Fallout Equestria: Apocalypse

by BioQuillFiction


I arrived back in my home dimension after the Dimensional Wayfinder timed out and sent me back. It had actually only been two hours here, as I was now informed time can drastically differ between dimensions but the Wayfinder is built to lock onto dimensions with a timeline that didn't leave me coming back home like a century later while I only experienced a day in the other dimension.

Unfortunately it took time for it to recharge before I could jump again, so I decided to look around the files back in my quarters and began to look for anything interesting.

"That place was fun…seeing a world where everyone's safe and happy…" I sighed

I browsed through various files, wondering if something would catch my eye.

As I was browsing I-

New Email Received.

“New email?” I inquired, going to my email and searching for the new letter.

Do you really wish to find The Family?

“I mean…that’s what Captain Death wanted me to do…” I said, clicking ‘yes’ on the email.

Suit Yourself.

My computer screen suddenly froze, turning black before lines of ones and zeroes rapidly ran up and down it.

“Shit, what the hell happened?” I said worriedly. “Amanda? The hell is going on? Is this a virus somehow or a hacker?”

"Negative. Scans detect nothing abnormal happening."

What? That can't be rig- oh shit!

I jumped out of my chair as the blackness and lines of code leaked out of my screen, then burst out like a liquid, rapidly filling my office.

I moved to the door and it wasn't opening. Shit, shit, shit!

“Amanda open the door!” I said quickly. “Or at least figure out how to get out of here if that’s not possible!”

"Accessing- shspppper…. Error!"

Oh Fuck!

The… whatever this is, was rising fast. In my panic I only had one thing… my eggs!

I grabbed hold of my eggs and the incubator they were in and held tight.

Please, please… I can't… I don't want to die here.

"Who said anything about dying?"

Error. Error. Reality missing. Initializing Big Bang Protocol.