//------------------------------// // THe ones you see on here are no good but i see them and they are not good but i see them // Story: The Death of Equestria (Alicorn Transformation) *Twilight Romance* // by Windlife //------------------------------// I punched a human in the legs (Humans have those now in my fanfiction that you are reading now. Before they had hooves like us but I changed it when I rleized they weren't as cool as legs. Humans in realisty actually came from horses and i think that's really cool) and he barked in anger. Twilight throw a money puch and all the humans came up to collect the money and then I attacked with a magic beam and blew them away "BAAAMA" tWILIGHT HUGGED MY AS WE FREED THE SLAVE POBNYS AND SAY "I LOVE YOU" me too me to...