Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

A little self Q&A

Chapter 86

Lacy’s POV

I placed the final sword down on the table, admiring the three blades I’d picked out from the armory. And I must say, they are badass. Two of them are special blades that apparently can’t be used like normal swords, but can be used to channel Ego. They also teleport back to their sheathes after being used, so that’s useful!

 With my Ego, I’m sure I can find some really wicked ways to use them. The third sword is just a sword. I just wanted a smaller blade to try out some new techniques with my Ego.

So a very productive morning in my opinion!

“You raided the armory too?” Lance asked as he stepped into the little common area I was in. 

I chuckled as I turned to him, taking in his new hoof gauntlets he was wearing, “bro there is so much shit in there, I spent all night just trying to figure out what I wanted!”

He smiled as he stepped up to the table, looking at the weapons I’d picked out. “I know. But it only took me a few minutes to find these babies,” he said as he held up a hoof to show it off. 

“I’m just saying, all the weapons you could ask for and you put on gauntlets that make you… what, hit harder?” I asked, taking his hoof and looking the gauntlet over.

“They do that, and one more little thing,” he said with a smirk as he pulled his hoof from me and turned around, looking around the room. “Hm, see that vase over there?” he asked, pointing across the room to a single vase with flowers in it.

“Yeah?” I asked, curious as to what he was about to do.

With a twist, he spun himself and threw a punch, causing the vase across the room to explode.

“Okay that’s fucking sweet,” I said, nodding my head as he turned to smile at me.

“I can reach out and hit things up to ten feet away,” he gave one of the gauntlets a kiss.

“Hmm… I wonder if there’s a sword in there that’ll do that…” I muttered, but then shrugged. My Ego could do the same thing with any sword, so no need to worry about it.

Lance then stepped over to a fridge and opened it, pulling out some food for himself.

“So I gotta ask,” he began as he went about making his food while I sat down to play with my new swords.


“What’s the deal with you and Jun?” he asked a bit cautiously.

This caused me to laugh as I looked over to him, a smirk on my face, “why? You worried for my safety?”

“Yes, I guess,” he sighed, “he’s… Jun. He can’t be trusted.”

“Look,” I began as I put a sword down and gave him my full attention, “I appreciate the worry. But you need to know; I can handle myself. Jun is a fucking idiot, and I can see the aggression behind his eyes. But he’s harmless, at least right now he is. He just wants in my pants right now, so I don’t think you need to worry about him ‘coming after you’.”

He put his food in a heater and turned to me, “and how do you feel about him trying to get in your pants?”

“I think it’s funny,” I answered with a chuckle. “Look, Lance, I joke around ALL the time. I’m sure you do too. I like to play around and flirt with big hunky guys and watch them stumble around dumbly trying to impress me. But let me make this clear,” I said as I narrowed my eyes a bit, “I am not a slut. I’ve only been with my late husband, Soarin, and that took us months to get to that point. I do not plan to act on any of my jokes when it comes to anyone. If you see me fawning over some big sexy hunk of beef, just ignore me. Let me have my fun, yeah?”

“I’m sorry,” he said, holding eye contact with me. “I’m not trying to be so… overbearing. I guess that shit comes with age. Just, I don’t trust him and watching you get so friendly with him worries me.”

“Well, old man, don’t worry about me,” I said with a wink. “I’m a big girl after all.”

“Fair enough,” he said as he pulled his food out and walked over to the table, taking a seat across from me. 

“So!” I said with a massive grin on my face. “Let’s compare stories!”

“What?” he asked, raising an eyebrow as he began to eat.

“Like, let’s ask some questions and see how similar we really are,” I replied as I leaned on the table.

“Oh, I wrote this book you can read,” he said as he pulled a pretty large book out of his pocket dimension and slid it across the table to me.

I lifted the oversized book and frowned as I pushed it away from me, “I am NOT about to read that much shit. Let’s just do it my way, lazy asshole.”

“Okay, then how should we do this? Start with easy stuff? Or should we just dive into the traumatic shit?” he asked, finishing up his food.

“Traumatic,” I said with a firm nod. 

“Grandfather’s farm, the horse,” he said simply, causing me to narrow my eyes.

“Oh so we’re starting there, huh?” I leaned back, crossing my forelegs, “alright then. What happened to you during that first heat?”

“Nothing good, I’ll say that,” he answered, “you?”

“I normally give a fake answer to that, but I’ll be honest with you. I became an apex predator, apparently. Luckily I just smashed through everyone at first and didn’t actually ‘do anything’ if you know what I mean. Soarin was able to lure me into a building and locked me away in a freezer till everything blew over.”

Lance’s eyes went wide at this, “locked you in a freezer? Couldn’t that have killed you?”

“Yeah,” I laughed, shaking my head at the memory, “he wasn’t a very smart man… but fuck did I love him.”

A smile graced his face at this, “okay, did your mom come to Equestria? Or did your dad?”

“My dad,” I answered, “he was always a bit… overprotective. And hella controlling. He tried to make me leave my house and come live with him when he finally found me. It was one hell of a fight too, and I really do not want to talk about him.”

“Wait, do you two not have a good relationship?” he asked with a shocked look on his face. “Me and my mom have a great relationship.”

“No, we did not,” I sighed, “my dad, Danny, never could let me go. He just kept trying to control my life and wanted me to do what he wanted, even after we came to Equestria.”

“Danny?” He rubbed his chin, “my mom’s name is Dana… wait, oh God. Let me guess, your mom is an FBI agent?”

“Yep, isn’t yours?”

“No, my dad is. So looks like EVERYONE in our two universes are gender swapped,” he chuckled as he pushed his empty plate away.

“Everyone but the ponies in Equestria,” I pointed out. 

“Yeah, I don’t understand the rules there, but it’s still weird.”

“Next question,” I said as I moved the conversation forward, “Tree Frogs?”

“The fucking worse!” he exclaimed, causing both of us to nod.

“Good to meet a fellow ‘fuck those amphibians’ aficionado,” I said firmly. 

He rubbed his chin as he thought up a question, “poison cupcake?”

“No idea what you mean,” I said, scratching my head. 

“Oh, well I ate one by accident back in the very beginning and died,” he muttered, looking a bit unsure.

“Well I didn’t die from a poisoned cupcake, but I did die in the beginning when I tried to help a friend try to meet Big Mac and he accidently bucked me in the face.”

“How’d you manage that?” he asked, causing me to look a bit sheepish.

“Eh… he was bucking a tree so I thought I’d get his attention like Pinkie Pie would and I snuck up on him and jumped between him and the tree. I did not realize he could be so focused on his work…”

This just caused him to laugh loudly as I rolled my eyes.

“Alright, fucker, you walk in on your mom flicking the bean thinking you were her lover?”

He stopped laughing and stared at me, “not funny.”

“So that’s a yes,” I remarked with a smirk, “yeah, same here. Dad thought I was his marefriend, Songbird Serenade, and I saw way too much.”

“Whoa whoa WHOA! Your dad got with Songbird Serenade? THE Songbird Serenade? The popstar?!” Lance yelped, eyes wide as he leaned towards me.

“Yep!” I laughed, “I don’t know how, but he appeared in Manehattan and SOMEHOW pulled her attention when looking for me. They never told me how they met, saying it was ‘too romantic for my young ears’.”

“Damn! My mom got with the Captain of the Royal Guard, but Popstar beats that by a long shot!” He let out a whistle, “I guess now I should ask some of the fun questions. How’d giving birth to your daughter go?”

My smile faded away at this as unpleasant memories surfaced.

“Are you okay?” He asked, noticing my mood shift.

“Yeah. I love my daughter, but the memory is… unpleasant,” I answered, causing him to look a bit awkward. “Did a few of your enemies band together and attack you during Nightmare Night?”

“They did,” he replied, seeming a bit confused.

“Okay well they attacked us and killed a few of my friends. And I handed myself over to spare the rest of them,” I said slowly.

“Same here, they shoved me in a cage and stole my immortality.”

“Yep, and that’s where I suddenly went into labor,” I said, causing him to jerk hard.

“You were pregnant during that fight?!” He exclaimed in shock.

“Pregnant, cramping, and contracting. Then those assholes mocked me the entire time. Of course when they attempted to take my newborn from me I snapped and broke free, killing most of them before my friends caught up to rescue me.”

“That’s…” he shook his head, “just Jesus I can’t even begin to imagine that shit.”

“It was an experience, that’s for sure,” I muttered, then forced myself to change subjects, “so! How’d you propose to Twilight?”

A smile slid into his face, “ah, at the Grand Galloping Gala. I took her to a beautiful place out in the garden and proposed in the simplest way possible. But she loves it and the rest is history. You?”

“Mine is not as grand as the Gala, but it’s one of my favorite moments in my life,” I began, reminiscing on that day. “Soarin and I had been together for a bit by this point and I honestly wasn’t planning on marriage or any of that stuff. I was pregnant and just happy being with his goofy ass. He never brought it up either so I thought we were on the same page.

“Well a few months into my pregnancy I was having a REALLY rough week where I was in constant pain and complaining. He stayed by my side even though I was being a real BITCH to him the entire time. By the end of it I broke down thinking he’d leave me after how I was treating him. But that goof ball just gave me a little speech about how much he loved me and all that jazz, then pulled out a ring. He asked me to marry him even though I was standing there bloated and ugly as hell.”

“I never really knew Soarin,” Lance admitted, “but he sounds like he was a great guy.”

“He was the best,” I said a bit solemnly, letting out a small sigh.

“If you don’t mind, what happened to him?”

“Seven years ago,” I began, just hoping straight to it, “one of my enemies, Valerie, came back from the dead just to screw up my life.”

“Valerie? Is she a large Alicorn who you met at a place called Pleasant Fields?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You mean Val?” I asked, getting a nod. “No, different person. We’ll talk about that later,” I rubbed my face as I continued, “Valerie is a Diamond Dog who was a Brony who was angry we ‘took all the good’ stallions. I killed her after a few encounters, but some asshole brought her back to life years later and… she killed my husband as her first act, so I didn’t even have a chance to save him. One minute he was going to the store, and the next she was tossing his body through our bedroom window.”

“Fuck…” Lance muttered.

“I killed that bitch and I made damn sure she’d never come back again…” I growled, trying not to go off on another tangent like the last time I explained this story. “So that’s why I fucking flirt and joke around so much, okay?”

“Yeah, I get it,” he said slowly. “I’m sorry, Lacy.”

“It’s fine, I know you’ve probably got your share of trauma and shit,” I let out a sigh and leaned back. “For example, the cannibal?”

He shook his head at this, “yeah. You ever figured out what that was all about?”

“Nope, she came, ate me like a buffet table, and disappeared without elaborating. Weirdest shit ever,” I said as I rubbed my shoulder at the memory. That cannibal is one of the few things I never figured out.

“Huh, I’m almost afraid to ask this one, but did Luna be a bit aggressive in the beginning for you? LIke, almost raping you aggressive?” Lance asked, causing me to roll my eyes.

“No, but Blueblood tried to do that. Guy got his nuts kicked for that one, but he ended up not being that bad of a guy once all things were said and done,” I answered, shrugging.

“That sounds worse than what I went through,” he muttered, causing both of us to chuckle a bit. “Which I guess leads to this question: did you have a Brony Draconequus in your world that was the cause of all the sexual problems?”

“Yeah, a guy named Abel who went by Disarray,” I answered with a sigh. “He was a deviant and caused so much shit to happen. When we found out he was behind all the horrible shit we’d gone through, like the fucking Heat, I just straight up killed him.”

“Ours did the same shit, but we banished her to the moon,” Lance said as a sheepish look fell over his face. “But as it turns out she’s a rape victim and all that shit she did was a trauma response. So…”

“I don’t really care, not an excuse for what they did,” I answered firmly. “So fuck em. Anyways, Pleasant Fields?”

“Yeah, I got tricked and then captured. Huh… What’d Draco do to you in your dimension?” he asked cautiously.

“Draco? The gay guy? He sucked my friend's dick against his will, then I killed him when we broke out, not much to tell.”

“Wait, your friend was a guy? The one who came with me was a guy too. Does that mean you had a male Frederic?” he asked, a bit confused.

“Frederic? No, my friend was a guy named Vinny who could control plants and shit. Frederic was the guy I was pretending to be to trick Champion, right?”

“Yeah, that was him. He died when we fought the Watcher the first time. The guy was like a brother to me…”

I rubbed my chin, making a connection, “was Frederic killed on Earth like five or so years before the rapture by his mafia family?”

“Yep, his dad killed him.”

I frowned at him, “why didn’t you kill him during your first meeting with him?!”

“Because I was dumb and Frederic beat him after a short fight, so I thought we could just lock him away or something…”

“Well in my dimension he was a she and her bitch ass name was Rachel. She attacked us out of nowhere one night and was able to cut Fredia’s throat. If it wasn’t for my Moon and Rake, I wouldn’t have won that fight. You should’ve done what I did; stomp her head in.”

“Honestly I regret that decision every time he reappears, but he’s gotten to a point where he’s too hard to kill.”

“It was losing Frieda that turned me into the asshole you see before you today, Lance. Her death was… jarring to say the least.”

“Yeah…” he rubbed his chin as he thought of another question. “Did you also have a crazy person follow you to Equestria and try to kill you?”

“A crazy bitch named Kodi, yes. I killed her shortly after she surprise attacked my ass. Good riddance.”

“Well… mine is named Cody and he ended up becoming a reformed and amazing person who’s helped us overcome a few disasters in the past,” Lance said as I rolled my eyes again.

“I stand by my choices.”

“Not to be that guy, but maybe killing everyone who stood against you is the reason everyone you know is dead,” he said a bit harshly.

“What the fuck?” I snapped, “what’s with the sudden third degree?”

“Because sometimes you need someone to say the hard shit,” he retorted. “I’m not going to sit here and judge you, but I’ve only killed when necessary and things have gone relatively well for everyone I know.”

“Sounds like judging to me…” I grumbled, crossing my forelegs. “I did what I thought was right at the time, and I still stand by that…”

“That’s how I’ve always operated as well, so no, I’m not judging you,” he assured me.

“Well let me try a few questions then,” I began as I leaned forward, eyes narrowed.


Roxxy limped down the deserted street, with Babel Yarn right next to her, scanning each building they walked past. They didn’t have much of a plan, as the communicator was still broken. Which meant the only thing they could do right now was try and find a place to buy replacement parts.

There was just one major problem with that plan. The place they’d appeared in seemed to be mostly abandoned and in a constant state falling apart. 

Babel, in her infinite wisdom, believed this location's gimmick was post-apocalyptic.

But Roxxy wasn’t too worried about that, as she knew that as long as they stuck together, they’d pull through this terrible shit.

Her eyes drifted over to the other mare, who was currently smiling happily and humming to herself as they walked along. 

Roxxy didn’t exactly know how they’d handle the upcoming challenges, but she did know for a fact she’d never let anyone hurt this strange mare. 

With that she moved closer to Babel as they walked, pressing into her side a bit. Babel, being her oblivious self, just kept walking and humming, just enjoying life.


Shayla’s POV

“You shouldn’t be alive,” Raffy muttered as he sat back, watching me slowly stand up after he healed my wounds.

“She’s resilient, like her parents,” my mother grunted as she held her own wounds, which had not been healed yet as Raffy had to focus on me at first.

Raffy quickly moved to her, but she waved him off and pointed to my mom, “no, heal Mallogory first. I’ll be fine.”

“Between the two of you, YOU are the one who needs healing first. You’re wounds are terrible and-”

“Raffy, just do it for me,” she grunted, causing him to frown.

“All of you are stubborn,” he retorted as he moved to help my mom first.

My mother just smiled a bit as she sat down hard.

Once he finished with my mom he quickly moved back to my mother, who finally let herself be healed.

As he healed her, I turned to Domitor, who was still glowing yellow.

A wide smile appeared on my face as I stared at his aura with my Virtue Sight.

“What?” he asked as I stepped up to him.

“You’re a…” I began, reaching over and rubbing his face, “a fucking Saiyan?!”

“I don’t know what that is…” he admitted, causing me to gasp loudly.

“How can you not know?! They’re the main staple of Dragon Ball Z!” I yelled, causing him to smile sheepishly.

“I’ve… never watched it, Shay.”

“But I talk about it all the time!”

“And that doesn’t mean I know what you’re talking about, dummy,” he chuckled, reaching up and placing his hoof on my face. “But did you hear what he said? Or were you too out of it?”

“What?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. I kinda was wavering in and out earlier, what with all the blood loss and injuries. The only thing that pulled me together was seeing Domitor transform into a freaking Super Saiyan!

“So you didn’t hear him,” he said, seeming a bit nervous. 

“Oh here we go,” my mother chuckled as all eyes landed on me suddenly.

“Uh… what’s going on?” I asked, not liking the looks I was suddenly getting.

“Okay, do not panic,” Domitor began, placing his hooves on my shoulders, “and do not overreact. Can you promise me that?”

“Uh… sure, I promise,” I said in confusion.

“Shayla,” he began, tightening his grip on my shoulders. “You’re pregnant.”

I stood there, slowly raising my eyebrows, “nah, I’m not. I’m sterile, remember?”

“Well, maybe not,” my mom said from behind me. “You may have actually gotten more pony in you than we originally thought.”

“Even then, I can’t be pregnant,” I countered with a chuckle.

“Shayla, use your sight. Do you see anything… odd about yourself?” Rosemary asked carefully.

Letting out a sigh I looked at myself using my Virtue Sight, looking over my body seeing nothing out of place.

“You’re overlooking it, Shayla,” she muttered, causing me to look again.

Reluctantly I looked myself over again, seeing my Soul radiation from my chest. Nothing out of the ordinary- okay yeah, there’s a second smaller part of my soul lower in my body. So what?

“Are you serious?” Rosemary groaned, causing Buu to start laughing. “Shayla, that second Soul is the beginning of a person being formed. That’s your womb.”

My body seized up as it finally hit me, and boy did it hit me hard.

“I’m fucking pregnant?!” I yelled, causing Domitor to squeeze harder. 

“Apparently,” he confirmed as my breathing picked up. “How… are you feeling?”

To answer him I threw my hands up and broke his grip on me and spun around, heading for the house.

“Shayla?!” he called after me as I stomped away, holding a hand to my gut.

“I can’t be fucking pregnant!” I exclaimed angrily as I walked past everyone else. 

He chased after me, but I ignored him as I stepped into the house and made my way to our room, slamming the door behind me and collapsing against it. 

I grabbed my faceplate with my hands and began to shake as my mind raced. 

What the fuck do I do?! 

“Shayla, it’s going to be okay,” he said lamely from the other side of the door.

“Fuck off, Dom,” I snapped, slamming a fist into the floor next to me. 

The sound of him sitting down against the door caused me to growl.

He didn’t say anything as we just sat there, our backs only separated by the door between us. 

I punched myself in the face a few times out of frustration, my teeth gritted as I thought of all the shit I couldn’t do now.

“My parents told me I couldn’t get pregnant!” I finally roared, hitting myself a few more times. “I don’t want a kid, Dom! I wanna do what ever the fuck I want to do, not raise a fucking baby!”

“I know,” he said quietly.

“FUCK!” I screamed as I kicked my feet as I grabbed my faceplate again, pulling against it roughly. “What do I do?!”

“I don’t know,” he answered, not moving a lot on his side of the door.

“Dom, I really don’t want to be a mom,” I choked out as I started crying, my ruined eye sockets still somehow producing tears.

He didn’t reply to that one.

“I had plans! I wanted to explore all kinds of crazy dimensions and do all kinds of awesome shit! A kid ruins all that! And now I feel like a horrible mare because I’m considering…”

“Killing it,” Domitor finished for me, pain clear in his voice.

“Yeah…” I muttered as I pulled my legs into myself, hugging them. “I’m the fucking worst. The most selfish fucking bitch ever…”

“No, you’re not. You’re just… not sure how to process all this. I’m in the same boat, but we can get through this, together,” he tried to assure me, but I just hit the door with the back of my fist.

“Stop acting like you know how I’m feeling, you prick,” I growled, “I’m sitting here considering killing an unborn foal, you don’t know what I’m going through.”

“Whatever you chose,” he said slowly and calmly, “I’m here for you, Shayla.”

Tears and snot ran down my face upon hearing him say that, causing me to scream in frustration again. “Damn it, Dom! Be pissed! I’m sitting here talking about killing your unborn kid and you’re going to say you support whatever I do?! I’m fucking retarded, Dom! I make the wrong choices all the fucking time!”

“Shayla,” he began as he bumped against the door a bit, “I love you, with all my being. I’d love to raise a family with you, but at the same time I’m always going to support you. If you do not want this, we can figure it out. I just want you to be happy and have everything you deserve.”

“Fucking asshole,” I choked out as my nose clogged up, “just get mad at me, call me names. Please, just let me have it. I’m horrible, and I’d be an even worse mother.”

“You’d be a mess of a mother, Shayla,” he said, causing me to gag a bit as a short laugh pushed through the sobs. “But that’s okay. Because I know you’d love them no matter what, even if you’re fucking up left and right. You just have to remember, there’s two of us here, Shay. You wouldn’t be alone.”

“I don’t fucking know why you’re like this with me, Dom,” I said between sobs. “All I’ve done is hurt you and make your life a living hell. Just because we banged doesn’t mean you have to stick by my side. You deserve someone more loving and stable.”

“Oh, you’re so fucking dense, Shay,” he said a bit roughly. “I don’t feel this way because we ‘banged’, I feel this way because you are the one and only person in my life that I care about this deeply. I’ve always loved you, I just didn’t know how to process that emotion till that night. You are my everything, Shay, and I’ll stick by your side no matter how bad things get or what choices you make.”

“And I thought I was dumb,” I mumbled as I wiped my face on my pants. “Tell me what I should do, Domitor. Please…”

“I think you should take a step back and think about this longer than one day,” he said in a soothing voice. “Let your feelings form before you make a choice.”

“And if I chose to kill it?” I asked hesitantly.

“Then we’ll do it, and I will not ever hold it against you,” he assured, causing me to start crying again as I spun around and slammed my hooves through the door, grabbing him and yanking him roughly through it. 

“Thank you,” I cried out as I pulled him into myself, burying my face in his neck as he wrapped his forelegs around my neck.

I don’t know what I’ll do… but having Domitor by my side made me feel like things would be okay, no matter what happens.