EQG Yu-Gi-Oh War of Light and Darkness Strength and Friendship

by Neztrolove

Night at the Umbras

Jeane listened to his mother hum beautiful, washing veggies in a basin for dinner. The boy always loved to hear her sing since he was young and would insist on her lullabies.

"how's about this one my little star." she cooed, using her nickname for jeane which was a reference to his old dream of going to space and bringing back a star for his mother. "you are my sunshine… my only sunshine."

Her voice was smooth as silk and could calm a storm.

"you make me happy, when skies are gray." jeane continued the song, his voice though not as good as his mother still had nice ring to the ear.

"you'll never know dear, how much I love you." Luna stood next to jeane putting her hands into the sink and taking the bowl of washed vegetables and took them to the boiling pot on the stove, her back turned to jeane.

"Please don't take my sunshine away." both sung but a deep sadness hung on their voices.

"do you hate me jeane?" Luna asked, her voice even.

"No mom, I could never hate you. What happened with sunset wasnt your fault." jeane couldn't believe his mother would feel the need to apologize when she was the only one who stood up for him when his father was gonna sell him like cttle.

"I know it seems like your dad hates you, but he does love you… even though he doesn't show it a lot."

"is that why he was gonna sell me to sunset."

"He said that it seemed like the pressure of living here under his standards was too much for you and sunset has been a good guardian to snips and snails. Those boys mothers were pieces of work let me tell you that and those boys have really turned around."

jeane didn't have it in her to say that those boys didn't change at all. They were still bullying trash.

"well it doesn't matter anymore because you stuck up for me when no one else would. Thank you for giving me a chance."

"Sweetie what are you talking about?" Luna asked, confusion clear.

"You… didn't you make dad give me a chance to duel sunset for my freedom?"

"No jeane, your father was so avid and I knew he wouldnt listen to me… it was raito who made him see reason."

raito did that for me. Why?

"I know you and him have had your troubles but he is still your brother and he does care for you." Luna admitted.

The sound of the front door openning and then slamming annouced the arrival of the man of the house, ceo of umbra industries and one of the richest men in all of canterlot… sombra umbra. Jeane's and raito's father.

"Luna, I want my dinner on the table in ten minutes." he demanded without raising his voice.

"Be ready soon hun." Luna said sweetly though it was clear she was nervous.

"Boy, come to my den, now." jeane flinched at the demand of his father… he knew boy meant him.

"Oh sombra, you just got home, can't you let Jeane help me, dinner will be ready faster with his help." Luna pleaded.

"Jeane, Den, I wont ask again." Sombra replied and the closing of the den door was all that the two heard.

Luna looked scared as she looked at jeane. "Just do what he says jeane and if he does anything scream for me."

Jeane nods his head. "It's okay mom, he won't hurt me, I'm strong."

The boy didn't believe a word of what he was saying as he exited the cage into their living room which had a big tv, coach, three black recliners and a stepping stool in the middle. The boy walked up the stairs looking over at the photo's of their family.

He reached the top then saw a flickering light under the last door to the left which was where Sombra's den was… this also means he has a fire going and that means it is a serious talk.

The boy walked down the hall each step a labor. He knocked on the door but before he could finish the door creaked open as if by command.

"Come in boy, and wipe your feet on the rug."

The study was barely illuminated by the stone fire place, it had a huge photo over the fireplace of two beings one angellic covered In light and other fiendish shrouded in darkness fighting each other. The study also had a neatly arranged desk and a cabinet in the back.

Jeane wiped his feet and made his way toward his father.

"Have a seat, boy." he pointed to the lounge chair across from him. Sombra's chair was facing the fire place, his eyes looking up at the picture, hyperfocused on the image.

Jeane tried to sit in the chair but sombra lifted his hand.

"not there… the seat under it. Hurry!" he demanded.

Jeane pulled out the footstool and took a seat next to his father.

"You wanted to talk with me, sir?" Jeane tried to keep his voice even but felt the overwhelming prescence of his father shake his resolve.

"Do you enjoy embarrassing your family boy."


Sombra leaned his head onto left arm, cupping it in his hand. "let's face facts, your win loss record when you were in the junior league was abysmal. I'll give you the fact that your grades are the best in your school ever since elementary but that alone doesn't make you an umbra. Do you know what does."

Jeane did, he had heard this speech many times in the past. "Being good in the areas our company specialize in?"

"And what, does our company specialize in?" Sombra asked.

"Duel monsters accessories." Jeane replied, gulping.

"And would you mind telling me how we are going to sell our products if one of my sons is a no good loser!" Sombra exclaimed slamming his fist on the arm of his chair making the flame roar slightly. The man flared his nostrils then returned to his neutral stance.

"I don't hate you son, I hate how hard it is to love you."

"I'm sorry father."

Sombra slowly left the chair, placing his hands behind his back and then turning his head to the portrait. "as you know the card shop calvalcade tournament is coming up, its a small tournament put on between our family and the other companies but one we've won for the last 10 years. I wish I had a better option but you are my only son eligible to be a participant for my team."

Jeane gulped, "you want me to take Raito's place."

"Seeing as your brother has already left home this morning to go to the regionals registry I don't have much of a choice. Raito has a dream to be the duel monsters champion, an admirable goal but for the life of me I don't think you even have a worth goal. So now you have a choice win the calvalcade or I will sell you to sunset shimmer and this time raito wont be here to protect you… I don't know why that boy chooses to look over someone as weak as you… must be your mother's doing."

"Dinner!" Luna exclaimed from downstairs.

Sombra eyebrow twitched as he looked at the clock. "She's three minutes late." sombra silently made his way to the door and then turned his head to jeane.

"for your sake I hope you are a better homemaker then your mother." he groaned in disappoint. "it hurts me how much I see you as the woman in the relationship."