Double Twilight Love

by Mystic Sunrise

Prom Night pt. 2

Pearl lay on her bed in the dark, her front legs crossed, her head down. With a sniff, she wiped her eyes. Her ears perked up as the young Pegasus heard a familiar ringtone. Lifting her head up she pulled her phone from off the nightstand and taped the screen only to be met with a familiar friendly face. 

“Hey sugarwings,” Kohaku grinned on the other side of the screen.

“What have I told you about those nicknames?” Pearl smirked and propped her phone up on her pillow.

“Yeah yeah. I was just calling to see how my favorite lil Pegasus is doing” the Kitsune boy chuckled lightly but abruptly stopped. Pearl saw that his face frowned. “Okay, what’s wrong?”

“Wha… what makes you think anything’s wrong?” Pearl huffed, turning her face away from the screen.

“Don’t give me that.  You’ve been crying. Did someone hurt you?” Kohaku’s tails flared up as his eyes narrowed. 

“No no no.” Pearl half panicked. Waving her hooves back and forth. She knew how fierce he could be. The last time they spent time together some incentive stallion bumped into her, causing her to trip into a mud puddle. Before she could blink, Kohaku had the stallion off his hooves with a set of claws at his throat. “Nobody hurt me, at least not physically.” She smiled as his face went back to a more friendly version. “So what are you all dressed up for?”

“Prom. I normally wouldn’t go but I'm one of the candidates for Prom King this year.” 

“Teh.. I’d rather not hear about it.” Pearl grumbled. 

“OH… I see how it is. Let me guess our favorite lavender twins are leaving you out of the mix. I take it?”

“I hate how you are almost always right.” Pearl tossed her pillow across the room and dropped her head down on the bed again. 

“You want to go. But Twilight and Twi won’t let you.” Kohaku hummed to himself for a moment before an all too familiar sly grin crossed his face. “How about you come as my date? As a senior, I can invite anyone I wish.”

“You know I don’t date boys,” Pearl smirked back at him. “Besides I have no way of getting there. Twilight changed the code on the portal machine so I can’t access it.”

“Ha. Well, I’m not saying we’ll be dating, just one friend taking another out to a dance. Think of this as your Cinderella story. And as for getting here. Do you really think that’s the only portal to this place?”

“Twilight’s closed all the ones she and her friends found. Are you saying you can open one?” Pearl quirked an eyebrow. Feeling a little more excited.

“Not really. But we can make a temporary one. If you can follow directions.” Kohaku’s sly grin increased almost ear to ear. 

“I put together complicated model kits now. I think I can handle it.” Pearl poked at her screen. “Wait... Twilight would have a fit if she saw me.”

“That’s part of the fun. And I know you like to have fun. So how about it? Care to take a walk on the wild side?” Kohaku smiled as he saw Pearl’s grin match his own.

“You sure this is going to work?” Pearl sighed as she finished drawing the last symbol on her bedroom mirror. 

“Yup. you drew them all perfectly dear.” Kiyoko smiled as she handed the phone back to her son. “Now just stand back and when you see the mirror shimmer. You jump through, no hesitation because it won’t hold for long okay?” Pearl watched as Kohaku’s mom placed her hand on a large full-length mirror. 

“You know. I never thought you’d be one to flaunt the rules, Ma’am.” Pearl stood there. Her legs shook as the reality of what she was about to do set in. 

“Where do you think my son gets his sense of fun from? Certainly not my husband that’s for sure.” Kiyoko smirked back at Pearl as she started to chant. Pearl only rolled her eyes as Kohaku blushed a little. 

Pearl stood there. Her pony heart fluttered hard as she watched the mirror. In a moment she saw a ripple appear. Closing her eyes the Pegasus girl rushed and flew head-first into it. By the time she opened her eyes, she felt a pair of arms around her waist holding her up. Looking up she smiled “Kohaku?” 

“Who else?” He chuckled while helping his friend to her feet. 

“That wasn’t nearly as bad as going through the mirror at Twilight’s castle. I barely felt a thing.” Pearl smiled before she felt a shiver down her spine. “Is it a bit breezy in here or just me?”

“Well, that mirror was made for dimension travel. This was a hastily put-together replica.” Kiyoko smiled “Kohaku dear you two have a few hours before the Prom starts. Why not let her wash up and dress.”

“Sure thing Mom.” turning to Pearl Kohaku stepped back. “My sisters Riko and Kade will help you get ready. And we already have a dress for you. It’s a bit of an Asian flair but it’ll match what I'm wearing.”

“Great. I can’t wait to see Twilight’s face.” Pearl walked and placed her hand on the door handle. 

“OH Pearl dear. You may want to put the robe on the bed on first.”

“Why?” Pearl smirked as she saw Kohaku point down. Looking down she took a deep breath. Realizing why she was so chilly. Apparently, this temporary mirror, didn’t bother with clothing. Blushing, she half scrunched herself as Kohaku patted her shoulder. 

“Oh relax, to me, you're as attractive as my sisters.” His words silenced the thoughts she was about to scream out as the door closed behind him. Pearl could only look at his mom who just giggled. 

“I’ll call up my daughters and we’ll get you ready.” 

“Are you sure this is a good idea? Letting Midnight out like this?” Twilight asked as the chauffeur opened the door for the pair.

Twi nodded. “I can’t just leave her to rot away. No matter what happened in the past, I know she’s changed. She’ll never admit it of course. But I know she has.”

Twilight wasn’t so sure. “And what about us?”

Twi shrugged. “I’m letting you two figure it out. I doubt we need to worry about us becoming a four-way. Unless something drastic changes, Midnight’s feelings for you are long gone.”

“Oh good. It’s gonna be fun when we become a three-way as is. Don’t need more,” a new voice giggled. One that set Twilight’s eyes twitching. Oooh, that better not be who she thought it was.

Looking over, she found Pearl doing her best to hide a blush as she looked over the twins. Her dress had a distinctly Asian flair to it, and it made Twilight and Twi’s hearts skip a beat at just how beautiful Pearl looked in it.

Next to her, Kohaku wore an outfit that was similar to Pearl’s own and bore a knowing smile to boot.

Twilight rubbed her temples. “Why do I even bother? How are you here, Pearl? Starlight is in the Crystal Empire, and Fluttershy has Discord on a short leash so that no one can open the portal.”

“Mom called in a favor or two. And we were able to make a temporary pathway for Pearl. One way of course.” Kohaku smiled and lifted his glass of soda.

Pearl smiled wider. “Like you were going to leave me out of this, princess. Had to improvise on a date though.”

Twilight groaned. “If I’d known everything was alright, I would have brought you with me, Pearl. You’ve shown that it’s usually safe to leave you two alone.”

Kohaku narrowed his eyes slightly and leaned forward. Setting his empty glass down. “Ya know, Pearl and I had a long talk over the phone and I haven't heard such lame excuses about why she was left behind since I was five. There were more than enough avenues for you to follow with Pearl. Even if she didn’t come to the Prom, having my family around shouldn’t have been an issue. You and Midnight just wanted to have Twi to yourself tonight without worrying about a fourth party. Your parents, my Pearl. Even another date would still be good.” Turning to Twi. “You know the Prom committee has no problems with a girl having more than one date.” Sitting back he wrapped his tails around Pearl who just shrugged and leaned into him. “So, I took it upon myself to play the prince in this little story. And give my friend here the night of her life that you two were denying her.”

Twi turned to the princess with an annoyed look. “I told you the committee wouldn’t have a problem with it. And you didn’t do anything?! I wouldn’t have cared if Pearl was your date as well. You know that!”

Twilight wilted under the glare she was getting. What was her excuse? She’d known this for months. Had made it a point to share all of this with Pearl. Where did she go wrong? Looking up at Kohaku she made a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize to me, I'm not the one you left crying on her bed.”

If she were a pony, her ears would have flattened till they were gone. Turning to Pearl, Twilight looked at the young girl. “Pearl. I’m so sorry. I should have brought you with us, I just…”

Waving her hand dismissively Pearl smirked. “Forget it. I’m not upset anymore. And I forgive you. I get it though. You wanted Twi to yourself. And who wouldn't? She’s hot in that dress. Hell, I'd leave you behind to dance all night with her.” Pearl giggled as Twi blushed a little “But since Kohaku here went all out on me tonight. I’ll just spend my time with him. Let you two see what you’re missing out on.” Playfully sticking her tongue out at the pair, Pearl grabbed a can of soda as Kohaku chuckled. 

“I have to ask,” Twi smiled playfully nudging Twilight. “How did you get a dress like that so fast?”

“My sister Riko. It’s one of hers from when she was younger. All it needed was a few touch-ups to fit properly.” Kohaku shook his head. “Sometimes I forget just how fast my sister is with a needle and thread. She could sew laps around Rarity.”

Twilight and Twi made mental notes to see if Riko might teach some of that to Rarity. It couldn’t hurt anyway. “Is there anything your family hasn’t done?” Twilight sighed, leaning into Twi.

“World domination?” Pearl giggled. “They’d probably do a better job than some of the crackpots around now at least.”

“They tried that once. Need I remind you of what happened in Equestria?” Midnight interjected, taking over from Twi for a moment. 

Kohaku chuckled to himself. “It’s been joked about many times between my parents. And there really isn’t anything my family hasn’t done. Riko’s been alive for hundreds of years and she’s the youngest of my older sisters. They’ve all dabbled in just about any profession that catches their fancy. After all, if you live for so long, you have to find new ways of keeping busy.”

Setting down his drink Kohaku motioned to the driver for a moment. “And you can certainly ask Riko if she’d teach Rarity. But I doubt your friend will ever reach the level my sister has. It took Riko a hundred years to get to her current level with a simple needle and thread.”

Twilight huffed a bit and crossed her arms. How did he always know what others were thinking? 

“Give it up hun. Pearl and I have been trying for years to figure him out.” Twi giggled as Kohaku smiled. 

“Huh?” Pearl tilted her head for a moment. 

“My Pearl, not you.” Kohaku chuckled as the limo side door opened. 

“NO, let me guess another date?” Twilight chuckled. 

“No, just another passenger and her date.” All three girls blinked as they saw the human Pearl step in, wearing a fire-red dress with two different dragons circling around the waist, up and the heads meeting at the center, cupping her chest. The sight made both Twilight and Twi almost drool

“I was wondering when you were gonna show up.” Human Pearl smirked as she slid up into a comfy seat. 

“Well, I thought you and your date would like a few moments to admire each other a bit more,” Kohaku smirked at his long-time friend. “Did she like the dress?”

“Ask her yourself.” Pearl gestured to the Equestria Rainbow Dash who stepped in dressed in what looked to be a dress made of silken clouds that only accentuated her natural assets. 

“Rainbow!?” Twilight coughed. “How did you get here?” 

“Oh come on egghead, you taught me how to open that portal myself. I’ve been here for two days now.” Rainbow playfully poked at Twilight’s shoulder. “Or have you been so caught up with your twin here you forgot?”

Twilight blinked. “Oh yeah. I remember now.” Looking up Twilight pointed slightly. “What have you done to your mane?”

Rainbow ran a hand through her hair, while still a rainbow, the colors were diluted and lightened. “Yeah These two,” Gesturing to Kohaku and the human Pearl. “Along with my counterpart. All thought it would be a good idea if I dye my mane while I’m here. It washes out. And while I’m here every one is under the impression I'm her identical twin cousin. Same name just different hair.”

“I wonder who came up with that Idea?” Twi rolled her eyes.

Both Pearls smirked and looked up at Kohaku who just ideally looked out the window with the worst poker face imaginable. Making all the girls laugh aloud.

“Maybe you should take dance lessons, hun,” Twi giggled, as the Rainbooms watched Kohaku dance with both Pearls together. 

Rarity chuckled. “He is quite the gentleman. I’m kind of jealous that his heart is taken. Not many boys can do this, and not hurt one or the other’s feelings.”

Sunset nodded, as Fluttershy took her hand in her own. “Most boys I know couldn’t. Flash could barely keep up with me sometimes.”

Twilight’s eyes drifted over to her former crush, who was even now dancing with Applejack. While she had been surprised, the princess was glad to see the feelings were mutual there.

Twi saw this, and let Midnight take over. “Getting second thoughts, Twily?” She took perverse delight in the looks of apprehension that passed between the girls.

Sunset, though, frowned. “I still think this is a bad idea, Twi.”

Midnight cackled. “Don’t kid yourself, Shimmer. I had you beat until Spike interfered.” She eyed Pony Pearl longingly. “I’m almost tempted to make this a four-way. Almost.”

Twilight sighed. Not this again. They’d been going at it all night. “Will you two please play nice? We can argue all we want about who would have won. But it ultimately doesn’t matter.”

Human Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Is she always like this?”

Pony Rainbow nodded. “All the time. You get used to it eventually.”

Fluttershy watched as the native Pearl’s eyes drifted over to her date. Something Rainbow soon caught onto. “You’re not mad?”

Pony Rainbow sighed. “Part of me wants to be. But they’ve known each other their whole lives. I’m the new kid around here. Plus I know neither one is gonna do anything with the other. Hello?” Pony Rainbow's eyes widened as native Pearl’s leg kicked up and landed on Kohaku’s shoulder. Her pony counterpart effortlessly matched the movement on his other shoulder. With little effort, he lifted them both, spinning them around his body until they were both seated atop his shoulders, both arms stretched up in a finishing pose. Holding both arms out Rainbow Dash gasped and looked over at Twi with her mouth wide open. “How!”

“Our Pearl’s been dancing since she was five. And from what she told me, Kohaku has been dancing with his four sisters since before he could crawl.” Twi giggled as when the song ended both Pearls were again on their feet with the whole gym applauding before a new song started, this one slower. Pony Pearl danced slowly with Kohaku while Human Pearl walked back toward the group and her date. “They also take the gold in every tri-state dance competition. On the tenth time they competed, the judges saw them walk in and looked like they were just going to hand them the trophy before the contest even began.”

Twilight smiled, as Twi reasserted herself. Rainbow had grown so much since she and Pearl had started dating. As much if not more than she had since joining the Wonderbolts.

Sunset saw the way the princess looked at both Pearls and smiled knowingly. “I seriously doubt Kohaku would be mad if you asked Pearl to dance, princess. You two were fine coming over.”

Twilight shook her head, as Twi took her hands. “I’ve ruined this enough, Sunset. I won’t add to it. Pearl doesn’t deserve me after what I did. She deserves someone who will love her. Not this.”

Twi smirked as she poked her love. “Then you won’t mind if I ask her to dance? The king and queen announcement is coming soon, and I doubt I’m getting picked.”

Sunset smiled helplessly as Twilight gave her a confused look. “It’s between her and Fluttershy. No one else is in the running.”

Fluttershy nodded as she shrunk down. “Um. I wouldn’t mind losing though. It was so embarrassing last year.”

Human Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Come on, ‘Shy. You were awesome last year. And Flash wasn’t half bad either.”

Fluttershy only blushed, as everyone laughed.

“So are you going to ask her to dance or not?” Kohaku smirked, earning a groan from Pearl as he effortlessly twirled her about before placing his hand back on her waist.

She rolled her eyes as the music played on. “I’m with you, remember? And maybe this will give her the kick in the flank she needs. Part of me is still mad it even came to this!”

“And yet you can’t keep your eyes off of her,” his smirk grew. “Every time you think I’m not looking, your eyes slant sideways at their direction.”

Pearl snorted. Times like that she remembered why other her used Kohaku as her personal punching bag. “You’re lucky you’re already someone else’s punching bag, you know that?”

Kohaku chuckled. “If you didn’t want it so much, you wouldn’t be mad. I’m not blind, Pearl. Everyone can see it. You are just being stubborn.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “It’s a character flaw. Sue me. And have you seen their dancing?!”

“I’ve seen worse.” Kohaku chuckled as the song moved into another. “Besides I can heal any scrapes or bruising that comes about. Not everyone can have the luxury of the upbringing you, my Pearl, and myself have had. On top of that, their bookworms, not known for athletic abilities.”

Pearl shook her head. “Point. But she can sit there a while longer. Maybe I can grab Twi.”

Kohaku chuckled as he moved about and after a quick spin dipped Pearl so her leg came up slightly toward Twi and Twilight’s direction. Making Pearl’s eye twitch a bit.

“Tell me you didn’t just flash me in front of them.”

“Well you did want to make them suffer a bit didn’t you?” He smirked down at her for a moment.

“Just dance foxboy.” Pearl shook her head with a chuckle.

“He did that on purpose,” Twi grumbled, as she and Twilight blushed furiously at what they had seen. Or hadn’t seen.

Sunset smirked. “You two make are making it far too easy for him. One of you is gonna give in sooner or later.”

Twi nodded. “And I plan to once she’s available.” She poked Twilight. “Maybe then this one will get her head out of her flank already.”

“Good luck with that, we’ve all been trying to get her to lighten up for years now.” Rainbow smiled flopping herself down in a chair as her Pearl sat astride her date’s lap. Looking at Pearl Rainbow poked her a bit. “I didn’t know that your outfits were going to be THAT much alike. Kinda brave of her to go com…” 

Pear groaned as she slapped her hand against Rainbow’s lips. “Well she and I are a lot alike so I’m not surprised.” Leaning in she pressed her forehead up against Rainbows. “And that last bit of info was supposed to be between US.” Pearl’s tone made Rainbow blush a little.

Twilight grumbled into her drink. She would be hearing this for a long time she felt, as Celestia and Luna took the stage.

“All right my precious students. It’s time for what you have all been waiting for.” Celestia announced. “The crowning of our Prom King and Queen. Sister dear would you start us off?”

“It would be my pleasure. For our King…” Luna tore open an envelope and just shook her head. “Well, no surprise there. By a near unanimous vote. Our Prom king is our own Kohaku Everfree.” 

The entire gym erupted in applause as Kohaku bowed to his date and winked at his Pearl before dashing up toward the stage. 

Pearl, in a move faster than even Rainbow could capture, grabbed and tossed a small dinner plate like a frisbee in her friend's direction. 

Kohkau leaped up, catching the plate with the toe of his shoe. Did a spinning forward backflip and landed effortlessly on the stage while an off hand football player caught the plate. Everyone there roared at his display. Earning him several wolf whistles from a few of the cheerleaders and one quarterback.

“Easy to see why he’s our number one cheer captain.” Luna smiled placing a silver crown atop Kohaku’s head as he knelt down. “Sister, I believe you have our queen selection.”

Celestia smiled as she tore open her own envelope. Her smile only grew as she read it. “And also by a near unanimous vote, our Prom queen is our own Twilight Sparkle.”

Twi’s blush would have made Big Mac proud as she meeped as Sunset pushed her forward with a chuckle. “That’s your cue, queeny.”

Twi shot her a murderous look as everyone giggled. Sighing, more for appearance's sake than anything else, she joined Kohau on stage as Celestia placed a golden crown on her head.

“Damn, she makes any crown look good,” Pony Pearl whistled as she joined the group, taking Twi’s vacant seat next to Twilight.

Celestia smirked as she saw the group together. School would never be the same after graduation. “And now for the king and queen dance.” She bowed to the two. “Your highnesses.”

Pony Pearl sighed as she watched Kohaku bow politely to Twi before taking her hand and before long the pair were gliding along the dancefloor. Kohaku effortlessly guided Twi’s movements. Turning aside she looked at Twilight who seemed to be studying her shoes. With a sigh, the young girl got up and stood in front of Twilight. Holding out her hand. 

“You get one dance.” Pearl sighed on the outside while on the inside she was shaking like a leaf in the wind. 

Twilight only hesitated for a second, before taking Pearl’s hand, and let the youngster lead her onto the dance floor. Considering her own dancing skills, she was more than happy to let Pearl lead.

Pearl’s heart beat faster and faster with each passing second. This was something she had wanted for so long. So why was she wasting it like this?

Twilight finally broke the silence. “Pearl. I am so sorry. For everything. It never should have come to this.”

Pearl tried to put on a brave face. “I’m not mad, Twilight.”

Twilight frowned. “Do not lie to me, Pearl Rose. I can see it in your eyes. Say what your heart tells you.”

That was all it took as Pearl sniffed. “Fine. You want to know? I am beyond mad. You left me heartbroken and crying on my bed! That’s the second time you’ve ripped my heart out and trampled all over it! The first time, I know you didn’t mean to. But now?”

Twilight nodded sadly. “You won’t have to see me ever again after we return to Equestria, Pearl. I will not stop you if you hate me and never want anything to do with me ever again. Neither you or Twi deserve me after this. You both deserve someone who will love you, and not whatever I am.”

Part of Pearl wanted to. To call this whole thing off. But damn it all, she couldn’t bring herself to say it. No matter how hard she tried. “Then promise me, Twilight. Take me with you wherever you go. I don’t care where it is. Let me be you and Twi’s rock.”

Twilight smiled as she pulled Pearl close. “I promise, Pearl. I swear it on the Armor of Eternity.”

Pearl smiled. For the first time in what felt like weeks, she smiled for real. And as the music played on, this was worth it as she cupped Twilight’s chin in her hands.

Twilight’s eyes widened, before Pearl pressed her lips against hers, before relaxing into the kiss and returning it in full.

Kohaku smiled as he lightly spun Twi before holding her close. “Looks like things will start going smoother with you three again.”

“I’m glad. And thanks for getting her to talk to Twilight. I want this to work.” Twi smiled as she stepped back when the dance ended. Turning she walked off to Twilight and Pearl.

“Your very welcome.” Kohaku smiled and moved off to the buffet table.

Twilight and Pearl held the kiss for what felt like forever, before a soft giggle reached them, forcing them to pull apart to see Twi at their side with a knowing smile. "Room for one more?" She asked.

Twilight giggled as she took Twi’s hand and pulled her close. “Always.”

Pearl took her other hand and smiled. “Don’t let me go. Either of you. I want this. Us.”

Twilight squeezed their hands. “I never will. Now and for all time. I will never let either of you go. Come whatever may. We will be together. Forever. Even you, Midnight.”

Pearl and Twi smiled (and in her mind, Twi knew Midnight was smiling). And for the rest of the night, the rest of the world ceased to exist for the trio. Only the girls in front of them mattered. The girls they loved.