Love in Equestria

by Wolfe15

Musical Differences Pt 1

Musical Differences Pt 1
The Story of Vinyl Scratch and Octavia

Frowning, Vinyl Scratch fiddled with the hem of her dress and glared at her father. He stood, rather regally, in front of her talking to some snooty people. She herself was drifting and looking around the room. Oh how she hated these types of parties. "Fortissimo? Fortissimo Forte?" Glaring at the man in front of her, she transformed it into a grin and said, "Yes?"

"Wow! You're Fortissimo Forte? The daughter of Pianissimo Forte?!" She nodded slowly rolled her eyes as the man in front of her seemed to freak out. "I'm a huge fan of your fathers!" She nodded then looked away and towards the door. She really wished her mother was here. Sighing, she looked to her father who was glaring at the band.

"They are simply dreadful." He mumbled. She rolled her eyes then looked back to the door to see it open slowly as a woman walk in. She was dressed in the clothes of a DJ and she was looking around. Silently squealing, Vinyl rushed to the door and hugged the woman. "Mom!"

"Hey Fortissimo. Happy birthday. How're you holding up?"

"It's so boring!" The woman laughed and grabbed a glass of champagne from a butler. She downed it then winked. "Let's get out of here."

"What about dad?"

"Your father will be okay. Let's go so we can see Auntie Head." Smiling, Vinyl nodded then turned back. Her father was looking at them and staring.

"Mom...he's staring." Her mother looked at him then grimaced. " we can't leave...Oh well. Tomorrow night we can have fun." Her mother waved then blew the stuffy looking man a kiss before looking at Vinyl. "I'm going to change in the rest room k?" Vinyl nodded then drifted to her father. He smiled and said, "I'm glad your mother could make it."

"Same here."

"Have you see your brother and sister around?" Shaking her head, he walked off and she walked to a corner of the room.

"You can come out now." Two replicas of her came out from behind a plant and let out a deep breath.

"Thank's Fortissimo."

"No problem Mezzo." The three of them were triplets, Fortissimo (AKA Vinyl Scratch), Mezzo-Forte (AKA Enforcer), and Forte (AKA MIDI). The three were interested in different styles of music, some borderline the same, others were way different. One thing was for sure, none of their music matched their fathers. They were an unusual family of five but a family none the less. Their mother and her twin sister were the famous hardstyle DJ's Headhunterz, coming up with the name using both of their own. Auntie Head had gotten them interested in hardstyle music while their father tried to get them interested in classical.

Vinyl looked up to see her father on the stage yelling at one of the cello players, causing said player to run off. Vinyl rolled her eyes and grumbled, "Damn it. I'll do damage control today." She moved through the crowd and out the way the woman ran off in.

Octavia was having a bad day. She had a head cold, so her ears were stopped up badly, she was docked pay for being a minute late, her head was pounding and now her idol was telling her she had the tone of a deaf person playing the piano. She didn't think it was such a bad thing that she ran off. At least she couldn't embarrass herself further right? Wrong.

In her haste to escape she crashed into a server and caused the birthday kids cake to fall on her. Now she was covered in cake, sitting in mud under a tree, and sobbing. All in all...not a good day. She was trying to dry her eyes when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" She looked up and tried not to curl more into herself. It was one of the birthday girls herself. Fortissimo. Rubbing her eyes, Octavia nodded and slowly moved to her feet. "Whoa. You look a serious mess. Hey how bout we get you cleaned up and we can talk?" She nodded and rubbed her eyes. "I'm-."


"Vinyl. Call me Vinyl. I hate the name Fortissimo." Octavia flushed and nodded. "I'm Octavia." Vinyl grinned and they walked towards the house in silence. Vinyl got her up to her room and looked around frowning. "Hmmmmm, what can you wear?" Octavia looked in the mirror and grimaced at her red eyes and pale face. "Hey Octy. Do you mind wearing some thing fancy?" Octavia frowned at the nickname but shook her head.

"I don't mind. Why?"

"Well I do need to get back to the party. Hmmmmm, black or white?"


"Perfect! I have just the dress. Go shower." Vinyl tossed her a towel and pushed her into a bathroom.

Vinyl smiled and helped Octavia fix her bow tie, the only clean thing to her old outfit. Vinyl moved back and smiled wider. Octy looked good. The grey dress was slimming, making her narrow waist accent her hips, accenting her chest and showing a moderate bit of cleavage. Octy's hair was free of it's former ponytail, dried and looked silky. Her amethyst eyes were looking at her and she was fiddling with her bow tie. "Calm down Octy."


"I like Octy better." Octavia frowned but Vinyl grabbed her arm and pulled her from the room. "Let's get back to the party. Hey thanks for ruining the cake. I hate carrot cake." Octavia flushed but nodded and allowed the energetic woman pull her back to the party. As soon as they returned Vinyl hooked her arm through Octavia's and pulled her to her siblings. "Hey guys. This is Octy."

"Was she the girl dad embarrassed?" Octavia cringed and looked away while Vinyl and her sister, MIDI, smacked Enforcer in the back of the head. "Nice dress Miss..."


"Octy." Octavia frowned and Vinyl giggled, looking over to see her mother glaring at her father, who looked ashamed. "Guys let's leave." They looked at her then nodded. Octavia looked to where her cello rested and Vinyl caught the look. "I'll get it for you." Vinyl moved through the crowd, to the stage grinning. She managed to get Octy's cello and put it away before someone saw her. She was about to grab it when a hand grabbed hers and snapped out, "What are you doing?"

"Getting the cello?"

"Who do you think you are?!"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh." The party was quieting and people were looking at them. The angry violin player was looking at her expectantly and she shrugged. "Fortissimo." The violin player snorted and said, "Like hell you are! Leave my friend's stuff alone!" Vinyl rolled her eyes and moved to move her hand but realized it was tangled in a strap somehow. "Hold up."

"What the hell!?" The violin player tugged on the cello and Vinyl moved with it to avoid injury. The violin player looked close to killing her but Octavia rushed to the stage and yelled, "Golden Bow! That is Fortissimo!" Golden Bow sneered and snapped out, "This is Vinyl Scratch!"

"Unhand my daughter and don't you call her that vile name! She is not a "DJ"! She is a respectable cello player!" Vinyl cringed. Another thing they hadn't told her father. They didn't play classical music anymore. Golden Bow sneered and gave the cello a tug, causing Vinyl to wince. Octavia easily managed to get on the stage and that's when the fight broke out.