Supernatural: Day, Night, and Shadows

by BioQuillFiction

Chapter 16: Leaving

Two Years Later

"Anything?" Dean asked as he, Sam and Luna were kneeled down by the wreckage of many cars.

“Nothing so far.” Luna said, her eye down the scope of a rifle. “Hope this place has supplies. So sick of eating leafs.”

“At least that’s better than having to eat monster meat.” Sam said, shuttering. “Tastes like crap and is chewy as hell.”

“Leafs don’t exactly taste good either. Especially since most are all dried out…”

“Don’t think I’ve seen natural green in over a year…” Dean sighed. “What are we even doing anymore?”

“Surviving. If barely that.” Luna huffed, sitting down and putting her rifle on the ground. “When did it all go… wrong?”

“When Pain showed up.” Sam said, almost growling. “Sending those things into towns, cities…”

“Army, Scholars, Hunters… no one could face them…” Dean sighed. “At least, not in those numbers.”

The siblings looked down, sighing as they sat next to one another against the wreckage. “... I miss Bobby…” Luna started. “Hell, I even miss Crowly…”

“Celestia… Castiel…” Dean sighed.

“...Spike.” Sam added, winching at the memory. “He was just a kid…”

“When was the last time we even saw another person? Demon? Monster that Pain didn’t make?” Luna asked.

“There… there has to be someone else… right?” Dean asked.

“... Maybe?” Sam offered, unsure.

“I don’t think so… Could we be… all that’s left?” Luna spoke. Tears formed along her eyes. She raised a hoof to the broken pendants she wore around her neck. Hers broke long ago, and when Celestia and Sombra died, she could only retrieve theirs. 

“... We…” Dean started, stopping as he tried to fight back tears. 

“Should we just…?” Sam asked, holding his pistol tight.

“Thought about that too…” Luna sighed.

“... god damn it…” Dean huffed. “We know Pain nuked heaven, hell, purgatory… where would we even go if we did?”

“Nowhere… maybe we just… don’t exist anymore…” Luna said. “Would nonexistence be better than this?”

“Just… endless nothing. Sounds almost peaceful.” Sam offered.

Dean sighed. Keeping Luna and Sam together over the last year… it wasn’t easy. He was at the end of his own rope. They needed hope. Options… something…

“Sounds like you three need some help.” Immediately the siblings were up and ready, guns aimed at what appeared to be a silhouette of a man, the silhouette was all white with a black outline, and looking directly at it hurt their heads, as if it was wrong or unnatural. More so than they were used to. It’s voice was a distorted yet clearly understood tone. 

“Who and what the fuck are you?” Dean asked.

“Call me Echo, and I am here to offer you three salvation.” The being, Echo said.

“Here to kill us?” Sam asked.

“No, more like… moving. You three can get off this lifeless rock and off to a world with people.”

“Yeah, and what’s the catch? Read enough manga to know this trope.” Luna huffed.

“The alternative is to stay here, starve, die, or be killed by one of Pain’s toys. Besides, if you agree, you will find that gaining power, power to fight back and survive, super human and beyond power, can be gained with patience and effort.”

“...Could we use that power to kill Pain?” Dean asked.

“Perhaps. It’s never been done before, maybe you three can be the first.” Echo said.

“Are we… considering this?” Sam asked.

“What’s the alternative? Starve or die in a fight?” Luna asked. “We… we can’t stay here.”

“I don’t like it much either… but we can figure it out.” Dean said. “We’ll accept on one certain conditions.”

“Oh? Do tell?”

“We don’t get split up, either the three of us stick together or we are not going to whatever fantasy bullshit place you’re talking about.”

“I can work with that easy.” Echo said, reaching out three hands, one for each of the siblings. “Do we have a deal?”

The trio looked amongst one another, uncertain but lacking options, they each took a hand, and shook.