Supernatural: Day, Night, and Shadows

by BioQuillFiction

Chapter 14 Day: North Pole

"So, this was ground zero of the event?" Castiel asked as he and Celestia walked around the house where a cosmic celestial event of grand importance happened.

The blood on the walls was not a good sign.

“Apparently…and this amount of blood is not good at all.” Celestia said nervously.

"Well, clearly something died here. Question is what, and who killed it?" Castiel asked, their new host, a caucasian male, wearing a long trench coat. The man's name is James Novak. In exchange for borrowing his body, the Scholars give protection to his family, and every Sunday Castiel will give James control of his body back to spend with his family. A standard deal for angels within the scholars if the host has family.

Castiel kneeled down, looking the blood over. "There is divine grace here. It's faint but still potent." He added.

“A divine grace? But we haven’t heard of any angel just…hiding in the middle of nowhere.” Celestia said carefully, believing they had every Angel that wanted to run from Raph’s bullshit accounted for.

"It's too potent to be any angel. Not even Michael or Lucifer were this…" Castiel paused. "What or whoever died here was quite powerful. But there's other traces here… Monster?"

“Monster’s shouldn’t have even come this close if the Grace is this potent.” Celestia pointed out. “They would know not to mess with something this powerful…but this Monster…” Celestia tried to sense this other power source, but the more she tried, the more she felt this…overwhelming dread wash over her.

"An Alpha and…" Castiel paused, looking back up and over to Celestia. "Her." He finished, almost growling.

Celestia shuddered in horror. “It…it can’t be…”

"Over two thousand years and this Soul Eater is still around…" Castiel said.

“That…that should be impossible.” Celestia shook her head. “But…I thought I sensed something else…this overwhelming sense of dread…” She shook her head, the feeling fading as her own fear and rage towards the beast that killed her mother was taking its place.

"The scholars can look into the property. Who lived here and maybe we can build up from there. For now, we need to check in with Metatron."

“Yes, we…we need to check in with him.” Celestia nodded, trying to keep her emotions in check here so they can actually figure this out.

Instantaneously the two were outside the central bunker, walking inside and heading to the Archives where Metatron sat looking over notes and scripts he took with him from heaven.

"Anything?" Castiel asked.

"Zip." Metatron huffed. "Nothing in the tablets mentions anything like what we felt and nothing in God's own personal notes is useful either. Just leftover suggestions and such from when he was building humanity. Apparently he considered giving them night vision."

“Don’t human’s technically have night vision?” Celestia asked.

"Kinda but this would have made their eyesight at night and in pitch black more akin to how cats eyes work."

“That makes sense.” Celestia nodded. “So…there were a few things that concerned us when we made it to the epicenter…”

"There was divine grace, faded but still potent, and it's aura was preset." Castiel said.

"The Soul Eater? Crap…" Metatron huffed.

“Yes…but…I can’t shake the feeling that there was…something else there…something much worse.” Celestia pointed out. “But I’m not sure…I just want this Soul Eater dead and gone.”

"So do we, but whatever the Soul Eater is, there is literally no mention of it in any Tablet, nothing in any human texts, so whatever it is, it has to have come from the same place Celestia came from."

"Which means how to kill it and how to find it are both complete unknowns." Castiel huffed. "If we could find more of your kind or similar from the universe you came from, we might be able to study and devise a means to locate them."

"Just as long as the innocent people of my world are kept safe." Celestia stated. "I'm just glad Amore is still doing alright after…a lot of nonsense happened to her."

"Which brings up the question as to why Demons were trying to take her? Our experiments show they can't possess members of your species and similar variants." Metatron hummed.

"Either they believe that her body might hold some power, probably by doing alchemy or other horrid things as they rip her apart…or somehow…Demons have someone from my world, possibly in the same situation as me." Celestia admitted. "It would make sense…angels finding me, a powerful demon might have also stumbled upon another child from my world and raised them."

"Unlikely but I suppose with the current state of things anything is possible." Metatron sighed. "In the meantime, the Scholars chapter up north has reported an anomaly occurring."

"What's going on now?" Celestia asked carefully.

"Well, there was a lot but the ones I feel were of note were a shimmering barrier near the center of the north pole. Sentient hostile snowmen, yeti's, an ice dragon and my personal favorite, a literal ice wraith."

"That's…that's a lot…" Celestia blinked. "How the hell did that all happen so fast?"

"We have no idea. Scholars bunkers and scanners all over the planet are picking up new anomalies arriving and appearing. So far most are in remote locations with little or no population but they're spreading out to populated areas. A Russian prison was attacked by some new breed of monster and some scholars are trying to take them in alive as it seems killing them has a high chance to make the body disappear and the few bodies that don't are coated in an extremely acidic, flammable substance."

"Think this is tied to whatever died in that house?" Castiel asked.

"Timing honestly makes it seem likely."

"So either whatever died was keeping all of this at bay…or it wasn't the Soul Eater that did it…" Celestia said nervously, cause she highly doubted a single soul eater could do all of this in such a short amount of time.

"I honestly doubt either. Whatever was there would have been far too strong for the Soul Eater to kill, I remember it was wounded when it infiltrated Heaven. As for keeping these beasts at bay, no, the fact they're starting to appear in remote places and spreading from there makes me think these new monsters and anomalies were planted."

"Like…someone planned to do this?" Celestia asked in growing horror.

"To pull that off would take the power of God, or greater." Castiel stated.

"I'll let you all know when I know more. For now head up north to the Ice Box Bunker. They need the help, the barrier spells are holding but the amount of monsters there are keeping them caged." Metatron said.

"Alright." The mare nodded. "Let's get going to the north and…hope things don't magically get worse."

"Wow. You weren't kidding about the hostile snowmen." Castiel said, looking out from the Ice Box Bunker door and seeing literal, rolled and piled snowmen, coal eyes and carrot noses, trying to enter the barrier, being halted.

The only difference between these snowmen and the kind any child would make on a snowy day was the sharp glass like maw of ice teeth and the large ice arm like limbs ending in jaggod wood claws.

They were honestly rather ridiculous looking.

Beyond them was Yeti's. Tall, ten feet with all white hair, two horns protruding from their heads, red glowing eyes and needle like rows of teeth. Their size in body type alone put any human to shame.

"So…Bad Mr Frosty and his merry band aside, I thought Yeti's were more a mountainous race?" Celestia inquired, wondering why they were here of all places.

"These aren't the standard yeti's we have on record. Plus those went extinct in 1985." One of the Ice Box Bunker Scholars stated. "These are some new species entirely. It's actually fascinating. All these new monsters appear little to nothing like humans, while other monsters always appeared human."

"From what I understood, Eve, the Mother of Monsters, different from the Mother of Humanity, made them all that way to better let them hunt, trick and kill humans." Castiel stated. "This new breed is clearly not of her making."

"No…I don't sense anything from the monsters we've dealt with before." Celestia admitted.

"Do they take anything special to kill?" Castiel asked.

"From what we tested, the Snowmen can be melted and slain easily with heat, and the Yeti's can be killed by basic gunfire, just takes a few shots from something caliber." The scholar informed.

"Alright, good to know these things can be dealt with relatively simply." Celestia said honestly.

"That's actually surprising." Castiel stated. "Majority of monsters all had specific weaknesses that could kill them but these ones just… fire and a gun?"

"Odd, but convenient for us normal humans." The Scholar stated.

"Fair. So, I handle the yeti's, you handle the snowmen?" Castiel asked, pulling out his angel blade as Celestia nodded.

"Yeps." Celestia said happily, bringing out balls of fire with her magic. "Let's have some fun."

The two made quick work of the arctic monsters. The snowmen melting and seeming to drop coal, carrots, occasionally a top hat, and a snowball that seemed immune to Celestia flames.

The Yeti dropped like corpses, but sometimes dropped odd stones, or berries.

"Well this is odd." Castiel said, picking one of the berries up.

"Very odd." Celestia said with a mouth full of Carrot, levitating up one of the stones.

"Really?" Castiel asked at seeing his daughter eating the carrot.

"What?" Celestia asked innocently, giggling warmly as she finished up her food. "It's delicious."

"It came off the face of a literal snow monster." Castiel added. Celestia rolled her eyes. Her father was often oblivious but when he entered his 'dad mode' he often went to extremes. Mostly it was all paranoia and over concern.

"I know father, it still tastes good." Celestia said honestly. "So…about these weird stones."

Celestia held out the small stones. Each one seemed to have a unique symbol. "Hmm… these runes, they look Celtic."

"Celtic runes? Why would they drop from Yeti's?" She asked, trying to remember if there was a connection between Yeti's and the Nordic gods.

"No idea. They appear to be numbers."

"So…currency?" She inquired, looking it over again and seeing it kind of looked like a coin, just as a stone like substance she never saw before.

"Why would a monster drop money? They seem to lack intelligence so I doubt it's their own personal wealth."

"Uh…maybe it has something to do with games?" Celestia questioned. "Like Dungeons and Dragons logic?"

"Why would a Dragon even reside within a Dungeon? They're largely avien and prefer high up mountains."

Celestia sighed. There was that obliviousness of her father's again…

"It's a tabletop role playing game dad." Celestia said, using 'dad' to denote he was acting silly again. "But…the point I'm trying to make is that monsters defeated in that game gave you rewards, like experience, money, and sometimes items." Celestia explained, remembering how many of the scholars loved to play the game as some sorta hypothetical encounter simulator.

"Combat would give you experience. How else does one get better at it?"

Celestia resisted the urge to facepalm.

"Dad please…" Celestia whined. "I'm trying to explain why these monsters dropped these items up on death…but you're being silly again."

"How am I being silly when there's unknown monsters roaming around and you're trying to put dragons in dungeons?"

Now Celestia did facepalm. This was why he was not invited to her and Metatron game nights…

“Anyways!” The poor girl sighed. “We need to get back and fully analyze the unknown stone.” She said carefully.

"Alright, then we can check on the barrier center north Metatron mentioned as well as whatever an Ice Wraith is. I just hope this ice dragon is intelligent, otherwise I guess you can try to capture him for this dungeon.

It never ceased to amaze Celestia how ignorant her father was to human customs and culture. Even after living amongst them for all these centuries.

“Centuries of being with humans…and you’re about as dense as a brick when it comes to human things…” She chuckled and shook her head.

"Humanity is confusing. Fighting is simple. I was made to fight. Learning new things isn't easy." Castiel said with a sigh. "I don't know how so many of my siblings take to free will so easily. Gabriel especially."

“You’ve been given the power to choose what you want to do.” Celestia said to her father.

"I know, but even after all this time I don't know how to choose."

“Well, here’s a simple question.” Celestia said. “What do you want to do?” She asked simply. “Not something that involves our mission, not something that involves work, what do you want to do?”

"I… don't know what I want. All I know for certain, is that I want to stop Raphael, find your mother's killer and slay them, and keep you safe. Those are the only three things I know I do want."

“That’s a good start, cause you weren’t charged with any of those things.” She said honestly. “You, as your own being, want to do those things.” She said, hopefully able to help him figure out Free Will.

With a nod, she and Castiel went into the bunker, dropped off the items, and one half eaten carrot, before heading back out to the frozen north, neither feeling the cold at all as they soon could see the shimmering barrier. It was very different from the barrier within their Bunkers. It felt… calming. Welcoming even.

"Odd… this magic is similar to your own but not exactly the same." Castiel said, placing a hand onto the barrier, and in a shimmer it phased through it. "Not much of a barrier."

“Yeah…this barrier feels…welcoming…” She said, walking through the ‘barrier’ carefully.

They walked into it and on the other side they discovered a village. The weather inside the barrier was not as cold as outside it, and the houses were all built for shorter beings.

Celestia felt her jaw drop. The Christmas themed and decorations made it look obvious that this place, a place every child wants to see, should not exist.

"Why make a village in the north pole? Feels like an odd location. Then again this barrier seems to help." Castiel said, oblivious to his daughter's shock.

“He…he does exist!” Celestia shouted in childish glee. “It’s here! I thought it was just a myth!” The little pony said, hopping from foot to foot in giddiness.

"Who is he? Also what myth?"

“Santa’s Workshop!” She said. “The myth that Santa lived in a village of Elves in the North Pole, tinkering away for all the good little boy’s and girls around the world to get them the presents they deserve.”

"Huh. I know of no such creature." Castiel said. "Also Elves went extinct four thousand years ago."

“Well, there’s finally proof!” The pony said as they started to run off towards the village, wanting to meet Santa and his many elf helpers.

As she arrived she spotted the Elves. They were all very small, all appearing as various human children no older than ten to twelve, they gave a glance at Celestia as she walked by then continued their work.

As she walked through the road she froze. Before her was a house, where three reindeer seemed to float, their antlers lighting up and clearing snow off the roof and walkway.

Celestia knew. They were like her.

She immediately turned her disguise off.

“Hello?” She asked the reindeer carefully.

"Oh, hello Celestia!" The youngest looking of the three said.

"Celestia? Surprised to see you here." The second one said, looking roughly Celestia's physical age.

"About time we got a visitor." The oldest one added.

“Uh…I’m sorry, how do you know me?” Celestia inquired carefully

"It's kinda our thing." The eldest said. "I'm Aurora."

"Bori." The second one said.

"Alice!" The youngest said. "Oh, and there's your Pappa Castiel!"

"I see you three must be from the same reality as Celestia." Castiel said as he caught up to his daughter.

"So dad says." Bori said with a nod.

“That is…rather interesting.” Celestia said, but shook her head. “But is it true? Santa’s actually real?”

"Oh yeah, pappa is up there." Alice said, pointing up a small hill to a larger, han sized house.

"Pappa? So this Santa Claus raised you three as well?" Castiel asked.

"Yeah. For the last thirty years." Aurora said. "My sister's and I all aged at different rates then suddenly stopped after five years. Looks like I got the short end of the stick looking like an old geezer but when we all arrived here we were only maybe a year or two old."

“I arrived in Heaven but…that sounds about the right age.” Celestia said. “Do…you know if there’s other’s like us out in the world? Cause we only know about Amore and…well, now you three.”

"Not personally. Pappa might, if they've ever been a kid Pappa will know where they are and if they're naughty or nice." Alice said.

"And this Santa Clause is… human?" Castiel asked.

"He sure looks it."

“Is Santa available?” Celestia asked, really wanting to meet the jolliest man in existence.

"Most likely." Aurora said.

With that Celestia rushed off to the house. Happily she knocked on the door.

She heard heavy footsteps walking up to the door, and when it opened she screamed in joy. There was the large, red suit, white beard and cherry red cheeks and nose Santa standing before here.

"I… don't get it, he’s just an obese human?" Castiel said.

“He’s not just anything.” Celestia said to Castiel. “This is Santa Claus, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, he is the one that gives all the good boy’s and girls presents on Christmas.” Celestia explained.

"Isn't Christmas just an old pagan holiday the churches took over and modified from an old Greek holiday that the ruler at the time wanted to make sure his subjects converted by saying it was the birthday of Jesus when that's completely false?" Castiel asked.

"Hehe, he's not wrong." Santa said.

“I mean…yes, it was a combination of Pagan and Roman Holidays, I know, Greek and Roman are practically interchangeable…” Celestia sighed, still hating those many lessons in history when they were practically the same! “But, it’s still a special day for a lot of people around the world.”

"Heh. Well, come on in. I imagine you two have questions." Santa said, letting Celestia and Castiel inside

Celestia happily walked in, her father following behind.

The group all sat by a fireplace, each with hot chocolate and a platter of cookies that Castiel didn't touch. Angles lacking the ability to taste the flavor, instead tasting the atoms.

Celestia greedily ate them. Her sweet tooth and inner foal demanded her to do so.

"So, I suppose you'd like an explanation as to, well, me?" Santa asked form his chair.

“Yes please.” Celestia said readily, grabbing a napkin and trying to clean her chocolate and cookie crumb muzzle up so she didn’t look like a complete foal.

"Well, truth be told, I have no idea." Santa said, earning a raised brow from Castiel. "One day, about seventy years ago, just… poof. I woke up here, the house, the village, the elves, all of it was just here. I knew who I was, what I was meant to do and how to do it, I had the magic, the list, and the names of everyone, adult, child, monster, and Pony, all in my head. I just knew if they were good or bad and well, I sent out to give presents to those who really needed them or Truly deserved them. The world is so bountiful I felt it fair to focus on those less fortunate."

“That’s…very strange.” Celestia said.

"It is, but as time went on I and the elves made a life here. Then, thirty years ago my daughters appeared. Their abilities made gift giving so much easier, and they made life here in the north so much more fun."

“I can imagine.” Celestia nodded. “Though, I am confused, cause if you say it was seventy years ago, then that would make…a lot of thing’s go into question, either from the actual Saint Nicholas that was born in 280 A.D, and a lot of your stories appeared in the 1800’s, not the 1900’s.” Celestia hummed.

"I wish I knew more, but aside from that all I know is how my and the elves magic works."

"What do you use your magic for?" Castiel asked.

With a smile, Santa waved his hand, and in it, appeared a stuffed doll. One neither he, nor Celestia had seen for centuries. It had rotted away so long ago. He happily gave it to Celestia, who eyed it with amazement. It was the doll her mother gave her, made for her.

"I can create whatever the person who's gift I'm going to give Truly wants. Outside of Christmas Eve and Christmas day, small things like this are all I can make. But, for some reason, on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, this power explodes and I can make nearly anything happen. For two days in the year, I can do just about anything."

“That’s very interesting.” Celestia said, tearing up and hugging her doll that her mother gave her so long ago.

"So, I take it you don't want the Scholars here then?" Castiel asked.

"Oh you can send your people here. I just ask they try and not keep the elves distracted too long. We might have magic but it's still a lot of work getting everything ready for Christmas." Santa said with a laugh. "I've been considering taking this globally. Like I was meant to. I get the sinking feeling lately that something real bad is gonna happen to the people and monsters of earth. Especially a few days ago." That caught Castiel and Celestia's attention. "It felt like, like something shook the whole foundation of the universe, and then acted like nothing happened."

“We…we felt that happen a few days ago…” Celestia said. “We found where it happened…but nobody was there…just blood stained walls…”

"Do you know who lived there?" Castiel asked.

"Hmm… well, the people who pass on typically remove themselves from my list, but not my memory…" Santa said, his magic memory recalling information. "Let's see… given the day and time… location… Chuck. Chuck Shirley. He was a lonely man. Not bad but also not that good. Usually he was a Passover. Hmm…" Santa said. "Odd… for some reason, I can't recall anything about Chuck Shirley past… eight years ago?"

“That’s…” Celestia blinked, looking back to her father. “How long ago did God disappear?” Celestia asked worriedly.

"According to what I was told, about a century after Lucifer was imprisoned." Castiel said. "So… roughly one thousand, three hundred years or so ago?"

“Alright…so there can’t be any correlation between the two…” Celestia said carefully. “But…eight years ago? Why does that feel…too specific?”

"Well, he is a, or, was, a Prophet." Castiel said. "The names of every Prophet of the Lord are written on my eyelids. All that have been, are and will be. The fact he died is upsetting, but there are multiple Prophets each generation."

“Can you tell us if there’s going to be another one?” Celestia asked, still very worried about the possibility that…God himself could be lost.

"I'm afraid the next Prophet could be any of the current generation of them. I won't know which until he has been awakened and only an archangel can do that."

“I understand.” Celestia nodded. “Thank you dad, and Santa…it means a lot to hear this information.”

"You two heading off then?" Santa asked.

“We’ll be back with the Scholar’s, give them a rundown on everything.” Celestia said. “We’ve still got a lot more work to do, especially after that weird pulse that happened…”

"I'm sure everything will work out, while I do feel that there will be a rough patch, I Believe with time things will be better." Santa said. "And remember, stay on the nice list."

“I will Santa.” Celestia said happily, eating another delicious chocolate chip cookie.