The siren call of Sunset

by Hope


"Celestia, I need to know."

Twilight looked and acted so much older and wiser. Had it only been a year?
Disgusting pretense. Damnable ego. Rip a tooth from that perfect mouth for every wretched word.

"It's difficult, Twilight," Celestia said softly, from her position laying in her bed. "I've kept the royal secrets to myself for... A very long time."

Twilight lit her antenna, bringing a warmth to Celestia's bed even though the geothermal vent below them was inert and cold.
That false care, how disgusting, how self serving. Hold our comfort hostage for our praise She doesn't know us!!! She does not know anything, child! Infant! Wretched curr! Boil her alive!

Celestia smiled gratefully and shifted to look at her more directly.

"I am not a mer-pony queen, Twilight," she said softly.

Celestia's mind ached with the enraged screams of her own Id.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked, holding her fin.

"I was turned from an earth pony into a creature called a Titan. Infused with dark magic, the Deep One kept me as a pet, and toyed with me for decades... But I wasn't alone."

Twilight went still, confused.

"My sister, Luna, was with me," Celestia whispered in shame.