//------------------------------// // Chapter Eleven // Story: War For Equestria // by Nighthawk154780 //------------------------------// Back at the command center, the workers and soldiers were celebrating their victory confirming the unicorn killed the queen. Drinks were raised up into the air as Nighthawk smiled. “A toast to the Ponyville platoon. You all aren’t as bad as I expected.” Sunny raised an eyebrow. “Not as bad? I’ll add that to my report.” The group laughed as Sunshine walked over. “Nighthawk. I want to thank you for saving my life.” “Don’t thank me. Ensign Comet caught my eye with the attack.” Sunshine turned over and smiled. “Is that so?” Comet blinked and blushed. “Th..that’s right.” Her tail flicked and brushed under his chin. “Well then. Thank you, ensign.” Comet shivered and fell over as Sunny scratched his head. “Something is confusing to me. What did he mean by empire?” Nighthawk took a sip of his drink and nodded. “It’s a message. What message, I pray to the queen herself doesn’t come to be.” “But that could explain the missing ponies over the weeks.” “It could, but regardless. We found our killer.” Sunny smiled. “Indeed. So. What do you have planned out? I heard Celestia is planning to ride out that flight gear.” Nighthawk chuckled thinking about Starfrost. “You know. I think I want to take some time off and see my darling mare. Unlike Comet here.” Comet twitched as Sunshine laughed sitting with him. “Well you two, i’d be happy to get you onto an airship to Canterlot tonight. It is the least we can do.” Nighthawk smiled as well as Comet who mumbled. “I wanna go too…erm there.”  The night passed on as Nighthawk and Comet were looking over the railing of the newest Equestrian airship. It looked more like their standard blimps, but had more armor and can be used for supply runs or transport. Nighthawk and Comet were mesmerized feeling that cool night breeze and seeing those beautiful stars. “My, this is amazing!” Comet said, stepping off the railing. Nighthawk nodded. “I’m shocked that Equinox approved this and that Ponyville was the first town to get it.” The captain walked up smiling. “Aye. We were a close first to Canterlot, but either way, this is a fine ship of pride and joy. We will be a few hours so if you wanna go and rest up. Feel free.” Nighthawk nodded and yawned. “Well Comet, I’m gonna go rest.” “Works for me.” The two tired unicorns walked off as Nighthawk went into his sleeping quarters to rest. All of his thoughts were on Starfrost and he began to dream about those beautiful, green fields of Equestria. The waterfall, pouring in the background and two unicorns laying down underneath the sunny sky. The two were nuzzling noses and Nighthawk, slowly caressing Starfrost’s mane seeing sun setting in the horizon. The two gave a kiss before Nighthawk woke up hearing a rumble and he tilted his head.  He recognized he was back in his quarters but noticed a few bright flashes. He walked up to the window and saw a pegasus fly by and was being tailed by an earth pony and unicorn that made him rub his eyes and double check the window again and noticed some sort of rapid firing magic from the side of its mechanical wings. Nighthawk panicked and opened the door walking to the railing and saw several squads of flyers attacking buildings and down below he noticed artillery being fired upon at a fleeing crowd.  His heart was racing hearing more explosions and he shook his head hearing Comet from the floor above him. “Nighthawk! Hey get up here!” Nighthawk ran up to the captain’s deck and the captain was shouting to his crew! “Polarize the plating! Secure the cargo and ready the forward cannons!” “What’s going on?” Nighthawk asked. Comet shook his head as the captain growled. “First there was an explosion than another and then we saw all these flyers and airships at our twelve o’clock. And then all hell breaks loose!” Nighthawk raised an eyebrow. “Can you get us to the port?” “Aye! I’ll try but it’s gonna be a fight!” Comet shook his head. “Dammit all, the castle is in danger! We gotta figure out what we can do to help.” Nighthawk looked at the screen and blinked. “Teleportation can’t get us down there.” “Aye boys. But I have one option, I equipped this rig with that new flight gear. Special issue and experimental. Down below.” Comet blinked. “I don't think we are trained…” “It’s the best we got.” Nighthawk replied, saluting the captain. “Safe voyage sir.” Nighthawk and Comet ran down below finding the two suits and the two started to gear up before walking out, looking over the railing. “What’s the plan Night?” Nighthawk took a breath. “Try looking for a defense line to the north. I'll make my way to the castle and see what I can find.” Comet nodded. “Good luck brother!” He jumped over the railing and took off as Nighthawk closed his eyes. “Please, please let me be wrong.” He removed his hat and activated his guard and his visor lowered automatically and a new digital display came on. He nodded and jumped the railing flailing his legs trying not to freak out and gave a couple of breaths before activating the flight mode and two metal wings extended and the engine kicked on letting him glide. Nighthawk struggled for a little bit and slowed down relaxing. “Okay. Okay…I got this. I got this.” He readied a stance and took of towards the castle in fear of what had come to be.