Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Broken bones and love

Chapter 35

Private Dune walked out of the club with a smile on his face. Just because the war was a false alarm, doesn't mean they can't enjoy their stay in Manehattan. It just gives them more time to party and sight see.

He smiled to himself as he walked down the street, out of uniform. It felt great not to have to worry about being forced to wear it. That suit was uncomfortable and tight.

When he came upon the hotel that his unit was staying at, he stopped. Their unit was scheduled to head back to Canterlot after tonight. First thing in the morning actually.

The thing that bugged him the most is that he didn't fully enjoy him self. After tomorrow, its back to training and no fun.

He sighed, he should have broke his leg or something to get out of it. But, he didn't like the idea of breaking a leg.

He walked into the hotel lobby and headed for the stairs. Making his way to the fifth floor where his room was.

Upon entering it, he walked over to the window and looked out at the city of Manehattan. Another sigh escaped his lips and he turned for the bed. He had missed the nights of partying and having fun with his friends.

Being in the army has taken all that away. The worst part is when you join the Equestria Army, your in it for five long years. Most of the time that's great, but when your use to a life of fun and partying, it just slowly eats away at you.

But, its life. His life.

He walked over to the bed and jumped in. Dreading the next day.


I stumbled into my house, holding up my left hoof.

Damn it! I just had to try and do that stupid trick didn't I?! I was doing great till I got to cocky and slammed into that tree. I hope my hoof isn't broken.

Twilight walked up behind me reading a book on how to treat sprung and broken hoofs. I want to tell her to put the book down and get a real doctor, but I just don't have the heart to do that.

She looked up from the book and lifted me off the ground with her magic, "Okay, the book says your not suppose to be walking on a broken or sprung hoof."

I nodded, "I know that."

She looked back at the book, "It says your suppose to lay down and support the broken or sprung hoof with a sling or bandage." She said as she sat me down on my back on my couch.

She then levitated a roll of bandages over to me, "Okay Lance, can you lift up your hoof so I can bandage it?"

I raised an eyebrow and shook my hoof, which I can now tell is broken because its at an awkward position, "Uhhh, does it look like I can lift it Twi?"

She smiled weakly, "Sorry." She used her magic to lift my hoof up.

When she lifted it up my hoof, there was a loud snap.

My eyes went wide and I quickly reached over to the small table and grabbed a shirt. I shoved it in my mouth and let out a muffled scream.

Her eyes widened and she started reading through the book again, "I'm sorry, uhhh.... ummmm... Aha! It says not to move the broken hoof." She looked at me and smiled weakly, "Oops."

I looked at her, my eyes tearing up. I pulled the shirt out of my mouth, "Oh its fine. I just love the look of my broken hoof. I mean, all bent back and broken off the bone. I could keep it this way forever."

She rolled her eyes, "Even with a broken hoof, you still use sarcasm."

I smirked, "Ya gotta love me."

She smiled and went back to reading the book.

Seriously? She's relying on a book to fix my broken hoof? I'm so fucked.

As she read, a smile began to form on her face, "Aha! Now I see. I'm suppose to use a bone mending spell on it."

I went to clap, but screamed out in pain when I clapped my front hoofs together.

I winced and then smirked, "Bravo! Bravo! Now, do the damn spell... Please?"

She smiled slyly at me, "Somepony's a smart mouth."

I shrugged, "It keeps me busy."

She chuckled and turned, "I'll go get the spell book."

I nodded, "Yes, you do that. I'm not going anywhere."

She shook her head and walked into my library.

I laid my head back and tried to rest.

Sadly, that was not going to happen. Because right then, Greg walked in, high off his ass.

He stumbled over and looked at me with out of focus eyes.

I looked at him, "Uhhh, yo?"

He smiled with an open mouth, "Wow! Look at your hoof! Its all broken and hanging." He reached out and rotated it.

I held back a scream of pain and pushed him away with my free hoof. "No, Greg, you do not touch the broken hoof."

He shook his head, "Man, I'm not a damn dog. Just say leave me alone."

I grinned, "Leave me alone."

He shook his head, "I don't wanna." He said while crossing his hoofs.

I looked over to a small table and saw the water that David had poured sleeping pills in. Why did he leave it out in the open? "Hey Greg, I bet you can't chug that glass of water."

He smirked, "I bet I can." He said as he levitated it to his lips and chugged it. When he finished it, he threw it across the room and smirked, "Told ya I could do..."

He didn't get to finish his sentence because he was already falling backwards asleep.

I laughed, that had been funnier than I thought it would be.

A door opened and a few seconds later Twilight walked in.

When she saw Greg passed out on the floor, she shook her head, "Do I even want to know?"

I shook my head, "No. But I would like that spell right about now."

She smiled, "Somepony's a little needy today."

I shrugged, "Its just that time of the month."

She looked at me strangely, "What does that mean."

I chuckled, she didn't get the joke, "Oh nothing. So, spell?"

She sighed, "Coming up." Her horn glowed a deep purple. The same glow began form around my broken hoof.

It began to straighten up. And it felt like a thousand pieces of glass grinding against my skin and muscles.

Soon it was back to normal. Yay, now I can go break it again.

I stood up and put weight on it. Felt normal.

Twilight smiled proudly, "It worked!"

I laughed, "Of course it worked. You cast the spell, and if you cast the spell, its bound to work."

She smiled, "Thanks. And I'm sorry for telling you to do that trick."

I waved her off, "Oh its fine. I would have done it even if you told me not to."

She poked my chest, "Oh, you think you would?"

I smirked, "I know I would."

She bumped me and I fell onto the couch, on my back. "I wouldn't have let you."

I shrugged, "I still would have done it."

She jumped up on the couch and stood over me, her face inches from mine, "I don't think you would if I told you not to."

I grinned, "There's nothing you can do to stop me from doing tricks like that everyday."

She sat down on me. Her stomach against mine and her lips centimeters above mine. "Try me." She leaned down and began to kiss me.

Her tongue pressing against my lips. I opened my mouth and allowed her tongue in. I moved my tongue into her mouth and began to run it along her gums. She used her tongue to move mine out of her mouth and took full control. Her tongue began running along the top of my mouth and teeth.

I pulled her body close and undid my wings. I then wrapped them around her, holding her with my wings in a cocoon like embrace.

She broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes. "I love you Lance."

I smiled warmly, "I love you to Twilight, forever and always."

She blushed.

I chuckled and tighten my embrace around her, "So damn cute."

Her blush deepened, causing me to laugh.

I pushed her head down next to my neck.

We lay like that for a few minutes. My wings and hoofs wrapped around her in a loving embrace, and her head next to mine.

She let out a small yawn and snuggled up to me more.

I smiled, "Tired?"

I felt her nod, "Very."

I yawned. Damn it! Its true, yawning is contagious.

I put my head against hers, "Are you warm?"

"Yes, thanks to you."

I smiled, I couldn't help it.

After a few minutes of laying there, I felt myself falling asleep.


Greg groaned and slowly sat up. What happened?

He looked over to the couch to see Lance and Twilight laying together. Lance's wings wrapped around her.

He raised an eyebrow, why are they laying on the couch together? Why not the bed?

He shook his head and pulled out a blunt. As he light it, he heard the sound of paws coming down the stairs.

Soon, Weedy ran into the room and looked up at him, begging for a blunt.

Greg laughed and put one in his mouth, "You come when I light a blunt, but not when I call you?"

Weedy shrugged and turned to go back up stairs.

Greg sighed and followed. Might as well get some more weed, he was running low.