Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

The Day of Reckoning: Impact

Chapter 82


Lacy’s POV

“This guy is annoying,” I grunted as Lance and I danced around the well dressed man, both of us doing our best to remove his limbs as he regrows them. Bronwyn had taken the distraction to attempt to locate the one known as Lilith, but I was sure she wasn’t having any luck since I kept seeing her reappear, looking frustrated.

“The annoying ones here are you two,” the man retorted, having lost his cocky attitude long ago when we just kept removing his limbs.

“I get that a lot,” both Lance and I said at once, causing both of us to start laughing.

[We should get a room! Am I right?] Break asked, flipping his shades up to wink at Rake.
[Sorry, I don’t bang weak men like yourself] Rake replied as she filed away at her fake nails, a shit eating grin on her face. 
<(Ooooo!)> The other three all laughed at once, pointing at Break’s upset face.
[Man fuck all ya’ll!] Break complained, sitting down and turning away from the others.

As I spun towards the man, who I now knew was named Richard, he flipped his reforming hand, causing a gravity well to catch me and start pulling me away from the fight.

“Ah shit,” I laughed as I was pulled away, watching as Lance body checked Richard, sending him flying away. 

I pushed my Ego into my sword, giving myself a spin to break the gravity type attack that was pulling me away. Once I was free I flew back towards the dueling pair, powering up my sword as I went.

So far I couldn’t figure out how to actually defeat this guy, and neither could Lance. Nothing we were doing could hurt him for long, as he seemed to be able to regenerate any damage we tossed at him.

Which didn’t leave many options for us.

The last ‘regenerating’ fucker I fought, I just had Gregoria just teleport them into deep space. Done deal. But this guy? Well I didn’t see a Unicorn anywhere nearby, and even then, I wasn’t sure if that’d actually stop him since he for sure had a Dimensional Dagger.

Yep, I got nothing.

[Just cut him into smaller pieces!] Rake suggested.

“… Let’s do it!” I exclaimed as I landed next to Lance, giving him a nod as I took over.

“Aren’t you tired yet?!” he asked, but I just answered him by powering up my sword and going absolutely ape shit, sending slices of Ego flying at him from all kinds of angles. I kept it up, watching him crumble into a little pile as I began to hit the pile with attack after attack, slicing it into even smaller pieces.

Finally I finished, leaving just a tiny pile of chunks left. 

“Oh shit, did you actually get him?!” Lance asked in amazement as I turned to face him, smiling proudly.

“Hell yeah I did! The dude was a push over, I’m amazed you didn’t kill him earlier,” I laughed, flexing my arm a bit. 

“Well I bow to you, oh female me,” he joked, doing a little bow. 

“Yes, bow to me inferior Lacy,” I laughed as he stood up and gave me a nod.

“Seriously, good work,” he complemented.

“All in the wrist, ya know?” I said as I twirled my wrist around a bit.

“You two are idiots,” came Richard’s voice as he suddenly reformed behind us. “So close to a victory and you squander it.”

“Uh what?!” I exclaimed as I turned to face him dumbfounded.

His muscles bulged a bit as his power seemed to be increasing, “now, if you two are done-”

“We’re leaving,” Lilith suddenly said from somewhere unseen. “Champion has gone against our plans and we need to recover what we can.”

Richard sighed as he stared us down, “till next time, I suppose.”

“Nuh uh, you ain’t leaving till-” I began, but he just blinked out of existence. “... he just left before I could insult him!”

“Welcome to my life,” Lance chuckled as Bronwyn came running back towards us.

“We have a problem,” she said sharply as she ripped open a portal.

“What is it?” I asked, but she didn’t answer me as she rushed into the portal.

Lance and I looked at each other and rushed forward, as I saw the safe dimension beyond. But Lance just bounced off the portal.

“Ah yeah, I can’t leave Equestria,” he laughed sheepishly.

I frowned as I looked around the room he was in, “well that ain’t Equestria so how are you-” 

But I was cut off as I heard screams behind me.

“I don’t make the rules, okay?!” he yelled, but then stopped as he heard the screams as well.

“Stay,” I said sternly as I spun around and raced towards the town, realizing it was on fire!

The sounds of breaking wood filled the area as I looked towards the end of the street, seeing who could only be Champion explode out of a house and fly towards an open portal. 

What the fuck is going on?!

“Need a bit of help here!” Bronwyn called out as I neared the town. I quickly rushed over to her and saw she was holding up a support beam as a pony struggled to get out from under them.

“I got ya!” I yelped as I dove forward and yanked them out, allowing Bronwyn to drop the beam, followed by most of the house collapsing in on itself.

The pony I’d pulled free coughed a few times and pushed themselves up.

“Get to one of the exit portals, NOW!” Bronwyn ordered, causing them to nod weakly and stumble off.

“What’s happened?” I asked as we rushed to another building. 

“Champion,” was all she said as we began to help a few more ponies. 

We cleared a few houses as quickly as we could till a few ponies were able to take our place in helping those still alive. But sadly, it seemed there were only a handful of survivors, as most of the town was torn to pieces all around us.

From my count, only fifteen survivors out of the hundred that’d been brought here for safety.

Now free of our duty, we rushed back to Lance, who was still stuck on the other side of the portal.

“What happened?!” he asked, but I just held out my hoof, letting his consciences view a few memories really quickly. “Champion was here?!” 

“Yep,” I said as we jumped through the portal.

“We need to get to the others,” Bronwyn said urgently as she held up some kind of small computer-like device, which seemed to be showing a broadcast from Equestria. 

What I saw on that screen was not good. Not good at all.

“Let’s go then!” I roared, but she grabbed me. “What?!”

“I have a plan,” she said simply.


The tall cloaked pony sprang through the portal, scanning the carnage around them as they took it all in. Then their eyes landed on Champion as he held two others up in his hooves.

“Ha! You’re threatening me with rape?” the female pony said, causing Champion to stiffen a bit.  “Go for it, young man! It's your mistake leaving me alive today!”

“Let’s see what kind of attitude you’ll have after a few hours under me,” he laughed in response.

“Wow! You really are the worst, aren’t ya?” the mysterious stallion called out, causing him to snap his head around to him.

“Who are you?!” he roared, clearly confused. 

“Me?” the stallion laughed roughly as he pulled the cloak off, revealing a tall brown slender Alicorn body, “It is I! Your father!”

“Dad?!” he yelped, dropping the two he was holding and turning to face the newcomer fully, shock on his face. “But you.. DIED?!”

“My death was greatly exaggerated,” the stallion laughed out loud, giving Champion an award winning smile. 

“No, you died!” Champion yelled back, but just got a laugh in response.

“You were lied to, son,” his father said simply, “I’ve only just figured out how to return to you.”

“This is very convenient timing, father,” Champion observed, narrowing his eyes. “Prove you are my father, right now!”

The stallion looked a bit conflicted before raising a hoof and saying in an accent, “it’s me, your father, eh.”

“Daddy!” Champion exclaimed, flying across the ground and wrapping his forelegs around his fathers neck. 

“Whoa there!” his father exclaimed as he was forcibly hugged. “Don’t break your old man, kiddo!”

“I have so much to tell you,” he began, but his father cut him off.

“I’m sure you do, but before that, we are needed elsewhere,” his father said, breaking the hug and taking a step back.

“What?” Champion asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes,” his father began, striking a pose, “we are needed in the Nebula Quadrant, where an epic war is being waged right now, and I am caught up in the politics. I require my son’s help to finish the war so I may return home permanently.”

“But I can’t leave here,” he began, but his father just gave him a large smile.

“We’ll be in and out, a quick ten minute adventure!” his father laughed, “with those powers of yours, you’ll end the war in minutes! What do you say, my son?!”

“I say let’s do it, dad!” Champion said with a relaxed smile.

His father slapped his hoof down on his son's shoulder and spun around, using his Dimensional Dagger to open a portal to a bedroom. “Then come along, my son!”

Champion stepped halfway into the portal but stopped, “Wait, I need to lock those two away for later.”

He turned his head, eyes going wide as he saw Lance and Bronwyn dragging them into a portal. A growl escaped his lips as he began to turn out of the portal, but the sight of a massive sword taking up his view caught him a bit off guard, sending him tumbling into the room beyond the portal. 

“Father?!” he yelped as he saw his father standing there holding a massive sword and a smirk on his face.

“Nah you little retard, I ain’t yo daddy!” he laughed as he flashed, revealing a woman who looked a lot like Lance. She pulled down her eyelid and stuck her tongue out at him as the portal snapped shut, leaving him in whatever dimension this was.


Lacy’s POV

“We have like two minutes before he figures out he has to leave that house before he can use his Dimensional Dagger,” I announced as I put away my large Ego greatsword.

“Wow, you fooled him!” another Lance look alike said as he laid on the ground, slowly regenerating.

“Who the fuck are you?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at the demonic looking pony.

“I’m Jun!” he laughed. “I’m a good guy now!”

“Like hell you are!” Lance yelled, rushing towards him, only to be stopped by that one female pony, Strawberry I think?

“Trust me, he’s swapped sides,” she said confidently, causing Lance to frown.

“That guy will NEVER like me, so why would he-”

“Eh, I could care less about you now Lance,” Jun said as he stood up, only needing one back leg back. “I got a whole life planned out! Wife! Kids! The whole shebang!” he then smiled a bit sheepishly, “I just gotta find the wife part first, but then everything after that falls into place!”

“There’s no way,” Lance muttered, shaking his head. 

“We do NOT have time,” Bronwyn yelled as she held up the item used to make Enforcer’s. “Are we bringing the Demon Lance or not?!”

“No!” Lance yelled.

“Yes!” I yelled even louder, smirking at him. “I like this fucker, got that goofy retard vibe about him.”

“Yeah I do!” Jun laughed, then frowned, “hey wait!”

“Then he’s coming!” Bronwyn yelled as she stepped up, performing the ritual on him. 

“Don’t forget…” Louie began, but frowned as he looked around. “Roxxy and Babel are around here somewhere…”

“They’re probably gone now,” Bronwyn said as she put the item away. “Because we DO NOT have time, he’ll be here any second now!”

With that little push, we all rushed towards the portal that led to the Enforcer’s Order Hall, which thankfully subverted whatever hold Lance had over him, as he was apparently allowed there.

As we all jumped through the portal, I swear I heard another snap open and the roar of a VERY angry Champion. But with the portal closed, we were safe.

I looked at Louie and that Strawberry chick, grimacing, “is this all that survived?”

“No, most of us survived” Louie said solemnly, “we lost Dude and Nightstreak though…”

“Damn it…” Lance grunted as he turned and walked away, not looking to have a destination, just wanting to be alone probably. It’s what I’d want in a moment like this.

Bronwyn took off as well, moving for one of the many hallways that surrounded us. 

That just left the four of us.

I looked the other mare over, raising an eyebrow as I took in her heavily damaged armor and bloody scars, “I think you need medical attention, Strawberry.”

She raised an eyebrow at me, but just put on a small smile, “I am fine. Actually, I feel a lot better than I look.”

“That’s my fault,” Louie chucked a bit nervously, “I attached my pain negating Ego to you the moment I saw you, so that’s why.”

“Oh,” she said with a little nod. “You may remove it now, I will be okay.”

“You sure?” he asked with a little smirk.

“I am very sure, Dogman, drop it now,” she replied, her own little smirk on her face.

“Very well,” he said as he removed his Ego from her, causing her eyes to bulge out immediately. 

She stumbled a bit as her body began to shake violently.

“Want the Ego back now?” he asked.

She stayed silent for a moment before giving a sharp nod, “... Yes.”

He laughed as he reattached his Ego to her, causing her to sigh in relief and stand up straight.

“Ahem, where is the medical bay here?” she asked stoically.

“I’ll take you,” he said as he began to lead her away, leaving just me and the other Lance.

“So…” he began, shifting back into his normal appearance. “You’re a female Lance?”

“Bitch, you’re a male Lacy, get it right,” I countered with a large smirk on my face.

[Yeah you little betacucks! Tell us your names, now!] Rake demanded roughly, causing Jun’s two consciences to jerk back a bit.
<Oh… she’s scary… I’m Jawn.> the skinnier one said nervously, unable to look at them.
[Ooo, I’ve got a scared boner right now. Names Jreak!] The beefier one said, his shades on as he stared up at Rake and Moon.
[That’s gay! You just changed the first letters of your names!] Rake pointed out.

“Yeah, that’s lazy, bro,” I laughed, shaking my head at Jun, who just smiled weakly at me.

“Ah… yeah you’re right. Should we change them?” he asked carefully.

“Change them,” I confirmed.

[Sweet! Then I am Midnight!]
<And I’ll be sun.>

I just stared at him as my three conciseness floated around me, then we all burst out laughing.

[Fucking dorks!] Rake roared with laughter, pointing her hoof at them.
<I think it’s a bit cute, Midnight Sun would be their transformation, and that’s kinda->
[Kinda gay! Right, Goldy?]
(For sure!)

Jun’s ears flattened as he crossed his legs, causing me to snort laugh.

“Do you have a fucking hard on, my guy?!” I asked, causing him to blush.

“No!” he yelled back, face burning as he took a step back.

“Okay, I REALLY like your goofy ass,” I laughed as I walked up and messed up his mane. “Cute little fucker.”

This caused him to fall onto his haunches, covering himself.

“Stay classy, Jun,” I said with a wink as I spun away, slapping his face with my tail and began to walk away, heading for a random hallway.

[... I don’t know how to feel about this!] Midnight yelled, causing my consciences to lose their shit with laughter yet again.



Roxxy groaned in pain as Babel struggled to drag her along the ground.

“You are REALLY heavy, Roxxy,” Babel grunted between tugs. “Even with the missing two legs.”

“Don’t remind me,” Roxxy groaned as she dug her free hoof into her pocket dimension, pulling out her Dimensional Dagger. “Babel, you gotta help me here.”

“What do you need me to do?!” she asked as she stopped dragging the heavily injured mare and ran around to the front of her.

“Sit me up,” Roxxy coughed out.

“On it!” Babel exclaimed as she tried to raise the young mare but, but was struggling. 

Once she was finally up right, she sloppily opened a portal before them, leading to some random location on the Eternal Plains. “Push me through and come in behind me,” she instructed.

Babel grunted as she all but rolled Roxxy through the portal, falling in after her. The two rolled a bit, causing Roxxy to yell in pain.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Babel yelled, jumping up and bouncing from hoof to hoof as she looked around in a panic, finding that they were in some kind of abandoned looking housing district. “Oh not good! NOT GOOD!”

“Babel, calm down,” Roxxy said roughly as she rolled onto her back, staring up at the sky above. “Do you know first aid?”

“I can put a bandage on someone, and all that fun stuff!” she declared, “I learned a lot of it thanks to wanting to be like Calypso at one point! So I studied a lot of medical books and took a class! But I honestly do not remember most of it! Pony anatomy is weird and complicated, unlike LTD, which is simple and-”

“Please,” Roxxy said as she reached up and placed a hoof on the other mares mouth, “just use my first aid kit to stop the bleeding. I’m literally dying right now.”

Babel’s eyes went wide as she gave a nod, watching as Roxxy pulled a box out of her pocket dimension.

Working as fast as she could, Babel began to go through the box, picking out the items she’d need. “What should I do first?!”

“Bleedstop,” Roxxy muttered, starting to fade in and out. “Pour the powder on the stumps, make sure to apply pressure so it… stops bleeding. Then… wrap it with… bandage…”

“I’m on it!” Babel yelled as she ripped one of the Bleedstop packages open and began to pour the white powder all over one of her bleeding stumps. “This is just like when Scamp got ripped in half and had to save herself! But she didn’t have any of this stuff, she had to use that weird handicapped guy’s Ego to save herself. But she fought hard! Like SUPER hard! It had my heart beating so fast that-”

Roxxy slowly lost consciousness, listening to the rambling of the frantic mare above her as she worked to save her life.

A sharp pain brought her back as Babel squeezed a bit too hard, still ranting on about random lore from her books. 

As she stared up at the slightly crazy mare, Roxxy couldn’t help but notice how the light reflected off of her. It might be the blood loss talking, but she found herself a bit comforted by the rambling of Babel as she worked.

Then her eyes fluttered as she finally passed out.