The Cafeteria Song (But everyone keeps messing up)

by PonyPlace

Helping Twilight win the crown!

In the Canterlot High Cafeteria, the 6 girls that Twilight had united back together after being separated by Sunset Shimmer were ready to initiate the song. One that would convince everyone to vote for Twilight instead of Sunset. All the girls agreed that Pinkie would start it off. The latter began to tap her lunch tray making a beat. This was now Rarity's signal to stomp her feet and clap her hands in a rhythmic pattern that also followed Pinkie's lunch tray banging. Fluttershy then joins in with tapping two cups on the lunch table followed by AppleJack clapping her hands and Rainbow banging her lunch tray. So far so good. Spike quickly turned on the music from the corner as Fluttershy, AppleJack, Rarity, and Pinkie all got into position. Fluttershy was facing Rarity and AppleJack with Pinkie. However Fluttershy had thought it was time to start.

"Hey! Hey! Everybod-" she began to sing but quickly realized she went too early as no one else was singing yet. "Oh shoot!" She ran back to her spot and this time she waited for the other girls to start so she wouldn't mess up again. Now somewhat back on track. The girls began to sing while marching towards one another.

"Hey! Hey! Everybody! We got something to say!"
"We May Seem as different! As the night is from day!"

Now at the "but if you look a little deeper" part the plan was to all form a line together but Rainbow Dash somehow managed to trip on absolutley nothing while running towards her friends and crashed into a table. She groaned but realized the song was still going so she got back up and joined her friends. Now came for the "I'm just like you" part but Rarity for some reason pointed at Fluttershy instead of Rainbow Dash so now it looks like the blue athlete is left out along with AppleJack who stood there awkwardly because honestly what were you to do when there's an odd number of people for this move? Rarity realized her mistake and quickly pointed to Rainbow Dash but it was already past that point.

"My bad!" she whispered. For the poses part, it went well and it seemed like the girls were finally getting it together despite a rough start. AppleJack and Pinkie held hands and ran down the cafeteria and Rainbow and Fluttershy did the "raise the roof" move. The 5 friends then got in a line and started to move up and came the part where each one of them would reach out but alternate the direction of the one next to them but Rainbow screwed this one up and reached out in the same direction as Fluttershy.

"Other way, Rainbow!" Fluttershy whispered. Rainbow had a brief panic attack and turned the other way but by the time she reached out the other direction, all her friends changed their directions too so in other words, Rainbow should not have moved a second time because now she and Fluttershy were facing the same way again.

"Until Twilight Sparkle helped us see another way!" Now came for the main part of the choreography. Pinkie in the middle as they pulled a dance move and spined around. Rainbow Dash ran up to a nearby chair and what was supposed to happen was that she would put one foot on the sitting part and the other on top of the backrest and it would slowly fall down but this one gave way under her and Rainbow lost her balance and crashed into another table once again.

"Oh my goodness are you okay?!" Fluttershy sounded concerned as she ran to her friend.

"Yeah, I'm fine hold on-" Rainbow said as she did her hip shake but her was still holding her side where she hit the table and faced towards Micro Chip's phone.

"If we work together, helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown!"

"Okay ima take a quick break during Pinkie's part," Rainbow said as she went to sit down at the table.

For Pinkie's part she was supposed to have a solo and was known to have a really good memory but this was the one day that she forgot her lines.

Shoot! I forgot what was I supposed to say. Oh right "umm message to the crowd!" the music still kept on going but now Pinkie was so behind she had to skip like eight seconds of her solo to catch up. she started to do her slide move but apparently it's national "crash into a table" day because she slid a bit too far and just like Rainbow crashed into a table. All the girls had panic looks on their faces but like before they had to keep on going.

"Honesty, Gene- Wait" Rarity messed up the order.

"Laughter, Kindness, Loyalty!" AppleJack had thankfully got her part right so it wasn't all bad.

"Pink-Err Twilight helped us each to see," Fluttershy quickly corrected herself.

"All that we can be!" Rainbow followed through.

The second time they did the "get up get down" part, it went smoothly so after that section was done, it was time for Twilight to come in. However when they opened the door, Twilight was nowhere to be found.

"Umm where's Twilight?" AppleJack asked but the former was actually on the other side of the cafeteria. There was actually two doors that led into the room. One on the east side and one on the west. Twilight was supposed to wait on the east side but somehow misunderstood and was waiting on the west. So now she's wondering why no one opened the door for her yet. The music still kept on going.

"Umm I think I was supposed to come in!" Twilight shouted from outside the room.

"Oh my goodness she's on the wrong side!" Rainbow muttered as she ran to the west doorway and opened it for Twilight. At this point the princess had to just wing it. She just skipped her entire line and just straight up jumped onto the table, but Twilight lost her balanced and came crashing to the floor.

"Oh my sweet, Jesus!" Rarity shrieked and rushed to help her friend up.

"Jump up! Make a sound. Hey! Stomp your hooves, turn around! Start now make a change. Gonna come around." Now for the rest of the song was just that line while all the other students joined in dancing and singing.

Fluttershy was getting exhausted from all the dancing. I'm just going sit down for a bi- oh shoot the song is still going. and went back to dancing but she was breathing heavily at this point. "Ju-*breath*mpup...sound...turn...around." Okay I'm sitting down.

"Fluttershy you can't stop now. The song is still going!" Pinkie said but Rarity saw how exhausted Fluttershy looked.

"Umm Pinkie I think we should end the song."

Spike heard and went to press the "off" button but ended up pressing the change radio and now the whole school was treated with Mexican music. Wrong button! Spike didn't know which button he was suppose to press so he kept on pressing random buttons. The Mexican music then become some Chinese song, then it was a talk station, some Indian music until it finally turned off.

"Well uhhh so vote Twilight for Fall Formal I guess!" Pinkie smiled.

"Next time let's rehearse when we're doing something like this." Rainbow whispered

"Yea, totally" all her friends agreed.