//------------------------------// // Bonus: Become the nuke ft.Chysalis // Story: Nightmare Moon, Magnus of Nuclear Fission // by hmaf43 //------------------------------// In the final battle, Nightmare Moon, the embodiment of darkness and power, stood tall. Longing to become the strongest, she described herself in the third person, captivating her audience with her ambition. "Behold," Nightmare Moon declared, her voice echoing with an edge of menace. "This mare seeks the pinnacle of strength, a force to eclipse all others!" Confused, Queen Chrysalis, the shape-shifting ruler of the changelings, attempted to interrupt, only to be ignored by the unwavering Nightmare Moon. Undeterred, Nightmare Moon continued her proclamation. "She came to realize that no matter her might, she would stand no chance against a nuclear warhead." Once again, Queen Chrysalis tried to disrupt her, but Nightmare Moon pressed on. "But then, enlightenment found her!" she exclaimed. "To triumph against the might of a nuclear bomb, she must transform into one herself!" As the words lingered, the grand spell began, igniting a chain reaction that accelerated with each passing moment. In a desperate attempt to interject, Queen Chrysalis's interruptions gradually transformed into fear, a genuine fear. She beheld the overwhelming power contained within Nightmare Moon's magic, whispering in disbelief, "This... this defies reason!" Unfazed, Nightmare Moon asserted with dark authority, "I am atomic!" With a flourish, she unleashed her grand magic, channeling the cataclysmic might of a nuclear explosion. The battleground erupted with a power of nuclear fission, The clash between Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis sent shockwaves through the very fabric of their realm. Their battle, a spectacle of awe and fear, showcased the extent of Nightmare Moon's newfound power.