Grogar Summons Other Villains

by Satanbrony

Chapter 4

In Grogar's Lair, a conversation could be heard. One of the speakers was a very tall, dark gray mare. Her horn was long, knife-like and bright green.

The wings were of the same colour. Their shape was something between fly and butterfly wings. All of her teeth were sharp and white. The hair was long and dark blue. On her head was a green crown.

Hooves and chest were covered by green stone-like armour. Looking at a big blue ram, she stomped her hoof and asked — "Why did you send me here? I was holding off the undead."

"Sorry. They were inexhaustible and fearless. I had to give into fear to keep up. Overwhelmed by it, I thought that Diamond Hoof was Drahsa." — explained the blue ram — "My first instinct was to bring you to safety."

"Thank you for caring so much about me." — the tall gray mare blushed before complaining — "But I could have defeated that yellow mare. She is just a strong earth pony. And the undead weren't too much for my magic."

"Yes, your ever-growing power is wonderful. The stronger you become, the happier I am for you." — said the male sheep — "Hopefully what I feel for you tastes good. Because it won't end anytime soon."

"Oh your love tastes great, Grogar. So immense and genuine. I am grateful to have you in my life." — replied the tall mare with green wings — "Both of those things give me power."

"Oh that's my favourite thing about your magic. That it grows from us loving each other. I get more of what I like because I like it. That's awesome." — Grogar said — "Such potential is why I compared Blue King to you yesterday."

"But with my bell, it is possible for the ponies to take your power. So be careful. The loss of that talisman also delays our plans." — he explained — "Stress and shame are ruining my mind… I need time to recover."

"Then you should rest. Send me back to that desert. Those ponies couldn't have gone too far. Unless they made a portal with the bell." — replied the lover of that blue ram. Grogar lifted his hoof. The tall mare, with dark blue mane, disappeared in black and yellow flame.

Back then, even the southern desert of Equestria had a train station. That's where our story continues. An army of various skeletons was walking around nearby. Two armoured ponies and a bandaged mare were in that train station.

One of the armoured ponies was also a mare. Her skin was bright yellow. Her mane was purple and short. On one hoof she was wearing a green stone bell as if it was a mitten. Her other hoof was punching it.

The second pony was a purple unicorn with red and dark blue hair. His helmet was damaged but wearable. The rest of the armour was looking better. However, it wasn't in peak condition either.

At least his golden necklace was looking good. The big red gem was still unscratched. As a whole it looked almost like a fancy medal. Pridefully worn by the armoured pony. That stallion apologized — "Ginger Blazer, I'm sorry for cutting you."

"Oh, it's alright. I don't feel pain." — replied the wrapped mare. She smiled. That pony had bright red and blue hair. The visible parts of her skin were darker yellow, like cheese. She was wearing something similar to a light blue skirt.

Within less time than it takes to blink, her bandages hugged her two friends closer to her. Then she jumped. The purple stallion finished his blink and saw that he was a whole house above the train station.

A huge wave of green energy destroyed that place. Parts of the railway were ripped out of the ground. Many skeletons were thrown further than the unicorn could see. Their bones scattered in the desert.

As the heroes began to fall, the purple pony saw a massive green beam rush towards them. His horn shined yellow. Then his amulet flew into the approaching green blast. All that power was absorbed by its red gem.

Suddenly the stone bell stopped moving in mid air. Almost as if put on the ground. That thing was glowing green. The armoured mare used all four of her hooves to hug that talisman. While trying to shake her off, the green bell was landing.

That stone thing was getting closer to where the green beams came from. At the same time, the golden necklace returned to its owner. Two pegasi skeletons held that armoured unicorn.

Green light was dragging the pony with the stone bell. While kicking the ground to push away, she could see another mare. The horn of that unicorn was glowing green. She yelled at the hero — "Let go of the bell! You don't need it!"

"Chrysalis?!" — replied the hero. Then she lunged at the mare who yelled. While hanging to the bell, the armoured pony rushed faster than a beam. Her punch caused a small explosion of white and green light.

Green energy dispersed off the stone bell. Some creature was thrown further away by the blast. However, it seemed too large to be that yelling unicorn. Instead it was the dark gray mare with a long green blade-like horn.

Despite having wings almost like those of butterflies, she looked scary. The long dark blue mane and the green stone-like armour were making her seem even less approachable. That monster shot a great green beam at something behind the yellow mare with short purple hair.

The green light clashed against a larger wave of purple and blue energy. That power came out of the red gem of the golden necklace. And that amulet was held by the armoured purple unicorn. But the green beam grew.

It began to push back the blue and purple energy. The monster started walking towards the purple stallion. She could see groups of skeletons coming at her from all sides. Then the yellow mare with short purple hair attacked her.

"Ahahahaha!" — laughed Chrysalis after dodging a punch from the hero. While evading another attack, she smacked the armoured mare further away into the ground. Then the monster leapt towards the source of blue and purple energy.

Chrysalis landed with a thud. Tall waves of sand rushed at the surrounding undead. More hordes kept coming. Unicorn skeletons began to shoot gray rays at the monster's face. She growled. Then bandages covered her eyes.

They came from the other yellow mare. Those bandages behaved like arms or tentacles. Chrysalis pulled Ginger Blazer closer to herself. Then the monster kicked the cheese-yellow mare away. But the bandages and undead kept attacking.

The clash of energies continued to rush towards the purple stallion. While the monster's face was wrapped, both massive beams went inside the red gem. No longer feeling resistance to her power, Chrysalis began to shoot green energy at the surrounding enemies. Her face unwrapped.

Then she flew towards the armoured yellow mare. However, during her flight, the monster was hit by an enormous wave of blue and purple energy. It was about twice as big as the three previous great beams combined. Chrysalis burned and screamed — "AAAAGH!!"

That power threw the monster over her destination. She landed with an explosion of sand and stones. Then the yellow mare with short purple hair lunged at her. Chrysalis evaded the first punch. But the second one nailed her into the ground.

Then more hits came. They were as fast and loud as lightning. Each caused a shock wave and sent the monster deeper. Even further away the ground was shaking. Green beams kept coming out of that crater.

Suddenly the armoured yellow mare was engulfed in green light. That power lifted the hero. Chrysalis growled at her — "AAGH!! I'LL TEAR OFF YOUR LIMBS!"

"Aaagh! Huh?!" — said the monster when the armoured pony fell out of the green energy. The punching resumed. At least until Chrysalis smacked the hero out of the crater and flew out of it. While in the air, she spat green webbing on the armoured yellow mare.

"Hhhgn!" — grunted the struggling hero. She could barely move in that sticky green stuff. Many skeletons attacked the monster. In an explosion of green light, Chrysalis became a massive dragon. Three times greater than a house — "I'M DONE PLAYING AROUND!"

"I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!" — her voice echoed, reaching the town and beyond. There, ponies stood still when they heard it. They looked around and hugged each other. Sands were moving like a sea in a storm.

Every step of the great dragoness shook the ground. Each clap of her wings caused a tornado. The undead were attacking her like an army of ants. Some pegasi skeletons were redirecting the terrible winds back at Chrysalis.

Luckily for them all, the monster was mainly focused on crushing the immobilized hero. The armour of that mare was destroyed by the first hit. She was stuck in something similar to a crater. It was shaped like a claw of the great dragoness.

"GIVE ME THE BELL, YOU YELLOW RUNT!" — yelled Chrysalis before breathing green flames at the hero. Almost everypony there was burned and blasted away. A sword lunged at the monster. But that only dulled and bent the blade.

The dragoness tried to breathe flames again. However, the golden necklace with a red gem went inside her mouth. That talisman absorbed the great fire. Then it shot a bigger beam of blue and purple back at the monster. This happened several times.

"Wait… you feel love… for somepony here." — smiled the monster while turning towards the purple stallion. Chrysalis rushed to attack him. The stuck yellow mare violently shook the green webbing binding her — "Moonlight!"

As the dragon's claw was about to reach the purple stallion, a big yellow spiral appeared in front of that pony. He was taken into it. Moonlight walked out of another yellow spiral in front of the bound yellow mare.

"Diamond Hoof? How?" — he asked before using the ruined sword to scrape the sticky green stuff off the immobilized hero. The freed yellow mare replied — "With all my heart I wanted to save you."

"There was nothing else on my mind. Then I felt Grogar's bell as if it was part of my body." — she explained — "When that was happening, I got a feeling that I could get to you myself. So I tried to do that."

"And that caused the portal? Do you think you could use the bell to take her magic?" — Moonlight asked. Diamond Hoof hugged the bell closer to herself. While petting it she nodded — "Yeah, I think so."

Only a single squad of skeletons remained. An armoured light purple pegasus was distracting Chrysalis. The monster kept trying to chomp or crush the flying mare. Diamond Hoof appeared beside the dragoness. She held the bell with both frontal hooves.

Raising it above her head, the mare shook the talisman. Then a big yellow spiral, surrounded by black clouds, appeared in front of the yellow mare. Out of it, a great black beam came at Chrysalis.

Green flames engulfed the dragoness. She began to shirk. Her magic rushed into the bell through the black beam. Soon the monster was in her normal form. Except shorter, but still about twice the height of a normal mare.

The horn lost length. It became dark gray like most of her body. The wings shortened, no longer resembling butterfly wings. Their green colour faded to dark blue. Before the yellow mare could hit her, Chrysalis disappeared in black and yellow flames.

She reappeared in Grogar's lair. There was lots of ice. And some new cracks in the walls. The blue ram rushed to hug the shivering mare — "Oh my dear Chrysalis, I am so sorry for what happened to you. But things can get better. Know that I still love you."

"Sorry for not bringing you back sooner." — he said — "Earlier I summoned another villain. And that cold horror immediately tried to kill me. Luckily our strength and power were about even. I almost died before saving you."

"You being in danger is what gave me enough fear to win. That's how I survived." — Grogar continued to speak — "Unfortunately, Star Swirl escaped during the fight. At least the captured changelings are still in Scar's new lab."

"And what were the others doing? Where is everyone?" — asked Chrysalis as she looked around. The blue ram answered — "Tirek should be in Canterlot. Disguised as ponies, Aria and Scar are on a date. Adagio and Sonata are exploring Equestria."

"Cozy, Neferet, Sombra and Blue King are terrorizing Yakyakistan. They are pretending to be Equestria's forces sent to invade those lands." — he said before raising a hoof. Grogar's horns began to glow yellow — "I'll show you some of my favourite moments from that "invasion"."

The big crystal ball shined yellow and black. Then it flew to his raised hoof. That big crystal ball was like a window to the world. Through it, Chrysalis saw a flying light pink pegasus filly. That pony was wearing a purple coat. A similar hat was covering her light blue hair.

Some claps of the pony's wing claps caused pink lightning. That's how she was shooting at the yaks and their huts. Often the pegasus cheered before doing so. The blue ram smiled at Chrysalis — "I like to think she shouts "For Equestria!"."

"Look at those cute giggles. I'm glad Cozy Glow enjoys causing pain. It was also fun to watch King Sombra." — he said as the crystal ball changed view. It showed a caped and armoured gray stallion.

His horn was red, bent and pointy. Similar colour was in the pupils. The eyes were green. Small purple mist was coming out of them. His black mane was moving like a flame. That red-horned horse shot black and purple beams at some yaks.

The eyes of those affected began to glow green. Such yaks rushed to attack others. But then those running ox-like creatures stopped. They shook their heads. Green light faded off their eyes. And those yaks tried to attack King Sombra.

They shattered the emerging dark crystals. Purple mist enveloped those yaks. The eyes of those ox-like creatures shined green for a brief moment. After that, they continued to fight the red-horned horse. But King Sombra became a small black cloud to avoid attacks.

Then he flew away. Later that armoured and caped pony returned with an army of various animals. Foxes, rabbits, wolves and bears. All of them had glowing green eyes. Those creatures focused on attacking the calves. Soon the yaks had to fight enslaved crying children.

"And yes, the fear of those calves tasted good." — said Grogar as he rubbed his own belly. Chrysalis nodded — "I'm glad it did. There were many of them. And all stuck in nightmares. But maybe you could share some of that gained power?"

"Oh of course, my dear Chrysalis. I will give you half of my magic." — replied Grogar as he raised his hoof. Then a massive wave of yellow and black energy rushed onto it. That light became a ball bigger than the blue ram.

He tossed that energy at Chrysalis. She embraced it. The power went inside her. The gray mare became slightly taller. Her horn became longer and green. Same happened to the tall mare's wings. Their shape became similar to butterfly wings.

Green stone-like armour manifested on the tall gray mare. It fitted her perfectly. Suddenly the horn of Chrysalis began to glow green. Its light vaporized the snow. She laughed — "Ahahaha! This is great! Thank you, Grogar. I love you."

"We both love each other. I'm glad you feel great. I want you to enjoy life and express yourself. That's what personal power is for." — replied the big blue ram. The tall gray mare smiled — "And you had more of it than I expected."

"Fighting the cold horror did weaken me. But I gained a lot of power before that happened. Which leads to my favourite thing that happened in Yakyakistan today. Blue King's arrival." — said Grogar — "He didn't want to be teleported."

"Blue King resisted my magic to send him there. He flew to Yakyakistan on his own." — he continued to speak. The crystal ball changed its view again. This time it showed a white robot alicorn wearing plate armour.

Altogether, he looked both monstrous and magnificent. Being as big as a house added to that. The robot alicorn had four eyes. Instead of hair, it had a hard dark blue hood. His horn was light blue and shaped like a lightning bolt.

Blue King approached the yaks with such horror that their pupils vanished. The skins of those creatures became as pale as salt. Then their fur and horns fell off. Many such furless, hornless and blind yaks crumbled on the ground.

"Oh, it was amazing! I didn't know that creatures could feel such fear. Hahaha! However, I understand why they died." — said the blue ram — "Last night Blue King was doing that to ponies. But I was too late to feed on their fear."

"This time I got lucky. While observing the terror in Yakyakistan, I feasted on the fear caused by it." — he continued to speak. The crystal ball showed how town after town were attacked in Yakyakistan. King Sombra's army of slaves kept growing.

White-blue lightning destroyed every hut in sight. Many yaks were crippled and tortured by Blue King. In his presence, their courage, hope and strength disappeared like shadows touched by sunlight. Sombra enslaved the survivors. They rushed to beat the others.

The yaks were also hunted by a big flying monster. It was a giant purple winged lioness-mare. She smiled while eating those creatures. Her teeth were light yellow and blade-like. The pink pegasus filly was helping that great monster.

Storms and earthquakes ravaged all of Yakyakistan. After that, King Sombra's slaves continued the destruction of their homeland.

"I felt better than great! My power was increasing faster than ever before. And you were winning in the desert." — said Grogar — "Victories are better when shared with others. So I looked for more enemies of Equestria to join us. Then I found him."

Grogar frowned while looking through the crystal ball. A snowy forest with leafless trees covered in ice could be seen. There stood a monstrous blue-gray reindeer. The beard and hair were light blue. His antlers were as black as coal.

The armour was similar and linked by chains. A part of his chest looked like broken ice covering a dark hole. That cold horror was killing someone. Suddenly the crystal ball began to glow in green. It leapt out of Grogar's hoof.

"We should go and destroy him!" — growled Chrysalis before shooting a big green beam at the crystal ball. It was thrown into the wall. The blue ram tilted his head — "Oh, I appreciate your anger on my behalf."

"But rage shouldn't blind us from the way to reach our goal. We could deal with him after Equestria is ours." — he continued to speak — "If he gets in our way. Furthermore, it was my fault for summoning that cold horror."

"So you're not planning your revenge?" — asked the tall gray mare. Grogar shook his head — "No, not at all. And I don't want you to go after him. That cold horror can continue killing everyone in his forest. I forgive him."

"Grogar, did you have a brain freeze? How can you forgive him after tried to murder you?!" — said Chrysalis. The blue ram replied — "Simply. I survived. Like a force of nature, that monster kills any creature it comes across."

"I should have expected that he would try to murder me. As I said earlier, it was my fault for summoning that cold horror." — he continued to speak — "Of course the situation would be different if he attacked you. I would be trying to destroy him."

"However, now that doesn't need to get in the way of ruining Gusty's legacy." — said Grogar. The tall gray mare smiled and pointed at him — "Aha! You do want revenge! It is just that revenge against Gusty is more important to you than revenge against that monstrous reindeer."

"Gusty has been gone for over a thousand years. So wanting revenge against her would be silly and pointless." — replied the blue ram — "After my banishment, Equestria changed. That change is what I call Gusty's legacy. Its end is my goal."

"I miss sharing magic with monsters who terrorize Equestria. Especially with armies of them." — he continued to speak — "Today I will empower King Sombra as a reward for the fear he caused in Yakyakistan."

"What about Neferet, Cozy and Blue King?" — asked Chrysalis. Grogar answered — What about them? Blue King has enough strength and power. That's what he told me. But I will give some magic to Cozy and Neferet. More for Tirek."

"Good. Hopefully you're not planning to summon them soon. Now we can be alone together. And I want to have fun." — said Chrysalis as she blushed and walked closer to the blue ram.