An Assassins Change

by ChillaxBrony

Chapter 4

An Assassins Change Chap 4

It was a least 3 am when MetalHoof reached Ponyville. It was a small town, he liked that. He wandered the town for a short time and realized he needed some sleep. There wasn’t a motel or hotel around so he just kept walking.

After 25 minutes of walking MetalHoof came across a gate that lead to a “Sweet Apple Acres”. Seemed nice enough to him. MetalHoof opened the gate, stepped in, and closed it as quietly as he could. Left too explore the vast expanse of apple trees.

It was nearing 4 am and MetalHoof needed even more sleep, his legs were giving out from under him and his vision was slightly blurring. He found an inviting tree that looked like it would suit him. He placed down his saddlebags and slept under the night sky.


It was morning, vibrantly bright and three ponies stood around MetalHoof, one was orange, one was red, and the other was yellow. “What do we do sis?” The red one spoke with a deep voice.

“Ah dunno Mac, but we need too do something.” The orange one replied, pondering on what too do. The yellow one nudged Metalhoof.

MetalHoof’s eyes shot open and he sprang too his feet, ready for a threat. “Whoa slow down there cowboy, we ain’t gonna cause ya any harm, ya hear.” The orange one stated, her blonde mane swayed with her head movement.

MetalHoof settled down. “Alright, who are you?” He asked.

“We should be asking you the same thing, since you are on our property.” The red one monotonically replied.

“Well the names MetalHoof. Literally just MetalHoof.” MetalHoof said, his eyes had bags under them and he yawned.

“Th’names Big Mac, this here is Applejack” He pointed too the orange mare. “And this is AppleBloom.” he pointed too the yellow filly.

“Nice too meet ya MetalHoof.” Applejack greeted and shook MetalHoof’s hoof.

“Nice too meet you to Applejack.”

“Glad too meetcha Mr. Hoof.” AppleBloom said cheerfully.
“Good too meet you as well AppleBloom.” MetalHoof smiled. He was disguised as a friendly pony, he was still trying too make sure they didn’t know who he really was.

“Well MetalHoof, it’s good meet you but ah’m afraid you’ll have too leave this here estate. It’s apple bucking season and we need to steer clear from distractions.” Big Mac again monotonically said.

“Don’t have too tell me twice sir. Which ways the gate?”


MetalHoof exited the area and proceeded to PonyVille. He saw a number of buildings that seemed important. A tree house, that was made in a tree. MetalHoof saw a busy corner cafe or restaurant, the town hall and such things that seemed important too him.

MetalHoof entered the corner cafe and was greeted by a pink pony. “Hey there! Welcome too SugarCube Corner.”

“Table for one.” MetalHoof stated. He proceeded too his designated table, opened the menu, ordered his food and drinks and sat around, taking in his surroundings. The place was very colourful and vibrant.

After an hour of just sitting around the pink pony was in his face. “Hey!”

“Hi.” MetalHoof bluntly said.

“Are you new around here?” The pink pony asked.

“Yep. Moved in last night.” MetalHoof replied with a straight stare.

“Ooooh okay. Well I’m gonna throw you a welcome party!!” The pony said, pulling a cannon out of nowhere and was about to pull the string.

“No. You’re not. I don’t mean too be an ass but seriously, I don’t want a party.” ‘especially not now’ He thought.

The pink ponies mane was still super curly and fluffed up. “Okie Dokie Lokie! Maybe later?”

“Sure. Why not.” MetalHoof was still had a straight face and looked down at his food, a few crumbs were left and he was still hungry. “Can I get some more cake?”

“Yeparoony!” The pink one said and left for the kitchen. She returned no time later and MetalHoof ate his cake, payed the bill and left too explore the rest of Ponyville.

MetalHoof noted a path that lead too a forest. He was a bit curious as too where it lead too and went down the dirt road.

After a few minutes he arrived to a cottage resting next too the forest. A beautiful voice was whistling, humming, and singing with birds following suit when she ended. MetalHoof walked to the sound and peered around a tree to see what was going on. His assumptions were correct and he watched a pegasus sing to the birds in a harmony. She gave some of the birds tips on whether or not heighten their pitch or lower it and moved her hooves in a conductor like fashion. ‘That is the most beautiful mare I have ever laid eyes on’. MetalHoof thought. Her yellow coat matched her pink mane and tail. Her cutie mark was 3 butterflies set up in a triangular formation. MetalHoof accidently lost balance and fell onto the ground, making a thump on a ground. The pegasus heard it and the birds scattered. The pegasus quickly went to Metals side. “Oh my goodness. Do you need any help?”

“No I’m quite alright. The names MetalHoof.” MetalHoof greeted and stuck out his right leg, which had his tattoo. The mare backed away a few inches. “Sorry, didn’t mean too frighten you.” He chuckled a little bit and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Oh sir. You have some glass stuck in your coat.” The mare pointed out, there was some small fragments of glass left from his last encounter.

“Huh? Oh yeah, that’s quite a story.” MetalHoof laughed a little and gazed at the glass. ‘How do I still have glass stuck in my fur?! Such an atrocity’.

“Here let me help you with that.” The mare quickly got a first aid kit and some tweezers. “Now hold still.” She said and pulled hard enough on the glass that it took out some hairs.

“Ow” MetalHoof sighed. Ready for the next tugging. She pulled again and more hairs came out, and this went on for a few more pulls.

“Thanks” MetalHoof said.

“Oh it’s not a problem at all. Names Fluttershy by the way.” Fluttershy finally greeted herself.

“Nice too meet you Fluttershy. As I said I’m MetalHoof.” The two shook hooves.

“Well Mr. Hoof if you ever need any animal care please come here. I’m uhh... what you would call an animal expert.” Fluttershy explained.

“Alrighty. And thanks again for pulling out the glass, I didn’t know I had any left.”

“Hey Fluttershy!” Another pegasus yelled, her cyan fur and rainbow mane and tail blended together quite nicely.

“Oh hey Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy said.

MetalHoof just stood there, not really knowing too do. Watching the two communicate.

“I think Tank might be a bit sick Fluttershy, he hasn’t been very active as he used too be.” Rainbow Dash informed, holding up tank.

“Well it could be because of joint pain, age, his health could be varied on many different platforms.” Metalhoof said. His knowledge of the body swerving into his mind.

“How’d you know that?” Fluttershy asked. Her mind saying “Oh my gosh he’s smart and muscular, and oh so kind, well as far as I know. Plus he’s kind of handsome.”

“Well at Canterlot University, I majored in Anatomy, with two minors in biology and medicine. Well just a fraction of knowledge in medicine. Not really enough too consider it a minor. Basic knowledge is what I would call it.” MetalHoof replied, his mind jumping from fact too fact about the body.

“pfft. Egghead.” Rainbow Dash injected.

“Well you don’t have too be so rude about it.” MetalHoof joked.

“Yeah, well. I’m just not the super smarty pants type. Plus I’m Equestrias fastest flyer.” Rainbow Dash bragged with her head held high.

“But that doesn’t mean you’re the fastest overall in Equestria.” MetalHoof pointed out.

‘Oh dear, someponies challenging Rainbow Dash. Again. Better get some popcorn’ Fluttershy thought.

“Bring it little earth pony!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Right here, right now.” She got prepared for the race. Her tone was almost exact to Fat Colt Slims song “right here, right now.”

“Come at me sis!” MetalHoof taunted, getting on the starting line.

“Alright.” Started Fluttershy. “Race too the twisted oak and back.” She got in front of the two raising her hooves, then dropping them.

The two shot off with incredible speed. MetalHoof was a few inches ahead of Rainbow Dash, it was a short distance too the tree. He touched it and ran back. As he turned around, Rainbow had just touched the tree. The two were almost neck and neck, Metal was still in the lead though, his assassin job had made him better than anypony else. Fluttershy, at the finish line, held out her front hooves, first one too touch won the race. Then Metal touched her hoof first, by a half second difference. Metal skidded too a stop and turned around. Seeing Rainbow Dash gasping for air, he trotted over and smiled at her. “I won. Now don’t be so bummed about it.”

“Whatever man, I had a late start!”

“No. I was faster than you.” MetalHoof pointed out.

“Yeah whatever, so Fluttershy can you fix Tank the tortoise?” Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy but Fluttershy was looking at MetalHoof, his coat and mane looked so perfect together and she very much liked how he was built and his character wasn’t so bad. Rainbow noticed how she looked at him. “Hey Fluttershy, eyes this way please.” Rainbow turned Fluttershys head too face hers.

“What? Oh yeah sorry. I’ll find some medicine for Tank.” Fluttershy walked into her cottage and went searching for the correct herbs and recipes.

“Don’t you dare hurt Fluttershy you hear me?” Rainbow Dash told Metal with a stern voice and was an inch from his face.

“I hear ya, I hear ya.” Said MetalHoof, Rainbow Dash backed up a bit. “I wouldn’t dream about hurting a mare so kind and gentle like her. It sickens me when I see it happen.”

“Yeah, it’s awful but it happens.” Rainbow Dash said, she noticed the tattoos. “What’s with the tats?”

“What these? It’s nothing much, I just liked how it looked and I decided too get em put on.” Metal responded and shook his right leg.

“But I thought tattoos were on the skin, not fur.” Rainbow queried.

“These aren’t normal though.These sit on the fur instead. It takes longer for them to dry but this way I can shave the fur and it’ll be gone. But I love them too much too have them removed.”

Fluttershy walked out of her cottage with the herbs and recipes. “Here you are Dash. Just follow the instructions on the sheet and you’ll be fine.”

“Thanks Fluttershy. Anyways, remember what I said Metal.” And then Rainbow Dash flew off with Tank in her legs.

“So how’d you and Rainbow get along?” Fluttershy asked.

“Not exactly the best of first impressions but I think we got off on a good conversation.” MetalHoof responded. ‘Not really’.

“Yeah, shes like that sometimes.” Fluttershy shuffled closer to Metals side and looked in the same direction as him.

MetalHoof looked at her for split second. She was beautiful, even though her name was contradictory to how she was acting around him. “So Fluttershy, know any places I can stay tonight? I don’t have anywhere too stay.”

“Um... well I do have one room open but its full of feed, you wouldn’t want too sleep in there... Unless you wanted to...” Fluttershy opened up the option, her shying away with her mane covering one eye.

“hehe yeah I don’t really want to interrupt you and your animals. Is there a place you know I can stay at?”

“You could try Twilights house but I don’t know if she has any open rooms.” Fluttershy raised a hoof too her chin. “Theres Applejacks barn, they always have the top rooms open. umm... The Cakes might have room, thats Pinkies Pies parents.”

“Oh that pink one Sugarblock corner right?”

“Sugar Cube Corner too be exact.”

“Ah, my bad, I only arrived in town really early this morning and I just got out from a really long trip.”

“It’s quite alright. But I know Rarity doesn’t have any rooms. Umm... and Rainbow Dash lives up in the clouds, so you couldn’t really stay up there.” Fluttershy finished her list of friends available rooms.

“Well it seems like only AppleJack has any open rooms.” MetalHoof chuckled, he wanted too stay with Fluttershy but that would be a bit weird.

“Yep.” Fluttershy rubbed a hoof along the ground.

“Well I guess I’ll be off then.” MetalHoof rubbed his neck. “But hey, I heard you singing with your birds earlier.”

“Oh really?” Fluttershy was excited.

“Yeah it sounded amazing.” Fluttershy blushed deeply and MetalHoof started a walk. “Anyways, I’ll see you tomorrow maybe?”

Fluttershy only got redder. “Maybe, just maybe.”

MetalHoof left for Applejacks barn, luckily they had a bed too spare, his entire day had been consumed from eating, exploring, meeting with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. He had also been to the market which was very social and kind. He still wanted to see the famous boutique that was in Ponyville. He had somehow managed to escape the pink ponies party, reportedly it had something too do with a “fourth wall”, only ponies who can break it, can avoid others who can break it. Whatever it meant, he wasn’t too sure. He had also not visited the library/ tree home, it sounded like a remarkable feat and whoever created it deserved his respect.

As he laid in his temporary bed he thought about Fluttershy. ‘She was so beautiful, I can’t believe I was even in front of her without bowing.’ MetalHoof chuckled. ‘Tomorrow maybe. Just maybe.’ He thought again and went too sleep. His mind replaying the same story that happened only moments ago. His dreams played out multiple ways the entire meeting could’ve gone, like if he said the wrong things or he said the more charming words. But in his heart, he felt like he had spoken the right words.