Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Heated night

Chapter 74


Floria and Vanilla stepped into their hotel room, both clearly exhausted after the day they’d just had to endure.

“Ah fuck yeah,” Floria exclaimed as she saw the luxury food bar set up for them. “Food!”

“Floria,” Vanilla said quietly as Floria rushed to the food and began to eat like she hadn’t eaten in years. 

“This shit is amazing, you should try it, Vans!” she exclaimed, stuffing her face.

“Floria,” Vanilla said again, sitting down on the bed.

“I mean it’s not as good as your food, but fuck me is it good!” 

“I’m so sorry,” Vanilla whispered, causing Floria to slump her shoulders and drop the food back to the table. 

She turned to Vanilla, a pained look on her face, “there’s nothing for you to be sorry about. It's not like anything actually happened after all.”

“It’s my fault Cocoa was able to-”

“Geez, Vans, shhhh,” Floria said as she flew to her side, putting her hands on Vanilla’s shoulders. “Get that stupid idea out of your head, I’m the one who knocked you out and took your place. She just ended up being a lot more loco than I planned for.”

Vanilla reached up and placed a hand on Floria’s face, rubbing the side of her faceplate with her thumb, “I just… hate that you had to deal with her… did she put a-”

“Yeah, she used a lightbulb on me,” Floria said with a forced laugh. “It wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle.” She then frowned as she stared into Vanilla’s eyes, the thought that she had to live with that hurting her. 

“You should’ve let me get taken, then you wouldn’t have-” she started to say, but Floria placed a finger on her mouth. 

“Shh, Vans,” she said sweetly, rubbing her thumb across her lips gently, “I told you I wasn’t going to let her touch you again, and I meant that.”

Vanilla’s heart fluttered as a warm feeling overtook her, “Floria… did you mean what you said earlier? Your feelings towards me…”

“I did,” she confirmed, causing Vanilla to smile up at her cutely. At this angle she could see the scars in the other woman’s mouth. She stood up straight as she kept her hand on Vanilla’s face, giving her a confident smile, “you’re never going to suffer again, Vanilla. I promise.”

“You can’t promise that,” she replied softly as she raised her bandaged broken hand, giving a little smile. “Life is against me, no matter what I do. I’m just a fai-”

“I’m going to make your life so amazing that you will never be able to put yourself down again,” Floria interrupted her, stepping into her so that she was now standing between Vanilla’s legs. 

This caused Vanilla to gasp a bit, as she wasn’t used to anything like this. She’d only read fairy tales about romance, but actually being in the middle of it was not how she’d expected it to be. But she liked it.

Floria rubbed her thumb against Vanilla’s lips again, gently using it to open her mouth so she could see the scars within. “You deserve to be happy, Vanilla. You are the sweetest, nicest, and most genuine person I know.”

A little gasp escaped Vanilla’s mouth as Floria gently held it open, their eyes locked. Her heart was going crazy, her body trembling slightly.

Acting on instinct, she scooted forward a bit so that their waists were pressed together. “I-I… I love you, Floria,” she said softly, the trembling increasing so much that it was visible now.

Floria gently pushed her backwards and climbed up on top of her, putting her face inches above Vanilla’s, “love ya too, Vanilla.” She then leaned down and began to kiss her tenderly on the lips, being careful not to push her too far.

But it was Vanilla who grabbed Floria’s hips and squeezed hard as she pushed into the kiss, filling it with passion as they noisily made out.

Eventually Floria broke the kiss and leaned back, staring down lovingly at Vanilla as they both took heavy breathes. “Whoa… I didn’t expect you to take the lead like that, Vans.”

Her blush grew as she grinded her hips up into Floria’s, “I’m going to do something, just… don’t laugh at me.”

“No promises,” Floria winked at her with a wide smile.

Taking a shaky breath, Vanilla used her Vacuole to remove her shirt, now laying beneath the other women topless.

“Oh…” Floria gasped lightly, face burning as she stared down at Vanilla’s small breast. 

“Yeah,” Vanilla mumbled back, lips trembling as she stared into Floria’s eyes.

She raised a hand and cupped one, causing the other woman to jerk suddenly.

“I’m okay,” Vanilla assured her, “please… continue.”

Floria obliged her as she gave her nipple a light squeeze, “Vans, are you wanting to…”

“I think I am…” Vanilla answered as she reached up and ran her own hand down Floria’s body. “Do you want to?”

To answer her, Floria removed her own clothes, now completely nude atop Vanilla.

She let out a little whimper as she stared up at the shorter woman's nude body as her breasts were fondled. Floria began to grind herself into Vanilla’s belly, enjoying the expressions that the woman beneath her was making. 

“You’re so fucking adorable, Vancilly,” she said as she got a bit to into grinding against the other woman, her tail flickering around behind herself.

Vanilla’s own pants disappeared, leaving both of them nude now. “You’re one to talk,” she said softly as she reached up and grabbed Floria by the faceplate and pulled her down roughly, connecting their lips together yet again. 

This surprised Floria, as she thought she’d be the one in charge, but she wasn’t complaining as the other woman took full control, flipping them over so that she was on top.

“You’re mine,” Vanilla declared, causing Floria’s breath to catch in her throat. “And I am yours,” she said sweetly as her hand trailed down Floria’s chest and stomach, going lower as she placed her hand over it, causing a cute little gasp to escape the Kejtdra’s lips.

With a little sly smile, she entered the shorter woman with her fingers, causing her to moan loudly.


“Where are you going, honey?” my mother asked as I suddenly jumped up and ran for the door to the room. 

“I need air!” I yelped, face burning as I ripped the door open and took off running down the hall, away from our rooms.

I have found a down side of Virtue Sight, I can see into other rooms. And I’d just seen WAY TOO MUCH of Floria and Vanilla getting… intimate. I thought they were just messing around at first, then I could clearly see…

Pushing that thought aside as my face burned hotter, I just ran, planning to wait outside for a while. They can’t take that long, can they?


Hours later

“Shayla?” my mom asked as she returned to the hotel, seeing me just sitting in the lobby by myself.

“Oh, hey mom,” I said sheepishly as I read a random magazine. “Did you find anything out?”

“I did,” she answered as she raised an eyebrow, “why are you down here, alone?”

“Oh, just wanted some air,” I lied, not wanting to tell her that every time I try to return to the room, I can still see those two going at it. They’re just not letting up! 

“Well come on, I have good news,” she said as she waved for me to follow her.

It’d been an hour since the last time I checked, so surely they were done now.

So I jumped up and followed after her.

However, as soon as we neared our room and theirs came into sight, I saw that they were in fact still going at it. Not as aggressively or passionate now, but they were still… playing around.

“Fuckin’ hell,” I muttered, taking a few steps back so that they faded out of view.

“Come on, sweetie” my mom asked as she opened the door, looking back at me.

“Eh… I’ll be along shortly,” I said, starting to head back.

“Shayla, listen to your mom and get in here,” my mother said a bit sternly as she peered out of the room.

I started to say something, but her glare forced me to listen and walk in. I’d just have to block their room out… 

And I’ve realized that is impossible.

So I just stepped into the room and sat down next to Domitor, blushing as I couldn’t not focus on the actions taking place in the other room.

“Are you okay?” Domitor asked quietly as he leaned next to me.

“Uh…” I muttered, shrugging, “I’m good. I’m just seeing something I don’t want to.”

“It can’t be that bad,” he teased, poking my side.

“Oh yeah?” I said as I pulled a cable out from behind my ear and connected it to his head, forcing him to see what I was seeing. “Not so bad, huh?”

A perplexed look over took his face, “what? They’re just… oh… OH!” He tried to pull the cable out, but I grabbed him and held him firm.

“Nuh uh! If I have to endure this, so do you, fucker!” I exclaimed, getting weird looks from my parents.

As we wrestled with each other, my mom chuckled.

“I guess we should wait till morning, so the other two will be here as well.”

My mother just watched me and Domitor fight with each other, looking a bit confused and uncomfortable. “... that would probably be for the best.”

“I believe we need our own room,” my mom said, winking at my mother.

“You know, I like that idea, babe,” my mother said quietly.

I stopped fighting as I turned my head to them, mouth hanging open. They were giving each other… the look.

Oh fuck me, this shit is not happening.

“Guys wait,” I said suddenly, letting Domitor get away from me as I stood up. 

Both of my parents stopped at the door, looking back at me with raised eyebrows.

“I’m just going to warn you, my new sight lets me see things through walls… so you know… keep things PG.”

“Our own daughter telling us when and where to bang?” Mallogory chuckled as she continued out the door. “We’ll get a room FAR from this one, do not fear my, sweet summer child.”

“Is that why you ran earlier?” my mother asked with a smirk, “are those other two bumping uglies?”

Spark slowly slinked out of the room upon hearing this, seeming to want to avoid the conversation completely.

“You two are so crude sometimes,” I muttered as they both laughed and left us alone in the room.

Domitor shook his head as he moved back to the table he’d been drawing at, sighing loudly. “I really did not need to see that.”

“Yeah, well I’m STILL seeing it, so consider yourself lucky,” I groaned as I flopped onto the bed, using my Vacuole to remove my clothes and slide under the covers.

But as I lay there, I realized something. How do I sleep with this shit turned on?!

“Just will it to turn off,” the Watcher said, causing me to growl a bit.

‘You could’ve said that hours ago!’

“You didn’t ask,” he replied simply, and I could swear I heard a bit of smugness to his voice.

Doing as he said, I found I could indeed turn the Virtue Sight off, rather easily actually… I could’ve avoided seeing so much shit if he’d just said this earlier!


The next morning

“Good morning, friends!” Vanilla exclaimed as she and Floria entered our room, a little pep in their steps.

I let out a groan as they woke me up, turning my vision on to see them. “What time is it?”

“Early,” was the only answer I got from Floria as she stood there in her normal clothing, a wide grin on her face.

Domitor grunted, but did not wake up as he held me firmly, his arms wrapped around my chest. 

“You two look happy,” I muttered, trying to avoid giving away I knew about their actions last night.

“Oh, you know, just good things going on,” Floria chuckled, bumping Vanilla’s hip with hers.

I forced a chuckle out, giving them a thumbs up, “you two got a lot of stamina, I’ll give ya that.”

They both stared at me blankly, then Floria began to laugh.

“You can see through the wall!”

Vanilla yelped as she blushed and hid behind Floria, who was just laughing her ass off. 

“No!” I yelled back, waking up Domitor. “I… eh…”

“That’s hilarious!” Floria exclaimed, wrapping an arm around Vanilla, who was still blushing like mad. “Isn’t it, Vanbelly?”

“It’s horrifying, I was so…”

“Aggressive?” I finished, causing her to groan and collapse onto the ground.

“My life is over…”

“Ah stop being so dramatic, Vancouver,” Floria chuckled as she walked past our bed and began to raid our food bar. “So what’s the plan for today?”

“Well,” I said as I jumped out of bed as Domitor rolled over, clearly wanting to stay in bed, “my mom says she has good news. So I guess we hear that, then figure out how to get into Denmor.”

“Shayla, I think we’re overlooking a certain point,” Domitor mumbled from the bed. “I talked with your mother last night when you weren’t in the room. She says there’s a lockdown on this dimension for a little while, but once it ends, she can get us out of here with her dimensional dagger.”

I blinked at him, disappointed I hadn’t thought of that. “So… do we need to climb the tree?”

“I’d say no,” he answered, covering his head with a pillow.

“So what are we doing then?” I asked aloud.

“Leaving the city, that’s what we’re doing,” my mother suddenly said from the doorway as my parents and Spark entered the room.

“Why?” I asked, confused as to why we’d need to leave.

“Because you’ve made a lot of friends who want you dead,” my mom said with a chuckle, “not to mention Lorenzo still being out there.”

I frowned, but gave a nod. “You said you had good news last night?”

“I did,” she confirmed as they walked further into the room, “we do not need to climb to the top of the tree.”

“Okay, then what are we doing?” I asked, a bit thrown for a loop since this all went against the plan I’d had since I arrived here.

“Nothing at all,” my mother said as she leaned against the wall, crossing her forelegs. “This dimension is apparently on lockdown, meaning we can’t leave even if we do go to the top of the tree and find whatever item is up there. So the best course of action is to leave this hellhole of a city and wait till the lockdown is lifted.”

“How long is that going to take?” I asked with a grimace, not liking the idea of just waiting around.

“We do not know,” she admitted with a shrug. “But we don’t have much choice in the matter. As soon as the lockdown is lifted we’ll be able to leave with this,” she held up a dimensional dagger… MY dimensional dagger.

Now is probably not the best time to ask for that back…

I looked at my friends, seeing they also looked a bit unsure about all this. We had a plan: Go to the top of the tree, leave Eris. But now we’re being told we do not need to do that.

I don’t know how to feel about that, but I do know I do not like the idea of just waiting. ADHD will eat me alive, that’s for sure.

“We just need to find a place to hunker down,” Spark added.

My brain actually made a connection that brought a smile to my face. “I actually know of a place outside of the city.”

Everyone looked at me as I stood there smiling brightly.

“Perfect then,” my mother said, giving me an approving nod. “Anywhere we need to stop first?”

“Yeah, my apartment,” Floria answered as she put away some food into her Vacuole. “That’s it, right?”

“Right,” I nodded, rubbing my chin. “What about my grandparents?”

“They’re coming too,” my mother confirmed, “we’re all leaving this place.”

“What about Talio?” I asked, not really wanting him to come, but he was kinda hanging around us.

“... I’ve tried to run him off, but that’s nearly impossible since I can’t even touch him,” my mom said, getting a groan out of my mother.

“He’s a tag along it seems,” she muttered, shaking her head as she looked at me. “So there’s nothing else you need here?”

“Nah,” I answered as I looked at my friend's Souls, a little smile on my face. “I already got everything I need from this place.”

End of Act 2