Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

The Gang confronts the Boogeyman

Chapter 61

I rushed forward to meet Jekyll, planning to take most of his attention during this fight. 

He laughed as he zeroed in on me, pulling his large axe back as I placed my right hand on the hilt of my katana. 

“VofKai,” I muttered as my Ego exploded around me, just as he swung his axe, coming in from the left side. In one fluid motion I pulled my wooden blade and clashed it with the head of his axe, flipping my wrist as the axe head was deflected straight into the ground.

Using my wings I exploded forward, and punched the handle of his axe, sending it flying out of his grasp. As he reacted to my movements, I grabbed my katana in both hands and sliced it upward, catching him in the jaw just as he tried to grab me.

A grunt escaped his lips as his head snapped back, but one of his legs flew up and caught me right between the legs. Pain exploded through me, but I ignored it as I swung my sword back down, right onto the top of his head.

This just pissed him off as he pushed back towards me. I barely caught the glint of metal in the corner of my eye as I ducked, the axe flying through the air and almost taking off my head. I started to continue my attack, but then I saw it coming right back for me, changing directions in a way that should not be possible. 

The only way I was able to dodge it this time was to activate my Perception Field and use my own blade to deflect the incoming axe.

However this cost me as I felt a massive fist hit me right in the face, shattering my mask instantly. I didn’t go down, just stumbled back as he advanced on me.

I felt something attach to my back, followed by Domitor shooting past me and engaging with Jekyll. The large Halwen seemed to be playing this safer as he used his fist to deflect and parry Domitor’s strikes, easily avoiding his sword.

I obviously was not going to stand back and watch this as I started to move in, but then I saw that damn axe flying right for Domitor, coming from his blind side.

My body moved on its own as I pushed Ego into my left hand. Thanks to my wings I was able to get between Domitor and the axe before it reached him, and using my Ego infused fist, I punched the axe away, sending it flying down the street. Then, pushing even more Ego into my fist I dashed forward, getting right up next to Domitor as I threw my hand forward.

A massive beam of Ego suddenly enveloped Jekyll, surely injuring him enough for Domitor or Floria to finish him off. But as I pushed more and more Ego through my hand, I saw a fist come flying out of the stream and punch Domitor right in the face, sending him skidding across the ground.

My eyes went wide as that damn axe exploded out of the stream of Ego and flew right for my face. I had no choice but to end my attack and bring up my katana, gripping its wooden blade to brace myself as the axe made contact. The force of the impact sent my sword flying out of my hands, leaving me wide open as Jakyll stood before me, a wide smile on his face.

“You look surprised,” he remarked as he dusted himself off, not a scratch on him from my attack. “I saw your match, so I know all about these nifty abilities you have.”

Which means he can counter them… fuck.

A loud boom sounds behind me as I feel a massive bullet fly right past my left ear. But the large Halwen simply tilted his head as the bullet tore past him and blew a chunk out of the building behind him.

“I told you, the same tricks won’t work this time around. I’ve adapted,” he announced as his axe flew into his hand, bringing a smile to his face. “I’ve played enough. Turn over the Cakehurst, and I’ll forget I saw the rest of you.”

“No can do,” I growled as I lowered into a fighting stance, raising my sword. Domitor slowly made his way back over, his face a bit bloody but otherwise he seemed to be okay.

“I’d rather not kill talent like yourself, but at the same time,” he said, licking his lips, “I do love a real fight.”

“Shayla, from what I can tell, he’s immune to Ego now. You can’t damage him using any of your abilities,” Rosemary warned, sounding a bit frantic. 

‘Then how the fuck do we beat him?’ I asked as he twirled his axe as he lowered into his own fighting stance.

“He’s not immune to physical damage, as far as I can tell,” she advised, getting a nod out of me.

“Good enough,” I said aloud as he exploded towards us.

I took a deep breath, focusing as my Perception Field spread out around me. He can counter its effects, but it still provided me with plenty of benefits. As his body passed over the perimeter of the ring around me, I began to take note of every movement he made, looking for an opening.

But that was the problem, he was nothing but openings! Which meant any of them I took could be a trap! 

So I did the only thing I could do, I attacked his guard. This had the effect I’d hoped for, as he wasn’t expecting me to attack the most protected part of his defense. The force of my attack broke his guard, just as Domitor slid up under him, jamming his blade right into Jekyll’s knee, giving his blade a twist to really do some damage.

Jekyll roared as he began to fall to one knee, but he still was able to attack as his axe came flying back for me, both of his hands on the handle as his eyes exploded with anger.

Just as before I deflected his attack, sending it harmlessly above me as I jabbed my wooden sword forward, catching him in the diaphragm. This seemed to knock the wind out of him, but his body kept moving at a high speed as he gripped the axe again, bringing it back down towards me.

This time I just simply dodged as I whacked him in the throat, trying to take him out of commission. 

Domitor attempted to jab his own sword into Jekyll’s back, but the large Halwen suddenly rolled to the left, dodging the attack as he brought his axe around. This time it wasn’t aimed at me as Domitor barely got his sword up in time to block the hit. But there was so much force behind it that it sent the stallion flying right at me. 

I gritted my teeth as I threw my arms out wide, catching him as we were both sent flying backwards, skidding across the ground multiple times.

Floria’s rifle began to fire away now that we were no longer in the way, hopefully keeping Jekyll distracted long enough for the two of us to get back into the fight.

“You alright?” I asked as I climbed to my feet, holding out a hand to Domitor.

He grunted as he took my hand, allowing me to pull him to his hooves, “can you please kill him. I can't reach his vitals.”

I bit my lip as I looked over to see Jekyll dodging Floria’s bullets, slowly advancing on her. 

“I have a better idea,” I muttered as I put my wooden sword away. “Just… be ready.”

He frowned at this, but gave a nod. 

Taking a deep breath I prepared myself, fidgeting with the Watcher’s vial as he hung around my neck.

“I really advise against this,” Rosemary warned, but it fell on deaf ears. I know the risk.

“Let’s go,” I said as I flared my wings and took off right for Jekyll as he got a bit too close to Floria and Vanilla for my liking.

“VofKai times four,” I growled, wincing as my body pulsed with an intense energy, a burning sensation overtaking everything. This was far too much at once, but if I could end this now, then it wouldn’t matter.

I exploded forward as I suddenly appeared before Jekyll, blocking his advance on the others. He seemed to be waiting for me as his axe was already coming for me. But, just to show off, I simply punched it away, leaving him wide open.

Taking a deep breath I gripped the hilt of my longsword and drew it. I performed four quick slices, returning my sword to its scabbard as I exhaled, eyes locked with Jekyll’s.

A look of surprise slid onto his face as he stood there, blinking at me. He started to move, but the moment he did he collapsed in on himself, his arms and legs no longer attached to his body, as I’d cut them in a way that he was now just a head and a torso.

I stood up straight, staring down at him as his mind slowly processed what's just happened.

With a grunt, I ended VofKai, my body feeling like it was deflating as it suddenly felt very strained. If I’d stayed in the for too much longer I might not have been able to stay standing.

“Amazing,” Jekyll remarked, a pained smile on his face. “I saw that ability at the tournament, but fighting against it is a whole different experience.”

“Yeah,” I replied, shaking my head as I took a step back.

“At least it was you to strike me down, and not that short woman, or that strange creature,” he said, forcing a smirk. “So come on, finish me.”

“No,” I said simply, getting a sneer out of him. “I’m not a killer.

Domitor stepped up, flipping his blade around his hoof as he stood above the limbless Halwen. 

“But my hot little artist here? Yeah, he’s a killer,” I said with a smirk.

“No, he can’t kill me. He didn’t earn-” Jekyll began to say, but was cut off as Domitor stabbed his blade into the man’s head.

Quest complete! 12 skill points awarded!
Level up!
You have 28 unspent skill points!

“Your hot little artist?” he asked as he flicked the blood off of his sword, raising an eyebrow at me as a smirk appeared on his face.

“Shut up,” I huffed, crossing my arms. But I couldn’t help but smile at him as he slugged my hip. 

“That was amazing though,” he praised, “you just keep on impressing me with all the shit you can do, Shayla.”

My face felt a bit hot as I forced a laugh, “yeah, I’m just cool like that, Domster.”

“I hate to break up this little moment you two are having, but we need to get off the streets,” Floria yelled as she pulled Vanilla after, heading for an alleyway.

We both gave a nod, but as I started to move away, Floria pointed behind me.

“Grab his Vacuole Drum, he’s got to have some neat shit in there!” 

My eyes went wide, as I turned around, seeing a decently sized blob forming on the chest of Jekyll. It bubbled up till it suddenly hardened, forming a pink cube with a dark center. 

This fucking place just gets weirder and weirder.

I grabbed the cube and took off running after the others.


Exhaling loudly I fell on my ass, relieved to finally be able to rest after that fight and all the cardio we’d just performed while looking for a place to hide.

We’d been lucky enough to find a building that seemed to be under construction, providing us with a place to rest up and figure out our next move.

Domitor plopped down next to me, breathing much harder than I was.

Floria and Vanilla were across the room, talking as the short Kejtdra was attempting to calm the other woman down. Poor fucking Vanilla… she just could not catch a break.

I looked at Domitor, seeing he looked a bit troubled. 

“You good?” I asked, giving him a light shove.

He just sighed a bit, nodding his head, “yeah, I’m good…” then he looked at me, a serious yet hurt expression on his face. “Do you just see me as a killer now?”

This question caught me way off guard, causing me to recoil a bit as I stared back at him. “What? Is this about what I said to Jekyll?”

“Yeah,” he said with a nod, eyes looking a bit wet. 

I did not know how to handle this, as I just stared wide eyed at him. But I desperately wanted to say something, anything, to make him feel better. I honestly didn’t think that comment I made would affect him like this…

“Dom…” I said, clearly struggling to say something.

He wiped his face, smiling sadly at me, “it’s okay, I know we’re not good with emotions and shit…”

“No, just…” I reached out and placed a hand on his cheek, causing my own emotions to fluctuate like crazy. “I’m sorry… I need to think before I speak sometimes.”

“Yeah, you do,” he laughed, placing a hoof over my hand.

I scooted closer to him as I tried to be a bit more serious, “I do not see you as a killer, Dom.”

He held my gaze, letting my words process.

“You’re a good stallion, Domitor. You do what you have to do to help others, even at the cost of yourself…” I was trying so damn hard to say the right things, just wanting him to be happy.

“You can say I’m a good stallion, but I’ve killed-”

I shut him up by kissing his dumbass. After a few moments I broke the kiss, leaning back, “shut up, you idiot. If I say you’re a good stallion, then you’re a good stallion. Don’t you fucking argue with me.”

My stern gaze didn’t last long as we both began to laugh, pulling each other into a hug.

“Thanks, Shay,” he muttered, squeezing me hard.

“You bet, Tard,” I replied, breaking the hug.

“I can’t leave you two alone for five minutes before you start shagging like animals,” Floria joked as she walked over. “Did you get his Fossil Drum?”

“This thing?” I asked, digging it out of a pocket and tossing it to her. 

“Fuck yeah that thing!” she laughed, catching it and putting it away in her own Vacuole. Instantly a few items appeared around her, looking to just be junk of some kind.

“Shit… he had a lot of stuff in his Vacuole,” she muttered, seeming to be concentrating on something. “I’m… going to need a moment to go through all this shit…”

“Wait, that item was his Vacuole? And you just absorbed it into your own? So now all of his shit is yours now?” I asked, trying to make sense of everything.

“Yeah basically,” she chuckled, returning to Vanilla.

“This fucking place is weird,” Domitor muttered, getting a chuckle out of me.

“Right? I just want to get back home at this point,” I said as I fidgeted with the vial around my neck. 

At this he frowned, “what are we going to do now? With Vanilla excommunicated from her family, we don’t have a way to just walk into Denmor. And now we’re going to have people hunting for her.”

“Yeah shits complicated now…” I muttered, rubbing my chin, very upset that my mask had been ruined. It’ll take a LONG time before it is fully repaired.

“She’ll need to put on a disguise or something, that’s for sure,” he commented, getting a nod out of me. “You’ll need to wear a face mask, Shay. Thanks to that tournament, more people know what you look like. That mask was the real give away though, so if we just cover your face, we should be good…”

“Yeah, what about you?” I asked, waving a hand over his pony body. “You stick out hard.”

“I… we’ll have to figure something out,” he conceded, clearly forgetting about himself.

“Time to workshop some ideas,” I chuckled, standing up and holding a hand out to him. 

“Fun,” he muttered as he allowed me to haul him up. 

We then made our way over to the other two. We needed to work this out as a group.