Rise of the Elements Episode 1: Pinkie's Little Problem

by Dream Volt

Twilight's Letter

Dear Princess Luna,

I would like to give you an update on my current project. More accurately Spike's paranoia about the results that has much to my chagrin spread to me as well. In truth the only one that is likely to be hurt by this experiment is myself. We've talked at some length about Pinkie's abilities, and even you can't give me the answers I desire. A colleague of mine named coincidentally enough Moonfire was a great help. Though her scathing commentary of my original method was cringe inducing, she also came up with several great ideas that eventually led to the creation of the current version of the experiment.

What we've come up with is fairly simple, though taking more time to consider, I've added an arcane-o-meter to the biorhythm and brain scanners. You and Moonfire have both reminded me that all ponies have magic. Also Rarity reminded me that magic can respond passively to desires, as it did when it led her to the gem filled rock the Sonic Rainboom shattered. As a side note Pinkie realized that the rock in question was most likely on the edge of her family's farm, just outside their property. Though I haven't any idea what desire her magic could be following, or have any idea how her magic could work. Also Rarity's description made it sound like a far further journey than that.

Moonfire pointed out my problem was in not assuming an observable phenomenon somehow works, but my certainty that it couldn't be real corrupted my experiment, and my patience. She also pointed out there is an obvious way that is likely to create reproducible results. I modified her initial idea with various safety precautions, but mostly I used it as is. I also felt quite foolish as it is an obvious and simple test. Spike drops various things on my head at random intervals as I study. Some like pillows are harmless, but some are heavier. An assistant then records any twitches downstairs where Pinkie will be. I must thank you for volunteering your guard, but only Firecracker and Trixie really have the speed writing skills necessary. I don't know which one will be available the day in question, but thank you all the same.

However all that aside I feel ready. Although the various objects might hurt, it is at best minor pain. We also included various disgusting things, like garbage, or just sticky or staining substances like paint, or some caramel that Pinkie herself donated. I'm not sure exactly what is wrong with it, but she said I should make sure not to eat it. It seems odd molten caramel could be bad, so I assume it's just taste, but I'm unreasonably curious about exactly what's wrong with it. Oh, I do have a spell to protect me from the heat of it of course. Hopefully several things will elicit a reaction. The recorded data could be invaluable. Of course you can tell Celestia that I still accept that somehow it works, and that I will not be too disappointed if I learn nothing.

I still feel great hope for this experiment. That what we learn today could change the world. At the very least knowing that magic is somehow involved would put my mind at ease, even if I never understand how it works.

Your faithful friend, Twilight Sparkle.