The Worst Gamble

by Salocin

A Beginning to the End

In one of the many war-torn cities of Equestria, Acornage, there was no quiet or peace. Military trucks and equipment paraded through the battered streets. Some ponies, bearing visible scars from mistreatment, others with more subtle trauma, watched from the sidewalks as tanks, primarily Comet's, and soldiers with stern expressions marched by, heading to the next major theater of war. Fortunately, Equestria lay behind them.

Princess Luna stood on the balcony of the city hall, observing the scene with a sigh. Many of those ponies would not survive the coming months, but at least the tide of the war had turned.

For a brief moment, her gaze shifted across the road. On one side, a park had lost much of its greenery due to artillery and fire. On the other side, a whole city block lay in ruins, its original purpose unrecognizable. Down on the roads, ponies thanked the passing soldiers. The Changelings did not hide their intentions for this city or Equestria as a whole.

Luna turned around, closing the balcony door with a deep sigh. She couldn't bear the sight of the city she had liberated.

Instead, she focused on a strategic map, overlaying a newspaper she had received a few minutes earlier. With a hoof, she scrolled through its pages, and the first headline practically leapt out at her.

In bold letters, it read: "ACORNAGE LIBERATED." Disregarding the extensive section dedicated to the heroic efforts of all those at the front lines and Princess Luna's strategic leadership, there was a smaller portion about the Olenian front. It appeared that Blueblood had captured Equadoe and was warmly received by cheering citizens.

Another article, smaller in size, provided information about the war between the fascist Wingbardy and the Griffonian Empire.

"THE ARCHON MARCHES ON KARTHIN: Artillery pounds, bombs explode, and soldiers march. These were the sounds that awakened the residents of Karthin today. The Griffonian Army has finally reached the city gates, and though the fighting is intense, the beleaguered defenders are being pushed deeper into the city. At 4:20 AM, the first artillery shells struck the city center, claiming the lives of several civilians and demolishing the western portion of the Arch of the Fatherland. Additionally, unconfirmed reports mention strategic bombing campaigns that have already leveled large sections of the industrial districts, now extending to the older districts. The Equestrian and New Mareland Embassies have initiated evacuation procedures."

The article continued, providing further details and reactions to the current situation in Wingbardy's capital. Oh, how swiftly one can fall. Just two years ago, Wingbardy was considered almost equal to the Griffonian Empire, which had recently emerged from years of decline. However, this war exposed the fragility of the fascist dream.

For a moment, Luna, the one who raises the moon, wondered how it must feel to be at gunpoint, forced to sign a coerced surrender. Fortunately, that had never happened to Equestria! She dismissed these intrusive thoughts with a shake of her head. They were distractions.

Yet, with a loud "poof!" from her starry mane above, a wrapped scroll fell to the ground, sealed with the golden royal seal. Luna immediately knew who must have sent it and picked it up using her horn. She quickly opened it, seeking distraction from the war or perhaps simply relieved to hear from her only relative.

However, her expression shifted from joy to something different as she read,

"Dear Sister,

Please come to Canterlot immediately. I understand the war effort is crucial, but if you don't come soon, something terrible will happen. The-"

There she likely spilt the ink she wrote with. It left a small blotch, but she could still read the remaining sentences. The blue ink on the paper was noticeable and, frankly, quite bothersome. She knew Celestia would never write in this sloppy of a manner. This was wholly unlike her, unless of course, there was an actual reason for panic.

" -re massive things in the sky. It's reminiscent of the Storm King's invasion. Please come immediately and meet me in the palace. Just come!"

Worry creased her face. She became fearful for her sister, her bones turning to jelly, and her heart racing. Like the Storm King? Did that mean someone had invaded again? But how? The Equestrian Airforce would surely have shot down any intruders in Canterlotian airspace. And surely this was no joke! Celestia had practically lost all her humour amidst the war, so why would she make a jest? It seemed unlikely.

For nearly half a minute, she nearly panicked, gazing out the window, at the map, at the newspaper, and back at the letter. What was she supposed to do? Simply relinquish command? Could she leave her sister in Canterlot and assume it was a mistake? No, no, she couldn't take such a risk.

Luna trotted toward the window and peered through it. The sun shone through a thick layer of clouds and the haze of lingering fires.

At that moment, she made up her mind. Joke, mistake, or not, she would get to the bottom of this and fly to Canterlot.

"Guards!" she called, projecting an air of confidence. Gold-armoured Royal Guards, mainly personal servants and ceremonial peacekeepers at this point, entered the room. Only one of them.

"Bring me parchment immediately," she ordered, then returned to the wooden table. It felt like minutes until the sheet of paper was finally delivered, though in reality, it was less than thirty seconds—it just felt agonizingly long. Once it was in her hoof, she felt a slight relief.

Luna hastily wrote down her orders, a process that took around ten minutes. With the final words penned onto the document, she could still hear the tanks rumbling on the cobblestone streets outside.

"Guards, instruct the radio operators to transmit this communication to Major General Sunset Shimmer. I am uncertain how long I will be absent, but she shall command the frontline for the time being."

"Of course."

With those words, she left the guard and the letter, sealed with the royal emblem, attesting to its significance. All left of her was but a gust of wind as she left for the balcony. Few ponies from below could spot a dark shadow flying across the sky.