defeat against the ponies, but not for the reason they wanted.

"STEVEN! I'm so glad I found you! Jump into my incredibly safe furry hooves!"

Alas, Steven was too afraid of the impending tsunami, so she ran away.


The Doc and Ditzy leaped at the bunny barely able to catch it. The tsunami at this point had swallowed half the island when they got back onto the raft, racing to swallow everything in its wake. The two paddled with every fiber of their being attempting to get away.

"Um, Doc. I really hate to point this out, but um. I know you think we can just paddle away from the island and hopefully be fine, but I'm telling you the only way to escape is the pipe!"

"The pipe isn't real! It's not like there's some sort of forcefield surrounding this island!"

"But there is! Back when I first found the pipe there was this weird force field and I was like whaaaaa. Then later I looked at it more closely finding funny numbers but no real way to open it. Then I went back to land started thinking about my delicious muffin, do you think Discord would like a love muffin, I hear he's going to confess his feelings for Fluttershy-"

"DITZY FOCUS! How am I supposed to trust something as silly as this? There is no possible way this pipe could even be found at this moment! The tsunami is going to swallow us whole!"

Ditzy thought about it for a moment. She knew she could do it.

"Doc, I know I have made many mistakes, which may be why you're not trusting me right now or maybe because of my personality, but please trust me! I can find the pipe again! I know where it is! We both mess up and make mistakes, we both know the ins and outs of ourselves and I'm telling you I can do this!"

"How do I know you won't get us lost again!"

"I won't. I'll prove to you that I'm more than who you think I am."

"...Ok. I'll trust you."

She pointed her hoof in what appeared to be a random direction, but she remembered where the pipe laid unmoving. The waves were still persistent and the tsunami was advancing. If it hit the raft both it and the two would be utterly destroyed. They made it, however. They made it to where it all began. The pipe that sat underneath acting as the passageway through the barrier. Both tilted their heads downward on the sight of the pipe, just as the music took a pause to give build up with even more might.

"Well... the pipe is real..."

"Told you!" Ditzy gave out her usual silly smile.

"Steven you be good, alright? Don't jump into the water or anything." The Doc gave a tiny kiss on Steven's head and dove into the water along with Ditzy.

The Doc inspected the object curiously, not noticing anything out of the ordinary, besides the aforementioned code. They needed to figure out a way to open this pipe quick, as the tsunami was close... too close.

A kick was dealt and a painful punch was tried, neither made the pipe open up wide.

No switch or lever or button, to escape the island without a hitch, a clever, a sudden end.

Ditzy swam to the hatch attempting to breach its inner contents, hoping they would not become the past tense.

The Doc swam up right beside her turning his head to give a silly smile to cure her fear.

The music crescendoed into a bombastic tense finale, before settling down and letting the two take hold as it shall be.

They pulled together, as one. The start of an understanding that their lives are more similar than they believed.

Alive. They were alive. The pipe sucked up the raft, Steven, Doc, and Ditzy, vomiting them up on the other side, where the tsunami was nowhere to be seen. The waters were calm. The moonlight softly lit up the sky and when the two open their eyes they swam onto the raft cold, but alive. The waters had the raft and the two ponies had each other.

The Doc awoke from his deep slumber followed by wiping his eyes of the sleep that over took him. He joined up with Ditzy, who was rowing the raft with her shield.

"Did you have a good sleep Ditzy?"

"Um... yes."

"That didn't sound like a regular um, plus you didn't say yep."

"Um... yep!"

"Did you sleep at all last night?"


"How much?"

"I'll let you choose!"

"Mhm. Are you terrified of what lays ahead, considering there's no food or consumable water in sight? Cause I know I am! WOOHOO!"

"I was thinking a lot last night."

"Oh really? Is that new for you?"

She gave him the death glare, similar to the fury she showed during the muffin scene.

"I'm only joking!" He spurted out, hoping that saved in from a punch.

"I know we both mess up a lot and that ponies don't see us for who we truly are... I want to tell you something Doctor."

"Go on..."

"It's about my past."

"Oooo, I am quite interested now. Please, keep going."

Does this mean I don't have to narrate? Oh thank the lord from above I am exhausted. See you guys later.

"Well, um. Like I said before, many ponies never saw me for who I was."

"Is this a backstory, Ditzy Derp?"

"Shhhh. I'm telling something very important. When I was a little filly my parents gave me the best life possible! I was flying, I was drawing, I was also solving complex math equations!"


"I know right! Turns out I was very smart for my age and when you called me smart those couple of times it reminded me of things. I had no friends back then. Just me and my brain. Both me and my parents tried to get me a friend, but it never worked out. Ponies were always weirded out by the skills I was able to do, but the one skill I didn't have was social interaction. Years of this will do something to a pony Doctor. I developed anger issues, due to my loneliness. Anytime anyone made me feel like my lonely self I would get unnaturally angry. Same thing would happen even if they were just being mean."

"I got so angry one time that I hospitalized a filly, because he didn't accept my friendship muffin. Somtimes I don't even know when I'm that angry! I desired a pony to be by my side for so long that I wanted to bury away my smarts... change my personality... and I did. I believed it was the reason why no one wanted to be my friend. Slowly I erased what made me, me and replaced it with who you see right now. I never used to act or talk like this! I think I even lost some of my smarts along the way. Still nopony saw me. No one wanted to be buddies with me. I just sat there alone with no one, but me."

"Wow Ditzy. I had no idea."

"I think you're the first one to give me a chance and I got scared when you noticed me being smart. I thought I would drive you away."

"I don't know what to say-"

"You being here is what matters, Doc."

"I- okay."

"Speaking of Doc, let's get away from all this sad stuff and explore what your real name is!"

"My real name? Didn't I already tell you that was my real name?"

"I may have lost some of my smarts, but not all of them!"

"Heh. I never thought I would be telling anyone this... oh Luna. Okay."


"This is going to require a lot of explaining."

"I love explaining!"

"I knew you were going to say that. Well. I was also about a little filly. One filled with determination and dreams to invent the greatest, wackiest, and unique things ever to be seen by the public eye! Just like my father."

"You have a father?!"

"...Yes, Ditzy. Most ponies have a father. My mom had passed away when I was rather young, so it was just me and him against the world. He'd love to teach me all about the inner mechanisms of his creations, along with the thought process and unique genius behind them. He was the one who made me fall in love with inventing in the first place. I had been attempting to create my first functioning invention for about a few years and finally I did. It was a gun that could shoot out any shape or size of metal you want! Sure, my dad helped with a couple of things, but I did pretty much all the work."

"The children at school were always mocking me for my terrible attempts to create working inventions, also obnoxiously calling my name whenever I messed up. I put the school in danger multiple times, heh. Jimmy Jetsworth was in class that day I brought in my invention. My first ever working invention. Remember him? He was the guy who ran up to me when I was making my escape on the Banana Boat."


"He was a lot more successful with his inventions, even if they were simple and generic. My dad never gave up on me though and when I finally succeeded, I had to show that I was more than they could see, that I could achieve my dream. Everyone sat quietly in their seats awaiting for me to share my latest, greatest new invention. I stood in front of the class, my dad right behind me giving me comfort and reassurance... while also making sure nothing went wrong."

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I'm so happy!"

"Heh, yeah. Well, I started my presentation. I turned on the invention, strapping the helmet on my head, which is what give you the power to create the size and shape of the metal, and pointed my creation at the tiny table I had set up in front. As you could've guessed, something went wrong. I still don't know what to this day, but my invention just wouldn't work, like it was jammed, or it shorted out. It was working perfectly fine before. Before my chance to show I had what it took. My chance to disprove every little opinion in that room... and right there in the first row was Jimmy giving his classic smirk."

"I was furious beyond belief, believing that he sabotaged my invention somehow. In a blind rage I just tackled him, decking him in the face left and right, every hit contributing to my hatred consumed mind thinking of sharp daggers and spikes that I could throw at him. The children all around began to shout my name over and over and over. My father rushed over and tried to break us up..."


"I accidentally shot my father with those metal spikes of fury still on my mind. Everything just went silent... no one making a single move. I couldn't rip my eyes away from him, laying on the floor. A spike that went straight through his head."

"No goodbyes, no hug, no nothing. An instant. One instance. He was taken to the hospital where he died that same day. The last memory I have of him before that destined day was him giving me a camera. I don't know why he built it or what it did, but I knew he wanted me to have it, so it was important. However, I believe it was lost just moments ago, before we escaped that island. I also remember going home to Sharen, the only semi-pony I had left. No one was going to take care of a child who murdered his father. So, I was alone in my own father's home. His house, inventions, spirit became mine. I would spend the rest of my life trying to make one single gadget that would work. I wanted to make things just as unique as my father did, as my father was. My father... Doctor Whooves, A.K.A Time Turner."

"My real name is Unicus Timestone. I took the name Doctor Whooves right after he died to try and honor his name... but I haven't really been doing a great job of that huh, Ditzy... Ditzy?"

"Take this."

"What is it- the camera?!"

"And also a loose vine and some wood I took from the raft. I want you to create something."

"Create something?! Something functioning?!"

"It doesn't have to be something crazy or unique. Something simple."

Unicus struggled not to let his emotions take over, but with everything he had, including the troubled memories in his soul, he eventually created a mess of wood and vines. He lifted it up and blew gently into it. Out came the most beautiful sound either one of them have ever heard.


No words were needed.

He blew into the vines again and continued creating a simple, lingering beat. Ditzy joined in with a creative, different styled hum complimenting the melody. Read the song as you like. Each person will read it in their own unique way.

"Hmmmm. Hmmmmmm. Hmmm. Over the blueeee an invisible friendship grows. Taken by a waveee to a place no pony knows."

"A unique little island filled with difficult mystery shownnnn. But it doesn't matter when you're comforted by someone you knowwww."

A brief pause interrupts the flow, before both start singing together.

"Being unique should be strived for without losing doubt, that it neeeeeds a balance of simplicity and thought throughout. You can focus on strange concepts or things they never doooo, even if you don't have the skills to bring life to what makes you, you. They may not take a chance, sing or dance, be fanciful to you, but you need to keep on trying on what makes you, you."

"I used to be scared and lonelyyyy... till you were there right besides meeee. It was difficult and painful and absolutely packed with cries, but what's the point of trying without what makes you, you. There's someone out thereeee, who's as unique like meeeeee. So, please just keep on tryingggg to be as uniqueeee as youuu caaan beeeeeeee."

And so across the water by the wind they go, hoping that fate will help them float.

"Whatever happens Ditzy. We will get through it... together."

And that's the end of the story. I know, not the most ending ending to ever exist, trust me I wanted them not to be stranded on a raft in the middle of the ocean too, but still eh. I've been told there's going to be a sequel, but you didn't hear that from me. It was a great pleasure narrating for the very first time on this story. I think I did alright. I stopped talking so much about music throughout the story, so I think that's a good sign. Hopefully I'll be narrating the sequel or even more stories. This one certainly was filled with uniquity... uniquivity. Uniquivity isn't a word, but you know what. It's different and I like it.

Hope you guys have enjoyed me as much as I enjoyed you... that doesn't make sense... Uhhhh... goodbye.

Wha- were you seriously thinking they were going to kiss?!

AGHHH! What is wrong with you?!