Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Messing with the clone

Chapter 83

“Ah gadzooks!” Someone exclaimed, causing Roxxy to snap awake. She sat up and looked around in a panic, eyes wide as she forgot where she was. The only thing playing through her mind was Champion, and what he’d done.

“Whoa!” Babel yelped as Roxxy hyperventilated violently on the floor. She rushed over and awkwardly stood next to the panicking mare, unsure of what to do.

Roxxy gripped her chest, eye locking onto the two bandaged stumps where her missing limbs used to be.

“I’m sorry! I don’t know what to do!” Babel yelled, jumping from hoof to hoof, “this is bad! Just like when Scamp and her friends fought Leem on the airship! He really messed them up and that’s when Scamp lost both of her legs just like you have! She was super hurt but all she cared about were her friends! But they had Doc to heal the wounds and we just have me, and I’m a terrible Doc! I did my best but-“

Roxxy just stared at her, no longer panicking, just listening to Babel ramble on and on. Her breathing slowly returned to normal as she calmed down immensely.

Babel continued on, changing topics just as quickly as she landed on them.

Instead of being annoyed by this, Roxxy found herself intrigued. Not by the topics Babel was talking about, but by Babel herself.

A slow realization over took her as a blush formed on her face.

“Oh crap…” she muttered as she stared wide eyed at the rambling mare before her.


Lacy’s POV

“So what is the plan now?” I asked as I sat at a table with Bronwyn, Lance, Louie, and Strawell. Jun was off somewhere, doing whatever it is a dum dum like him does.

“First things first” Louie began, arms crossed as he looked between all of us, “we need to get a message out to all those who survived the massacre in the Safe Dimension and get them regrouped. Then, we need to rally the ones who jumped to the Eternal Plains.”

“Why don’t they just use their Order Hall Daggers to return?” I suggested, but Bronwyn shook her head.

“We’ve deactivated all Order Hall Daggers for now, since Champion has one now,” she said with a sigh. “Meaning if we leave here, we can’t return till Luz turns them back on, which he will not do till we get the OHD back from Champion. Which will more than likely require us to kill him.”

“Well, you’ve been an Enforcer for a LONG time, how’d you guys handle threats like this in the past?” Lance asked, getting a few nods from the rest of us.

“In the past, we had the backing of the Central Dimension,” she answered, waving a hand towards the many corridors around us, “without them, we’ve lost access to the majority of our assets. That is why there are so many deadends here in the Order Hall, those used to be rooms that served specific purposes. For Champion, we’d have enacted a ‘Freeze Protocol’, which would put him in stasis. But that was something we could only do thanks to a member of the Central Dimension.”

“So basically, what you’re saying is,” I began, rubbing my chin, “is we’re shit out of luck.”

“Essentially, yes,” she answered grimly.

“Screw it, new dimension?” I asked as I leaned forward. 

“We are not abandoning Equestria,” Strawell said sternly, glaring at me. Yikes, bitch has got one hell of a stare on her!

“If Champion is left to his own devices,” Bronwyn added, “then there is no telling what he will become. He has already achieved a level of power that far surpasses anything I’ve seen in the past. Our leader Wyntir was considered the strongest being to ever exist, outside of God’s, and even he would not be able to defeat Champion as he is now.”

“I dunno, we seemed to kick his ass back there,” I chuckled, but everyone just stared at me solemnly. “Eh… yeah sorry, he did kill a few of us… Which is why we should say fuck it and LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE!”

“We can’t,” Lance said with a shake of his head. “Bronwyn is right, we need to figure out how to deal with Champion, or more people will suffer at his hooves.”

“Fuck me,” I groaned, sitting back hard, rubbing my face. “Fuck you, you’re right… We gotta do something about him. Fuck!”

“The only question left now is,” Bronwyn said as she looked between all of us, “how do we do it?”

At this, not a single one of us had an answer, as we all remained silent.



That meeting solved nothing…

[Bleh, this shit is SO much more complicated than what we were dealing with. All we had to do was fuck a bitch up and then boom! Life would be better!]
<Yes, but we beat the Observer and lost everyone. So life is NOT better, Rake.>
[Geez, Moon, don’t be such a downer!]

I shook my head as I walked down the long corridor, heading for what should be the living quarters where all the Enforcer’s rooms were. A new room apparently appears every time a new Enforcer is made, giving them their own personal space within the Order Hall. 

Honestly, I think that’s pretty fucking epic.

Upon reaching the end of the hall I found myself in another long ass room. This one though looked more like a prison cell block with how the doors were set up. They ran down either side of the room in both directions.

How do I know which room is mine?

Almost as if this place was reading my mind, I saw a door further down light up, seeming to call to me. Well shit, this just gets cooler and cooler.

Stepping up to my door, I watched as it shimmered a few different shades before taking on a new form. New decorations appeared on the door, looking to be street graffiti with my name on it.

[Aw fuck yeah! This door gets us!]

“Create a passphrase,” the door suddenly said in a monotone voice.

“Uh… what?” I asked, not sure what it meant.

“Create a password,” it said, changing what it’d said the first time.

“What?” I asked again, scratching my head.

“You must create a password to gain access to this room, Lacy Greenfield,” the door said, somehow sounding a bit annoyed.

“Uh… Pickles?” I said, causing the door to flash a few times.

“Password created, welcome to your personal quarters, Enforcer Lacy.” With that the door swung open, revealing a pretty bland room. Just a bed, a few tables, and some shelves. There were three doors as well, but I had no idea where they went yet.

I explored the room a bit, finding out one door leads to a pretty nice bathroom, while the other leads to a kitchen slash dining room. But the one I really like is the third door, which was a workshop slash armory, already filled with all kinds of tools and cool stuff! Of course I have zero idea how to use any of those tools, but I’d FOR SURE be playing with them in the coming days!

As of this moment though, I have nothing to do in here. But! There is supposed to be an armory in this place, so you know what that means?

[Go get a fucking awesome gun and let’s see if we can use these tools to make a even BETTER gun!]
{Hell yeah!}

With this new plan in mind, I quickly made my way out of my room and headed for the hallway. But as I walked, I saw a door that caught my eye. One that had the name ‘Jun’ on it.

[Screw that plan, let’s fuck with those idiots instead!]

Smirking, I stepped up to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked.

“Passphrase?” the door asked.

“I don’t know, just open,” I said, shaking the handle hard.

“Passphrase?” it repeated.

“I don’t know the stupid password,” I growled, punching the door a few times.


“Open damn it!” I snapped, losing my patience.

“Passphrase correct,” the door suddenly said as the door swung open, revealing Jun at a table eating a shit ton of food, a surprised look on his face as he turned to me.

“Yo fucker!” I exclaimed as I stepped into his room, a wide smirk on my face.

“Lacy?!” he yelped, eyes wide. “How’d you know my password?!”

“Because you’re big dumb and picked a stupid password,” I answered as I walked up to his table full of food, “this for everyone?”

“I mean, it’s MY food,” he said, but at my raised eyebrow he gulped, “but you can have some.”

“Good boy,” I chuckled as I pulled a chair up and sat down right next to him, causing him to shift around a bit. I began grabbing random boxes of snacks, ripping them open and eating them noisily.

He just looked everywhere but at me, fidgeting with his hooves.

“So,” he said after a minute of watching me eat, “you’re married in your dimension like Lance is here?”

“Why? You in the market?” I asked with a wink, causing him to shift around more. But I didn’t let him suffer, too long, “I was married. But my husband passed away seven years ago thanks to an cunt named Valerie.”

“Oh, that sucks, I’m sorry,” he said lamely, causing me to roll my eyes.

“Kids?” he asked nervously.

“What is this? A job interview?” I laughed, shaking my head, “yeah, one kid. But…” I let out a deep sigh as my mood threatened to drop. “She’s dead.”

He made the smart choice of not making a comment this time around and just went back to watching me eat.

“I’ve never had a wife or kid,” he suddenly said in a sad voice. “So I don’t really know what it’s like to lose one…”

“Well trust me, if you ever do get with someone and have a kid, don’t fuck around and lose them. Got that?” I said gruffly, taking a large bite out of the sandwich I’d unwrapped.

He just stared at me for a long moment before asking the question I knew he was dying to ask. 

“Are you just messing with me? Or are you actually flirting with me?”

I let out a laugh as I smirked at him, “bro what do you think?”

“Messing with me,” he said with a sharp nod. “Yeah I thought so.”

“Fucking thick headed numbskull,” I chuckled as I finished off the sandwich. “You’re not very smart, you know that?”

“Neither are you,” he countered.

“Hey fuck you. For one, I am a fucking genius. And for two…” I stared at him hard, trying to think of a second thing. “... You don’t get to hear the second thing.”

We sat in silence for a bit as I just kept eating. 

“Thanks for making them bring me here,” he mumbled, “Champion would have killed me for good if he’d come back and saw me.”

“What can I say,” I grunted, “you charmed me with that goofy personality you got. I like my men to be big and dumb.”

“I thought you said you were messing with me?” he asked as he cocked his head at me.

“Did I say I was messing with you?” I countered with a wink. “God you’re so fucking dumb.”

“You’re… confusing me,” he complained as he shifted around in his chair.

“That’s not hard to do apparently,” I said as I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Wait.. so you’re flirting with me?!” he asked with a wide smile.

To answer him I reached out and flicked his forehead, causing him to look super confused.

“I’m doing what I wanna do,” I chuckled as I pushed myself back and put my hooves behind my head. “Alright, bud, ask me some questions, because I know you’re dying to do so.”

“Are we going to bang?” he asked right off the bat, causing me to roll my eyes.

“Bruh, you can’t ask that shit, it ruins the fun. Come on, get your head out of your dick and ask a real question,” I chuckled, rotating in my chair a bit.

“Oh… uh…” he mumbled as he racked his brain for a question to ask. “Erm… how many guys have you-”

“Motherfucker, no sex questions, Jesus bro!” I groaned, giving him a kick with my back hoof. “And one, by the way. Since you just had to know.” 

“Okay sorry,” he muttered, “Uh… Oh! Was there a Clone you in your dimension?”

“Finally a real question!” I laughed as I nodded, “yeah, I broke her neck when she tried to sleep with my husband and steal my kid.”

“Oh that's a bit scary…” he said, rubbing his neck. “Lance just beat me up…”

“Shouldn’t go after other people’s partner’s, dumbfuck,” I reached over and slugged his shoulder. “You’re lucky it wasn’t me, I’d have ripped your dick off and made you eat it if you’d tried that with my husband.”

He covered himself with a plate as he blushed.

“Geez, that made you hard?” I asked as I started laughing. “Fuck me bro, you’re a bit pathetic, you know that?”

“I’m not pathetic…” he grumbled as he looked away.

“Don’t worry,” I said in a low soothing voice, leaning right up to him, “I like it.”

His body stiffened as his face burned hotter.

“I have a question for you,” I said a bit seductively as Rake rubbed her hooves together maniacally.

“What is it?” he asked, eyes wide as I leaned right into his face.

“Top or bottom?” 

He blinked dumbly for a moment before he realized what I was asking. “ERM! UH! TOP?!”

“No you’re not, Mr. Bottom,” I winked as I shoved him out of his chair, causing him to fall to the floor.

“Oh God, is this happening?!” he asked in a panic, facing going through all kinds of emotions.

“Wanna bone?” I asked, causing him to nod his head dumbly. “Aw, too bad,” I said with a sinister smirk, “I don’t bang on the first date, boyo.”

“... I’m confused again…” he muttered, face scrunched up. 

“I’mma flirt with ya dumbass, and then MAYBE one day I’ll bang the shit out of your beefy ass body. But for now,” I said as I spun around, slapping his face with my tail and walking towards his door, swaying my hips as much as I could, “I’m gonna blue ball ya, for the lawls.”

“What the fuck…” he muttered, still not grasping the sudden change.

“Ain’t I a stinker?” I asked as I ducked out of his room, slamming the door.

<That… was cruel and unusual punishment Lacy…>
[Nah that shit was golden!]
(The faces they were all making! Priceless!)
[Oh I can not WAIT to bed that fucker!]
<Isn’t this a bit weird? I mean, Jun is a male version of us. So it’s a bit->
[You’re looking too much into it, Moon! Just sit back and enjoy the show!]

Now! Back to the original plan!

[Fuck yeah! Weapons!]