//------------------------------// // Chapter 6, Day 95 - Mission Failed(?) // Story: Blissful Days // by AlphaDidAlotOfThings //------------------------------// August 24, 2015. Dear Diary, Alright, so our trip to "St. Louis" wasn't exactly a success… We didn't even go to St Louis at all! We went downtown instead since it was basically the closest alternative. "Why" you ask? Because through my all seeing eyes I got a premonition from the gods, and they told that-! Okay, okay I'm just joking. So you know how there's more people out there now, right? (Because of course there is.) I- We actually spotted smoke near there a couple days ago, like from a campfire or something. I don't know why but…. Let me put it this way, you ever just feel something bad is gonna happen? I don't what you call it but yeah, that. Nothing to do with any "magicial premonition" from the gods or clairvoyance. The former I actually have… I think. I don't know how it works but it just sorta "happens." If that makes any sense. Like when I'm in danger. I'm not sure how to actually control it, if I can do that… Ugh, what a useless ability. Future vision but you don't know how it works or when it'll happen. Oh well, what can you do? (I still think having the ability to shoot fire out of my hooves would be cooler.) It's kinda like a natural evolution of my "dreams" though. I didn't want to ruin our progress because of a stupid gut feeling but when I told Day about it she just sort of "accepted it." Like she said "Oh, I see…" and agreed with me that we shouldn't go there just yet. She's the one that suggested that we go downtown instead too. But I guess it didn't matter too much in the end since we made a decent amount of progress anyway. Nothing too noteworthy to say about it, it's downtown. I didn't expect much either way. But one important thing happened, me and Day went into a nearby office building to go get solar panels. We heard hoofsteps from somepony in there. I ran ahead of Day since I can fly and guess who that pony ended up being. Her, my mother. That place was her workplace. Well that explains why she always got home so late. I don't know how long she was there. A couple days, weeks maybe? But at the time when we found her she was thinking about packing up the solar panels and perhaps going somewhere else to find survivors. So that's why the bucking power was off… >:( It was just a coincidence we found her in the middle of that. (Or was it fate…?) She seemed to think it was still May 23th like the other survivors we found, blah blah, you know the drill. She said "it felt like she was asleep for a long time." That's actually how most other people described it too. Hers was a lot more "vibrant" though. Something about being in a dark place for what felt like forever, hearing a voice then… Light. Sounds like a fever dream if you ask me. I should know, I've basically had them. So that's weird… She came back to Alexandria and Mimiris with us. She's here right now actually. I would say "say hi mom!" but she's asleep. And Journal's don't work that way. Do I even need to say anything about everyone's reactions to her? Most of them summed up to: "Oh cool, that's your mom? Good for you." Nopony said that literally but you get the point. Seems like she gets along with Sky pretty well, Madeline too. Alyssa seemed pretty happy to see her, probably since she's the only person she knew before the event here. (Aside from me.) She kinda looks like me but if my colors were switched, she's a unicorn too. No fair, I wanna be a unicorn! I'm the one who likes magic and all that, how come I'm not a unicorn…? All I got were these useless wings. I can't even fly that well. If the whole transformation is based off of a person's soul then why am I a pegasus. Heck, for that matter, why am I a mare?! Speaking of, I had to explain to my mom how I got turned into a mare, and why I don't wanna be called "Emile" anymore. I… I hate that name. You know why. Emile died the moment I- No, Emile died the moment I woke up. Anyways, that was pretty awkward to say the least. "I always knew you were a girl on the inside…." is what she said. What the heck does that even mean? Was I really that feminine? But, she was just joking of course… Just a nice little joke that wouldn't hurt anyone… Elin giggled. "Son", daughter, whatever. She still loved Emile or "Bliss Flower" all the same. To think, he spent almost four months without her. He went through alot during that time, a lot more than she realized… And Elin thought him making one friend was progress. "You've grown strong, I'm proud of you." Her? Strong? Bliss felt flattered.. "Thank you…" She wasn't gonna leave Emiles side again, they were gonna be together forever. Speaking of his birthday already passed while she was gone, how old was he now? "You already had your birthday, right? How old are you now?" Oh, right… "Eighteen, I think…" He wasn't just a kid anymore or momma's little boy anymore, he was a full fledged adult now. And Elin couldn't have been happier. "Hey, mom? Do you think dad would be proud of me…?" Elin went silent for a moment. That was a complicated question to answer. The Noah before, maybe. But since he's gone now… "I'm sure he would be proud of you too." She called me strong…. Me… Strong… Days the one she should be saying that to, not me. It's not just because she's an "adult" either. She's strong, brave, kind, nothing like me. I really admire her for it. I'm just a nobody who's good for nothing. Absolutely nothing. I don't even have a talent, just look at my cutie mark. That's why I hid my age too. I didn't want anyone to look down on me. Alyssa didn't really want to go along with it but "if that's what you want, then fine…" Not like that mattered all that much though, everyone still thinks I'm just some dumb stupid kid who can't do a single thing right… Oh well, I guess if I'm destined to be a nobody then I'll just have to be the best nobody there ever was! Don't tell Day about how I "admire." her, okay? Just don't, alright? Mom doesn't have a cutie mark for a reason. That's strange… If anything I thought her of all people would definitely have one. What if it's something like "she looks like a unicorn but is actually something more…" That's not a joke, I'm being serious. I might actually look into that later. To add on to the weird magic shenanigans, I've been looking into that "Seior" lady, andddd nothing. I'm stuck… Selene gave me this book and a copy of his personal journal saying "it might be useful to you in the future." What the heck does that even mean? Seriously! I don't get it. Couldn't he just tell us what we might need it for??? Ugh… Guess we can add that onto the list of weird things Selene did. He's a weird weirdo. (I am too.) There's some characters I don't recognize in here, I could try deciphering myself but I might have Joseph look at them later… Welp, you know the drill. This Bliss Flower, as always, bye. Y'know, everyone seemed really hopeful today. Maybe since I found my mother. Maybe, there's hope the others will find their families too. - Bliss Flower PS: Blake's been acting weird lately, Alyssa too. Wonder what's up with that…? Adrian was weirdly distraught yesterday to add onto that. When I asked he didn't tell me anything about it. Did someone say something to him…?