Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Side Arc: Sins of the Father: Narcissus

Chapter 8

“Shrimp?” Roxxy asked.

“Names recorded, and I’ll add it to their profiles when I get access to the internet,” Babel announced happily.

“AH fuck!” Jun yelped as he hit the ground next to them, spraying all three of them in blood.

“Wonderful…” Roxxy sighed as she wiped her face clean.

“Gadzooks!” Babel exclaimed with a wide smile on her blood covered face. “My first blood bath!”

“Congratulations,” Roxxy said as she used her hoof to wipe Babel’s face clean.

“You good, Junny?” Shrimp asked as she walked over to the slowly reforming Jun as he pulled himself off the ground.

“No,” he groaned. “He just swept me away like I was nothin’.”

“Probably because you’re weak and shit,” Shrimp teased, slugging shoulder.

“... I don’t know how I feel about this fusion,” Jun moaned as he fully reformed.

“Fucking help me, you assholes!” Lacy yelled from above as she flew down to them, covered in wounds from her short bout with Frederic.

“Yep, on it,” Shrimp said with a toothy grin as she shot upward, followed by Jun.

The trio approached Frederic as he just kept on ranting to himself, the energy and lights emitting from him only growing stronger with each passing moment.

“Alright, you two hit the sides, I’m going up the middle!” Shrimp ordered in an overly excited voice.

“Who’s in charge here, Scamp or Shayla?” Lacy asked with a touch of worry. “Because that really affects how I react to her orders.”

“That’s the cool part!” Shrimp laughed. “Potara Earrings make a whole new person! I’m both of them in one! I’m cooler and more badass than either of them!”

“... I like her,” Lacy said with a smile as she and Jun split, flying for either side of Frederic.

“... fucking all of you just don’t know! You just don’t KNOW how hard it is being me!” Frederic yelled as he thrashed around, having a full on tantrum in the air.

“Oh wah! Cry me a river, Fredick!” Shrimp laughed as she neared him, just as Lacy and Jun reached him. 

“You Lance wannabes are so damn annoying!” Frederic roared as he dodged both of them at once and caught them by the throats. “I just want to be done with you all!”

“You bitch a lot for a man,” Lacy choked out.

“This guy? A man?” Jun forced out, causing both of them to laugh.

Frederic growled, but then realized he didn’t see the third one anymore. “Where’s the incest fusion?”

“At your back!” Shrimp suddenly yelled as she put Frederic in a headlock, yanking back hard enough to cause him to let go of the other two. “All this power and you can’t even defend against a highschool level wrestling move!”

“What are you calling yourself?” Frederic asked, his voice suddenly a lot calmer than it had been.

“Shrimp, ya fuck,” she laughed. “Now let’s get serious, yeah?”

“You don’t want that,” Frederic said with a smirk as he reared back and kicked Jun away as he attempted to get in close, turning him to a bloody mist. Lacy dodged the kick that came her way and backed off momentarily. “One minute.”

“Till what?” Shrimp asked as he broke free from her grasp  and spun on her. His hoof flew for her, but her speed kept her safe as she ducked it, returning her own punch to his face. Yet he was unaffected as he just stared at her.

“My destined Godhood, of course,” he answered as he suddenly jerked, his hoof seeming to teleport as it slammed into her, sending her spinning away with a spray of blood.

“Ah fuck me,” Shrimp muttered as she stopped herself and saw she was now missing her mechanical arm. “That thing was kinda irreplaceable.”

“Want me to go all out?” he asked. “You would die instantly. I’m above you. I’m above ALL of you! And I’m not even at full power!”

“Fucking just kill me then,” she groaned, making a talking motion with her hand. “You talk so fucking much. So much fuckin’ whining, bro.”

“I am not ‘whining’, I am telling you-”

“Wah wah, I’m Frederic and I’m sad my daddy didn’t like me,” Shrimp mocked, making a fake crying face at him. “Boo woo, either kill me or kill yourself, ya prick.”

He just stared at her with a cold rage behind his expression. “I think I can live with killing just you. You’ve overstayed your usefulness in my new world.”

“Fuck, you really are Star Chaser’s fuckin’ father,” Shrimp groaned.

Frederic sneered as he flashed out of sight, only to reappear with his hooves already around her neck. 

“You’re fast, I’ll give ya that at much,” she choked out as Lacy flew in from the side. 

“I’m more than fast,” he said as his wing whipped out, catching Lacy in the face. “I’m God.”

“Fuck, you keep saying that shit,” Shrimp whinned, patting his foreleg. “I’m a God! I’m a God! I’m a God! That’s you! A fucking broken record!” Her eyes flicked to the side, seeing that Lacy was falling away, clearly unconscious. “Ah that’s not good.”

“I’m not A God,” he said with a holier than thou smile. “I am GOD!”

“Ugh, fine, just kill me,” she said, throwing her hand up. 

“No,” he said as he began to glow even brighter, his eyes becoming black orbs. “I think you should see the future before you die.”

“Sounds kind of gay,” she grunted.

“Insult me all you-” he was suddenly cut off as a fist seemed to materialize right next to his face, sending him flying away from them.

“You came back?” Shrimp coughed out as she rubbed her throat.

“Yeah,” Belle muttered, her energy flaring as she watched Frederic right himself, holding his jaw.

“You’re one bad chick, ya know?” Shrimp complemented, getting a grunt from Belle.

“I guess,” she replied as the two of them squared up with Frederic.

“Women,” Frederic growled. “You hit hard, but fuck, are you bad with the follow through.”

“Damn, how’d you make being sexist lame?” Shrimp asked. 

“Doesn’t matter,” he said as the light coming from his body suddenly cut out. “Times up. Welcome,” he said as he held his hooves out to the side. “To your new God.”

Before either of them could react, a bright light exploded from Frederic’s body, sending both of them flying away.

“I got ya!” Jun yelled as he caught both of them at once, but instead of stopping them, he found himself flying backwards with them. “Oh shit, never mind!”

“Nice try,” Shrimp grunted as she and Belle caught themselves, coming to a stop as Jun continued backwards. “How are we going to deal with-” she started to say, but her voice caught in her throat as they both stared back towards Frederic. “Oh…”

Belle’s expression finally changed as her eyes widened slightly. 

“What the fuck?! He’s a fucking dragon thing now?!” Jun yelled as he flew up next to them.

“More like an overgrown lizard with daddy issues,” Shrimp commented. “What’d ya think, Belle?”

“It’s an odd sight,” she said in a low voice. 

A roar caused the air around them to vibrate as a massive dragon shaped creature floated where Frederic had once been. Energy of all colors flickered off of its body as its metallic plated arms and wings flexed out. It rotated its head around on its long neck as it seemed to be adjusting to its new form.

“Ah yes!” an overly loud, guttural voice rang out as the dragon flexed, sending out a shock wave that pushed them back even further. “This! THIS is the power of your new GOD!”

“Great, he’s even more up his own ass,” Shrimp groaned.

The oversized dragon pointed its hand towards a distant mountain, causing it to explode. “Not impressive enough!” it roared as it looked up, then pointed towards the moon that was faintly in the sky. Just like the mountain, it also exploded, disappearing from the sky. “I can do better!”

“We just got that fuckin’ moon,” Shrimp muttered, rubbing her face.

“Guess we can’t have nice things, huh?” Jun joked, looking to her for a laugh, but she just shrugged. 

“So he’s a big fuckin’ dragon now, probably a lot stronger to boot. What are we doing about it?” she asked, glancing between her two companions.

“I got nothing,” Jun muttered. “Lacy would say something smart, like going up its ass or something.”

“Let’s just wing it,” Shrimp offered, then hissed. “No, that's a retarded plan.”

“Or you could accept your fates,” the dragonized Frederic roared at them. 

“Shut up, Frederic,” Shrimp shot back, flipping him off.

“I am no longer just Frederic!” he roared back at them. “From this point forward, I am THE God of Good! Of justice! Of STEEL! I am Omnius!”

“... did he just steal Nathan’s name?” Jun asked,  dumbfounded.

“If I didn’t already hate the fucker, that’d do it,” Shrimp grunted, hocking a loogie to the side.

“Narcissistic,” Belle added.

“Say what you will, your words no longer affect me,” Frederic called out as a massive portal began to form behind him. “I am a forgiving God. All your past sins against me have been forgiven.”

“Get bent, you wannabe God,” Shrimp called out to him, her eyes running over the portal, planning their next move.

“Words from mortals can not hurt a God,” he laughed.

“Fag! Retard! Slut incest fag!” Jun began calling out.

“Jun, I forgive you for-”

“Your hairdo is gay!”

“You don’t- Don’t you ever fucking say that to me again! I will fucking end you!” Frederic bellowed, energy exploding out of his body more violently than the last time.

“Struck a nerve,” Belle muttered, a smile gracing her face.

“That’s it!” he roared as he began to float backwards into the portal. “I was going to be a BENEVOLENT GOD! But now I’m going to be the God you all deserve!” He continued to yell, but was cut off as his head entered the portal. The moment he was fully through, the enormous portal began to slowly close.

“Oh shit, do we go after him?!” Jun asked.

“We-” Shrimp began, but was cut off as they saw someone fly up from the ground and enter the portal. “... looks like we’re going in.”

“Who was that?!” Jun asked as the three of them flew towards the portal.

“Beats the fuck outta me!” Shrimp answered. “I just hope it was someone useful and not weak!”

The trio barely made it through the portal as it snapped shut behind them.

“What the fuck is this place?” Shrimp asked as they found themselves floating in a dark void. 

“A blank dimension,” Belle answered simply.

Despite there being no light, they could still see each other as if they were under a lamp. They could even see Frederic in the distance as he floated in place, limbs outstretched as he laughed like a maniac. Between them and the oversized dragon was the person they saw enter before them.

The person appeared to be a costumed Alicorn, most of their features hidden beneath all of their clothes. A mask was pulled over their face and their hair was also concealed in cloth, completely hiding their identity.

“And who the fuck are you?” Shrimp asked roughly as they flew up to the mysterious newcomer.

“Someone looking for vengeance,” they answered in a feminine voice, turning to face them and revealing a broken heart across the front of their mask.

“Ew,” Shrimp said with a fake gag. “More edge, just what we needed.” 

“Are you playing superhero or something?” Jun asked as they all observed Frederic finally stop his maniacal laughter.

“I’m here for him,” the costumed Alicorn grunted, nodding to the dragon. “For personal reasons.”

“Whatever your reasons are,” Shrimp began. “Can you pull your weight in a fight? Against someone like him?”

“Easily,” they answered as their eyes narrowed at Frederic. 

“Then let’s get this fucker,” Shrimp said with a wide toothy smirk. Then her face became serious, “Jun, distract him. Belle, I’ll create an opening for you. Costume girl, try to hit him from behind after I make contact.”

They all gave an affirmative as they took off, spreading out as they rocketed towards Frederic.

His massive form turned to face them, a look of amusement on his large face. “You all will be the first to witness the birth of my Heaven!” He roared as he squared his body up with them as they approached. “And you shall be the first of many to become my personal servants!”

Unlike before, none of them acknowledged his ranting as Jun pulled ahead and propelled himself towards Frederic’s smiling face.

“You can not hurt me anymore,” Frederic laughed as he swiped Jun away with a clawed hand. “I have ASCENDED!”

As Shrimp neared him, his tail whipped towards her. To his surprise she easily deflected it and continued towards him. He didn’t get a chance to process this impossible feat as the costumed Alicorn elegantly evaded his claws and hit him with a glowing hoof. The hit, empowered by some form of magic, caused Frederic to flicker momentarily. His eyes went wide as he grabbed his chest, his claws digging into himself as he clenched it tightly.

“What have you inflicted upon me?!” He roared. “My heart feels like-“

Belle crashed into his back with an explosion of Ki energy, cutting him off and sending him rocketing past the others.

“Nice hit,” Shrimp complimented with a thumbs up.

“Thanks,” Belle muttered as she slammed her fist together, her power rising even more.

“He seems a lot fuckin’ weaker now, doesn’t he?” Shrimp asked as they regrouped quickly.

“Yeah, he hit me a lot harder earlier!”Jun added as he worked his neck. “What the fucks up with that?”

“Simple,” the Alicorn answered. “This power he’s playing with is too much for him. He overestimated his capabilities.”

“His mental state seems to be degrading,” Belle observed as Frederic began ranting again, screaming into the void.

“I think that’s just him being a baby,” Shrimp chuckled. “I think we can finish him off before he can do anything actually destructive.”

“Oh, we’re actually just gonna kill him?” Jun asked with a smile. “No stupid mercy and hope he learns his lesson?”

A conflicted look fell across Shrimp’s face as her two halves found themselves in conflict over the idea of killing Frederic.

“He dies today,” the Alicorn said sternly. “One way or another.”

“I would like him to be dead,” Belle added.

“Well fuck yeah then!” Jun exclaimed happily.

“You’re not killing me!” Frederic roared as he finally returned his attention to them. “You got lucky! I was holding back for your sake! But no more! NO MORE!”

“Geez, wah wah am I right?” Shrimp said with a snort.

“Careful,” Belle warned. “He’s still a threat.”

“Yes I am!” Frederic bellowed as he blinked out of sight, only to reappear right on top of four of them. His massive form dwarfed them as the level of energy pouring from him increased drastically.

With a flurry of motions he attacked all of them at the same time, causing them to go on the defensive momentarily.

“The fact you all think you will win sickens me!” He roared as Shrimp took a hard hit, sending her flying into Belle. “I!” He continued, whipping them away with his tail. “Am!” Energy exploded out of his eyes and hit Jun, causing him to scream in agony. “GOD!” His large head suddenly snapped forward and caught the Alicorn in his mouth. He attempted to crush her, but she fought against him as she strained to keep his mouth from closing.

Belle and Shrimp flew back in to attempt to help, but Frederic’s attacks continued as he fired a beam from his eyes, barely missing Belle as she was forced to change course. Shrimp, however, continued forward and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to Frederic’s jaw. 

But that didn’t free the Alicorn as he laughed and head butted her, sending her flying backwards.

Frederic just continued to laugh as he snatched the still withering Jun and crushed him in his fist.

Fortunately for Shrimp she was caught by Belle, saving her from being sent into the void.

“Fuck,” she groaned as they floated there. “That was like getting hit by a fuckin’ mountain.”

“He’s going to kill them,” Belle stated, her facial expression both awake and filled with determination.

Shrimp stared at the other woman, both halves of her fighting against one another. Finally they seemed to get on the same page as a sigh escaped her lips.

“Belle,” Shrimp said, getting the full attention of the woman. “I know we’re not on good terms, but I need you to do something for me.”

The other woman looked at her, her thought’s impossible to read. 

“This is asking a lot, but I need you to push yourself past your limits and throw me.”

“Hm,” she looked towards Frederic, then back to Shrimp. “For Domitor, I’ll do it.”

With a firm nod she held her hands out to the woman.
Belle gripped them firmly, and with practiced ease began to power up. Her power level quickly surpassed her own limits as a look of pain flashed across her face. Yet she kept pushing herself, clearly giving it her all.

“End this,” she said through clenched teeth as energy violently crackled around them. With that she began to spin, almost instantly becoming a blur to anyone watching. Soon they were leaving after images as she hit her peak. Just as her body and mind gave out she released Shrimp, sending her towards Frederic as she fell to her base form. Unconscious.

“Oh fuck yeah!” Shrimp exclaimed as she barely was able to register what was happening as she almost instantly reached Frederic.

She was moving so fast that he didn’t even notice her as she hit his chest, arm outstretched before her.

His eyes went wide as everything slowed down. He could feel her tearing her way through his chest at a speed he could barely comprehend. The moment she exploded out his back, all the force caught up with her and hit him, causing the hole she made to expand even further. His muscles spasmed, which allowed both Jun and the Alicorn to break free of him.

Even more force hit him, causing him to lose control and get swept away in a tornado like effect, spinning him wildly after the still rocketing away Shrimp.

It took her longer than she would have liked, but she finally caught herself and came to a grinding halt. Frederic, however, wasn’t able to replicate her success as he spun past her. It took him much longer to bring himself to a halt.

“Not looking so good there, Fredick,” she mocked as she caught up with him as he floated in place, breathing heavily as parts of his body dropped off of him.

“These are mere wounds of the flesh,” he hissed out, clearly barely holding himself together. “This means nothing good for you!”

“Nah, this is it, Freddy,” she laughed. “You’re done.”

“I am far from done!” He screamed as he shot a beam at her, but she evaded it with ease. “I am Omnious the God of Good and life! I will not be mocked by bugs!”

Two more beams flew past her as she continued to laugh, enjoying herself as she pissed him off even more.

“Laugh at this!” He roared as time seemed to speed up momentarily.

“Oh wow, you’re fast forwarding us. So scary-“ her eyes went wide as she realized what he was doing. “Oh fuck!” 

She started to fly towards him, but her body began flashing as the fusion ended. Both Scamp and Shayla fell away from each other, flapping their wings as they tried to right themselves.

“Shit,” Scamp hissed as she caught herself, turning to Frederic just in time to see him snap his claws. There was a tiny explosion next to both of their heads as the earrings were destroyed.

“Gah!” Shayla hissed in pain as she swatted at her blackened ear. “How the fuck did he break the fusion?!”

“They have a thirty minute time limit,” Scamp answered with a frown as she extended her mechanical arm, relieved it came back after the fusion ended.

“Since when?!” Shayla exclaimed loudly as she gestured angrily with her hands. 

“They’ve always had that limit according to Goku,” Scamp said with a grunt.

“Not according to… wait, have you fucking met Goku?!”

“That’s not important at this moment, Shayla,” Scamp sighed as she watched Frederic jerk a few times as he tried to use his powers to fix himself. But everything he fixed would immediately start falling off again.

“It is very important, mama!”

“Shayla, priorities,” Scamp snapped, getting a groan from her daughter.

“I shouldn’t have played along with your delusions,” Frederic grunted out, his body still falling apart. “I’m just going to need to try again.”

The mother and daughter prepared themselves as Frederic sluggishly moved his body, trying to move despite the state he found himself in.

“I don’t think you’re gonna get a second chance here,” Shayla said with a smirk.

He just growled as his hand shakily came up. “Oh, I’ll get more than a second chance. You two just won’t be around to see it.” 

“We’ll see,” Scamp said as her pocket dimension appeared next to her. As her hoof reached up to retrieve a particular item it came to a halt just outside the opening. Her muscles strained as she tried to reach in, but she quickly realized she couldn’t move her foreleg. Nor could she move at all.

“We’re not playing anymore,” Frederic growled as his left arm sagged and fell off of his body. “You two are going to either die here, or serve me. There is no third-”

“You enjoy speaking, don’t you, Frederic Bourdages,” Lilith said from behind him as she floated around him.

“Lilith,” he growled. “How’d you enter my domain?”

“Your domain?” she asked as she came to a stop before the frozen mother and daughter. “Hm, granddaughter. Great granddaughter. We finally met.”

Neither of them could speak, so no response was given, but the glares were enough to get their feelings across.

“Betrayal, Mr. Bourdages?” Lilith asked calmly as she turned to face the melting Frederic. “I expected more from the son of Richard.”

“What is that supposed to mean?!” he roared, causing her to scoff with a smile. 

“Disappointing,” she muttered.

A deep guttural growl escaped his throat as he fired a beam at her. Lilith remained still, watching as the beam neared her without any reaction. Instead of hitting her, it bent around her, missing her completely.

“Despite the betrayal, you’ve done exactly as you were supposed to,” she said as she raised her hoof. 

“Lilith, I think it's time I dropped the act,” Frederic said in a forced formal tone. “I’m stronger than you now.”

A little smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as he said this.

“I’ve been using you since day one,” he admitted proudly. “I used you to get everything I deserved, and you never even realized it.” His tail twitched and fell off of him. “Do you know what your problem is, Lilith?” he asked with a smirk. “You think you’re smart. You think you’re the most brilliant person in any room you walk into. All these plans you’ve made have failed, while all of mine have succeeded. And look where we are now. I’m the God and you’re the little witch who has to have others do her bidding.”

The entire time Frederic was speaking Lilith was just humming to herself, letting out little laughs whenever he insulted her. “Are you done?” she asked once he finished speaking.

“No,” he said as his body began to glow as he powered himself up. “But you are.”

“Okay, Mr. Bourdages,” she said with a smile as he grew in strength.

“Goodbye, Lilith the failed Witch,” Frederic growled as parts crumbled off of him.

“Yes, goodbye, lackey,” she said calmly as she waved her hoof, causing the power building up within Frederic to instantly snap off.

He blinked, surprise finding its way onto his face as his mind tried to comprehend what had just happened.

“Amazing,” she said in awe as she looked at her hoof, watching as it began to glow with the same energy that Frederic had been emanating. “You lasted longer than I thought you would with this much power flowing through you. Surprisingly, I’m impressed by you. Somewhat.”

“What did you just do?!” he roared as he began to fall apart at a much faster rate.

“Thank you, minion,” she said with a mocking smirk. “For warming it up for me.”

“Give it back!” he screamed as he moved forward, his legs shattering from his body as he tried to float towards her.

Instead of responding to him, she spun back to face her two family members. “Scamp,” she said while floating close to the clearly seething mare. “You and I aren’t that much different. If things had gone the way I had intended, you would have had a much better life than the one you were settled with. Regardless, you have two options going forward. One leads you and your little family to safety and happiness. And the other…” she let a laugh escape her lips. “Well, I don’t think we need to explore that second option.”

“Lilith! Give it back!” Frederic cried from behind her, but she ignored him.

“A time will come very soon where you will ask for my help,” Lilith said calmly. “And that is when you will choose.” She then waved her hoof. “You may speak now.”

The moment the magic restraining her vocal cords ceased, Scamp let out a hoarse laugh. “I’m not going to ever need to ask you for help, so take your ‘offer’ and shove it up your ass.”

“Damn, mama!” Shayla laughed.

Lilith waved her hoof at Shayla, silencing her again. “Okay then. We’ll see each other again, very soon, granddaughter,” she said as she turned and began to casually float away.

“Next time we see each other, things will go a lot differently for you,” Scamp assured her.

“I know,” Lilith said as she floated past Frederic as he lay in a pile, barely able to move. 

“If you do not give back my Godhood, I will-”

“Hush now, Frederic,” she said in a firm tone as she waved a hoof, causing him to return to his original pony form, just a simple Unicorn. “There is no resentment from me to you,” she said as she side eyed him. “Because this is exactly how I knew our time together would end.”

“Bullshit!” he hissed as he struggled to right himself, but failed as he began to cough violently.

“I’m not one to gloat,” she said, still not fully looking at him. “But everything that has happened up to this point? All a part of my vision. You’ve played your part, and it's now time for you to exit the stage.”

“You can’t kill me,” he growled.

“I’m not going to,” she said with a small smirk. “But you will wish I had.” With that, she faded away as a portal opened near Scamp and Shayla. 

“Get back here!” Frederic screamed as he glared after her, watching her disappear. The moment she was gone, he began to thrash his hooves around as he started having another tantrum.

The two mares found they were able to move again as they looked at each other, both sharing a smile.

“Mama, you’re still a badass,” Shayla said proudly.

“Still?” Scamp laughed. “Did I ever stop?” 

Shayla beamed a smile at her as they both turned to face the now crying Frederic. “So… what are we doing with him?”

“I know what I want to do with him,” Scamp said coldly, but saw the look her daughter was giving her, causing her to sigh. “But we’ll decide it as a group.”

“Thank you, mama,” Shayla said with a relieved sigh. 

Right at that moment Jun and the mysterious Alicorn arrived, having finally caught up with them.

“Did we miss all the fun?” Jun asked as he shifted the still unconscious Belle around on his back. 

“Pretty much,” Scamp chuckled as the Alicorn moved towards him. “Hey, Miss Costumed Mare, we’re not touching him right here and now. We’re going to drag him back and deal with him as a group.”

“He’s not yours,” the mare said coldly as she walked towards the adult Unicorn having a full blown toddler tantrum.

“Hey!” Scamp yelled as she flew in front of the larger mare, halting her in her tracks. “He’s going to get what he deserves, but just killing him, right here right now, is letting him off easy. Do you want that?”

“I’m not going to let him slip away,” the Alicorn growled.

“He’s not going anywhere,” Scamp assured her.

“He has magic, he can-”

“Oh for the love of,” Scamp groaned as she kicked back with her hindleg, expertly kicking Frederic at the base of his horn and shattering it. He began to scream in agony as his tantrum turned into thrashes of pain. “Happy?”

“Very,” she said, appearing a bit stunned at what had just happened.

“Fuck,” Shayla whispered, nodding her head as she watched her mother turn and haul Frederic up.

“I’m going to kill you… all of you…” Frederic whimpered as blood covered his face from the jagged stump where his horn once sat. “I am your… Prince…”

“I didn’t vote for you,” Scamp said with a smile as she forced him to move towards the portal. 

“Are we just going to trust this random portal that Lilith left for us?” Shayla asked nervously.

“Do you have your Dimensional dagger in your Vacuole?” Scamp asked her.

“... I let Domitor hold onto it,” Shayla muttered.

“And I left mine with your mom,” Scamp said as she shoved Frederic through the portal, then pulled him back out, checking him over. “Well, he didn’t die so we’re just going to have to trust it.” Before anyone could protest, Scamp walked through the portal, dragging the crying Frederic after her. A few moments passed before she stuck her head back through. “We’re good, come on.”

The rest of the group quickly moved forward and entered the portal, leaving the blank dimension behind.