//------------------------------// // Pinkie talks // Story: Pinkie talks // by Gamers_mate //------------------------------// It all started when Pinkie pie opened her mouth. "If the sky is blue then it must be made of water right?) Before Twilight could get a word in, Pinkie continued talking. "But if it is made of water what keeps it in the sky besides when it rains of course." "Come to think of it I haven't been to Cloudsdale without a scuba suit so it must be air?" "But if it is air how come it is blue?" "That cant be good, air is meant to be clear, if it is blue does that mean there is something making it blue?' "Oh my gosh can Poison joke turn the sky blue instead of clear?' "And if the sky was clear before what would that look like?" "Infinite clearness is something I am having trouble imagining?' Twilight tried to chime in. "Pinkie that's not how it wor..." But before she could finish her sentence, The silly pink pony opened her mouth again. "Wait what if a Pegasus was the same shade of blue as the sky would they get lost?" "I bet that would be so scary" "They should put signs up in the clouds saying if you are sky blue be careful not to get lost in the sky." "Or even better get a big paintbrush and paint the sky rainbow colour then nopony will get lost." "I would personally prefer if the sky was pink but I don't want to get lost just because I am pink as the sky." "I mean if the sky was pink of course." "Though if the sky was rainbow then ponies with rainbow manes like Dashie would blend into the sky." "Luckily she is blue, not the same blue as the sky is in real life luckily or she would look like a floating mane and tail when she is airborn" Twilight who seems to be annoyed at this point for some reason, tries to ask Pinkie a question of her own. "Pinkie please" Before Twilight could say anything, Pinkie being the smart pink pony that she is guessed what she was going to say. "Please can I continue talking, of course I can" Twilight's hoof then came into contact with her face as she sighed. "Now that I think about it the rain does not come from the sky itself it comes from the rain clouds." "I don't think rain clouds are part of the sky itself I think they just live there." "Me and Gummy went into a really long and deep conversation about clouds earlier, he is a really good listener" Twilight getting frustrated from pinkies shenanigans gave her some advice. "Why don't you talk to Gummy then?" Pinkie appreciated the suggestion but shook her head. "That is a good idea but I already had a long conversation with Gummy it is your turn Twilight." "Besides after the first three hours Gummy decided to play hide and seek and ran from me" "He is probably just chilling in the bathtub but I usually find him very quickly, I am giving him a chance to win you know?" "there's more to playing games than winning but Gummy is just a baby Alligator, and I think this will boost his confidence" Twilight then starts talking in some strange foreign language which sounded a lot like Snoring. Rainbow Dash enters the room like she just woke up. "Pinkie what are you doing?" Pinkie who has a concerned look on her face greets Dashie before opening her darn mouth again! "Oh thank Celestia you are here and not lost in the big blue sky" Rainbow with a puzzled look on her face began to question what Pinkie just said. "Pinkie what in Tartarus are you talking about!" Pinkie taking a deep breath before speaking. "Well you see Dashie, It all started when I was a blank flank" Rainbow who at this point seemed to lose interest in listening to Pinkies whole life story, sighed. "No I mean the nonsense you just spouted, not how you got your cutie mark." "Oh in that case" Pinkie said. "So me and Twilight were talking about the sky and what it is made of and..." "You know what I think Twilight would like to answer this for me" She then hands or I guess Hooves the Microphone she has been talking into this whole time to Twilight. But Dashie being the smart Pegasus she is, pointed something out that pinkie had not noticed. "Um Pinkie, Twilight is Asleep" "Oh I thought she finished her nap" Pinkie said with a disappointed look on her face. "What about you Dashie do you want to talk about stuff?" Rainbow Dash who was already tired and looked like she was about to fall asleep any moment didn't seem to interested. "Sorry Pinkie I think I am going to take a nap" She said as she almost fell over as if she had to much cider." Pinkie disappointed that Twilight was asleep and Rainbow was about to go to sleep, also applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike were all trying to Sleep as well, It didn't help that Madame le Flour was to busy playing hopscotch to talk. Perhaps Rainbow Dash would stay a bit longer if Pinkie talked about something interesting like coffee. "Oh Dashie before you go I was wondering do Pegasi ever make it rain coffee?" "No that is not how it works"Rainbow said rolling her eyes. "That is such a shame" Pinkie said with a frowning face. "I had all the coffee in the Castle Kitchen and now there is no more left" Rainbow Dash shocked at this revelation could not believe there was no more coffee. "But pinkie there was enough coffee left over to last a week." "You know what it is three AM in the morning I am going back to bed." Pinkie being Pinkie decided if everypony was asleep she would have to do something instead of talking. She then ran in circles around Ponyville for the next 48 hours until the caffeine wore off. After this All the ponies installed locks on their bedroom doors as well as placing the coffee in a safe to prevent this ever happening again.