//------------------------------// // The last Fear // Story: The fall of the Ponies // by Noyman Jayden //------------------------------// (A short story not worth it is own post) "Twilight heeelp!" The ground and everything away Princess Luna became fire and there wasn't Twilight could do. "I'm sorry I'll avenge you" Twilight shouted klling the evil pony who killed Luna. Later Twilight was sulking because of her sadness but she had done her hardest. "Please apologies" Princess Celestia made ammends then resigned leaving the heir to the throne in charge it was Rainbow Dash. "Now I will make changes!" And she hung all the zebras. "Twilight you must sstop this" Spike begged and was executed and Rainbow Dash revealed off her disquise and it was actually Hitler "I escaped the real world to come kill all jewish ponies!" "Jokes on you" Pinkie Pie appeared "We already killed all our JEws" Hitler was defeatred