Supernatural: Day, Night, and Shadows

by BioQuillFiction

Chapter 15: Day and Night Meet

Celestia had heard tale of the Winchester siblings. They were the grandchildren of one of the Scholars best members,  Henry Winchester, who perished fighting the Demon Knight Abaddon. 

Dean, the eldest Winchester siblings. Confident, strong, quick to think and come up with a plan, good with a gun and unphased by any monster.

Sam Winchester. Initially had an out of their family business of Hunting, came back to avenge his late girlfriend. He is similar to his brother but more tactical and just as force and fearless in a fight.

Then there was Luna Winchester. The adopted inhuman member of the siblings. Celestia knew of her disguise, she had one of the matching set of illusion amulets. How they ended up on earth still eludes her to this day but she was happy that one of them fell into good hands. Or rather, hooves.

Luna had magic similar to Celestia's and was capable of harming demons. She could imbue some into blades, bullets and water but not easily. Her magic was still unknown and, like Celestia's, functioned alien to any magic of this world.

The trio of siblings were well regarded in the world of the supernatural. They were feared by many, respected by most, and we're viewed as anywhere between death riding in a classic car to idiots with too much salt and too many guns.

Celestia respected them. They more than earned it. As far as she was concerned.

It was strange to see the three all sharing a bottle of backwoods stilled moonshine.

She pondered if her arrival came at a bad time.

Or perhaps the death of the Almighty hit them harder than she expected. She knew they weren't religious, but finding out that God was dead would probably hit anyone hard.

Dean put his 'shot' glass, a coffee mug, down and after a hard swallow spoke to Celestia with a slight slur. "So… who, what, and where the fuck did you come from?"

"My name is Celestia. I am the co-founder of the Scholars of the Supernatural and first general in the heavenly civil war." Celestia replied simply.

"Hell is in a civil war?" Sam asked.

"For the last few hundred years, yes." 

"And… God is… Dead?" Luna asked.

"Yes. A few days ago myself, my father and all of the rebellion angels felt a shift in the divine forces of heaven. There was, for but a moment, a vacuum that something, someone very powerful left in a sudden absence. This lasted for the equivalent to a fraction of a millisecond but the ripple and impact on the universe was felt by us regardless. I imagine my uncle Raphael and his forces all felt it to."

"Raphael… the archangel?" Dean asked.

"Correct. My whole life Raphael saw me as something to be removed from God's world, for I did not belong in it. Like Luna, I come from another realm. My father Castiel was the one who found me in Heaven, and when he brought me before God, he was told I was a creation of an old friend of his and ordered him to care for me. While many of my uncles and aunts warmed to me, Raphael and his blindly loyal followers all saw me as a stain on God's creation."

"Okay…" Dean sighed, pouring more of the bootleg liquor into his mug. "So what uh… do you want from us?"

"Your lineage spans back far further than most of humanities. Your ancestors were all Hunters on your mother's side, and your father, while he did not get to inherit the legacy of his father, we extend that to you."

"Wait, what?" Sam asked. "Mom's family were the Hunters?"

"Correct. While your father became a Hunter after her death at the hands of a Demon known as Azazel, his lineage and therefore yours was bound to the Scholars from some of our earliest members."

"And… where the hell have you all been?" Dean asked.

"Supplying Hunters from the sidelines. Fending off powerful demons, monsters, toppaling tyrants looking to abuse magic and monsters for their own gains, safeguarding dangerous artifacts, and finding and housing the various creatures we could find from the world Luna and I come from."

"... Okay that's a good excuse, but why didn't you all, ya know, take dad in? What happened to our grandfather?"

"Your grandfather, rest his soul, perished fighting the Hell Knight known as Abaddon. She attempted to assassinate the members of the council, myself included but Henry dragged both himself and her into an unknown and dangerous magic portal we were researching. Neither of them have been found in all these years. As for why we didn't take in young John, it is law in the Scholars that the parents have the right to bring their children into the Scholars when they become of age. John was still too young and while Henry would have wanted him a member, his mother, your grandmother, was not a member and we would never take him from her. Instead, we supplied a financial support income for the widow."

"That explains that…" Dean sighed, drinking his second mug of moonshine. "And let me guess, in exchange for helping you all we get some crazy benefits, freedom to do as we please and rewards for jobs and all that?"

"You would also be required to take at least basic classes on spellcasting, potions, alchemy, enchantments and a history class on events the Scholars took part in."

"And… there are others like us there?" Luna asked Celestia.

"A good quarter of current members of the Scholars, active and civilian, are like us, yes." Celestia nodded.

"Do I get anything?" Bobby asked.

"Based on your knowledge, experience and combat capabilities you could take a few tests and most likely receive the ranking of a Paladin or an Archivist or a Sorcerer." Celestia said. "Paladins take to the battlefields. Archivists record, comb through and create spells for field agents to use. Sorcerers are a mix between archivists and paladins. Using magic to aid in combat and craft artifacts and spells. They are the highest and most respected rank."

"Anything else?"

"As a member you'd all also have access to Scholars community resources. Income, free repairs on any and all vehicles, enough spell ingredients and information to take on hell itself, and more guns and bullets than the US army uses in a year."

"Sold." All four said.