
by Dirty Bit

Intermedio: Arrogante



In the changeling hive, Chrysalis, queen of the changelings, sat in her throne, brooding about her loss a while back when she fell victim to her own hubris. She growled while some of her lesser changelings flew around, monitoring parts of her kingdom 'To think I would lose to two simple ponies!! This is unacceptable!! I will have my revenge one way or another!! But I'll need some help from a reliable source...Hmph...then again, who would be the right pawn to sway until they became putty in my hooves?'

On cue, a changeling with a frightened expression flew towards Chrysalis and communicated with buzzes and screeches.

Chrysalis perked up "What? An intruder?" The changeling nodded and continued screeching. While it screeched, Chrysalis' eyes widened "All of our sentries!? But who!?"

In a barren wasteland, the wind whistled calmly while the area remained lifeless, save for one lone pony trotting across the dirt. He was a large old grey alicorn who was muscular in appearance, with long skeletal wings and a long horn. His muzzle was buried in his white moustache and his mane was short, but standing back in a spiked fashion. His right eye was closed and covered in a trailing scar, as was his chin. On his flank was a skull with a crown resting on its head. He continued wandering in silence while he glared ahead with his open eye. He did not know how he arrived here, nor how he ended up in his current form, but wherever he was, he was about to start anew.

He noticed a land nearby, containing what looked like several hives. With a grunt, he made his way over with only a few steps before he blurred out of existence, leaving behind the sound of booming static. Soon, he reappeared right in front of the entrance leading to the many hives and noticed they were being occupied by strange creatures that resembled ponies and insects.

Three of them took notice of him and hissed as they flew at him. The alicorn groaned "Impudent parasites..." He muttered in a deep elderly tone. When they reached him, they moved slowly near him 'Seems I haven't lost my touch...And to think I almost believed that outcast when he said that even I was overwhelmed by my own power...' He lifted a hoof and grabbed one on his right by its horn, then flung it into another one on his left, the two flying off quickly. He then took the middle creature and easily slammed it into the ground furiously with the same hoof.

More of them showed up, and caused the old alicorn to chuckle "Though they're parasites, they've reminded me how fun it is to conquer land...I think I might like it here..." He awaited them to draw near his presence before he swung his head, his horn slicing the creatures around him in two. The old alicorn noticed another wave coming and simply let them come with a scoff out of his towering arrogance. They bared their fangs and all of them bit at him around his neck, forelegs, and midsection. He stood for a moment before he bellowed a laugh "I forgot how weak others appear around me!" He then exerted a wave of red energy that easily disposed of the creatures that surrounded him, causing them to disintegrate. He looked ahead and nodded "So this place shall be my new castle until I find a better one..." He then trotted further into the hive nonchalantly at his own pace.

Chrysalis bided her time, having faith that her precious children could easily fend off whoever had the gall to infiltrate her hive. Sure, they might have gotten past the sentries, but there laid far worse in the deeper reaches of her home. She hummed to herself in thought 'If this one somehow manages to reach me...they could pose as a worthy tool to my purpose! All that matters now is to wait and see if the intruder hasn't been reduced to dust yet...'

A faint explosion was heard, earning Chrysalis' attention "What was that?" She said to herself as she looked around. Another explosion was heard, only slightly higher in volume and accompanied by a small tremor "Is the intruder struggling? What's going on?" There was a pause, and a large explosion bursted from the entrance to her throne room as smoke billowed inside. It subsided to reveal the same old alicorn from outside as he looked ahead with his open eye. Chrysalis fanned away the smoke and sneered at the alicorn "You!? You're the one that has caused my changelings trouble!?" She paused before she donned a wicked smile "I should commend your effort, stranger...Why do you choose to come here out of free will?" She asked in a soft, yet malicious tone.

The alicorn took a step forward and spoke "Do you rule this area?"

Chrysalis chuckled "Is it not obvious? Or are you unfamiliar with this particular part of Equestria, relic? Who are you to even ask?"

The alicorn nodded "Good, this makes things easier..." He stood proudly as he leered at Chrysalis "I am God-King Baraggan Louisenbairn! I now rule this area!"

Chrysalis stared incredulously before she broke into a fit of defiant laughter "How adorable! You come into my hive, fight off my changelings, and now you consider yourself a ruler!? You must be suffering all sorts of mental diseases to think of such a thing!"

Baraggan narrowed his eye with a low growl "You consider this a joke?" He trotted forward "I rule this area now! This entire land now belongs to me and I will not stand for any complaints! You will serve under me, or you will die!"

Chrysalis ceased her laughter to glare down at Baraggan "And just what will you do if I refuse, relic!?" Her horn began to glow green "You forget that you're in MY domain! I already figured you thinking you now own this place was but a joke! You're mistaken to think I would just willingly give you my hive AND my changelings!!"

Baraggan scoffed "Is that what those things were called? How droll..." He stopped in front of Chrysalis as he stared up at her "This is your final warning, wench! Live as one of my many servants, or wither away and die!"

Chrysalis snarled "You decrepid fool!! I'll teach you to just order me around!!" She then launched a beam directly at Baraggan's chest, the old alicorn grunting in response.

Her eyes were closed when she fired the beam, but when Chrysalis opened them, she almost lost her focus when she saw Baraggan stand and take the full brunt of it without moving or flinching. She added more power to her attack, but noticed that it was a futile effort. Baraggan leered ahead "Are you finished? You'll only waste away more of your potential energy if you wish to defy me!" He then drew his head back as he prepared his horn for a slice.

Chrysalis stopped her beam and noticed what was about to happen and jumped out of the way as Baraggan brought his head down, his horn easily cleaving where Chrysalis once stood. The changeling queen felt her heart race as she stared at the damage done 'Such power!! Is this honestly the same alicorn that waltzed into my hive!?'

Baraggan shifted his eye to Chrysalis and brought his head up before he blurred out of existence with his Sonido.

Chrysalis flinched when she saw this, and was startled when she felt a hoof on her right shoulder. She turned to see the old alicorn leer as he stood next to her "Your spirit is commendable, but your efforts are for naught..."

Chrysalis growled and jumped away from Baraggan to give herself space. When she landed, however, she felt pain in her right shoulder 'What in Tartarus...!?' Her right shoulder had felt weakened ever since Baraggan had laid his own hoof on it. She glared at the approaching alicorn "What did you do to me!?"

Baraggan trotted nonchalantly towards the changeling queen "I rule over aging. Using a bid for time against me is an action equivalent to spitting on a god. Considering that you and your 'changelings' are such small beings, I should probably praise you for doing your best. But they will have an effective use once placed under my rule."

Chrysalis felt her heart sink 'Aging...So does that mean that-...' Her dialated and trembling pupils shifted down to her right shoulder 'that he caused my right foreleg to age!?' She heard the sound of booming static and looked back to see that Baraggan wasn't where he trotted, causing her to gasp. She then felt a familiar cold hoof on her right shoulder again, prompting her to jump away again "Damn you!!" She grunted in pain and looked at her right shoulder.

Baraggan sighed "I've faced more worthy opponents before you...You are only boring me with your resistance. With that, I shall offer you one more chance to comply to my command as an act of mercy...You only stare death in the face with your current path..."

Chrysalis growled 'I can't believe I'm being subjugated by an elderly alicorn!! I refuse to let him rule this land, even if-' She stopped as an idea, along with an evil grin came to her. Chrysalis began to laugh as she had it all figured out 'He is indeed the answer to my prayers...' She then chose to kneel halfheartedly, feigning defeat "I've seen the error of my ways, God-King...Please forgive me and spare my life so that I may serve you forever more!"

Baraggan hummed "So you finally choose to serve under me. A wise choice, changeling...Yours is but potential that was almost entirely wasted in battle! Rise, so that you may tell me what this new world contains!"

Chrysalis did so, but was confused "New world? Are you saying you're not born in Equestria?"

Baraggan shook his head "No...I was born in Las Noches, located in Hueco Mundo. But that is not important now! You say this land is called Equestria? Tell me...Who else rules around here?"

Chrysalis rose and grinned "Oh, I can help you there. You see, Equestria has been ruled for centuries by two alicorns like yourself. One is a Princess Celestia, who controls the sun, while her younger sister Luna, controls the moon! If you were to have them under your rule as well, not only would you claim their subjects, but the sky itself!"

Baraggan nodded in comprehension "Yes...I've nearly forgotten that the sky was meant to be ruled as well..." He trotted forward and looked down at Chrysalis "Where are these two princesses located? I wish to expand my rule throughout all of Equestria!"

Chrysalis' grin widened "A royal city not too far from here...They call it Canterlot..."

To be continued...?