Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Side Arc: Sins of the Father: Broken Pedestal

Chapter 7

“What is that thing?” Lance asked as Frederic held up the item in his wing.

“This?” Frederic asked, holding up a horn from some kind of beast. “Nothing special, just the single most important item to exist that will help us achieve our goals.”

“Rad,” Greg chuckled. “Whats it do?”

“I’ll show you soon,” Frederic assured him.

“Also what’s the plan, dude?” Louie asked.

“It’s simple,” he began cheerfully. “I will use this item to empower the Elements, while all of you willingly give me all your Holy Energy. That way I can temporarily become strong enough to track down and kill this Lilith.”

“Didn’t she take all of our Holy Energy, though?” Greg questioned.

“I don’t think so,” Lance replied. “From what I know there is only so much someone can take against your will, which is why she apparently tried to make deals with everyone in the past. Like she did with Malbatorus.”

“That’s basically it,” Frederic confirmed. “If you willingly give it to me, I can take it all at once.”

“How do you know that?” Louie asked with a cocked head.

“Because I’m smart, Lou,” Frederic answered smugly.

“Hm, fair…” Louie muttered, rubbing his chin.

“So when do we begin?” Lance asked.

“Now’s good,” Frederic answered as he put on a necklace. “If everyone will form a circle around me, we can get this ball rolling.”

The group quickly did as he asked and surrounded him while he placed the horn on top of the Elements. A glow began to emit from the box as the six Elements of Harmony began to float into the air, along with the horn. They circled the dark horn and began to slowly spin around it as lights flashed from each of them.

“Fucking awesome,” Greg commented as a few dark wisp of almost transparent smoke poured from them and connected to Frederic.

“Alright guys,” he announced as he posed in the middle of them. “Hold out your hooves and open yourselves to me. I’ll take all the Holy Energy you got.”

Without hesitation the group held up their hooves and paw. Yellowish trails of energy began to pour from them and enter Frederic, causing the necklace to begin to glow brightly.

“There we go guys,” he praised as he began to float into the air. A smirk appeared on his face as he watched Annabel shrink back and try to hide under a table.

However the door to the Mellowed Pie being kicked open roughly wiped the smirk from his face as he saw an unexpected sight walk in.

“Everyone stop what you’re doing!” Scamp bellowed, her body covered in so many cuts and bruises that it was hard to understand how she was still standing.

“Scamp?!” Lance exclaimed happily as Shayla and Lacy walked in behind her, followed by a just as angry Jun. “Jun?!” Lance hissed as the energy continued to pour out of him and the others.

“Stop giving him your energy, now!” Scamp roared, her swollen eye emitting so much fury that everyone before her cowarded. 

“Why?” Cody asked, deeply confused.

“Why is Jun here after he tried to kill you?!” Lance demanded.

Scamp locked eyes with the smirking Frederic. “It wasn’t Jun. Frederic tried to kill me after his mind control failed to manipulate me.”

“What?!” Everyone yelped at once.

“So fucking stop giving him energy, you dumbasses!” Lacy screamed, her anger almost rivaling Scamps.

“Oops too late,” Frederic laughed as he slammed his front hooves together, causing light to burst out of each Brony around him, dropping them to the floor instantly. A bright glow over took his body, blinding everyone momentarily. 

Once it vanished, they found themselves looking at a completely restored Frederic, his horn back along with all the wounds on his body healed.

“Whew!” He laughed out, still floating. “Thank you all for being just as retarded as I remember you being.”

“What the fuck is going on, Freddy?!” Lance yelled up to him as he struggled to push himself up, but seemed to have no strength left in his body.

Frederic just rolled his eyes as he seemed to disregard Lance. “I’m not lowering myself anymore to speak to you.”

“Shayla,” Scamp said calmly, eye still locked on Frederic. “Cook his ass.”

A devilish smirk overtook Shayla’s face as she lowered herself into a practiced stance and held her hands low next to herself. Her Ego began to gather in her palms as she prepared to finish this fight before it even started.

“Cute,” Frederic said coolly as an item appeared next to him and shattered. Everything dimmed slightly as the Ego forming in Shayla’s hands faded away.

This left her staring stupidly at the floating Alicorn as he just smiled back at them.

“Fuck,” Scamp hissed, realizing immediately what must have happened. 

“There is no point trying to fight me,” he said with a smug smirk. The Elements behind him changed into twisted versions of themselves, taking on a red hue that pulsed sinisterly. Yet they still seemed to be changing. 

“Frederic, are you being possessed?!” Lance called out, getting a snarky laugh in return. “Because this isn’t you! You’re all about doing good!”

“You’re seeing the real me, Lance,” he said happily. “I’ve always been like this. Better than you all in every way. It just took selling you out to the Watcher to finally start getting what I deserved.”

“I refuse to believe it,” Lance growled as he continued to try to get up. “You’re like a brother to me! You’re a good man, Frederic! Just fucking tell me you’re under a spell or something and we’ll fix it!”

“I could play around and pretend I am under a spell, but I’m done waiting around to get what is owed to me.” He puffed up his chest as he beamed a smile at everyone around him. “I am a God who only lacked the power, but now,” he said as the Elements continued to spin behind him, now glowing with crackling crimson energy. “I have the means to gain my destined Godhood.”

“Jesus Christ, you’re such a faggot,” Greg spat out as he glared up at Frederic.

His words seemed to strike a nerve as the Alicorn spun to face him. “Greg fucking Campbell. You’ve been the biggest bane to my existence. I was so happy to hear that you became a cripple fighting that pretender.”

“I might be a cripple but at least I’m not you,” Greg countered with a smile.

“You wish you could be me,” Frederic said coldly. “A God unmatched.”

“Frederic, please,” Lance said, getting him to turn back to him. “We can still fix this. Lilith is the-“

“Lilith is nothing,” Frederic declared proudly. “The short sighted ‘First Woman’ is just a pawn in MY game. She thought she was the one in charge, but she’s not. I AM!”

“You didn’t let me finish,” Lance growled as he finally found his footing, wobbling as he stared up at Frederic.

“Then finish.”

“Lilith is the real threat here. She’s influencing you to-“

“Shut up!” Frederic bellowed as his temper flared. “You do not understand! I AM the one in control, not her! All of my actions are my own and everything is going the way I want them to go! Every single thing that has happened to you pathetic fuckers was be causing of me! The Heats?! Me! I made Annabel do them! She’s my bitch dog and she does EXACTLY what I say, when I say it!  Every villain we’ve fought?! I made sure they would be a threat and I made damn sure they did what I wanted! All the rapes?! You all fucking deserved it, so I made them happen as payback for what you’ve done to me! None of you are my friends, just pawns in my grand scheme to get what I am owed! I could have had all this DECADES ago, but you all are selfish and narcissistic monsters! Keeping me from my destined Godhood! I should kill all of you right now, just for how you treated me all those years! I am the victim here! ME! I am the good guy! Do you not fucking get that?! You all think you’re ‘heroes’ but you're just monsters! Every single one of you! We’ll I’m done being your victim! I’m done letting you walk all over me! I have corrupted the Elements with the Horn of Satan and I am going to ascend so far that none of you will be able to touch me! You’re all the worst! The fucking worst! Always prancing around saying ‘we need to save the world!’ and ‘oh the power of friendship will save the day!’! It’s annoying! You’re all annoying and retarded! I can’t stand knowing you’re all still alive all the damn time!”

“Oh my god he’s fucking losing it,” Louie muttered as everyone stared on in uncomfortable silence as the Alicorn seemed to be having a mental break down.

“Me! I am the hero! Not all of you! I hate all of you! I HATE YOU ALL! You all had unlimited choices of what to be and you all chose fucking Pegasai! Fucking Pegasai! The ONLY good one of you was Graze, and then you all banished him for NOTHING! No more! I am done! Fuck you!” The Corrupted Elements began to spin around him as he seethed with unending rage. “I am THE God now! And you all will fucking respect ME and WORSHIP ME! Do you fucking hear me?! Now get out of my sight till I summon you!”

With that final scream of rage the six Corrupted Elements slammed into his body, causing him to shoot up through the roof and into the sky above.

“That guy has gone bat shit crazy,” Shayla exclaimed as everyone slowly recovered from the shock they’d just received.

“All of you stay down,” Scamp ordered as the ones who’d been affected by Frederic continued to try and get up. 

“You’ll need our help,” Domitor grunted as he almost got himself up, but failed as he collapsed. “Ugh, he took a lot more than just Holy Energy.”

“Dom you dumbass,” Shayla growled as she stepped towards him. 

“No, we need to deal with Mr. Tantrum first before anything else,” Scamp said as she rushed out the door followed by Jun, Lacy, and Shayla.

Upon stepping outside they found themselves face to face with Babel and Roxxy, who were both staring straight up into the sky.

“I don’t get what’s going on,” Babel remarked as everyone joined them in looking into the sky where Frederic was still floating and apparently still ranting. “Is Frederic evil now?”

“Mhm,” Scamp grunted. “Always has been.”

A frown appeared on Babel’s face, “oh, this is going to really affect my shipping charts…”

“What’s the plan here?” Lacy asked. “We don’t have Ego or our weapons, and he’s all hopped up on powers and shit!”

Scamp kept her gaze on the Alicorn above, her mind running through their options. With Ego gone, and Lance and Domitor down, they didn’t really have that many heavy hitters left. She was not only depowered, but also injured, so she wasn’t sure what she could do against something like this.

The same for her daughter. Without her Ego, she was still a formidable fighter. Yet she wasn’t comfortable letting Shayla try her luck against this level of a threat. If her wife was here, she’d be able to do something, at least. But she wasn’t sure where Mallogory was at that moment, probably out looking for her in the forest.

“This is a fucking mess,” Scamp growled as she settled on a course of action. “Jun, Lacy, go ahead and power up.”

The pair nodded as they transformed.

“Shayla,” Scamp began, sounding a bit reluctant. “I’m too hurt to do anything, and you’re not smart enough to do something like this on your own.”

“Gee, thanks, mama,” Shayla grumbled.

“So I’m going to need you to trust me and… fuse with me,” she said as she pulled out two earrings from her pocket dimension.

“No way! Are those Potara Earrings from Dragon Ball Z?!” Shayla said as excitement took over her and she bounced in place.

“Yes,” she deadpanned. “One of the only useful things I picked up from that show you like. With my experience and your… strength. We should be able to handle this.”

“Give me give me!” she begged, holding out her hands for one of the earrings.

“I’m going to regret this,” Scamp groaned as she dropped one in her daughter's outstretched hand.

Shayla immediately began to put hers on, still jumping from foot to foot. “Ooo! Put yours on! Put it on!”

“Calm down, Shay,” Scamp said firmly as she looked at Babel and Roxxy. “You two, get to safety.”

“But I need to see this!” Babel insisted. “This is historical! The new cast is fighting the old!”

“Fine, Roxxy keep her contained,” Scamp sighed, getting a nod from the younger mare. “You two, get up there and see what you can do about him.”

As Lacy and Jun took to the air she held up the earring, seeing her daughter's excited face out of the corner of her eye. “This is a one time thing,” she stated. “These come back to me after this is over.”

“Just put it on, mama!”

“Hmpf,” Scamp shook her head as she put the earring on. 

The moment it was on the pair of earrings began to pulsate, getting brighter and brighter with each passing second. Then it yanked them towards each other.

“This is just like the show!” Shayla exclaimed as they hit each other, the flashes increasing in intensity, fully enveloping them.

As the lights dimmed, both Babel and Roxxy stood there dumbfounded.

“Oh this is a new one!” Babel said excitedly as she brought a camera up and took a picture. “Straight to the scrap book and fan website!”

“Huh,” the fusion muttered, looking at its two clawed hands, one flesh one metal. “This feels… weird.” A smirk over took their face, “but awesome!”

“Ooo! Name it!” Babel yelled, holding up her notebook.

“Name?” the fusion asked, its wide shark-like grin spreading across its face. “Call me… Shrimp.”