Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Here together

Chapter 87

A little over a week later

Shayla’s POV

I flipped the cap off of my drink and began to drink it, eyes locked on the yard before me, with the house right behind me. It was late afternoon, and I was just wasting time at this point, as I had nothing to do. Training was done, and so was all the chores, which just left me with nothing but free time.

The worst shit ever. I need to be active, otherwise I’m just suffering.

“Having fun over here?” Domitor asked as he stepped up and sat down next to me on the bench.

“Sure, tons of fun,” I muttered, getting a laugh out of him.

“If you want, we can train some more,” he offered, trying to cheer me up.

“Maybe,” I replied with a smile.

“Room for one more, fuckers?” Floria asked as she jumped over the bench and sat on my right, putting me in the middle. “We doing anything, or just sitting around?”

“Sitting around and being bored,” I answered, looking back towards the house. “Where’s Vanilla?”

Floria shrugged as she leaned back, “she’s feeling a bit sick. Something with her stomach, I’ve spent all day taking care of her, and she just fell asleep.”

“Need anything?” Domitor asked as he leaned around me to look at her. 

“Nah I’m good,” she assured as she let out a yawn. “Where’s everyone else?” she asked as we all looked over to Talio, who was the only one in the area. He was just doing what he’s always doing, playing a random instrument, badly.

“They’re around here somewhere… I think they’re helping Spark with some kind of training that requires Raffy’s healing, for some reason,” I said, shrugging.

We continued talking about nothing in particular, as we were all three clearly bored and just wanting something to do.

About an hour of this passed, ending with both of them passing out and leaning against me.

I just sat there, thinking about all the new developments in my life. Mainly being pregnant. I was still undecided on how to handle that information. On one hand I liked the idea of starting a little family with Domitor, but on the other, I’m giving up ALL of my dreams and plans for the future. 

I’m stuck on what to do…

The sounds of Vanilla suddenly screaming caused me to jerk hard, waking up the others, who also heard her screaming.

“Vans!” Floria yelped as she flew over the bench and took off running for the house, with me and Domitor right behind her.

We burst into the house and ran down the hallway to their room, all the while with Vanilla still screaming.

Floria smashed through the door, rushing into the room, “Vanilla?!”

She finally stopped screaming, just curled up on the bed in her blankets, eyes wide as she looked at the spot next to her.

I came in and looked to where she was looking, raising an eyebrow. “Is that an egg?”

For some reason there was a small egg laying next to her, about the size of my palm.

“What is this?” Floria asked, eyes wide as well. “Did someone-”

“I’ve only been with you,” Vanilla muttered, eyes locked on the egg next to her. “I don’t understand this…”

“What am I missing?” I asked, raising an eyebrow as I walked in and went to pick up the egg.

“Don’t touch it,” Floria hissed, causing me to recoil back a bit.

“Eh… why? It’s just an egg,” I asked in confusion.

“It’s not just any egg,” Vanilla began, still looking to be in shock. “It’s my egg.”

“What?” I asked, not grasping what she meant.

“Halwen’s lay eggs instead of giving birth,” Floria muttered, slowly stepping up to the bed. 

“Wait, that came from Vanilla?!” I asked, mouth falling open. “Does that mean you have a dick, Floria?!”

“Oh for sure, I got a massive ladydick,” she answered in a forced joking tone. 

“Please be serious right now…” Vanilla said quietly.

“Are you okay, Vans?” Floria asked, sitting down before the other woman. 

“How did I lay an egg? We’re not supposed to be compatible!” she whined, leaning into Floria as she wrapped her arms around her. 

“Looks like our ass’s got Divine Interventioned,” Floria chuckled, reaching over and gently lifting the egg and pulling it to her chest as they leaned into each other. “Oh shit, we’re gonna have a kid…”

“Ha!” I laughed, pointing a finger at them. “I’m not the only one who’s screwed then!”

“Shhh,” Domitor hushed me as he pulled me back a bit.

“But we can’t have a kid yet!” Vanilla exclaimed as she gently placed her hand over Floria’s, cupping the egg. “We’re not married! We can’t have a kid out of wedlock!”

“It’ll be okay,” Floria assured her, but Vanilla just whined even more. A light chuckle escaped her lips as she reached up and placed her other hand on Vanilla’s face. “Is it really that big of a deal to you?”

“Yes!” Vanilla groaned, pouting a bit pathetically.

“Then marry me, Vanilla,” Floria said smoothly as she pulled her hand back to reveal a ring grasped in her fingers.

Vanilla’s eyes went wide as she stared dumbfoundedly at the ring, then at Floria, “but I don’t want you to marry me just because we have a-”

“Shut your cute little mouth,” Floria said sweetly as she pressed the ring to the other woman's lips. “I want to marry you because I love you, not just because of our egg. This is just the perfect excuse to propose. So what do you say? Wanna marry me?”

Vanilla’s lips quivered as she leaned into Floria, giving her a kiss. “Yes,” she whispered as she leaned back, tears running down her face. “I of course want to marry you, Floria.”

“Bleh,” I muttered, getting a slap to the back of my head from Domitor. 

“Be nice,” he warned with a little smile on his face.

“We’re never doing that,” I pointed out, getting a nod from him.

“I’m okay with that, just as long as we’re together,” he said as we watched the other two start kissing again, their hands still cupping the egg.

“By the way, how long till that thing hatches?” I asked Domitor in a love voice, getting a shrug from him.

“I believe I heard it was two months or so,” he answered.

“Damn, that means it’ll be out and about very soon,” I pointed out, shaking my head, “what a nightmare, huh?”

He just grabbed my hand and gave me a smile, causing me to feel a bit funny. 

“Stop that,” I muttered, causing him to just wink at me. “Stop trying to influence my decision with our baby.”

“You just said ‘our baby’ so I don’t think I need to say anything,” he said with a wide smile, causing me to groan as we stepped out of the room, leaving them alone. 

“I didn’t mean anything by it! I’m still undecided on all that shit!” I hissed, causing him to roll his eyes.

“Whatever you say, Shay.”

I growled a bit as I pulled from his grasp and headed for our room, wanting to be alone for a bit. 

“I love you, Shayla,” he called after me as I grabbed the door to our room and looked back at him.

“... I love you too, Domitor,” I said back as I slammed the door.


Lacy’s POV

“This list is kinda long…” Lance muttered as he looked over the list of those who died during the massacre at the Safe Dimension.

Bronwyn just gave a solemn nod as I leaned over Lance’s shoulder, seeing a few were highlighted.

“Why are those highlighted?” I asked.

“As bad as this’ll sound, those are the notable ones we lost,” she answered grimly.

I looked at the highlighted names, not sure who they all were exactly, but by the reactions of the others I knew this was bad.

The list contained the names; Aaron, Applejack, Blaze, Beans, Dali, Drax, Doc, Flashy Flash, Lightning, Rarity, Remi, Seth, Trixie, and Vinyl Scratch.

… Oh fuck. 

“They’re gone, just like that…” Lance muttered, dropping the list and getting up.

“Where are you going?” I asked as he walked towards one of the hallways in the main chamber. 

“Anywhere but here,” he muttered. “I’ll… be in my room.”

As he disappeared I turned to the others, seeing they were having similar reactions to Lance. 

The only ones not reacting heavily to it were myself, Jun, and Strawell. The latter just put a hoof on Louie’s leg as he stoically tried not to react to the news.

“What’s the plan?” I asked as I looked to Bronwyn, who just stood up, turning to leave as well.

“I don’t know.”


Three days later

“Are you sure you don’t want to do this when we can… I don’t know, set up a real ceremony?” I asked as I helped Floria adjust her suit. 

“Nah, we don’t need any of that shit,” she chuckled as she smiled at me. 

“I mean, I’m not sure how any of this works, but wouldn’t you two want more people here? Make it not look so,” I asked as we both looked out at the ‘crowd’ that consisted of my parents, grandparents, and Raffy, “empty?”

“Shayla, we’ve talked about it,” she replied coolly, “all we need are you and Domitor. Anything else is just extra.”

A smile graced my face at this, but then I looked at Talio, who stood right next to us. “Alright, but we could’ve done better for a priest.”

“I’m ordained,” he said simply and cheerfully.

“Best we can do,” Floria chuckled. 

I frowned as I looked at the strange Halwen in his overly complicated priest outfit, “okay then…” I turned back to her with a shrug, “whatever makes you two happy I guess.”

The door at the end of the dining room opened, followed by Domitor walking in with Vanilla at his side. 

“Oh…” Floria gasped as she took in Vanilla and her dress, which even caught me off guard. 

It was kinda like a wedding dress, but more… gothic? With spiderwebs on it to add accents. 

Behind them was Creampuff, walking proudly in his own little suit.

They walked to the front where Vanilla stepped up before Floria, a massive smile and blush on her face. Creampuff sat down beside them, acting as the best man.

“Hi…,” Floria said softly, a dumbfounded look on her face

“Hi,” Vanilla giggled as she pulled at the dress a bit. “Too much?”

“You’re perfect,” Floria answered as she took her hands.

Talio began the ceremony, getting a little into his ‘preaching’ but I mostly ignored him as I looked at my two friends, enjoying the way they were looking at each other. As corny as it sounded, I could feel their love for one another. I could see their Souls reaching out and entangling themselves together, latching onto each other and holding on tightly. They were connected in this moment, both Soul’s melding together momentarily.

So this is what love looks like in its base form…

As he reached the point for them to exchange rings, I watched with a little flutter in my chest as they put the rings on each other. 

My attention lapsed for a moment, missing a few words as they suddenly leaned in to kiss each other. And the moment they did, their Soul’s flared to life, over taking everything else in the room. 

Even their egg, which sat with my mother, seemed to glow a little bit more.

I found myself reaching up and placing my hand over my stomach, where I could see the little Soul within me flickering.

It was at this point I realized Domitor was staring at me, a happy look on his face.

I dropped my hand and went back to standing there as casually as I could, but it was pointless, he was now just smiling at me as our friends broke their kiss and began saying sweet nothings to each other.

Seeing them this happy, and seeing the way Domitor was looking at me, made me want to get back to Equestria. Back to my home and friends…