//------------------------------// // The Silent and the Soaring Pt. 1 // Story: Love in Equestria // by Wolfe15 //------------------------------// The Silent and the Soaring Pt. 1 The Story of Big Macintosh and Soarin' His eyes were always determined, he was always quiet, he was a rock some said. Sighing gently and blowing a hair out of his face, he hefted another bag of apples onto his shoulder and looked back. The barn was empty and the cart was loaded. He had business to attend too. He tossed the bag onto the cart then pulled himself into the driver's seat and snapped the reins. The horses neighed and began to pull the cart towards town. He sighed again and drifted. People didn't like him very much, they were afraid of him more like it but he wasn't so bad, he just didn't like to talk and was a bit big, not fat but fit. He frowned at the road then shook his head. "You okay Big Mac?" "Eeyup." His voice was soft and Applejack always loved to listen to her older brother talk. Big Mac looked forward again then frowned as he saw the road just ahead of them. "Roads blocked." Applejack grimaced and they stopped the horses then jumped down. Big Mac sighed, walked over to the large tree, lifted it slowly before tossing the it off the path. "WOW!" He turned then blushed when he saw Applejack staring at him. "That was amazing." Big Mac shook his head then hopped back onto the cart before helping Applejack back on. They had barely gotten the cart set up when Pinkie bounced over and grinned. "Hey guys! Guess what! Well it seems the Wonderbolts are here! Wanna know why? Huh? Huh? Well they need a place to rest for a few days while they travel to Manehattan!" Applejack was nodding and Big Mac stared at the pink haired, fast talking girl, wondering how she didn't pass out from air loss after talking so fast and long. Suddenly Pinkie squealed and both Big Mac and Applejack jumped as she pointed to a huge crowd. "Their here!" Big Mac grimaced then moved behind the cart. He hated crowds, he watched as the crowd parted and a woman and man walked out. The woman had yellow hair tipped with orange like flames and the man had short blue hair pulled into a low ponytail. Rainbow Dash was talking rapidly to the yellow-orange haired one and suddenly Rainbow grinned. "Hey! Wanna see something cool?" The two Wonderbolts nodded and her blue, transparent, wings shot out of her back and she took off into the air. Rainbow was beginning to pull off some fancy maneuvers but Big Mac drifted back to the cart and continued to arrange things. He had just finished setting the cart how he liked it when he heard, "Watch out!" He frowned then looked up and yelped as something slammed into him. He was thrown off his feet backwards and landed with a thud onto the ground. "Rainbow!" He heard as he tried to get his bearings. "Wow! Are you okay?" He opened his eyes then shut them as his vision swam. He opened them again then blinked several times before focusing on the person over him. It was the blue haired Wonderbolt. He looked very concerned. Big Mac nodded then sat up slowly rubbing his head then frowned darkly when he saw the cart was a mess. He sighed ever so softly then slowly began to move to his feet. "Whoa their! Don't get up. You're bleeding." He frowned then felt his head and pulled his hand away to find blood. He glared at his hand then sighed as a gentle hand touched his shoulder. He looked up to see a tearful Rainbow. "I'm so sorry Big Mac!" "It's okay." He said softly. He grinned lightly then shrugged. "It was an accident right?" Rainbow smiled then nodded and he shrugged. "Ah'll be fine." Rainbow nodded and Big mac grinned when he saw his vengeful sister behind Rainbow. "Ah suggest you run Rainbow." Rainbow frowned then turned before taking off into the air and flying off. Big Mac chuckled then stood up. He looked down at the Wonderbolt, who looked concerned. "You should really sit." Big Mac shrugged then sighed at the cart. "It's fine." Two hours later he was sitting and watching people go by with bandages on his head, particularly bored. He closed his eyes, tiredly, and yawned as another person bought an apple. It was a bit boring honestly. He bowed his head then jumped when a hand slammed onto the cart counter. He looked up and glared at the person, who jumped and hastily paid for some apples and left. "Big Mac stop scarin' the customers." He flushed then looked down again at his knees. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked to see his sister smiling softly. "Sorry Big Mac. Ah didn't mean to make ya sad." Big Mac nodded then flushed redder as his stomach growled. Applejack laughed then looked at the cart. "Go get us some lunch from the Sugarcube Corner k?" Big Mac nodded then got up slowly and walked to the sweets store and looked around. "Hello! What do you need?" He looked at Mr. Cake, who was grinning. "Two muffins please." Mr. Cake nodded and pulled out the two muffins then two cup cakes. "I made extra today, no charge for the cup cakes but the muffins are two dollars each." Big Mac nodded then pulled out four dollars and handed them to him. "Thank you." "Carrot?" Mr. Cake turned and grinned at his new wife, Banana Cake and said, "Yes?" "You left the cupcakes in the stove too long!" Mr. Cake paled then rushed into the kitchen and Big Mac laughed and grabbed his purchases before leaving. When he got back to the cart, Applejack was talking to the blue haired Wonderbolt. Big Mac paused and took a second to study the Wonderbolt. His blue hair was still pulled into a low ponytail, his eyes were a leaf green, and he was dressed in blue pants with thunderbolts going down the sides, a shirt of the same design and a thick jacket with his name on the shoulder. Soarin'. He walked over and Soarin' smiled at him. "How are you doing?" "Fine." Soarin' grinned and nodded. "Good. Hey I recognized your sister from the Gala. Do you have any apple pie?" Applejack nodded then reach into the cart and pulled out a fresh one. "Right here!" Soarin' began to drool and he reached out to take it. "Gimme!" Applejack chuckled then said, "You gotta pay for it." Soarin' pouted but reached into his pocket and pulled out five dollars. "Gimme!" "Um, it's only two-." "Keep the change. It's worth it! Gimme!" Applejack laughed but took the money and Soarin' took the pie. "Hello my precious." Applejack snickered and Big Mac looked at him with a raised eyebrow before handing Applejack her lunch. Soarin' looked at them and stuffed a piece of pie into his mouth before looking Big Mac up and down. "Your strong right?" Big Mac was a bit creeped out that the man could talk clearly with the food filling his mouth...and without choking but nodded. "We need some people to help with our equipment. I'll pay you ten an hour for your troubles." Big Mac looked at Applejack, who nodded. "Go on Big Mac. It's a slow day." Big Mac finished his food then nodded and stood. Soon he found herself standing in front of the fanciest inns in the town. He looked around and found Soarin' stuffing his face and the yellow-orange haired woman watching a bit horrified. "Soarin' I don't know how you do it." "It's easy Spitfire. Just don't breathe-." "Nevermind." Big Mac cringed as the owner walked out and glared at him. "NO! I will not allow that lummox into my building!" Big Mac cringed again and looked down at his feet. "Huh? Him? What'd he do?" "Oh he destroyed several vases of mine...expensive vases!" "Ah said Ah was sorry!" Big Mac said. The inn owner snorted then looked to the Wonderbolts. "Dears, let's go inside and we can get you settled." "I don't want to stay here Spitfire." Soarin' mumbled while Spitfire glared at him. "Soarin' I'm not sleeping on the streets again just cause you don't like the way someone is being treated.." "Ah have a barn." Big Mac blurted out then flushed a deep red. The two Wonderbolts looked at him then shrugged. "Works for me. We can stay their and the others can stay here. I always wanted to see a farm." Soarin' instantly grew excited while Spitfire rubbed her eyes and looked to Big Mac. "We don't want to be any trouble." "Ah wouldn't have offered if Ah didn't mean it." Spitfire nodded and said, "Lead the way." Later Big Mac was in the kitchen cooking when the door opened and he turned his head to see Apple Bloom walking in. "Hey Mac?" "Yeah?" "Why are them two fancy Wonderbolts in the barn?" Big Mac flushed then turned back to the stove and said, "Ah offered the barn cuz they didn't want to stay in the inn." "Oh." He turned and looked at Apple Bloom, who was looking at the cookies on the counter. Big Mac looked around then handed her three. "Get goin' to yer friends. Them other two are fer them." Apple Bloom squealed took the cookies then ran out. Big Mac turned back to the stove and continued to cook. He had barley finished when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head and looked down at Soarin'. "Watcha cooking?" "Soup." Soarin' cocked his head to the side and said, "What kind of soup?" Big Mac flushed as Soarin' put his hands on his shoulders and pushed himself into his back. "Meat and vegetables." "Oh. Nice." Soarin' moved and looked around. "You have a nice house." "Thank you." "You have a deceptively soft voice." "Huh?" Big Mac looked at him in confusion and Soarin' chuckled. "Sorry. I meant, I didn't expect your voice to be so soft." Big Mac bristled then looked back to the soup. Big Mac spun around and advanced on him snapping out, "You probably thought Ah was stupid huh?" Soarin' looked confused and a bit hurt. "Hey calm down." "Why should Ah? Everyone always expect me to be stupid, or rude, or mean! Ah ain't nothin' like that!" Soarin' held up his hands in surrender and grumbled, "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." Big Mac snorted then turned away and glared at the soup. "Sorry." He looked back to see Soarin' looking around. He sighed then looked at the soup. "No. Ah'm sorry. Ah was being rude to you." He continued to to stir the soup and flushed when he felt a pair of arms hug him from behind. "I'm really sorry." Big Mac nodded then looked back. "Um, foods done." Big Mac watched in fascination as Soarin' ate. It was a bit horrifying since he was sure Soarin' had swallowed the spoon some time before. Spitfire was talking to Applejack, Granny Smith was already asleep and Apple Bloom was spending the night at Fluttershy's so it was those four. "So Big Mac, what do u do on the farm?" Big Mac snapped out of his stupor and looekd at the curious Spitfire. "Ah lift heavy things." Applejack chuckled then said, "He plants, cooks, clean, and lifts heavy stuff. He does a lot 'round here." Big Mac blushed then nodded slightly. "Hey! Can we help out tomorrow?" Big Mac looked at Soarin' who looked hopeful and nodded slowly. "If you really wanna help." "Yeah! What could go wrong?"