//------------------------------// // Flashes. // Story: All The Mawile // by Bounsweet //------------------------------// "My, aren't you just a little pixie?" Chrysalis giggled deviously as she used her glowing hellfire to wrap twisted black vines around the mouth of my hair. She squeezed it so tight I gave a loud yelp in pain. My crimson eyes flooded with tears as I tried to give a plea for mercy, this haunting creature was far more dangerous than the wooden wolf. Yet compassion wasn't on this creature's wavelength, she merely lifted a dark hoof and popped me across the face. "Please, don't use fake tears on me! You'd devour me if given the chance!!" Chrysalis hissed with anger as I sniffled in defeat. Still held in place by this searing hellfire, I wondered what fate awaited me on the horizon. Flashes of blank faces and lively music raced across my mind in a hazy blur. This nightmare would forever be my new existence, tortured by a sickly bug until I expired or simply lost my mind. "Swoosh!" Without warning a dark swirling cloud of mist absorbed roughly into my chest, I screamed in terror as chains seemed to tighten violently around my heart. "There, I placed a spell upon you little pixie." Chrysalis grinned as the hellfire let go of my limbs and I fell to the floor with a thud. "Wile… (I'm having a heart attack…)." I held my chest with both tiny hands in pain. "If my heart ever stops beating, I fear yours does too! Think of our destiny's bound. " Chrysalis lifted her horn to cut through the vines, my hair giving a light huff. I wanted to run away as far as possible. But the mere notion of such a plan made my heart slow down, an invisible vice squeezing it tight. I looked up towards the bug who lowered to my eye level. Our eyes met in unspoken acknowledgment of the situation, an icy chill running down my backside. "You're thinking of running? I'm afraid to even think of that will break your heart, leave and die!" Chrysalis hissed as her warm breath flooded over me sickeningly. I had no choice but to follow, this wicked monster was some kind of witch. Picking myself up from the filthy ground below, I weakly followed behind my new master. What a terrible experience, to once be free and in an instant have that stripped from you forever. Each step that followed this disgusting bug deeper into the forest, eased the pressure upon my heart. But as the light above faded around us, I knew it would be a long time before it found me once more. I gazed at myself in the mirror with a small pout. Long dark waves of hair framed my face elegantly, my ocean-blue eyes were clear and full of life. My new white gown was perfect for tonight, it flowed to my feet and showed off my lovely cream-colored heels. I looked beautiful and knew what I wanted, to show everyone at the gala tonight that I was a force of nature. After all, I was the face of perfection. "He..lp…" A whisper wafted across the breeze. My beautiful room, decorated with flowers and brand-new clothes suddenly darkened. I watched as my perfumes faded and the vanity before me simply disintegrated into ashes. Everything around for miles was drenched in darkness, I was alone and afraid. The glow of red and blue shone from the abyss, I could hear it faintly at first before it erupted violently in my ears. A scream, a terrible haunting scream. Of a mother in pain. "Wile? Mawile?? ( My head is killing me? Where am I?? )." My eyes opened slowly as the blurred visage of an orange bonfire came into view. "Finally awake? About time." Chrysalis sneered as she kicked a piece of dry wood into the fiery pit with a gangly hoof. I looked around to see cracked stone walls surrounded by a void of darkness. Moss was growing underneath my hands, as I could hear the dainty sound of water trickling off in the distance. I figured we were in a cave of some sort, a chill draft drawing closer from the opening. "Ma ma ma. ( Well you did have me drag this huge thing after you for miles.)." I flaunted my tiny hand towards my ponytail in a lackadaisical manner. "Is that your name?" Chrysalis snorted. "Mawile. ( I don't remember my name.)." I shrugged my slender shoulders. "Well I don't like it, I'll just call you Pixie." Chrysalis giggled as she tossed a few odd-cooked berries my way. "Wile. ( Wow, didn't figure you to give me such a cutesy name.)." I watched the berries roll slightly on the wet ground, unsure if it was safe to eat. "I'm not going to poison you fool." Chrysalis glared as she tossed a few into her mouth. I rolled my eyes and lifted a berry into my mouth slowly. The taste was deceptively sweet and delicious, I nearly gave a coo of satisfaction as I quickly gobbled up the rest off the floor. A smear of purple coated my mouth, and I ended up licking my hands clean. "Heehee, at least you're not picky. Good, because supplies are limited." She sighed gazing longingly into the flames flickering in the pit. I slowly licked my lips in silence as her temper seemed to dwindle. She looked far more somber at this moment, I wasn't sure of her thoughts. But she seemed as if she lost something, something near and dear to her heart. Without a word, she tossed a hoofful of berries towards me. My tummy growled in excitement as I was quick to gather them up. Chrysalis turned away from me with a loud sigh of defeat, laying on her side and quickly slumping over. "Rest Pixie, we have a big day tomorrow. " Chrysalis spoke in barely a whisper. I munched on my treat with a nod. Knowing tomorrow wouldn't be just miles of walking, she wanted me to be at full strength for something. And as I swallowed my last few berries, I felt my stomach twisting into a tight knot. With how today ended, I figured that she needed me to do something dangerous. How right I was.