A Draconic Sparkle Love

by Mystic Sunrise

Shock and Surprise (Alternate Universe)

“Are you sure we’re heading to the right location?” Twilight asked, looking around.

“Yeah, pop said we’d find it at the end of this street,” Pearl smirked back at Twilight. “He said we know when we find it.” Pearl sighed a bit as she walked with Twilight, their arms linked with each other. “I can’t wait to see sis again. It’s been a while, we have so much to catch up on. Glad I don’t have to explain if I start breathing fire or something though.”

And oh boy had that been a crazy weekend. Just back from the Blight, and still working on how not to set everything on fire, or any number of painful injuries.

“That’s true. I’d love to know how our counterparts are doing together. Twi has been rather quiet about it for several years now.” Twilight giggled a bit before stopping and blinking. Before them stood a huge oak tree. Twice the size of her old Golden oaks. “Oh wow.”

“I guess we found it.” Pearl let out a slow whistle. Walking up Pearl saw the sign outside. “Everfree Imports. Your one-stop shop for exotic plants. I guess this is Kohaku’s shop that pop mentioned. I wonder why my counterpart would be here?”

“Well, we do know they share a friendship, not unlike you and your Kohaku.” Twilight playfully nudged, which earned her a playful glance back. 

“Well let’s not loiter out here.” Pearl chuckled and opened the door.

As the pair walked in, the light scent of fresh burning incense filled their noses. A pleasant mix of cherry blossom and lavender. Along one wall was shelf after shelf of potted plants. Along another was several rows of potted baby trees. A small bell over the door rang out in a pleasant echo through the whole shop.

Pearl smiled and nodded. This was a very cozy place, she had to give it to Kohaku’s counterpart. He knew how to make something like a shop feel like home. Walking up to the counter she blinked. On a table behind the counter was a huge red pillow bed. Inside were two sleeping kitsune kits. One white, one black. The white one had markings much like Kohaku, but these were crimson. She was mewing lightly laying atop the black one playfully chewing on his ear as they slept. 

“Oh, they are so adorable.” Twilight smiled, waking up beside Pearl.

“I wonder if they’re Kohaku’s kids?” Pearl giggled a little.

“OH they are.” a voice came from a nearby door. Both Twilight and Pearl turned their heads to see Pearl’s human counterpart standing there. Dressed up in jeans. High Top sneakers and a pink kimono top. Walking over she lightly brushed the white one’s head. “Sakura dear, please stop chewing on Athrun’s ear.” as Human Pearl spoke to the young vixen, the kitsune looked up yawned, and just nuzzled her brother before falling back asleep. “So how can I.. Sis? OMG is that really you?” Leaping over the counter, human Pearl wrapped her arms around her pony counterpart and hugged her tight. “I’ve missed you so much.”

Hugging back Pearl smiled. “I’ve missed you too sis.”

“You’ve grown so much.” Human Pearl smiled, taking a step back, and looked her younger counterpart over. “I barely recognized you.”

“Yeah a lot’s changed since last time,” Pony Pearl gave a chuckle. “I’ll tell you all about it.”

“So? Where is my counterpart? I’m sure I told her I was coming today.” Twilight didn’t fail to notice the short dark painful look that crossed human Pearl’s face for a brief moment. 

“OH... I’m sure she’s… somewhere.” Human Pearl chuckled nervously, taking a step back and leaned against the counter. 

“Oh never mind about that Twily. We’ll find her. After all these two are as inseparable as we are.” Pearl laughed, failing to notice the look on her counterpart’s face. “So as those are Kohaku’s kids, who is the mom? Sweetie Belle? Flurry? Or someone else.”

“About that..” Human Pearl chuckled nervously for a moment as the bell to the shop rang out. 

“Pearl dear. Oh, there you are.” Pony Pearl turned around to see her human mother Cirrus standing there “Oh Rosie dear. I didn’t expect to see you.” Rushing forward Cirrus gave her second daughter a huge hug. “Your father mentioned you arrived. I’m so sorry I wasn’t at the house to greet you.”

“Well, he did say you were running errands.” 

“Yup. Last on my list is to collect my sweet little grandbabies.” Cirrus smiled.

“Grandkids?” Twilight and pony Pearl mentioned together. 

Pearl looked back at her human counterpart. “You mean you and Twi already have kids together?”

“Not, exactly.” Human Pearl nervously chuckled.

“Pearl. You haven't told them?” Cirrus crossed her arms.

“Not yet.” Human Pearl sighed.

Pony Pearl blinked for a few moments. “Tell us what?”

Twilight looked back at the three of them before steadying herself on a bonsai tree as tall as she was. “Oh my.”

“What?” Pony Pearl looked at her Twilight for a moment. “Will somepony tell me what’s going on?”

“I’m sure your sis can tell you everything dear. I would but I'm in a rush.” Cirrus smiled as her human daughter walked behind the counter. “He is coming back tonight right?”

Human Pearl smiled and nodded as she scooped up both the kits in her arms. “Yes, mother, his trip to the Crystal City was only for a few days. I have no Idea what prompted Flurry to buy that snake but she should have listened to Haku when he was explaining how to properly care for it. But he’ll be home tonight.” Walking up to her mom she smiled. “Here we go. They just ate not too long ago so they shouldn’t be hungry.”

“Thanks, dear. Well come to grandma sweeties” Cirrus smiled taking the kits in her arms. Both smiled and started to lick her cheeks as Cirrus hugged them. “Well, you girls have fun. And Rosie dear we expect you and your Twilight for dinner tonight. Pearl dear. Try not to overwork yourself.”

“Yes, mom.” Walking over human Pearl kissed the heads of her two sweet kits and then her mom’s cheeks. Watching her mom walk out the door she sighed with a smile. Turning around Pearl blinked at the sight. Her pony sister looked at her as if they had both been hit by a truck being pushed by a train. While Twilight was trying to work things out in her head. 

“You… them… they…trees… fish…” Pearl muttered before falling flat on her rump. Her eyes were completely vacant.

“I take it…” Twilight started but was silenced by human Pearl’s hand as she nodded.

“Yes. You got it right Twilight. Those are my kits. And their father is certainly Kohaku,” Blushing a bit she smiled and looked out the window. Watching her mom grow smaller in the distance. “My husband.”

Human Pearl hummed softly as she walked about the kitchen of the spacious loft apartment over the shop. Twilight and Pearl seated on the sofa. Pony Pearl slowly breathed into a paper bag.

“Here drink this Rosie. It’ll help.” Human Pearl handed her little sister a cup of fresh brewed tea.

“Uh, you sure that’s safe?” Twilight looked nervously at the cup which only got a laugh from Pearl.

“Relax. I’m not as bad in the kitchen anymore. Haku has been giving me lessons.” Human Pearl chuckled shaking her head slowly sitting down in a large green recliner. “It may have taken several attempts. And setting fire to his tails a few times. But I’m at least halfway adequate in the kitchen now. Kinda helps when you have two kids you have to feed.” 

Twilight smirked. “Maybe you can teach my Pearl then. Only Sweetie Belle is worse in the kitchen than her.”

Pony Pearl snorted, setting the bag alight with her fire. “See if I do anything nice for you then, Twily. I’m not that bad.” She frowned at the laughter she got in return. “Moving on. How the hell are you and Kohaku together? With kids? I grew out of those damn feelings years ago.”

Human Pearl growled, punching one fist into her other hand. “My Twilight, she…” She stamped a foot. “It was new year orientation at Canterlot High. I dressed up more than usual, since I wanted to do something special afterward, just the two of us.” Tears began streaming down her face. “She asked me why I was dressed up. That was all I could take. One too many damn times she couldn’t see past her own damn nose at the obvious! I said one thing, and she said something else. By the time we were done fighting, I wanted nothing to do with her ever again! She could die alone for all I cared.”

Twilight’s heart clenched in horror. “I can guess what you did next.”

Human Pearl nodded. “I confided in Haku. I think I spent quite a few days with him, without going home, because mom and dad came looking for me. One thing led to another and, well… I never looked back. I think it took seeing us together for Twi to finally realize what she’d done. Everything she’d lost, and everything she would never have. Her friends really let her have it from what Sunset’s told me.”

Pony Pearl’s heart dropped right out of her. “Will you two ever get along again then?”

Human Pearl paused for a moment, before sighing. “We are on friendly speaking terms, and I still care about Twi. But we will never be what we used to be. That died a long time ago.”

Twilight sighed. This was way outside of her comfort zone to try and help with. “Sunset’s never said anything about any of this. Neither has Twi.”

Human Pearl nodded. “I don’t think they want to remember it. Twi comes into the shop now and then. Haku never treats her any differently, and we still see each other for Warhammer.”

Pony Pearl shook her head. There was that at least.

Human Pearl smirked, seeing just how the two of them were leaning on each other, how their hands were clasped. “And took you two long enough. Here I was thinking it would take a miracle for one of you to confess.”

The two blushed, earning a giggle. “Piece of advice, sis? Don’t make the same mistakes Twi and I did. Don’t throw away everything you both want over something stupid. Looking back at it now? I shouldn’t have exploded as I did. It hadn’t been the first time Twi was so preoccupied with school she ignored me. We always made up later.” She sighed. “It doesn’t matter now. I have all I could have ever wanted, and Twi? Well,” she giggled. “You’ll see.”

“I couldn’t have said it any better myself.” A familiar voice came from the doorway. All three turned to see Kohaku standing there. His black denim jeans, a loose-fitting tank top, and a jacket tied around his waist. Nine tails swishing behind him. “You certainly have a way with words dear.”

Getting up, human Pearl smiled and leaped up, wrapping her arms around her husband's shoulders. Only then to be supported by one of his arms wrapped around her waist. The other hand grasped hers. “Comes with experience. As if you ever had any wise words to say.” Pearl giggled tapping her husband's nose before they kissed. Both of Pearl's legs bent up for a moment before she was set down on the ground. Staggering for a moment she let out a low woof before supporting herself on the back of the sofa.

Pony Pearl blinked watching that as her white dragon head swooned and passed out with hearts in her eyes and her tongue hanging out. Leaning into Twilight she smiled.

“Well, I won’t bother you, girls.” Kohaku chuckled catching Rosie’s glance. “I see… so that’s how it is huh?” with a smirk he looked back to his wife. Reaching out he fingered the Tiamat pendant around her neck. “I guess you two are more alike than I first thought. I’ll be in the shower.” Kohaku called out as he strolled through the room and left it soon after.

Pony Pearl sighed, eying the rings on her fingers, one color for each of her dragon heads. There was that same damn annoying habit of his, knowing more than he let on.

Human Pearl blinked. “What the hell did that mean, sis?”

Pony Pearl shook her head. “So you know my dragon heads right? My white is all of my pesky feelings for my Kohaku rolled into one. She just overreacted to what you two did, and I think your Haku saw all of it.”

Human Pearl nodded while playing with her pendant. She was still annoyed that she didn’t get all of what her counterpart did out of their trip to Tiamat’s realm. Oh sure, her and Twi's trip hadn’t been a cakewalk, but it had been less life-threatening.

Pony Pearl noticed that the border, while once was all multi-colored, was now almost pure white with shades of green, red, and black. The blue faded into the color of sky rather than the sapphire it used to be. She was about to mention it when a look from Twilight shaking her head silenced her. 

“I do have one question.” Twilight leaned back and sipped on her tea. “Something that’s been bugging me. If those kits are his and yours… why..”

“Aren't they human? Yeah, I'm still not a hundred percent certain on that either.” Human Pearl chuckled remembering the day her twins were born. “They came out human. But an hour later. They were as you saw them.”

“How did your doctor take it?” Pony Pearl smirked.

“Thankfully my doctor is Kohaku’s sister Riko. I think any other doctor would have questioned reality. I still laugh at the thought of it.” Human Pearl laughed along with her sister and Twilight. “If you stay the night I’ll let them get to know their auntie Rose and I hope, future auntie Twilight. Plus, I can help you with the gift I have. One bonus to being the wife and mate to Kohaku, I take frequent trips to the orient and I get early access to some of the best models.” 

Walking over to the closet, Human Pearl pulled out a large box of the master grade XGF-02 Gundam Lfrith and then handed it off to her pony counterpart.

Pony Pearl bounced excitedly in place, even as her green ring began to glow. “Finally! I never thought they’d make one. Please tell me there’s an Aerial coming?!”

Twilight sighed but smiled. “And we’ve lost her. Typical.”

Pony Pearl just smirked. “And don’t you forget it, Sparky. You’re in my world now. Do you want me? Work on it. Show me you care enough.”

Human Pearl was confused. While that was definitely sis’s voice, it also wasn’t at the same time. “What the hell does that mean?”

Twilight pinched her nose. “It’s her green head. She’s taken over. She is all of my Pearl’s love of Gunpla rolled into one. Each of her heads is now a fully separate and individual personality.”

“Since when the hell could they do that?” Human Pearl replied, scratching her head.

“For a few years now,” Pony Pearl replied. “You’ve seen us all. Whether you knew it or not. Seeing you and Twi together, how jealous we were we couldn’t have the same because we were too young. You saw the looks. How we went gaga for every big Warhammer or Gunpla release.”

Human Pearl thought for a moment. This explained a lot actually now that she thought about it. Neat.

Twilight, meanwhile, poked her Pearl. “Don’t ask me to do a Master Grade, please. I remember how much trouble you had with your first one. And that was with experience I don’t have.”

Pony Pearl snorted. Figures. “Then if you want something that’ll still look good, but not take a huge amount of effort, look at one of the Entry Grade kits. Or a High Grade if nothing else.”

Twilight nodded. “Then help me with it, Rosie. There are too many to count, even for me. None of them really stood out to me if I’m honest.”

Human Pearl smiled as she sat back with one leg crossed over the other, watching and listening to the pair going back and forth. “Well, I do have an option that might help you get a little better.” Running her hand across the table she opened a hidden drawer. “I have a gift for you as well Twilight. I wasn’t sure if it would fit you. But I thought for a beginner, it should work.” 

“Hey isn’t that?” Rosie smirked looking at her human counterpart who nodded. “Sexy,” she giggled.

Holding out the box she passed it to Twilight. “It’s not the most exciting kit around, but it’s still fun if you ask me.”

Twilight wasn’t even sure what she was looking at as she turned the box over. “What is it, exactly?”

“It’s the Reborns Gundam,” Pony Pearl giggled. “A two-in-one Gundam, and my favorite from 00.”

Twilight frowned as she turned the box over. She vaguely recalled Pearl gushing over this same mobile suit soon after her first trip to this world. She also saw what she meant by a two-in-one. Weird.

Human Pearl saw the look in Twilight’s eyes, and smiled. “It’s not as hard as it looks to put together. It’s the change from Gundam Mode to Canon Mode that makes it look like it.”

Twilight nodded, seeing the look in her Pearl’s eyes. She wanted Twilight to do this. Not just for what they were now, but for all of the years the princess had put up with her hobby.

And who was she to say no? “Okay. I’ll do it. How hard could it be?”

Kohaku smiled as he stood in the doorway. On his shoulders slept his two young children. He watched as his Pearl was about to scream trying to guide Twilight in assembling the Gundam model. Shaking his head he walked off down the hall.

Pony Pearl stretched and looked up. She caught the sight of Kohaku santering off. Quickly excusing herself she followed down the hall. After a few moments, she came to a tree-top balcony and followed out. “Hey there. I take it your still not into that stuff?”

“No. I am. Hell, I have my own set of model kits.” Kohaku smiled patting the banister next to him as the younger Pearl walked up and leaned against it. “Of course, some of them aren't actually Gundam.” Shifting a bit he let his daughter roll down his arm and into young Pearl’s who caught little Sakura easily. “I take it you were blindsided by what you learned today?”

“That’s putting it mildly. My white dragon still hasn’t woken up.” Pearl huffed as she cradled the little white kitsune. Her hand lightly brushed through the silken fur. Pearl smiled listening to the little girl purr. “So I take it unlike my Kohaku, you never lost your attraction to.. Well me?”

“Nope.” Kohaku lifted his head up to the sky. His body shimmered as he changed into a ten-foot-tall kitsune. His nine tails swished behind him. “But I never expected to. No matter who she loved. And I'm pretty sure your Kohaku feels the same.”

“Psh.. yeah right.” Pearl blinked, this being the first time she saw this Kohaku’s full form. Already she could see the similarity between her Kohaku and this one. The thought made her nervous. “I…” a paw finger on her lips silenced her.

“I know what you're going to ask. And I can’t give you an answer.” Looking down at Pearl, Kohaku sighed. “Mother won’t either so don’t ask. She’s not an oracle any longer.” removing his finger Kohaku turned his face back to the moon. “My only real advice to you. No matter what mistakes Twilight makes, she will make the same mistakes. Forgive her. She loves you. Even if it’s in her own way. “

“Is that the same advice you gave YOUR Pearl?” Pearl smirked but frowned seeing him sigh. 

“I tried. If not for my pushing, she and I would have been living in the orient now. Thousands of miles away from Twi and anything that reminded Pearl of her.” Kohaku smiled. “I couldn’t save a relationship but I did save the friendship. And never once did I think she settled on me. Nor do I doubt her affection. But I never wanted her to live life with regret.” Reaching down he placed his passive paw on her shoulder. “And we don’t want that for you and your Twi. so when the time comes. I hope you remember this conversation. And never forget how much you love her, or she you.” Turning away, Kohaku sat as silently as a statue, staring out at the moon. 

Pearl stood there. The little vixen in her arms chewing lightly on her shirt. Even now, in this world. Kohaku was the brother she may not have wanted. But she was thankful he was the brother she needed.