Supernatural: Day, Night, and Shadows

by BioQuillFiction

Chapter 14 Night: Completely Done With This Shit.

The Winchester siblings were on the road again, the new variety of monsters made things odd.

"So far we've seen that weird two legged ball bodied looking creature." Luna said.

"What do we even call that thing?" Sam asked.

“Mac-Pan? The scary cousin of Pac Man?” Dean asked, which considering it was a walking ball of teeth it seemed at least mildly apt.

"Yeah, no." Luna said with a frown.

"Uh, Mike Wazousky?" Sam offered.

"No. Besides, this thing has no eyes."

“Then hell if we know.” Dean shrugged.

"Hmm… how about Pinkie?" Luna said.

"Why Pinkie?" Sam asked.

"Kinda reminds me of the demon Pinkie from Doom." Luna said with a shrug.

“Eh, neither pink, nor an actual humanoid.” Dean brought up. “Though I have to wonder what was up with the huge nose…it being a walking ball of teeth? Fine, horror does that, but the giant ass nose?”

"Maybe it navigates by smell?" Sam said.

"Would make sense. No ears, eyes, smell would make the most sense. How about… Hound?" Luna offered.

“Eh, that works.” Dean shrugged.

"Okay, now what about that really ugly one? The one that looked like just a pile of organs moving around?" Sam asked.

"Gag me." Luna said, getting nauseous remembering that monster… and the smell.

“Let’s just pretend we never met that thing and it doesn’t exist, agreed?” Dean asked, shuddering at how awful that was even though his senses weren’t as good as Luna’s.

"It still needs a name cause odds are we're gonna eventually run into another one." Sam stated.

“Flesh Mound…” Dean said immediately. “That’ll be the name for that disgusting thing…”

"Fair." Sam said.

"Okay… how about that bird with a human skull for a head? Wasn't hostile but damn it was creepy."

“I mean, that just looked more like a standard vulture than anything.” Dean brought up. “Just with a human skull for…some reason.”

"Still weird." Luna said. "How about… Bone Bird?"

“Simple enough.” Dean shrugged.

"What I just wanna know is are all these new monsters coming from the same place Luna came from?" Sam asked.

"If they are then no wonder I and others are coming here. Fuck that." Luna said.

“I don’t think they are.” Dean said. “Cause think about it, do any of us really believe that any of those monsters could come from a world that’s more or less candy colored pony land?”

"I don't even know anything about where I'm from."

“I’m just trying to connect some dots on these monsters not being apart of your world, cause so far we’ve seen you, Spike, and Applejack, and besides you being a more ‘Night’ themed pony, Spike and Applejack were so bright and colorful and the monsters we’ve seen so far look more…’gritty’ or something like that.” Dean said, trying to figure out the proper word to explain how the monsters felt different than what the three world hoppers felt.

"They kinda look like they belong here if HP Lovecraft was allowed to make monsters." Sam said.

“Just with a lot less racism.” Dean said honestly.

"What I wanna know is why the hell they're all appearing now. If our meeting with Applejack told us anything it's that at least my kind have been showing up for years, centuries even. So why are these monsters showing up now?" Luna asked.

"Hell if-" Dean started, stopping as his phone rang and he quickly picked up. "Yeah? Oh, hey… yeah… alright well be there." Dean hung up, quicky stopping the car and turning it around. "We got a job guys."

"What's up?" Luna asked.

"Remember Jerry Panowski?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, you, dad and I helped him with a poltergeist thing. Did it come back?"

"Nope. He said it's something worse. A lot of somethings actually." Dean said, hitting the gas as the Impala roared and sped down the road.

"Worse than a poltergeist? Crap." Luna huffed, putting her illusion necklace back on.

“Just another day in this crazy new world.” Dean shook his head.

The siblings made it to their destination, an airport hanger where Jerry worked.

Upon their arrival the trio was shown a recording from a recently crashed plane. The pilots calling for support and powerful winds as the cabin was exposed to the sky around it… then a roar. A loud roar.

"The hell is that?" Sam asked.

"No idea." Jerry said. "But, what I do know is, that plane was making a B line for a fatal crash. And it was soon found torn up but along a beach in northern California. A flight attendant said she saw a man somehow open the doors, something physically impossible, and everyone swears right after that roar, there was a shining light, then a jolt like something grabbed the plane. Next thing they knew they all were on that beach."

"And that plane wasn't heading to California was it?" Luna asked.

"No." Jerry said.

“Alright, so either we have the world’s most pissed Thunderbird, or we got something even worse going on.” Dean brought up, remembering the old native american stories about the giant ass bird.

"Whatever it is, whatever made that roar, saved those people." Jerry said.

"What about the man you said the attendant saw open the door? That's sealed by intense pressure and high strength locks." Luna said.

"Yes. They flew out the door the second it opened, but she said she swore for a moment before he pulled the door open that his eyes turned black." Jerry said.

"A demon?" Sam asked.

"Why would a demon cause a plane crash?" Luna asked.

"Actually, some mythes actually state that natural disasters and such are caused by demons. Fires, plagues, floods, all of that."

"And now plane crashes. Great, demons modernizing with the times…" 

“And this flash of light, was it more of a golden light or like someone just flashbanged everyone?” Dean asked.

"All I know is they said it showed up, the plane jolted. Oh, but I did get these a bit before you came." Jerry said, taking out his phone and pulling up his emails. "Investigations sent me this as part of the damages for insurance and such…"

The photo showed was part of the plane's outside, where the metal was clearly pressed in, a three fingered hand like intend in the side with almost claw like thin cuts where it possibly grabbed the plane. 

"Well… whatever saved the plane… it's not just strong, it's big…" Luna said, the size of the indent was from the top to belly of the plane just behind the wings.

“This is getting weirder and more concerning.” Dean frowned, trying to think of what monster he knew that could do this, cause even a Thunderbird wasn’t as big as a plane.

"So, a demon causes a plane crash, and a giant glowing something comes in and saves it?" Sam stated. "Alright… well, no idea if or should we see whatever the thing in the sky is, but the demon, the demon we can definitely deal with."

"Yep…" Dean sighed. "This is gonna be a bitch."

With the information in tow the siblings went to a nearby motel where they started researching.

"Okay, lots of lore on demons causing disasters, mass death, all that stuff." San started.

"Nothing online about the supposed monster that saved the plane." Luna added. "Officials are probably keeping the story quiet cause I doubt they know what's going on either."

Dean was on the bed cleaning his guns.

“Well, if it’s like the other monsters we’ve met so far, a quick filling of lead can do the job.” Dean said. “And for the Demon…well I’m sure it’s just another prick that likes causing ‘accidents’ because it thought it was funny.”

"Actually a lot of the lore here says it's more like a job." Sam said. "The demons who cause these incidents do so as an almost ritualistic slaughter. Killing so many people before, I dunno, hibernating until they awaken and cause another catastrophe."

"Also you do know we can't bring guns on planes?" Luna said. "And why kill what saved the plane and all those people?"

“I know, but for the thing that saved the plane? Well, it still could be dangerous, there’s been plenty of creatures that ‘helped innocent people’ but then immediately started killing people after.”

"Maybe? I dunno. Something about those claw marks seemed… familiar." Luna said with a hum.

"Well whatever it is, I also doubt a gun can stop it. Especially if it's flying as the same height as air planes, possibly higher." Sam added 

Dean sighed. “You’re probably right…well, we won’t figure things out until we actually get up there, maybe we’ll meet the demon after it failed to cause a disaster due to this new creature.”

"You're probably right." Sam said. "According to this should anyone survive it the demon will hunt the survivors and they will meet the fate the escaped last time."

"That's hundreds of people it's gonna be targeting." Luna frowned.

"And they're all across the US from us currently…" Sam huffed.

“Ugh…remember when our jobs were a lot simpler?” Dean groaned.

"The fact you can compare which job is simple and which isn't is upsetting." Sam's phone rang and he quickly picked it up. "Hey, Jetty what's… I'm sorry what? … Yeah we'll be there soon." Sam said, hanging up, closing his laptop and getting up. "We gotta rush to the airport, Jerry said there's monsters attacking it."

"New or old monsters?" Luna asked.

"New." Sam said as Dean handed him a gun and the siblings rushed to the Impala. "Get this, he said they were 'flying zombie torsos'." Sam quoted.

"Fucking why?" Dean asked in exacerbation. "Who came up with this shit?" He groaned as he loaded his guns.

"Lovecraft?" Luna offered.

The trio were close to the airport already, and upon arrival they were met by exactly what Jerry described.

The monsters were decaying human torsos. Partly rotting with the lower spine sticking out and moving with a sharp end like a stinger. Those with arms either had them ending in sharp jagged bone or claw like boney fingers. Something they all had were large bat like wings that kept them flying.

"I'm not even sure Lovecraft could have thought of this shit." Sam said as she shot at one. The bullets downing the creature and two more ended it. "At least they die easily."

"Yeah, still glad that the power of gun is always an option with this new shit." Dean said, shooting and hitting another of the creatures heads as it fell to the ground dead.

"You're just happy you get to shoot something." Luna said as she also fired off at the flying abominations.

"That's also true."

The trio worked fast, shooting the numerous flying creatures down and eventually slaying the last of them.

Once it was clear Jerry and the other employees walked out from their hiding place within the hanger. "Jesus Christ the hell are these things?" Jerry asked as he walked with Sam, Dean and Luna over to the pile of the monsters corpses.

"No idea. These are new to us as well." Luna said.

"Yeah, we've never seen or heard of anything like this." Dean added in agreement, though he did take a look to see if these things dropped anything.

"Where did they come from?" Sam asked.

"I don't know." Jerry said. "One moment everyone is working, usual stuff. Next thing there's some screeched then screaming and they were everywhere." Jerry said. "Are they related to the demon or that thing that saved the plane?"

"Doubt it." Luna said. "Demons usually only work with other demons and whatever that huge thing is, doubt it's Master to these things otherwise it would have just had them eat everyone in the plane when it grabbed them."

Dean, after cutting one of the monsters open found what appeared to be a heart. Misshapen and a sickly purple but seemed to still be beating. Even after removing it from the body.

"Oh that is gross." Jerry said, turning around and attempting to hurl.

"Yeah, this is really gross…" Dean said. *Double check the rest, and if their hearts are still bleeding stop it." Dean said, not wanting to take any chances with these things magically coming back to life.

He brought out a knife, bringing it to the organ and trying to stab it.

The knife tip broke off.

"Well that's not good…" Luna said.

"Let's rip the hearts out of all of them quickly and see what destroys them later." Sam said.

Dean nodded and grabbed the heart and tried to rip it out.

In total there were thirty of the odd hearts, and once they were removed the bodies finished decaying into nothing more than bones and rotten flesh.

Back at the hotel, the siblings stared at the tub of still beating purple monster hearts.

"So… what do we do now? Knives don't work. Neither does fire. Or bullets… or holy water." Sam said.

"Kinda hoped the holy water would work." Luna huffed.

"See if someone is willing to buy them?" Dean asked. "Cause these are practically indestructible for a reason, and there might be some weirdo merchant from wherever the hell these came from that would want them."

"I'd rather not risk selling them." Sam said. "Maybe… send them to Bobby?"

"If anything he could hide them." Luna added.

"Or Spike could eat them if it's too much of a hassle, I mean he can eat raw metal and be fine, we barely know what dragons can do or consume." Dean pointed out. "Would be funny if Spike was magically these things natural predator."

"I doubt it." Luna said flatly.

"Well this day just gets weirder and weirder." Sam said, walking back into his laptop and checking something fast.

"Yep…and checking to see if these things were spotted elsewhere?"

"Well, our catastrophe demon is supposed to hunt down and kill the plane survivors, which has been all of them. I was checking the news and plane departures in the area in California. No reports of plane crashes or troubles. All the people are already booked for new flights, several already taken off, in the air or already arrived… the demon is just gone."

"You sure?" Luna asked.

"Crashing one plane at a time wouldn't be an issue considering once the thing was going down it was set, could smoke out of the host body and head rapidly to the next plane." Sam stated.

"Unlike a demon to abandon a murder spree. Maybe another hunter in the west coast got to it?"

"Maybe. Still it doesn't fit right with me."

"I doubt it, cause this mystery creature dropped them all off, then suddenly our demon gives up? I don't think a Hunter could work that fast…" Dean questioned.

"That makes nine catastrophe demons this year." Castiel said, removing his blade from the possessed humans stomach. "If the almighty is gone it would explain your breed coming out of the woodworks. Sensed the change, figured it was time to cause chaos."

"You're talking to a corpse dad…" Celestia said.

"I know, but Metatron says I need to be more dramatic when slaying demons. Says it adds a psychological aspect. Not sure why, they're dead already."

"Pretty sure it's for when they're still alive, dying slowly or there's a group…"

"Hm. That makes more sense."

"We'll keep an eye out for it." Sam said. "Should stick around here for a while too. More of these…"

"Torso Bats?" Luna offered.

"Sure. More of them might show up."

"Which is mildly terrifying…" Dean said carefully.

The siblings all stayed in the hotel to monitor the airport and kept tabs on all air traffic. The silence that was the following days was an eerie calm.

Eventually the siblings decided to pack up and return to Bobby to have the Torso Bat hearts looked at.

"Just let us know should anything happen again." Jerry said.

"Thanks. Still feels anti climatic." Luna huffed. "Demon vanished, sky beast still unknown, and no more of those things showed up."

"I'd consider that mostly good." Jerry started, quickly pulling out an envelope and handing it to Dean. "And this is for saving us back there. Everyone figured given what happens, well, you three deserve it."

Dean took the envelope, seeing various tens, twenties, a few fifties and even a hundred in there. "Thanks, oh uh, I was wondering… how did you get my number?"

"Oh, I got it from your dad's voice mail. His number was the first I called and the voice mail told me to call your number."

With that, Jerry left back to the airport hanger, and Sam, Dean and Luna sat in the car.

"Dad isn't picking up his phone…" Luna said.

"Yeah…" Dean said carefully. "So something's still up there…"

"Where the hell did he go?" Sam asked. "Also, since when does he leave contact information for Dean on his phone voicemail?"

"This is different form when Dad normally vanishes…" Luna said. "You think it has something to do with these new monsters?"

"Or the Demon that killed mom." Sam offered.

"Could be both, could be neither, who knows with him or anything at this point…" Dean shook his head.

"Well… let's head to Bobby's."

The road trip was quite. None of the siblings really knew what to think or what to say.

Eventually they arrived at Bobby's. Spike made them all a meal and late into the night Dean and Bobby were sitting on the porch, beers in hand looking at the night sky.

"Those hearts are a real trip." Bobby said. "I'm getting too old for all this new monsters and crap."

"I know…I know…" Dean sighed. "What do you think of those hearts?"

"Well… would make good cannon balls if nothing else. Other than that, nothing in any lore or texts I have."

"Yeah, those things are tough." Dean agreed. "But….this is all happening too fast…"

"Tell me about it." Bobby sighed, taking a sip of his beer. "New monsters, old monsters, whatever and wherever Luna and Spike came from… feels like everything we know is just changing."

"And it doesn't feel like any known Apocalypse event written." Dean said, sipping his beer as well. "No Ragnarok, no Four Horsemen, no giant fuck off snake about to devour the sun…nothing."

"To be fair, hoards of monsters is probably more survivable than those other three." Bobby shrugged. "If these new things keep showing up, soon everyone will know Monsters are real and a threat… might make the work easier. Or just get a bunch of idiots looking for fame killed. Either or."

"Most likely dumbasses getting themselves killed." He shook his head. "Let's just hope this doesn't lead to something drastically worse…"

"Ya just had to-"


"Jinx… it…" Bobby huffed, his Beer now all over himself as the massive crash/earthquake shook the ground for miles.

"The Fuck was that?!" Sam asked rushing down from upstairs and outside.

"Whatever it was ruined my game collection!" Luna yelled, jumping out the window and down to her siblings and uncle. "I had all those alphabetized, in order by sequel and categorized by console!"

"Fuck if I know." Dean said, looking around for wherever the fuck that explosion came from. "And you can restart the damn collection sorting if they weren't broken and you still had them all in a proper case."

"What's going on?" Spike asked as he came out as well.

"No idea… that explosion… whatever it was, felt like it came from everywhere." Bobby said. Suddenly, Bobby heard something. A distant heavy thud. He grabbed his shotgun and turned on the attached flashlight, seeing one, two, four, six Hound monsters. "Inside now!" He yelled.

"The fuck are this many Hounds doing here!?" Dean yelped, getting up and pulling out his pistol.

Quickly Bobby pushed everyone inside, Dean standing guard at the door as Luna and Sam got their own guns and began loading ammo.

"That explosion must have been them all showing up." Sam said.

"Think Six is all that's our there?" Luna asked.

"If we're lucky." Bobby said. "Spike, back upstairs now."

"Okay Bobby!" Spike said, rushing back upstairs.

"Dean how's it looking out there?"

Dean looked out the window carefully, seeing the Hounds roaming the perimeter. "Well…either their waiting for something or smelling for something else…" Dean frowned.

"Doubt they haven't caught our smell." Luna muttered.

Sam peeked outside of the window, seeing two of the Hound monsters lumber around, sniffing the ground and searching for something. "Maybe they won't attack? They look less interested in the house and more interested in the dirt."

"Yeah, two look like they're looking for something…" Dean frowned.

"Well, only accounts of these things we've had so far is the one you three ran over and the one Rufus brought here that wasn't dead." Bobby said. "Guess this is a chance to see how they typically act."

"True." Dean said as he Spike saw sitting atop the stairs, a pencil and paper and ready to do his magical scribe work.

Two of them were continuously sniffing the dirt.

One seemed to be headbutting a tree.

Two more were slamming into one another like rams.

The last one flopped to the ground and seemed to be asleep.

"Well… not what I was expecting…" Sam said.

"So…like wild animals…" Dean frowned.

"Dumb wild animals." Luna added.

"Still, they're strong. Damage that one did on Rufus's car was bad." Bobby added. "Hmm… I wonder…" Bobby walked outside, the nearest one of the Hound monsters sniffing towards Bobby.

Bobby took a step towards it.

It took a step back.

"So, what was the one Rufus brought so nasty?" Spike asked.

"He hit it with his car then stuffed it in the trunk." Luna said. "Thing must have been in pain and afraid. Like any wild animal it lashed out."

"Huh…right then." Dean said honestly. "That is very interesting…wonder how strong it's sense of smell really is."

Bobby walked back inside. "Well… looks like these things are harmless unless provoked…"

"That's a first." Sam said.

"Yeah, very surprising." Dean said. "So we have two monsters that are harmless unless provoked…good to know."

"Well, I doubt six can just cause all that shaking and noise." Spike said.

"True. Maybe there is more… or…" Luna started, noticing the light above the distant Tree Line. "What? It's still midnight…"

"Oh you gotta be shitting me…" Sam said.

"You three head to town, Spike and I will keep fort here." Bobby said.

“I knew there was something wrong with that explosion.” Dean frowned, rushing off to the car to head off to town.

Luna and Sam followed, jumping in and Dean floored it. The lights from the fire grew larger and larger. Soon they entered the town, and found chaos.

Buildings were on fire as bipedal monsters with gray hyde and horizontal maws of needle like teeth from forehead to chin. They had barbs protruding along their skin, claws twice the lengths of a human finger, and everywhere they walked, everything they touched melted and burst into flames.

"What the hell are those things!?" Luna yelled. 

“I don’t know but we have to kill these things fast before they cause more damage.” Dean said, not caring how horrific these fuckers are they need to die.

The siblings got out of the Impala, and opened fire. These things were fast, but a few well placed shots to the chest or head killed them regardless.

"Help!" Someone cried from a nearby store, half on fire.

"I got them!" Luna yelled, rushing over to the store front.

“We’ll cover you.” Dean called out, reloading his pistol quickly. “Seriously, what the fuck is going on with all these damned monsters…”

"Shoot more, talk less!" Sam yelled, shooting three of the monsters with a rifle.

Luna, throwing discreet to the wind, used her magic and yanked the door off. Several people immediately rushing out. "Head to Bobby Singer's scrapyard! It's safe there!" She yelled as the survivors made a run for the dirt road to Bobby's place.

"There's gotta be more around, let's check the clinic and police station, basic evaluation centers!" Sam yelled.

“Alright, let’s get going.” Dean nodded as he ran off to the police station, already hearing gunshots ring out with sirens as the police were hopefully getting involved.

Dean soon arrived at a battlefield. Police and armed civilians willing to fight. They shot at the flaming monsters, the intestinal ones, and Torso Bats.

"Hey you!" One of the cops, a female officer yelled out at Dean. "Get your ass in here now!"

Dean ran over. “What’s the situation officer?”

"That's Sherief, and not good." She said. "Four of my best men are dead, three are injured and the only ones here shooting are the local hillbillies." She said. "You one of Bobby's kids?" She asked, looking Dean over. "Swear I've seen you and the other two around Singer's place often."

“More like surrogate dad for us, but we treat him like an uncle.” Dean said honestly. “But alright, good to know things are going to hell, I got a start on where to go from here.”

"Not until those flying freaks are gone." She said, a Torso Bat flying by the window. "Those things ate my sniper. We need to clear those things out before we can get the civilians out. So, what's this evac?"

“Mostly just trying to clear a path to head towards Bobby’s place.” Dean said. “But the Torso Bats are a bitch, but you need to aim for the heads, and when they land, you have to rip out their hearts to fully make them stop, you can’t shoot their hearts cause their stupidly durable…and before you ask, me, my brother and sister had to kill like thirty of these fuckers at an Airport.”

"The hell you three do that you've seen and killed those flying things before?"

“Good Samaritan.” Dean said vaguely. “But that’s not important at the moment, we have to move quick and deal with the Torso Bats.”

"Well grab a gun or two and as much ammo as you can carry but most of these people aren't moving from here without transport."

“Right…” Dean frowned, aiming and popping the head off one of the Torso Bats. “I’ll be right back to get something.” He said, heading off to try and find a big enough vehicle to get people out of here.

Meanwhile, Luna and Sam were arriving at the clinic. The doors partly fortified by various chairs and a desk as Torso Bats and something else stood at the doors. 

It was huge, easily nine feet tall and built like a pro wrestler. It wore only a pair of metallic leggings in the shape of hooves legs. It turned, showing an Ox like head and horns with pulsating red eyes.

"You have got to be shitting me…" Luna huffed.

“Okay…so a minotaur…fuck.” Sam groaned. “Alright, so unless this thing is smart, we can treat it like a rodeo bull and get it to charge recklessly at us where we can deal with it.”

The Minotaur looked at the two for a time, eventually it walked over to part of the hospital, a pillar. It gripped it, the concrete and metal beneath bending and cracking until it pulled a chunk of the pillar off. It made itself a club.

"You… just had to say something." Luna said through gritted teeth.

“I said ‘so unless’, don’t you fucking start.” Sam hissed, raising his gun and firing at the Minotaur.

While it did break the skin and make it bleed, the round did not go deep and the beast roared as it raised the club.

The two dodged the massive makeshift club, Luna quickly taking aim towards it's eyes trying to blind it.

Her shots missed just barely and made the Minotaur rush her.

Sam, already back up took aim at the beast and fired, hitting it in an eye.

It roared, now half blinded. Luna took the chance to run over to her brother.

As she did, something tackled the Minotaur. It was a man, African, bald and with no hesitation he grabbed the bull by the horns and pulled, the head tearing off the neck with cracking bones and ripping flesh.

Sam and Luna immediately raised their guns to the newcommer. "Oh come now I just saved you." He said, tossing the head of the Minotaur aside. "I believe the term is 'Thank You'."

“You literally ripped off a Minotaur’s head with no hesitation and not really much effort…” Sam said carefully. “While I do agree, thank you, uh…who the fuck are you?”

"Close enough." The stranger shrugged. "I don't really have a name, most call me Alpha, to my daughter I am simply father."

"Alpha?" Luna asked. "As in, one of the mythical Alpha Monsters? First of your kind?"

"Indeed." He said, showing his fangs, making the siblings raise their weapons again. "Oh come now, no need for that. Wouldn't work anyway." The Alpha Vampire shrugged.

Sam sighed, leaning to the side and firing a bullet and hitting a Torso Bat. “So why are you here Alpha? Pissed these things are taking your food or are you just bored?”

"First off, rude, second, it's a favor to my daughter." He stated. "She has taken quite a liking to you Winchesters, Luna in particular, and to be honest she believes you can help us and the codependency."

"Codependency?" Luna asked.

"A topic for a later date. For now, I believe you have a hospital to evacuate?"

“Yes…” Sam sighed, not even wanting to get into this and get an even bigger headache. “We got people to save, monsters to kill…and so many things to unpack on this one conversation alone.”

"When you Winchesters wish to talk I will be waiting." With that, the Alpha rushed off. A blur to their eyes as they ran.

Despite the information, the two shook it off and rushed to get the clinic patients and staff to safety.

"An Alpha?" Bobby repeated.

“Yes, an Alpha.” Dean also repeated. “An Alpha Vampire, and…he said that not only was Luna important to his daughter, but this ‘Codependency’, whatever the hell that is.” He said, given what Sam said to him and just saying it word for word cause even he was so absolutely confused as to why this was going on.

"Yeah." Sam replied.

"That thing was almost bulletproof and he killed it like nothing." Luna said.

"Well… Alpha Monsters are… well, frankly I thought they were a legend, or better, dead but… clearly not." Bobby said.

“And you're saying he just…wants to talk?” Dean asked Sam in growing concern. “I mean, sure, monster’s nearly demolished a town…but still.”

"Nearly? Dean you saw the damage. Most of the town is burned, the rest is melted and most of the homes are without power." Luna said. "Whatever this Alpha wants he wants to speak to the three of us."

“There is still at least some of the town left.” Dean pointed out. “But when are we going to meet Alpha? Cause if they came to you two immediately to ask for a talk with us it must be important.”

"He said he'd be waiting so… probably if we walk into town he'll show up?" Sam suggested.

"For the record, I think this is stupid." Bobby said. "But you three are gonna go anyways, so grab some anti Vamp gear."

"We've never killed a Vamp Bobby." Luna said. "What do we bring?"

"Good machete. If ya can find it, dead man's blood. Stuff is poison to them. Not to sure if this Alpha can be killed with those but if anything just in case can probably slow them down."

"We coat the blade in the blood then?" Sam asked.

"Or put it in a needle. Inject it into them. Machete is more for decapitating them. Quickest way to end them."

"Works for me…though you did mention he had a daughter right? Someone that had an interest in Luna?" Dean asked.

"I can't think of…" Luna paused. "Chrysalis…"

"That woman that gave you the spell book?" Sam asked.

"She's the only person I can think of."

"I mean…maybe she's also from where Luna came from? Maybe that's why they're interested?" Dean said.

"If that's the case… then this just got so much weirder." Luna sighed.

"Cause when don't things get weirder for us?" Dean said sarcastically.

"Well, still, go but go armed. I'd go with ya but, gotta keep those still here at ease. As is they're still skittish about the Hounds. Also, found out what they eat." Bobby said.

"What do they eat?" Sam asked.

"Shit. Actual shit. Damn things dug up my septic tank. Didn't even know it til they picked the damn thing clean."

"Okay now that is nasty…" Luna said, looking green.

"It was… plus side, they seem to vomit back up some high grade fertilizer a few hours later."

"Now I'm glad I skipped breakfast…" Sam muttered, holding back bile.

"Fucking…gross~" Dean groaned.

After that unwanted information the siblings gathered their weapons and went back into town.

The ruins were like something out of post apocalyptic fiction.

They soon spotted the Alpha Vampire, sitting in a partially burned cafe. "Came sooner than expected." He said, reading through an old book. 

"Yes, we decided to take your presence and wanting to talk seriously." Dean said honestly. "So…what is it you want to talk about?"

"Not me. Her." He pointed to behind the three.

Turning immediately the three spotted the green haired woman with equal green eyes, pale skin and wearing all black. "Hey Luna." Chrysalis said with a nod.

"So I was right." Luna said.


"And you're like me then?"

"Also yes but in a very different way." Chrysalis said. "I take down my disguise you take yours down?"

"I guess." Luna nodded.

The two did just that. Luna by removing the necklace and Chrysalis after being covered in green flames and reverting. The two looked one another over for a while.

"So you're like a-"

"If you say bug I swear…" Chrysalis growled.

"So…you're a shapeshifter or something?" Dean inquired. "A little too much pomp and circumstance with the green flames but still."

"All I remember upon arriving here was my name and that I was a Changeling." Chrysalis said.

"Not like any changelings we've ever seen." Sam said.

"That's what Auntie said. Father as well "

"Alright, well… what do you want?" Luna asked.

"Honestly. An alliance." 

"An alliance? Why?" Dean asked.

"Let me ask you three a question. When you hunt the monsters that make a mess of things, usually there is only the one, yes?"

"Usually yes…" Dean admitted, thankful that it's mostly been the one per incident.

"And why do you think that's been the case when majority of monster species dwell in nests or packs?" 

"Because if you were more obvious hunters or the common people would have hunted you down?" Dean brought up, which was a decent point when monsters didn't want to be found.

"For some, yes. The rest, are working with the Monsters Codependency Alliance."

"The… Monsters….What?" Sam asked.

"Human nations gather allies, trade and work together and pool resources, information and skills, I figured, why not do the same for the Monsters? Majority were once human."

“Oh…”  Dean said in mild fear at what that truly means.

"So… what exactly do you do in this… Codependency?" Luna asked.

"Simple. We help one another remain hidden and Acquire what is needed to survive." Chrysalis said. "While the majority of these monsters require humans as food, keep in mind that as per Codependency guidelines only specific humans are on the menu."

“And who are these…specific humans?” Dean inquired.

"Mass murderers, rapists, pedophiles, racists, basically anyone more modern sane humans would throw in jail, including death row inmates. I fact most prisons that have death row actually are owned by use."

"How long… how long have you been doing this?" Sam asked.

"About four hundred years." Chrysalis said. "Humans as much as you don't like to admit, have far more evil and monstrous tendencies than the actual monsters."

"True. We may use your kind for food but it ends at that. The people we've killed to make a meal of were real works of twisted art. Demons from hell would probably recruit them when they arrived." Alpha added in.

“Eh…kinda true…” Dean said sheepishly.

"Still, if you're group has been eating that many evil people… why are there still so many around?" Luna asked.

"I said humanity has no real shortage of evil. Even the longest lived of us need time to rest before the next… indulgence. Besides, despite the effectiveness most, even with their Alpha Monsters support of this cause find the prospect insulting. Thinking they are better than humans. In a way they are but how they act and treat their former species… The Codependency takes in and looks after only the monsters who wish to feel like they can be safe and belong. Those you Hunters find in the wild and kill are no different than the human psychopaths we feed on." Chrysalis stated.

"Your group just wants to live… and be left alone?" Luna asked.

"Basically." Chrysalis nodded.

“Uh…huh…” Dean frowned.

"So, what do you want with us?" Sam asked. "This whole thing you have going on seems to be working fine for you?"

"Simply put, there are certain things that will require a Hunter's touch. No better hunter's than the Winchesters." Chrysalis said.

"You want us… to kill monsters?" Luna asked.

"Rogue elements. The goal of this organization has always been prioritizing the safety of it's members. A newly Acquired wealth of invaluable information that, if the experiments going underway are a success, will remove humans from the food equation entirely. All I need you three to do, is be on call and ready for when my people contact you and send you the information on rogue elements or hostile nests and dens."

“So…basically our jobs?” Dean asked slowly. “And what information? Cause finding something that can stop your need for human flesh entirely is quite a massive thing.”

"In due time. I won't lay out all my secrets on the table, otherwise I'd risk a backstabbing. But you will be compensated for the work you take from us."

"Compensated how?" Sam asked.

"Information. Spell ingredients. An allowance."

“How much on the ingredients and allowance? And what kind of information?” Dean inquired.

"Father and I have an extensive collection of texts and artifacts. Should one be of use on one of your jobs, ask and you can gain access to them. The ingredients we have plenty of. Many witches in the group and all kinds of specialty farms to grow and harvest them. Tell us what you need and we can gather it. As for the allowance." Chrysalis pulled out a credit card in her magic, floating it over to Dean who took it. "Try not to exceed five grand a week alright?" She asked with a smirk.

Dean nearly fell on his ass. He's only ever had that in debt under fake credit card scam names.

Sam eyed the card. That was two months of his old part time job when he was in college.

Luna was wondering how to blow it all on games and comic books.

“Excuse me…but uh…can we take a moment and mull this over?” Dean asked carefully.

"If you wish."

The three siblings immediately huddled around one another.

"That's a lot." Sam said.

“Yes…it is a hell of a lot.” Dean said. “And no, we’re not spending five grand on games and comic books.” Dean said to Luna specifically, who blew a raspberry at him at the correct accusation.

"How else are we gonna spend five grand a week? Booze, burgers and bullets?" Luna countered.

"Guys. It's five grand. Access to all kinds of texts and supplies for spells or monster hunting. We can just split it by four. We each get one thousand, two hundred and fifty with the fourth cut going to Bobby cause, well, it's Bobby we owe him it anyway for Spike, and everything else." Sam said.

"Ugh. Why do you have to make a fair point." Luna whined.

“Because one of us has to.” Dean said honestly, ruffling the young mares mane as Luna pouted at that.

"You do know that means it's not you either right?" Luna huffed.

With that the siblings walked back over to the pony insect changeling and Alpha Vampire.

"Well?" Chrysalis asked.

“We accept.” Dean said readily.

"Excellent!" Chrysalis said, clapping her hooves together and levitating another item to Dean, a Cell Phone. "We'll be in touch. Oh, and some newly gained allies will be contacting you soon as well. Try not to shoot them on sight." 

In a flash of green, Chrysalis and the Alpha were now gone.

"Well… that happened." Sam said.

“Well…it’s…at least something positive.” Dean said honestly.

"Wonder who this ally she's talking about is?" Luna wondered aloud.

“Yeah, there’s a lot of shit going on and I don’t like it…” Dean agreed. “I especially don’t like how they just…somehow figured out some infinite food source without anyone knowing.”

"Maybe it's just infinite food for monsters?" Sam suggested. "Humans probably can't even eat it."

“But all monsters need specific parts of a human, like blood, the heart, and so one.” Dean brought up.

"Well, maybe we'll find out later." Luna said with a shrug.

“Eh, maybe.” Dean shrugged. “But right now, we have resources we couldn’t normally get, info we couldn’t normally get…and five grand.”

"So, should we find an ATM or…?" Sam asked.

"Actually," the siblings jumped, turning around and seeing a scraggly bearded man in a black suit. "Hello boys, and pony."

"Uh…who are you?" Dean asked carefully. 

"The names Crowley." He said, blinking as his eyes changed to pitch black. The siblings all raised their guns. "Hey, is that anyway to treat an ally?" He asked, blinking as they returned to normal.

"You're the one Chrysalis and Alpha talked about?" Luna asked.

"The both of us, actually." Turning the trio spotted a unicorn, ash grey coat, a pitch black mane that moved like flames and a curved red horn. "Names Sombra."

"Demon Pony… why not…" Sam said.

Dean rubbed his temples. "Alright, so either God is fucking with us at this point, or Hell has officially frozen over with how weird this shits getting."

"Oh hell has not frozen over, but there is a form of… revolution, going on." Crowley started. "Long story, but the point is, much like Chrysalis we could also use your help."

“And why do you need our help?” Dean asked, about one more weird and outlandish thing away from just going to Bobby’s place and getting shitfaced.

"Couple of reasons. Primarily, these new monsters. Nasty beasties, we could use your help in learning about them. Dead or alive, bring me what you can and you will also be heavily compensated."

“And…how much compensation is this?” Dean asked carefully.

"Ruby." Sombra called out, another demon, this one in the body of a red haired woman in blue jeans and a leather jacket.

"Hey there." She said to the siblings.

"So what's she in this?" Luna asked.

"Ruby here used to work for a certain… yellow eyed demon." Sombra said.

Sam, Dean and Luna froze. The demon that killed Sam and Dean's mother, and killed Sam's girlfriend.

"His name's Azazel." Ruby said. "And you two aren't the only one he's fucked with but you are the ones he's pissed off enough to actually hunt him down."

“So…you can tell us where that prick is?” Dean asked carefully.

"Not at the moment, but I know his usual haunts and why he does what he does."

“So…what do we need to do to learn this?” Dean asked carefully.

"Oh I come part of the deal In this." Ruby said.

"Consider her a… show of good faith." Sombra said. "We'll be in touch."

With that, Sombra and Crowley were gone, leaving the Winchesters with Ruby.

"So, what do you want to know?"

“Well…we figure out how to find and bind Azazel then murder him.” Dean said readily.

"That's what your dad is doing." Ruby said. 

“And how close has he gotten?” Dean asked.

"Close. He's looking for The Colt." 

"That's a myth." Sam said. "A gun that can kill any monster."

"It's real. I should know, I got a peak at it's blueprints back in hell before I left for Crowley and Sombra's cause."

"And why did you? What are they doing that's better than the rest of whatever is going on in hell?" Luna asked.

Ruby took a breath. "What do you all know about The Devil? Lucifer?"

“Not much besides what’s common knowledge.” Dean sighed.

"Your common knowledge is all lies." Ruby said. "Lucifer never rebelled against God, never. He was cast out but not by God. God had long since been gone by then. He was cast out by one of his brothers."

"And you know this story how?" Sam asked.

"I read it." Ruby said. "I used to serve Lilith, you think normal demons are bad, she makes Azazel look like a saint by comparison. Among her possessions I found her daddies diary. Took a while to translate but I learned the truth. He was cast out by Raphael. His crime was supposedly killing a human soul that was up in heaven, raising a creature he called niece. She had a fur coat white as porcelain, a mane and tale like shimmering rainbows, eyes that saw the good in everyone, and a heart that made him realize humans weren't all monsters. Like infants, they needed guidance, more than what they were being given."

“Huh…” Dean frowned.

"She was like me?" Luna asked.

Ruby nodded. "Her name was Celestia. Lucifer was cast out by Raphael for killing her mother figure, but he didn't. A creature somehow broke into heaven, and devoured her. Raphael, he despised Celestia and how she brought all the other arch angels together. She got Micheal and Lucifer to enjoy each other's company. With God gone and this catastrophe he took his chance and broke them all in one fell act. He broke them all to gain total control over heaven."

"Well, what does any of that have to do with Yellow Eyes?" Sam asked.

"Lilith and Azazel want to free him, just to capture him, and turn him into a battery. Even fallen he's one of the strongest arch angels of heaven. That much power in the hands of demons, they could literally bring hell to earth. Brute force open every Devils Gate, hell even make new ones. Crowley, Sombra and Ramsey just want to free him."

“Well…” Dean pinched the bridge of his nose. “The fuck…?”

"And we should believe you because?" Luna asked.

"The world is changing. Something happened and now there's now crazy monsters running around the likes this world has never seen. No idea what's going down up top but whatever it is it's only a matter of time until the angels join in the chaos."

“Yeah…so I really hoped things wouldn’t get weirder but nope…” Dean shook his head.

"Whatever it is you three are at the epicenter." 

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"Not to clear on all the facts but Lilith and Azazel are real keen on you Sam." Ruby said.

“Cause of course…” Dean frowned. 

"Why me?" Sam asked.

"When you were a baby, Azazel snuck into your house. He didn't go there to kill your mom. He came for you." Ruby said. "He fed you drops of his blood. When a human with the right bloodline, born at the right time, especially if they are young, an infant preferred, is fed Demons Blood, it bestows something onto them."

“And what does this bestow upon them?” Dean asked.

"The powers of a Demon."

“Is…is that why…” Dean muttered, his mind going back so far and remembering a lot of things that…really weren’t normal for Sam.

"The seals that keep Lucifer imprisoned aren't locked by simple keys. They open through specific events. Once the first seal is unlocked fate guides the rest to fall like dominos, until the last seal, the last event happens. Sam might be one of the blood fed humans they have lined up but he is the one they expect to go through them all successfully."

“And what the hell are the next seals that we might stumble upon while dealing with whatever batshit nonsense is also going on?”

"The first seal is when a righteous man sheds blood in hell. Meaning it hasn't been broken yet." Ruby informed. "There are sixty six in total."

"Then, if the first seal hasn't been broken It means Azazel and Lilith haven't started yet." Luna spoke up.

"And that's where you three come in." Ruby said. "Stop their plans before they can start it."

“Well, unless you want us to stand next to the second ‘seal’ after someone in Hell fucks up, what do you want us to do about their plans?”

"Their plans currently hinge on the children Azazel fed his blood to. They're all adults now. You need to find them and recruit them to our side. Keeping them where neither he or Lilith can reach. Some have already manifested their powers, others are still dormant."

“Right…so find all the people…know where they’re at?”

"Still working on that part." Ruby admitted.

“Right then.” Dean sighed. “So…we have to help support Hell from going apeshit…and we’re also helping Monster’s keep their own society safe…the fuck is today?”

"Tuesday." Ruby said with a smirk. "I gotta get back to looking. I'll check in with you three later." With that, Ruby was gone.

"... Wanna go back to Bobby's and get hammered?" Luna asked. 

"I mean… yeah." Sam nodded. "Yeah."

“Way ahead of you…” Dean said, pulling out a hip flask and opening it, starting to chug the flask filled with whiskey.

With that, the siblings went back to Bobby's. A simple plan to raid his liquor cabinet and attempt to process the new information.

Upon their arrival they were met by Bobby and Spike sitting at the table, a man in a brown trench coat and a woman with a long flowing rainbow hair sat across from them.

"For five minutes…" Sam whined, covering his face.

“I just finished this whole thing on the ride back…” Dean whined, lifting his rather sizable ‘hip flask’ that was completely empty. “The fuck is it now?”

"Sam, Dean, Luna." The woman said with a soft smile. "Greetings. My name is Celestia."

"We figured, given the story we were just told." Luna groaned.

"Yes, the Monsters and the Demons. This is my father Castiel." Celestia introduced.

"Hello. We have important information to tell you all about." Castiel said.

“So what important shit do we have to learn this time?” Dean asked. “Cause we’ve already had Alpha and Chrysalis tell us important information, we had Crowley and Sombra tell us important information, what next? Heaven’s in a Civil War?” Dean asked in exasperation and mild tipsy anger from chugging his strong whiskey.

"Yes, for the better part of the last several hundred years but that's irrelevant at the moment." Castiel said. 

“I was joking!” Dean threw his hands in the air in defeat.

"Whatever brought these new monsters to our world has also killed God."

Dean let out a sound that sounded like a combination of a wounded werewolf, the air in a balloon being slowly let out, and the pain of a man that’s just done with today.

"Where's the moonshine Bobby?" Luna asked.

"Under the sink." He said. "Bring the whole bottle, I need some to."