War For Equestria

by Nighthawk154780

Chapter Five

The chambers were quiet as Celestia and Luna were reviewing papers and Luna finally had enough, moaning. “Uuuuuugggghhhh why do we have to sort through all these papers?”
Celestia rolled her eyes, smirking. “Oh lighten up sis. It’s not that bad. It’s always good to read about, umm…Griffin law enforcement policies?” She froze, tilting her head. “Equinox, why are we doing this?”
She laughed and walked towards them, signing a scroll. “Because this is today’s lesson. A ruler not only protects their kingdom but also organizes what matters are important to us.”
“What if they are all important?” Celestia asked putting the file off to the side.
“Then if that is what you see as important then you must find a way to organize yourself to make it as such.”
Celestia was confused as Luna laughed. “Oh…organization in meetings.”
“See, Luna got it.” Equinox said with a smile.
Luna had a dead look on her face, picking up a file with her magic. “It sounds so stupid.” She replied, dropping it in a discard pile.
Equinox sighed. “Oh my dear little sisters. I think that if you don't understand it now. Then you will when you are legs high in paperwork and need to teleport to the dining room.”
The three laughed from the joke as Firefly entered with Nighthawk behind them. He approached the queen and smiled. “My lady, Cadet Nighthawk.”
Nighthawk blinked seeing the queen for the first time. He was stunned by her black, star sparkled mane flowing softly. Her smile calmed him as he bowed. “M…my lady. It’s an honor to be in your presence.”
“The pleasure is all mine dear one.” She looked over to Celestia and Luna who were hiding the fact that they were spying on them, making Equinox giggle. “Dear little sisters, you are free from your boredom.”
Celestia and Luna teleported away faster than Nighthawk could see them and only saw a paper fall to the floor.
“Those two.” Equinox said, laughing to herself.
Nighthawk nodded in agreement. “They have that hidden wild side.”
Equinox smiled. “Indeed, but I wish I could talk more about your childhood.”
“I…it’s about my father, isn’t it?”
She nodded and looked at Firefly. “General?”
Firefly nodded and sighed, “Cadet, your father is missing. He didn’t report to a morning meeting and later on we found the General missing too.”
Nighthawk was stunned, unsure of what to say after hearing the thought that his father was missing. “Y…you think I had some involvement?”
Firefly raised an eyebrow. “Smart cadet. But don't feel offended or disturbed about all this. All just proper procedure.”
“We also want to make sure that you aren’t in any danger my child.” Equinox continued with a smile.
“I understand.” Nighthawk stated. He took a deep breath and started to explain to them about his meeting from before. How he was going to be reprimanded and removed from his cadet training and his anger with his failure. All this story telling put him in tears while the queen and the general were in shock. After a while she motioned for Firefly to leave and approached the crying pony and took him to a close hug.
“My dearest child. You have been injured so badly. You have been mistaken for what true honor, and strength is. And over some silly power that not all magical users are meant for. My dearest Nighthawk, I can’t imagine how hurt you feel.”
Nighthawk almost like a child being cradled into his mothers arms as tears rolled down his face. The queen’s soothing hum calmed him as he shook his head. “I…I don't know what to do. I…it’s…”
“This is not your fault. Don’t ever think that.”
Nighthawk looked at her feeling scared. “Wh…what do I do?”
“You leave that to me. From what I can see. You need a break.” Equinox said with a smile, and she waved over a maid and ordered her to care for the hurt unicorn, to help, ‘heal his wounds.’
A few days have passed since the missing reports came and the Equestrian Royal Council was in session on how to move forward. Although even the high-ranking generals and the queen herself were in debate about what to even do.
“The council motions for extra security along the border of Appaloosa.” A unicorn called out. “It’s only right.”
Equinox raised an eyebrow as Princess Celestia chimed in. “How right is it for one town to have heightened security over multiple reports of missing citizens?”
General Firefly smiled. “A good question princess, but remember, Appaloosa is an export of our food and a great line of defense down west.”
Equinox nodded. “She holds a great point though. Ever since my captain and our Equestrian general left, more reports of missing citizens are coming so…why not reinforce our surrounding lands?”
A female pegasus smiled. “It’s not that easy my lady. Some of my missing reports are military bodies. Even my second in command.”
Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Military bodies going missing? That’s proof worthy of spreading our resources.”
“Perhaps the question should follow.” A unicorn called out, “Are we expecting a war?”
“War is out of the question.” Equinox interjected. 
Luna raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Well, this can't be a mere coincidence though, can it?”
The council was in silence as Equinox sighed and cleared her throat. “For now, I believe our best course of action is to wait. Continue to report what we can about these missing soldiers. Understood?” The council nodded in agreement as she smiled. “Excellent. Now, on an unrelated note I’m curious about the captain’s son.”
A general raised an eyebrow. “What about him?”
“How would you all feel about pushing his training?”
The council was silent looking at each other before a general coughed. “Under what circumstance?”
Equinox nodded. “I think he can be a possible target for one, but secondly, I think he has a purpose far greater than what we can imagine.”
The pegasus flapped her wings and sighed. “My lady he doesn’t even hold any status to be put through our training.”
“He holds the flame.”
Firefox coughed. “Rumored. To hold the flame.”
“You’re no fun, general.”
“Nighthawk has been training his whole life to pull this off.” Celestia interjected, “He was just pushed in the wrong direction.”
Firefly raised an eyebrow. “You think that one of us can help him?”
“I guarantee it.” Celestia replied with a smile.