You Can't Just Vanquish Evil

by Toon

Nightmare In-between

The world felt, disorienting.

With hesitancy and anxiety, I dared let slips of light flood my eyes.

And then I was back.

Cold shivers ran up my spine, even the slightest touch of a breeze would make my body shake. It would feel like the lonely nights on the moon. The bleak darkness around me was a stark comparison as well, but this time I couldn't even see Equestria, not even the stars.

It was my worst nightmare.

Again stuck into an immovable object forced to watch the void of space. My heart began to race, anxiety and doubts clawing at my mind. I left the moon right? I appeared in front of my sister and we fought right? I-

What if it was all a dream? Now I can't even see my home.

What If I was sentenced too long? No, they have to be alive, they have to still be there right?

I looked down to see myself shaking. "Ridiculous!" The very notion I was still stuck here was absolute lunacy. I was there! I was!

Right? It wasn't a dream again was it? It felt like I couldn't breathe I-

Was I hyperventilating? No! I was a fortress of evil! Of revenge and made of nightmares!

...Why don't I feel like a nightmare anymore? I was there, right? Didn't I gain freedom? So why.


I slammed my hoof into the moon, and cracks formed. My vision became blurry, and my body felt so tired. I was there... right? It wasn't a dream?

Please don't let it be a dream.