//------------------------------// // The Shipping Doctor // Story: Short Bits and Withers // by Andrew Joshua Talon //------------------------------// The warning bells about the universe about to end begin ringing loudly in the TARDIS. Doctor Whooves looks up from his reading and sighs Doctor: "Not again!" VWORP... VWORP... VWORP... He rematerializes in the Crystal Empire Palace. He looks out in irritation at Cadence, who is smiling... And has her shipping chart at the ready. Doctor: "Damnit Cadence! I told you before, no!" Cadence: "But think of the shipping! And Auntie is so lonely!" Doctor: "There's plenty of that here that doesn't require ME!" Cadence: "But-!" Doctor: "No!" Cadence: "But I-" Doctor: "NO!" Cadence: "Hmph!" Doctor: "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go stop Future Twilight from going evil." Cadence: "Again?" Doctor: "Is it a day that ends in y? Then yes, AGAIN." Cadence: "Fine! I don't have to ship you! There are thirteen or fourteen of you!" Doctor: "We're all the same being!" Cadence: "Ooh. Kinky." Doctor: sigh