Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

First date

Chapter 69

“This is so fucking cool!” I exclaimed as I easily flew over every obstacle that stood in my way, doing little tricks just for added flair.

“You’re doing great, Shay,” Domitor encouraged as he and Vanilla continued down the street and I jumped all around them.

“She’s a bit like a child,” Vanilla observed, getting a laugh out of Domitor. Then she looked at his bags that hung over his shoulder, “why are you not using your Vacuole yet?”

“Like I said, Shay and I don’t have one of those yet,” he answered.

“I assure you, you do,” she countered. “Try to put your bags away by focusing on them like you never want to lose them.”

I stopped my parkouring and landed next to them, very interested in finding out if we had them yet.

Domitor grabbed his bags and stared at them hard, followed by them slowly disappearing. By this point, seeing him instantly figure it out didn’t surprise me. 

“Fuck yes!” I yelled as I grabbed my swords and focused on them. It took me longer to do, but eventually they were pulled into me. Inside my mind I could clearly see them, along with a little checklist showing their names. 

“Huh,” Domitor mumbled as he pulled out Blake’s fossilized Vacuole and pulled it into himself. A few items appeared around him as they seemed to overflow out of his own Vacuole.

“Whoa!” He said in awe, “she had so much shit!”

Vanilla began to pick through all the extra stuff that didn’t fit in his Vacuole. She picked up a few items and put them away, then she let out a little gasp.

“Here, eat these,” she said as she lifted a small box and pulled out some kinda fruit looking thing. It was hard to tell since I couldn’t actually see it, just an outline.

“What is it?” I asked as I took one and ate it without hesitation, getting a very sweet yet bitter taste in my mouth.

“Fossil Fruit,” she answered as she ate one herself. “It restores Sucro to anyone who eats it. It’ll help speed up your recovery too, Domitor.”

He ate his and grabbed another, “perfect then.”

I watched as their Soul’s got a bit more vibrant, as if the fruit was directly affecting their Soul’s.

Which I guess it was.

I ate three before Vanilla stopped me. 

“Three is plenty, Shane. We need to save some for Floria, she’ll need it if my…” she couldn’t finish her sentence, but we knew what she meant.

She went silent as she picked through the items before stopping and picking Creampuff back up.

We left the majority of the items on the ground, as they appeared to be mostly junk. Which definitely was going to piss someone off.

No one spoke for a little bit as Vanilla led the way.

“Are we sure we’re going the right way?” I asked, since I couldn’t actually see where we were going.

“I am sure,” Vanilla replied confidently. “I know Cocoa, she’s going to take Floria to her home first before taking her to the family Mansion.”

I was about to ask why, but I already knew the answer. “Where is her home?” 

“Here in the Social District, on the residential side. She owns a stand alone home, so she can have her privacy…” she trailed off at the end there, a look of horror on her face. “… we need to hurry.”

“How far are we now?” Domitor asked.

“An hour…” she muttered, causing us to pick up our pace. The longer we took, the more shit Floria would have to endure.


“Don’t slow down, baby sister,” Cocoa called out over her shoulder lovingly as she led her sister and Amylum down the street, getting a bit excited as she saw her street coming up. “I would hate for it to break before we even arrived.”

Floria, still disguised as Vanilla, grunted around the lightbulb in her mouth. She was pissed in more ways than one, with the main thing being that this is what Vanilla herself had to deal with all the time. Her blood boiled as she glared at the back of Cocoa’s head, silently promising to kill her.

“We have a full week ahead of us, Vanny,” Cocoa giggled, “as far as the family knows, you’re still out there. The longer our fun takes, the more angry they will be with you. Isn’t that wonderful?”

Of course Floria couldn’t respond to her, which for some reason angered the deranged woman. 

“You will answer me when I speak to you!” She snapped , glaring back at Floria in such a way that it actually frightened her. This caused the woman to smile, “soon, my dear sister, very soon.”

This woman was clearly disturbed and insane. With clear mental issues. And a strange fixation on lightbulbs. Floria could just abide her time for the perfect moment to try and escape using her Thorn.


“Welcome home, Vanny!” Cocoa exclaimed happily as they all walked into her semi large home.

Floria raised an eyebrow, as she’d expected the house of someone like Cocoa to be a lot more… Fancy.

But this house was empty, as in, fully empty. As if no one lived here. The walls and floors were empty of everything but paint. It just made this entire experience so much more… unsettling.

“Remember the last time you were here, dear sister?” Cocoa asked as she continued further into the house. Floria did not follow, but Amylum shoved her forward, making sure she followed the crazy woman.

“Your silence, baby sister, irks me,” Cocoa snarled as she stopped in the middle of a hallway, staring right into Floria’s eyes. “Speak.”

Of course, even if she wanted to, Floria could not speak. The lightbulb in her mouth prevented that. She was having trouble deciding if Cocoa knew this, or if she really was insane.

“Push her in,” Cocoa ordered, followed by Amylum shoving Floria through a door, sending her sprawling onto the floor.

The bulb in her mouth shattered the moment she hit the floor, sending an intense pain through her as the shards dug into her inner mouth and tongue. She felt the disguise start to fail, but she did her best to hold it together.

She resisted the urge to scream as she shakily began to spit the shards out, using her fingers to remove the ones she couldn’t spit out. Luckily, there wasn’t that much blood as the shards didn’t do that much damage.

“Oh you clumsy girl,” Cocoa giggled as she walked into the room and stood right behind Floria. “Looks like we’re going to have to start over.”

“You sadistic…” Floria started to say, but stopped herself, knowing she needed to stay quiet, otherwise she’d blow her disguise. If Cocoa knew she wasn’t Vanilla, then she’d go out and find her. She needed to buy them time to get away.

“What did you just say?!” Cocoa growled as both of her eyes began to twitch. Her sister had NEVER talked back to her before. “Amylum! Teach her obedience!”

The Maiden immediately moved into the room and kicked Floria in the side, knocking the wind out of her. 

“Good, now back,” Cocoa ordered as she walked over to the coughing Floria and knelt down, grabbing her face and forcing her to look up at her. “Now, what did you-” she stopped, a shocked expression on her face.

Floria winced as she struggled to catch her breath, realizing the disguise had failed her, leaving her there in her normal Kejtdra body.

“You!” Cocoa screamed, digging her nails into Floria’s chin. “YOU!”

“Me,” Floria coughed, smirking up at the woman.

Cocoa stood up, staring down at the wheezing woman with absolute rage. 

“You’re… stupid as fuck… you know that?” Floria laughed painfully, the pain in her midsection not going away.

“Cuff her!” Cocoa roared as Amylum pulled out a pair of special handcuffs that were used mainly to disable ones Thorn.

Floria couldn’t really do much other than laugh as her hands were cuffed behind her back and she was forced to stand up before Cocoa.

“You mad, cunt? Mad I tricked your dumbass?” Floria mocked as she spat onto Cocoa’s dress, causing her to get punched across the face by the Maiden. She didn’t go down as she stood firm, smirking.

She knew she was probably going to die here, but she’d go down throwing out as many insults as she could, just to piss this crazy bitch off.

Cocoa was shaking with rage as she stared into Floria’s eyes, “where is my sister?!”

“Nunya business,” Floria threw back, a bright smile on her face.

This caused the deranged woman to slap her, which didn’t do anything other than make Floria laugh louder. 

“You hit worse than my father did, you pussy,” she mocked as she was slapped a few more times, each one followed by a frustrated yell from Cocoa.

“You worthless insolent worm!” she screamed as she kept on slapping Floria, who just laughed like a mad woman.

After a decent amount of slaps she finally turned away, clenching her fist.

“Aw what? You done already?” Floria spat out, her face only a little sore. “Geez, you’re a disappointment, that’s for sure.”

Growling loudly she turned back around, glaring into the Kejtdra’s eyes, “your life is over, Amylum, remove her-” she suddenly stopped as she stared into Floria’s smirking face. “Amylum, step back to the wall.”

The Maiden did as she was told, stepping back and pressing her back against the wall.

“What? Going to kill me yourself?” Floria asked with a cocky smile on her face. “Well bring it on, slut! Get creative!”

“I don’t see what she sees in you,” Cocoa said softly, causing Floria’s cocky smile to falter. “Sure, you don’t look unappealing, and you do have very intense eyes… but you’re so crude and rude, with a mouth so vulgar… and… and…”

“Uh…” Floria wasn’t sure what was happening as Cocoa just stared at her, face turning green with a blush. 

“... oh my…” Cocoa muttered as a soft smile crept onto her face. She stepped up and reached out, placing a hand on Floria’s confused face. “I get it now…”

“Er… what the fuck is happening?” Floria asked with an awkward look on her face.

“Love,” Cocoa swooned as the blush grew on her face.

Floria blinked a few times, then forced a laugh, “yo, what the fuck?”

“I’m better than Vanilla,” she said, suddenly sounding very desperate. “Which is why you’ll be with me, right?”

“...” Floria looked over to the Maiden, who seemed unfazed by all this, “are you seeing this shit, Maiden?”

Cocoa forced her to look back at her as she smiled at the heavily confused Kejtdra, “you are mine now.”

“Like fuck I am,” Floria laughed. “You’re crazy, chicka.”

“I’ve never been with someone before,” Cocoa said as a creepy smile slid onto her face. “So you’re my first… partner.” She then placed a hand right on Floria’s hip.

“Yo! WHOA! Back up, cunt!” Floria yelled, eyes wide as she jumped back. “Are you fucked in the head or something?!”

“What will we do for a first date?” Cocoa asked in a shy voice.

“Are… you even fucking listening to me?! Or am I talking to a brick fucking wall?!” Floria yelled.

“I think a nice dinner would be a good place to start,” Cocoa suggested, swaying side to side.

“Brick fucking wall…” Floria groaned, shaking her head.

“Then maybe… if we get along… a little… cuddling?” Cocoa asked as she took a step towards Floria.

“I’d rather have another lightbulb in my mouth,” Floria deadpanned.

“Amylum, take my girlfriend to the kitchen and start the tea,” Cocoa ordered, smiling at Floria.

“When the fuck did I become the girlfriend?!” Floria asked as she was dragged out of the room and down the hallway. “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!”


Floria sat at a little table, tea set out before her as Amylum stood in the corner of the room. The Maiden had removed the handcuffs and instead tied a rope around her arms and torso. Making it nearly impossible to drink the tea, not like she wanted to anyway.

She, however, was in complete shock. This was not at all how she thought this would go.

After a moment she looked over at the silent Maiden. “Pst, hey!” she whispered, trying to get the Maiden’s attention. “Yo! Is she always like this?”

No reply came as the other woman just stood there stock still.

“Bro, come on! She’s unhinged as fuck! You can’t be-”

“I’m ready!” Cocoa announced as she entered the room and stood by the table. “I freshen up for you, do I... smell better?”

“You smell like shit,” Floria said coldly, causing Cocoa to giggle.

“It’s my most expensive body wash!” She sat down before her and took off her nun's headdress. “Do you like my hair?” she asked as she patted at her bun.

“Peepee poopoo,” Floria deadpanned, no longer here for this shit.

“I usually wear it in a bun… but if we cuddle I’ll let it down for you,” she said as she began to sip at her tea cutely. Actual little hearts began to bubble up around her and pop like balloons.


“You know,” Cocoa began, giggling a bit, “I think you’re super cute, once you look past the broken faceplate.”

“Flying pigs go oink,” Floria replied.

The clearly insane woman finished her tea and smiled sweetly across the table at Floria, “I must admit something.”

“Please don’t.”

“I’ve never… kissed anyone before,” Cocoa said with a huge blush, fidgeting with her empty tea cup.

“Oh boy, I wonder where this is going.”

“Would you… allow me my first kiss?” Cocoa asked, slowly scooting around the table, eyes locked on Floria.

“I kinda miss having that glass in my mouth, such a simpler time, ya know?”

As she got right up next to Floria, she let out a nervous giggle, “Oh I’m so nervous… are you nervous?”

“According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly,” Floria said as she leaned back as much as she could in her chair.

Cocoa leaned all the way forward, pressing her mouth against Floria’s as they engaged in an awkward makeout session, where Floria resembled a dead fish and Cocoa a eager otter.

After way too long, Cocoa sat back, breathing hard and heart racing, “that was… amazing…”

“And I thought my dad was the worst kiss I’d ever had.”

Cocoa began to fidget with her hands as she looked down, appearing very shy suddenly. “I have a question.”

“Oh I wonder what we’re about to do next.”

“Have you thought about… marrying me?” Cocoa asked with an innocent look on her face.

“... Yep, I’m in hell. Actual fucking hell,” Floria groaned, shaking her head around. “Riddle me this: are you actually fucked in the head? Or are you just fucking with me?”

“I have a ring and everything…” Cocoa replied as she pulled a ring out of her Vacuole.

“... I honestly can’t tell if you’re serious or just retarded,” Floria said as she threw her head back in frustration.

“Do you like it?” she asked sweetly as she held the ring up for Floria to see.

“Bitch, you’re not even listening to me, so why would I-” her voice caught in her throat as she saw the ring, and her mothers name engraved on the inside. “... where’d you get that…”

“I knew you’d like it,” Cocoa said with a wide smile. “It is yours after all. I’ve kept it, all these years. At first I thought it was just to mess with Vanilla, but now… I know it was destiny.”

Floria was floored, speechless. She could only stare at the little ring, emotions running high. “Okay… let’s stop this… you’ve made your point…”

“I promise you’ll always be by my side,” Cocoa said, clearly not hearing a word Floria was saying. “Do you accept me as your future wife?”

“...” Floria could just stare blankly at Cocoa, a scary realization dawning on her. “Wait… you’re not screwing with me, are you? You actually believe everything you’re saying?”

Cocoa placed a hand on Floria’s face, a loving smile on her face, “I think I love you.”

“Oh… oh no…” Floria felt the life leave her as the ring was pushed onto her finger. 

“We’re going to be so happy,” Cocoa assured her as she came in for another awkward kiss.