Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Alternate Lance arrives

Chapter 79

The past in a different reality

POV Change

“Aw fuck!” I yelped as I split from the fusion and slammed face first into the ground.

[We’re so fucked! The Observer’s still up!]
(We need to get up!)
<Are the others okay?!>

Forcing myself up, I spun around, seeing the few friends I had left struggling to gather themselves.

Then my eyes landed on the one who’d been in control of the fusion, and they looked rough.

“Damn it, Gregoria!” I yelled as I rushed over, grabbing her hoof and lifting her up.

“Fuck I’m sorry, Lacy,” she coughed, “I tried.”

“You fucking idiot,” I hissed, squeezing her hoof, “you took to many hits of that Soul Break, I could have taken at least one!”

“Nah, I knew we weren’t winning that, so we’re putting all our hopes in ya,” Gregoria said weakly, her green face starting to pale.

“Now that was a very close attempt, Lacy,” the Observer called out from the other side of the room, her voice cracking a bit.

I growled as I watched the life leave Gregoria’s eyes, standing up and facing the Observer. I took in her damaged face and missing rings, as Gregoria had done a real number on her in that final blast. But we didn’t have enough power to fully finish her off.

So now here we are, facing each other down yet again.

The Observer forced a chuckle as she struggled to stay floating above me as she moved towards me, “Oh no, did another of your little friends perish?”

“Shut up,” I growled as my massive Ego greatsword appeared next to me, falling against me as I stared up at the Observer.

“Are we going to do this dance yet again, Lacy?” she asked, clearly putting on a false confidence that even I could see through.

“Oh fuck yeah, we’re gonna do this shit again,” I yelled as I shifted into my Apollyon form and raised myself off the ground with my wings as I grabbed the handle of my Ego greatsword, letting my own Ego flow into the blade. “Bring it, bitch!”

[Fucking ruin her, Lacy! Cut her face off and shit on it!]
<That’s beyond crude, Rake! But I agree with her, mess this bitch up!>
[That’s it, Moon! Get pissed! Fuck this evil cunt for killing our friends!]

Behind me, I could hear my four remaining friends gathering themselves, but they were all too weak after taking all the Soul Break’s for me, despite me trying to stop them.

“Let’s go!” I roared as I flew forward, spinning through the air as I held tight to my greatsword, pushing my Ego into it as I spun hard, sending a wave of Ego flying from the blade and right at the Observer.

She raised a mechanical hand to block the hit, but instead of absorbing it like she’d done previously, my wave of Ego just sliced right through the hand and continued towards her face. As it hit her, she let out a massive roar of pain, eyes flaring to life.

“Uh oh!” I laughed as I continued swinging my blade through the air, sending wave after wave of Ego at her, “looks like you’re weak now, you stupid bitch!”

“I might be weakened,” she threw back, dodging the Ego I was sending at her, eyes locked with mine, “but I’m still strong enough to handle the likes of you!”

“Uh huh!” I mocked as I sent a wave at her, flying right behind it as I held my sword back, preparing to fuck her up real good. “Keep telling yourself that!”

“Your overconfidence is your downfall, Lacy!” she yelled as she flung her ruined hand at me, sending a beam flying right for me. But I easily weaved around it, smirking at her as I reached her and sliced my sword through the air, hitting her on the top of her dome head.

It didn’t cut through her, but the sheer weight and size of my Ego greatsword sent her flying straight down, where she slammed into the ground with a massive crash, sending debris and stone in all directions.

I followed after her, slamming the tip of my sword into the top of her face, sending her further into the ground.

“You were saying?” I asked with a smirk as I stood on top of her face, expecting her to say something snide. But instead, she just smiled at me. 

“So foolish,” she said simply, confusing me as I stared at her. Then I heard an explosion behind me, causing my eyes to go wide as I jumped into the air and spun towards my friends.

My heart sank instantly as I saw that the beam she’d sent at me was not in fact aimed at me, but instead my friends.

<Oh no…>

The sight of the charred remains of my friends caused me to lose the grip on my greatsword, my eyes locked to the scene. The only sound I could hear was the horse laughing of the Observer as she lay embedded in the ground.

“You are so predictable, Lacy! For all that power you have, you don’t know how to use it to save even a single friend!” the Observed laughed, “were those the last four you had? Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to-”

“You just need to shut up,” I said softly, causing her to laugh more as I floated down, grabbing my greatsword again, my cloak blowing in the artificial wind of the Observer’s Chambers. 

I stood at the top of the crater, staring crazily down at the Observer as she kept on laughing. Raising my massive sword, I began to push Ego into it yet again, but this time pushing a lot more than I ever had before.

“No matter what happens here,” she said between laughs, eyes locked with mine, “I’ve won.”

“I don’t care,” I replied as my sword began to overflow with Ego, “Just die.”

She stopped laughing as she just smirked up at me, waiting for me to end this.

Once I pushed as much Ego as possible into my greatsword, I began to rise into the air again, keeping my eyes locked on hers.

“Well, Lacy,” she called up to me as I reached the roof far above her. I pointed the tip of my sword at her and kicked off the ceiling, flying towards her at a speed far above anything I’d done before. “It’s been fun.”

With those final words, the tip of my sword hit the center of her dome and exploded with Ego as it broke through and slid all the way in till it hit the hilt. My body flexed as I caused the Ego to expand from within her head, causing it to explode like a fish bowl with a firecracker in it.

Cyan goop and shards of her dome went flying everywhere as I heard her voice laughing faintly as it faded away while her Ego swirled all around me as it slowly entered me. A bit overwhelming, but my mind was elsewhere.

My grip slipped on my sword, which was stuck in the ground, and I fell to my knees next to it.

I stared down at the ground, unable to cry as I just stared at the glowing remains of the Observer below me. My body shook as I shifted out of the Apollyon form, returning to normal.

It took a long while before I pulled myself out of the crater, feeling completely dead inside.

With that final attack by the Observer, I was now completely alone in the world. 

Everyone is dead now…

I fucking knew I should have listened to Shallow Gale and Graze… They told me going after the Observer was a bad idea, but at the time I wanted payback for the friends we’d lost.

And I got it, but at the cost of my friends' lives.

<If we didn’t kill the Observer, she’d have come back later and killed everyone anyways…>
{Shut up, Moon, I don’t want to hear your logic right now.}

Holding out my hoof, I caused my Ego greatsword to return to me, fading away as I continued walking aimlessly towards my dead friends. Hoping that somehow they were still alive.

But after doing a thorough check, I was devastated to find that they were for sure dead.

I grabbed the little charm that held my cloak in place, gripping it tightly. My mind flashed to my husband and daughter, causing a tear to roll down my face as I remembered their final moments.

“Fuck it,” I grumbled, falling onto my haunches and collapsing to my side. “I give up.”

[Uh, no, we’re not just giving up, fucktard!]
<Rake is right, there must be something we can do.>
{Like what? We’re the only ones left now, everyone else is gone. What’s the fucking point now?}
[What’s the fucking point?! Bitch get your pussy ass up and dust yourself off! We don’t just give up when all the cards are on the table! We take that shitty table and flip it, because we don’t play by anyone's rules! Someone else wins the card game?! Nuh uh! Can’t win when yo cards are on the ground, slut!]

“I get it, Rake,” I groaned as I pushed myself up, turning to head for the front of the room where the Observer had entered from. “If there’s a way to fix this, then we’ll find it.”

[That’s my bitch!]
(Fuck yeah! We’ll get this shit fixed no matter what!)
<Goldfinger is right, we’ll figure this out! We’ve always come out on top in the past!>
[Yeah! We’re too fucking badass to fail!]

“Yeah!” I yelled, pumping my hoof as I took to the air and flew towards the large doors at the other end. 

Upon passing through them I found myself in a large room with a massive computer-like device on one side of the room, with all kinds of devices and platforms extending out from it. That is obviously where I need to go.

However, as I stepped up to the large device that resembled a keyboard, I realized I could not read any of it.

“Ah fuck…” I muttered as I flew up and hovered above the keys, rubbing my chin. “Step one and we’ve already hit a snag.”

(Let me try! Push your Ego into this and I’ll see what I can find out!)

Raising an eyebrow I placed my hoof on the large computer and did as she asked, shoving my Ego right into it. Goldfinger moved through me and connected herself to the computer, humming as she worked.

[So? Can you figure it out?]
(Eh… not yet. I’m just taking shots in the dark and I can’t grasp this thing at all.)
{Well, anything is better than what I’d do. This shit is far beyond me.}

As she worked, I glanced around the room seeing that the Observer kept a large collection of animals in jars. 

“Huh,” I mumbled, seeing all kinds of weird creatures staring at me from the jars on the shelves around the room. 

After a few minutes Goldfinger finally sighed.

(I don’t know if this is it, but I MAY have a sequence we can input that’ll possibly reset that alternate dimension she locked us away in.)
<Why would we want to go back there?>

My eyes widen as a small smile slide onto my face, “because in that dimension all of our friends and family are still alive! I mean it’s not OUR friends and family, just copies, but that’s better than nothing!”

[Oh fuck yeah! Let’s do it!]
<But aren’t we going to have to redo everything we’ve done again just to see our friends again? That seems very tiring…>
[That’s the thought processes of a dumb retard, Moon! We’ll do what ever the fuck we gotta do to see them again, right Lacy?]

I gave a nod with a wide smile, “I get to see my husband again…”

[Oh I’ve missed Soarin and his fucking hot dick!]
<Jesus, Rake, just ruin the mood why don’t you…>
[And I have missed our daughter, Sora…]
<... Okay, Rake, you can NOT go from that one subject to feeling sad for our daughter. That’s not how that’s supposed to work!>
[Screw you, my mood go brrrrr!]

“Guys,” I said softly as Goldfinger worked her magic. My mind was focused on seeing everyone again, even if I’d have to play the ‘oh we just met’ game all over again. 

(Okay! Yeah, I got this shit! I think! Just do as I say and we’re golden!)

“Fuck yeah, good work, Goldfinger!” I laughed as I began to slam a hoof into each key she directed me towards. I had to fly all over the keyboard, as it was massive, and hit each key, the screen flashing like crazy.

Eventually it stopped and began to display words in a strange language.

“Was that it?” I asked, watching a countdown appear.

[Fucking epic shit, Goldy!]
<You’re our hero, Goldfinger!>
(Hehe! Thank you, thank you)

I fluttered in front of the screen, rubbing my hooves together in anticipation.

“Warning,” a monotone voice suddenly rang out through the room. “You have violated Ultimate Authority Dimension protocols, Observer. Prepare for divine intervention.”

“Eh… is that supposed to happen?” I asked as I just floated there confused.

“Dimensional freeze beginning in fifteen… fourteen… thirteen…” it began to slowly count down, causing me to panic.

“Fuck!” I yelped as I began to jump around the keyboard, hitting random keys.

[Oh way to fucking go, Goldy! You’ve fucked up big time!]
<You… you… cunt!>
(Aw fuck… I’m sorry guys :’( I didn’t mean too.)
[Don’t cry emoji us, you slut!]

“Fuck fuck fuck!” I exclaimed as I saw the count down reach one. “FUCK!”

“Dimensional Lock Down Initialized. Goodbye.”

My eyes went wide as everything just stopped. 


Present in original reality 

I suddenly crashed into the ground, getting a mouth full of dirt. Wait… dirt?! The Observer’s chamber is all stone and shit!

<We’re not alone anymore…>

My eyes went wide as I jumped up, my massive sword appearing in my hooves as I spun on the group of ponies, and single human, staring at me. They didn’t seem surprised at my reaction, which did not sit well with me. One of them, some young weird looking mare, was bouncing excitedly, writing something in a book furiously.

Then I noticed the lead one, an Alicorn, was holding up a hoof.

“It is okay, we’re friends,” she said calmly as they all looked at me.

My eyes darted between each of them, unable to process what was going on. 

One second I was in the Observer’s chamber, and then the next I was here. It made zero sense to me!

“I know you’re probably very confused,” she continued, getting my eyes back on her, “but we summoned you to our world because you’re an alternate version of our friend.”

I blinked a few times, processing what she said.

<So they have an alternate Lacy here too? Just like Kero that came to ours to help us on Nightmare Night all those years ago.>
[Ooo, fuck yeah! That means we’re the Kero of this world! Quick, Lacy! Strike a cool pose and say a badass one liner!]

I put on a confident smirk and spun my massive sword around and slammed it into the ground and then leaned against it, smirking at them as my cape blew in the wind like some kind of epically cool comic book protagonist, “you rang for a hero? Well your hero has answered your call, and she’s fine as hell.”

“I’m sorry, we don’t need a hero per se, just someone who can be used to track down our kidnapped friend,” the Alicorn said a bit sheepishly, causing me to deflate a bit.

“Ah… I see,” I said as I put my sword away and stood there a bit awkward. 

“But,” she continued after a moment of awkward silence, “we can use all the help we can get in the coming battle.”

“Coming battle?” I asked, my interest piqued.

“That…” she said as she looked at the gathered ponies around her, “will take some explaining. If you don’t mind, I’d rather us do that somewhere… safer.”

I looked them over again, finally realizing there was a single human female in the back, causing me to raise an eyebrow. “Okay, I’m gonna need to ask a few questions before I move from this spot.”

“We don’t have time, we need to move somewhere-” she tried to say, but I cut her off by holding up a hoof.

“Nah nah, answer my questions or I stay right here forever,” I countered, causing her to sigh.

“Ask away, friend,” she said reluctantly.

I smirked as I licked my lips, “okay, where is the Lacy of this world currently?”

“Lacy?” she asked, then nodded as she realized something, “ah, yes, our friend's name is Lance, and he is currently somewhere we can not find. Hence why you’re here.”

“He?” I asked, rubbing my chin. Guess this dimension is a bit different from mine. Kero’s had been basically the exact same, so I guess I was expecting the same thing here.

“Yes,” she confirmed as she waited for me to ask something else.

“Eh…” I muttered, trying to think of another question, “... Ah! What happened to the Observer of this world? You guys defeat her?”

“She means the Watcher!” the young and weird looking mare suddenly exclaimed. “Let me answer her questions please!”

The Alicorn frowned but gave a nod, causing the strange mare to shoot forward and stand right in front of me, staring up at me with her wide glasses, a notebook held in her hooves. 

“Hi!” she yelled, causing me to recoil back a bit.

“Eh, yo?” I answered, giving her a weak wave.

“So in our dimension, Lance and his friends beat the Watcher, which seems to be our version of your Observer!” she answered, smiling brightly up at me. “And to boot, it’s been thirteen years since then!”

“Huh…” I muttered, rubbing the back of my head, “thirteen years? That’s a bit of a time jump…”

“Next question?!” she asked expectantly.

[This mare looking a bit crazy… tread carefully!]

“Okay… in this dimension, where is Soarin?” I asked carefully.

“Soarin? The Wonderbolt Soarin?” she asked, to which I nodded, “ah, I don’t know why you’d ask about him, but I think he retired and got killed in the most recent battle in New Ponyville. I saw his name on the memorial website.”

“Oh yeah I see,” I muttered, a look of distress falling across my face. Looks like I was at least hoping to see him one more time here, even if he wasn’t my Soarin…

“Wait…” the young mare suddenly said, seeming to study my reaction, then she gasped, “in your dimension that is your husband, isn’t it?!”

“Eh, yeah,” I answered as she looked back at the group and pointed to the one pony I knew of, Twilight Sparkle, “See her? She’s our Lance’s wife! They have one kid together who’s twenty three right now!”

I stared at Twilight, causing her to give me a sheepish little wave, “well that’s interesting… She got with some douche in my timeline.”

This for some reason caused the mare before me to gasp again, “just like in the Dark Timeline! Oh that’s so interesting!” 

She began to write in her notebook as I just stared at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Question?” she pressed, leaning towards me.

“Erm…” I muttered, suddenly losing all the questions I had. “I think I’m good now.”

“Ooo! Can I ask some questions?!” she exclaimed as she jumped up happily, “in your world, what happened during the Heat?!”

“Hehe,” I laughed nervously as I rubbed my shoulder, “eh……”

[Bro, we went on a FUCKING RAMPAGE that first Heat. Like holy shit, none where safe!]
{Rather not think of that shit, Rake.}
<Yeah, it was a bit traumatic for us.>

“Babel,” the Alicorn warned, causing her to smile sheepishly at me. 

“Ah yeah yeah, sorry about that! I probably shouldn’t have asked that one right off the bat,” she said as she flipped a page, “do you have a kid?!”

My eyes just widened even further, as my mind flashed to my daughter, Sora, and her… death.

“I did…” I muttered, causing everyone to cringe a bit as they all looked everywhere but me. But not the one before me, this Babel chick.

“Oh, I’m so sorry! If I had to guess, I’d say it happened at the same time as our dimension’s Spark almost died when Evil Possessed David had him and tried to break his neck,” she said matter-of-factly, causing me to start to breath a bit heavily.

“How’d you know that?!” I asked a bit panicked, causing her expression to drop.

“Ah crabapples… I’m sorry! Nova you can take over again!” she exclaimed as she backed off quickly, leaving me there having a mini panic attack as the memory replayed against my will.

“Lacy, if you will, we need to get out of the open. I’ll explain everything to you once we’re safe, okay?” the one named Nova said, causing me to nod a bit dumbly as I took a step towards them.

“Good. Bronwyn?” she said, looking back at the human female.

The woman gave a nod and opened a portal. Everyone quickly made their way in as I kind of slowly walked behind them.

“Please, do hurry, Lacy,” Nova said as she scanned the sky.

“Yeah, sorry,” I muttered, jumping through the portal, finding myself in a completely different dimension.

I blinked a few times, a bit surprised at what I was seeing, as it looked to be a small town on an endless plain, very similar to the Eternal Plains.

“This way, Lacy,” Nova said as she waved for me to follow her. “I’ll take you to our command center so I can give you a complete rundown of the situation so far.”

“Uh… alright,” I replied as I followed after her.

[This place wack yo, I wonder if everyone is genderbent like we are. That’ll be weird as fuck!]
<Oh! That would be very cool to see!>
[We could fuck them!]
<Rake no!>
[Rake yes!]