Grogar Summons Other Villains

by Satanbrony

Chapter 3

Once fancy cities of Baltimare, Manehattan and Fillydelphia, were now fields of rubble. The eastern part of Equestria was a massive scorched desolation.

Within that wasteland there were many dragons. Some of those fire-breathing beasts were larger than houses. Others were about twice the height of ponies. A different monster was talking to a large horde of them — "Sorry for not coming to help earlier."

In size it was similar to the bigger dragons. The shape was that of a great alicorn. It seemed mechanical, but also wearing plate armour. Both wings were shaped similar to the sharp part of knives. Its long light blue horn had the form of a lightning bolt.

The white face was monstrous, even for dragons. Its four eyes were light blue with slim dark blue pupils. The mouth and teeth were one thing and blade-like. Inside was a light blue tongue.

The robot alicorn had pointy ears, resembling those of a jackal. It didn't have a mane. Instead, like a cobra, this mechanical monstrosity had a hood. That part of the body was dark blue.

"Equestria's eastern shore is prepared for renovation. Thank you." — said the robotic pony. Then it kneeled in front of the dragons. Those fire-breathing beasts did the same. The mechanical monstrosity stood up and spoke — "You can return to the Dragon Lands."

"Don't worry. I will tell the others. My speed and ability to teleport are enough." — it said. As he walked closer to the dragons, some of them crawled away in fear. Even those bigger than him. So the robot alicorn stopped approaching.

The remaining fire lizards shivered looking at the ground. Their eyes were closed. None of those dragons saw how that mechanical monstrosity began to stand on its back legs. He bowed — "Apologies for making you afraid. My presence terrifies whatever opposes me."

"But we are on the same team. There's no reason for me to cause you pain and death. I will help you get home safely." — said the robot alicorn. He raised his left frontal hoof. It was engulfed in white-blue flames.

Suddenly a light of that colour lifted the shivering dragons. The mechanical monstrosity clapped its wings. And the glowing lizards were sent to the Dragon Lands. Looking similar to beams of energy, they flew across the sky and sea.

Despite such speeds, each landing was slow and soft. After that, the mechanical monstrosity disappeared in a white-blue flash. It reappeared to other hordes of dragons. Bowing, the robot alicorn expressed his gratitude. And then informed the fire-breathing beasts that they could leave Equestria.

Those who couldn't travel on their own, were flown by white-blue light. Some of those dragons were sleeping. Later they woke up at home. And so many of those fire-breathing beasts returned to the Dragon Lands. Leaving the territory they helped make into a wasteland.

In the part of Equestria that bordered that desolation, there was a small explosion in the ground. A pony erupted out of it. She was a yellow mare with short purple mane. That pony spat out some dirt before looking around — "Yuck! Ew! I'm definitely not that type of an earth pony."

Further away she saw a massive crystal wall. It continued to the sides as far as the mare could see. When she looked up, the top of the wall was beyond the highest clouds. A colourful light flashed in front of that mare. Those colours became a transparent purple unicorn. His hair was red and dark blue.

"Moonlight?" — asked the mare. She blushed and saluted the stallion. Silver armour appeared on that unicorn. The chestplate had a symbol of a blue star. Looking at him, the yellow mare spoke — "I didn't know that you were also brought to this Equestria."

"Yes, he was." — answered the transparent purple stallion — "I can sense that enemies of Equestria will try to influence something in the Pyramid of the Sphinx. Moonlight Hunter is there. He will need your help."

"Uh-huh. And who are you?" — the yellow pony asked. The blushing ceased. Hearing her words, the transparent unicorn began to shine in many colours. His eyes became wholly white — "I am the Tree of Harmony. Or its remains."

"Remains? What happened to you?" — the mare looked at the transparent horse. He explained — "My main body was shattered by the unicorn you call King Sombra. Another great portion of my power was reduced by a magnificent terror."

"May your destiny never force you to confront that entity." — he said. The yellow pony spoke — "Sombra? He was defeated multiple times. We will defeat him again. I'm not afraid of Sombra."

"If you feel brave enough to withstand your fears, then go fight that unicorn. Your strength shattered things stronger than his crystals." — replied the transparent horse — "Perhaps it is your destiny to defeat Sombra?"

"Then why did you wish for me to never encounter him? Seems a bit contradictory, don't you think?" — asked the yellow pony. The other horse shook his head — "Oh, no. It's not Sombra who worries me. Although, with the willingness to enslave others, he is worse."

"I don't doubt your potential to oppose that dark unicorn. However, there is another villain. That is whom I don't wish you to meet." — he continued to speak — "I won't mention its name."

"Why? Is it hard for you to say?" — guessed the mare with purple hair. After that question there was a brief pause. Then came the answer — "No. It's because I'm afraid."

"Oh… afraid of what?" — asked the yellow pony. It didn't take long for the transparent horse to reply — "Of the monster whose name I don't want to mention. It scares me. Despite the fact that I'm unable to feel fear."

"But you're afraid. So you can feel fear." — explained the mare with purple hair. The other pony resumed speaking — "That's the problem! I shouldn't be able to. I don't have the things needed to do that. It's like using unicorn magic for you."

"Is this your first time feeling this way?" — the earth pony asked. There was a pause before the other horse nodded — "Yes. And it sickens me. I hope that you won't have to endure the presence of that monster. For it may ruin you."

"And it is not because of magical power. Celestia and Luna were able to fight that villain. At least until their horns were shattered." — he explained — "I'm healing those alicorns and other survivors. The massive wall is held together by my strength. Despite that, I still have more magic than that monster."

"Yet such superiority doesn't give me a sense of safety. That monster isn't uniquely powerful. In recent years, there have been several heroes and villains with greater magical potency." — the transparent horse continued to speak — "Without life-force and magic that monster could have fought some of them. For it is immensely powerful even while powerless."

"Isn't that a contradiction?" — asked the yellow pony. The other horse nodded — "Yes it is. However, that doesn't matter to the entity whom I don't want to mention. And that thing is a threat not just because of personal power. Those dragons attacked Equestria willingly."

"What?! Is that why we couldn't free them from mind control? I thought it was Balaur's doing." — said the mare with short purple hair. She sighed — "At least that psycho is in Tartarus."

"Balaur is not in Tartarus. The Black Enemy of Equestria freed him last night." — said the transparent horse. The earth pony asked — "That ram returned?!"

"Yes. And if they're not stopped on time, dragons and demons will conquer Equestria." — explained the other pony — "Unfortunately, Balaur's new master covered himself from my sight. I haven't seen that duo since they left Tartarus."

"So before sending you to Moonlight Hunter, I will give you the power that I can spare. Strengthening and protecting you. Hopefully it will be enough." — he said before becoming a colourful orb. It flew into the yellow mare's chest.

Far away from there, in the Southern Equestria, there was a desert with a village. And in that village a light brown stallion was trotting with a cart. At least until somepony approached him from the front — "Hello, I'm here for the first time. Do you live in this town?"

It was a mare, yellow like cheese. She wore a light blue headdress and something similar to a skirt. Her hooves and belly were wrapped in bandages. The stallion looked at the mare before answering — "Um, I live close. But I come here very often. How could I help?"

"Oh, I just need to know where the graveyard is." — said the bandaged pony. After another pause, the light brown horse replied — "It's right outside the town. You should continue this road and then turn left when it splits. That will be the main road, it should be very wide."

"The graveyard's wall should become visible after a short while. If you see fields instead, you'll need to turn around and go the other way." — he continued — "That field leads to the pyramids. And they are on the opposite side."

Before he could say anything else, the mare hugged him — "Thank you very much. You're the only pony in this town who didn't ignore me. If we ever meet again, my name is Ginger Blazer."

After the hug, some of the bandages unwrapped off her. Four large ones were similar to tendrils with hand-like ends. With these bandage tentacles, Ginger Blazer climbed on walls as if she was a spider.

That pony rushed with such speed, that others running looked like they were walking underwater by comparison. Despite that, Blazer didn't bump into anything on her way. At least as far as the light brown pony saw. Soon Ginger was in the middle of the graveyard. Her hooves and bandages began to glow blue.

Meanwhile, in the Dragon Lands, Princess Ember was talking with another dragon — "Maybe he isn't willing to harm creatures of Equestria? Despite being strong and powerful, Aether is a pony. It's probably hard for him to be cruel."

"I doubt that. He helped many of our hordes. And not just by negating magic. No. He was actively helping. It was as if the forces of nature became enemies of Equestria." — said that other dragon — "White-blue lightning smashed creatures out of the sky. It shattered magical shields. Earthquakes crumbled buildings and mountains."

"Lava erupted out of the ground. Winds were shredding creatures into nothingness. Rivers and lakes became fogs." — that big fire lizard continued to speak — "In them, ponies were melting and freezing to death. We saw Aether cause all of that."

"But that's why you were sent there. To cause destruction. Maybe Aether was doing his best to help?" — asked the ruler of the Dragon Lands. It didn't take long for a reply to come — "Maybe. However, some of the suffering caused by him was needless. "

"Aether often arrived to torture and cripple our enemies. After becoming voiceless they began to make sounds that I want to forget. Some of them crawled into our flames to burn alive." — said that other dragon — "And that monstrous alicorn was laughing. The tormenting lacked speed and great destruction."

"Oh, Aether was trying to have fun. With our help, destruction became much faster than expected. So he decided to make the process more enjoyable for himself." — Princess Ember began to speak — "Before you woke up, Aether arrived to thank me. He explained what happened."

"Many wingless dragons told me how Aether was helping them fly. That "monstrous" alicorn allowed others to rub his belly. Even some adults were glad to do that. Kids were throwing lava balls at each other." — she continued. Her servant replied — "I was there, it was fun. But... you know how, even without touching the whole room, fire makes it warmer and brighter?"

"Yeah?" — nodded the ruler of the Dragon Lands. The other fire lizard tried to explain — "I think that Aether does something similar. He emanated terror into creatures. Some became unable to breathe and move. They died sweating, with blood leaking out."

"Others were overwhelmed by panic. They rushed out of their hiding places and magical protection." — that dragon continued to speak — "Don't get me wrong, there are reasons to fear that alicorn. Magical shields became white-blue and crushed their makers."

"I was afraid of Aether even before confronting him. But after that, I felt how fear went into me. My body was forced to be afraid." — said Ember's servant — It was hard to breathe. My sight disappeared."

"After a moment, that fear left my body. But I was shivering whenever that monstrous alicorn was close. At least until I fell asleep." — that dragon continued — "And Aether emanated fear not just into creatures. Trees and stones, things that can't feel fear, shivered and cracked from his glare."

As that conversation went on, our story continued elsewhere. More specifically, In the desert village. The yellow mare with short purple hair was there. But it might have been hard to see her mane because of the helmet.

She was one of the two ponies wearing armour. The other one was walking with her. A purple stallion. His horn was glowing in dark yellow. Similar light held his sword. That unicorn was talking with the armoured mare — "Hopefully we can stop them before it's too late."

"Yeah." — she replied. Suddenly ponies from further away began to run closer and scream — "MONSTERS! SKELETON PONIES!! EVERYPONY HIDE!"

Both heroes rushed to where other ponies were running from. Soon they could hear the clattering of many bones. Skeletal ponies were sprinting towards the Pyramids. Similar pegasi were flying in the sky.

The flying sword decapitated a running skeleton. The body continued to sprint. Its skull was hopping like a frog. At least until it was smashed by the yellow mare. Several undead unicorns stopped moving. As if they suddenly became statues.

Their heads turned towards the heroes. But the horns weren't glowing. Gray mists enveloped the two armoured ponies. It picked them up. The yellow mare shone white before falling out. But the purple stallion was thrown over the small buildings.

Gray mists rayed at the mare. But unable to touch her, that "energy" splashed like launched water balloons. Still, it was pushing away the yellow pony. Resisting the gray rays, she rushed to attack the undead. The closest one was thrown against a building and crumbled. Those bones began to come together.

Then four pegasi skeletons grabbed each leg of the mare. She was flown to where the gray mist landed her teammate earlier. The undead unicorns turned towards the Pyramids and resumed running.

"Diamond Hoof, I think this could be the evil that the Tree told you about. Get on this door." — said the purple pony. He was standing on a levitating door. It was glowing yellow like his horn. The yellow mare obeyed. On it they rushed out of the village.

Before the Pyramids could be reached, there was a green explosion at the entrance of the great temple. Many skeletons were sent flying out. Each one crumbled on the ground. Diamond Hoof jumped off the door. She ran to crush the fallen skulls and other bones.

Her teammate landed in front of the sprinting skeletons. He began chopping off their limbs and heads. They were ignoring the purple stallion and kept coming towards the Pyramids.

Near the entrance the heroes saw hordes of undead. And Ginger Blazer was there. With her bandage, the cheese-yellow pony pulled another mare out of the ground. She was a pale green unicorn. That pony had light brown mane. Unicorn skeletons were shooting gray rays at her.

Suddenly a wave of green energy blasted Ginger Blazer away. The undead behind her were thrown even further. Other skeletons stopped moving. Diamond Hoof continued to shatter them. The horn and hooves of the pale green mare were glowing green.

She punched the ground. Green fire bursted under every undead surrounding her. They were thrown into the air. Those bones fell apart. Green light deconstructed many skeletons. Then the undead started to move again. Some of them got into the temple.

Its entrance began flashing black and yellow. Skeletons were thrown out of it. But more rushed in. Then Diamond Hoof punched a part of the entrance. Part of the Temple's front collapsed. It fell on the rushing undead.

"No!" — yelled Ginger Blazer while dodging a big green beam. The purple stallion was charging at her, ready to swing his sword — "That mare! She must be the necromancer!"

Before it could strike the cheese-yellow pony, a bandage wrapped that sword. That weapon was mailed in the ground. So dark yellow blasts began coming at the bandaged mare. Most were dodged. Then a door lunged into her.

Green fire erupted under Ginger Blazer. She was launched to the sky. A wave of green energy smashed her down. The sword was pulled out by yellow light. And the purple stallion continued to attack the cheese-yellow mare. She dodged another great green beam before the sword hit her. But the mare didn't notice.

"Wait. You don't understand. I'm trying to save this village and Equestria." — said Ginger Blazer while evading the sword strikes. A massive green wave of energy almost hit her. But it clashed with the united gray rays of unicorn skeletons.

"Hahaha! Sure you are, necromancer. Some sort of greater good you'll use the temple for?" — asked Diamond Hoof's teammate. His attacks weren't stopping. The bandaged pony shook her head — "No. I am trying to protect it from the opposite."

"I'm not trying to harm anypony. Please believe me! Before it is too late…" — she said. Suddenly the temple shook. Back and yellow energies flames engulfed that building. Then Ginger Blazer continued to speak — "Oh no. Neferet is back. I'm sorry for failing to stop that."

"Ahahahaha!!" — laughed the pale green mare. Her power was pushing the green ray away. She was withstanding all hits from pegasi skeletons. Even the gray lighting bolts. But then Diamond Hoof lifted the rubble of the Temple's entrance. It was thrown to the side.

Green flames tried to engulf that yellow mare. But Diamond Hoof simply walked out of it. Squads of skeletons were rushing into the temple. But the yellow and black energy was pushing them out. Still, those undead kept coming.

Within the temple there was a giant purple lioness-mare. She was wearing a golden crown. Next to her was a monstrous blue ram. Undead ponies shot and charged at them. Diamond Hoof also rushed to attack. She was the only one walking in Grogar's energy waves.

That ram dodged her punch and prepared to strike. But then backed away. Another, different, mare could be seen in his eyes. Yellow mist rushed out of his chest and into his mouth. Dodging another hit and backing away, Grogar asked — "D-Drahsa?! How?!"

While shivering he moved his hoof. The pale green mare outside disappeared in black flames. After that, Grogar looked at the sphinx — "In my lair you can choose an empty cave to be your room. The others will show you around."

With a swing of his hoof, the blue ram made lioness-mare disappear in black and yellow fire. Then Ginger Blazer and the purple unicorn rushed into the temple. And so did many undead. So they all began to fight against Grogar. But his power seemed ever-growing.

Meanwhile, in Grogar's lair, a pink pegasus filly greeted the purple giantess — "Hello new friend. Welcome to Grogar's lair. I'm Cozy Glow. What's your name?"

"I am Neferet, the Great Sphinx! Where are my accomo-" — the question left the mind of the great lioness-mare. She immediately kneeled — "Pharaoh Blue King, it is an honour to meet you."

"It is a pleasure to be here with you, Neferet. I like your purple fur. It is very cool." — said the mechanical monstrosity as he bowed, making her blush slightly — "Why thank you so much! I like your blue and white armour as well."

Their simple conversation continued untill a yellow and black spiral appeared in the main room. Grogar jumped out of it and fell on the ground. Yellow mist was still coming into his mouth.

"Grogar…" — said Lord Tirek as he pointed at the blue ram — "Where is your bell?"

Grogar tapped the part of his chest where his bell should be. Then looked at its place. But the bell wasn't there — "Oh no…"

All three heroes were sitting outside the collapsed temple. The rubble was barely recognisable. Diamond Hoof was holding Grogar's bell. Ginger Blazer was speaking — "Our teamwork is very good. Maybe we could work together to save Equestria?"