Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Galben's Tournament: Dramatic Finish

Chapter 53

“So fucking bland,” I complained as I hate the snacks Vanilla made for us upon request. But just like this morning it left a lot to be desired.

The Halwen just stood there smiling at us, watching us eat her food with a pleased expression on her face. 

“Come on, Van’s, what happened to the good food?” Floria asked as she frowned at her half eaten snack.

“This food is the approved food of the-” she began, but was cut off by Floria’s sigh.

“Forget I asked,” the short Kejtdra groaned. 

I finished mine and stood up, stretching my body out as the match before us started to draw to a close.

“If that skinny Kejtdra down there beats that Halwen, then he’s going to be a real threat to you, Shayla,” Domitor observed as he chewed away on his own food.

“That guy?” I asked, rolling my eyes. “He controls wind and has fancy rich boy footwork with that sword. I’m just gonna smash his face in while he cools me down with a refreshing breeze.”

“How the hell have you won so many fights and you think like this?” Domitor asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

“With my skills, and these babies of course,” I said, flexing my biceps and kissing each one of them.

“I don’t see what you see in her,” Floria teased, slugging Domitor in the arm.

“Me either,” he admitted with a smirk, causing me to glare at him.

“Hey, Domitard, keep your opinions to yourself,” I said as I plopped back down between them, keeping my eyes on the fight.

“Challenge time,” Rosemary announced as she appeared a few seats down from me. “For this guy, you must defeat him with just your sword. No ranged attacks, but you can use your Perception Field and VofKai.”

“Gay,” I muttered out loud, getting a few strange looks from my friends. 

“I want you to do something different than just using that brute strength of yours and focus on your fundamentals,” she said with a wink.

I just rolled my eyes as the match below came to an abrupt end, with the Kejtdra coming out on top with a fancy little twirl that removed the arms of his Halwen opponent.

“Okay fine, I’ll admit the guy is pretty good, but I can still take him,” I said with a shrug as I watched the man stand down there as Flavio floated down to heal them.

“I think I know of a way to counter him,” Domitor said as he rubbed his chin.

“Don’t tell me,” I chuckled, patting my katana. “I’m gonna just beat him at his own game.”

“That’s incredibly stupid of you,” he sighed.

“Nah, I got this,” I said, giving him a thumbs up as I pushed myself up, knowing I’d be called on here soon. “Just you three sit back and watch me kick his skinny ass.”

“Oh this’ll be fun,” Floria commented, giving Vanilla a playful shove. “What do you think, Van’s?”

“I concur,” she simply said, bringing a frown to Floria’s face.

“Come on, show some emotions, Honey Bun,” she said in an almost pleading voice. Yet Vanilla just smiled wider. Floria just stared at her with a sad look on her face.

“Anyways!” I exclaimed, not liking the awkward mood that was slowly starting to creep up on me. “Wish me luck, fucknuts!” I began to stroll towards the edge of the seats, aiming to just jump down when Flavio announced me.

Which didn’t take long as he returned to his platform and began to do his elaborate introduction of the final round.

Leaning up against it, I opened my menu, looking my stats over. I was about to pump them all into strength again, but Rosemary placed a hand in front of me.

“Wait, before you make this choice, I need to explain your new ability; VofKai,” she said, causing me to groan. “No, you’ll love this one.”

“How?” I asked, rubbing my face.

“The best way to explain this, for someone like you to understand, is this; in that TV show you love so much, the fighting one.”

“Dragon Ball Z?” I asked, raising an eyebrow as she peaked my interest.

“Yes, that one,” she said with a nod. “When the hero-”

“Goku,” I corrected her, turning my full attention to her.

“Yes, when Goku is trying to fight his first two real threats, he learned a new ability that increased his powers for a short period of time.”

“Bitch, are you saying I have a Kaioken ability?!” I asked as I began to bounce in place in excitement.

“In essence, yes,” she confirmed, causing me to get a bit giggly as I rubbed my hands together. “VofKai can be active for as long as you want, but the longer it’s up the more strain it’ll place on your body and Soul. It’ll increase all your stats by a wide margin, and will allow you to perform feats that normally you could never do. With better stats and practice you can negate some of the negative effects of using VofKai, but for now you need to be careful with how long you use it.”

“Oh trust me, I can handle it for a LONG time,” I laughed, my mind racing with all the cool shit I could do with this.

“To get the most out of it, you need to increase the Ego stat, that way it’ll increase your power even further,” she said, tapping at my menu. “VofKai is the perfect ability to mix with any and all of your other abilities. It can even be stacked up on itself, but that’ll put a strain on your body.”

“Exactly like Kaioken,” I replied, smirking. “I’ve always wanted a powerup that I could activate whenever.”

“I’m serious, for now just use it as needed. If you activate it too early you might end up burning out before you win the fight, so choose the correct moment to use this ability. And do NOT stack it right now,” she warned sternly.

“Yeah yeah,” I muttered as I proceeded to dump all fifteen skill points into Ego.

“... I still would’ve spread those out,” she complained, but I just shrugged.

“Shane Beltosh, it is your time to return to the arena one final time!” Flavio announced, causing me to smirk as I grabbed the railing and threw myself over, landing onto the solid ground below me.

Standing up straight I began to stroll towards my spot as my opponent watched me with his hands behind his back, his eyes squinted for some reason.

As I reached my starting position he gave me a nod, “I have been watching all of your fights, Shane Beltosh.”

“Then you know you’re in for a world of hurt, huh?” I asked, smirking at him as I flexed my right arm.

“On the contrary, I’ve noticed you fighting recklessly and without concern for yourself,” he said in a calm tone, causing me to shrug at him.

“Yeah? But look where that’s gotten me,” I pointed out, placing my left hand on the sheath of my sword.

“In a real world setting, your recklessness would’ve ended in your death,” he countered. “Yet I respect you and your honor code. You have shown you do not wish to kill your opponents, and that is rare in these trying times. So I will return the favor by only incapacitating you for this match. There is no need for either of us to die here today.” He then bowed, “I am your final opponent today; Ensam Feng.”

I could think of a thousand insults for this guy, but something inside of me told me to keep my mouth shut. 

“Alright then,” I said as I rolled my shoulders. “I’m not going to be using any ranged attacks, so do with that information as you will.”

The corners of his lips slowly curled into a small grin as he stared at me, “if you are to be believed, then this fight shall be enlightening to both of us.”

“Sure,” I shrugged as the bell rang.

Unlike previous rounds I decided against just dashing in and engaging him.

Ensam pulled out a wooden sword and held it out to his side, “I shall meet your bokken with one of my own. It’s only fair.”

“Whatever helps you feel better about losing,” I replied as I began to advance on him, keeping myself lowered into a fighting stance, hand on the handle of my katana as it rested in its sheath.

He began to stroll towards me as well, keeping his sword held out to his side as he kept his calm gaze locked on my own.

As I neared him I suddenly dashed forward, drawing and slicing with my katana in one fluid motion. However he simply turned his body, completely dodging my attack. Before I could react his own sword moved like a blur in front of me, causing me to be pelted with at least five strikes before I could get my sword into position to block. Our wooden blades connected with a massive whoosh of air.

“Impressive,” he said as I used my wings to dash to the side, trying to perform a slice for his legs, but he casually brought his sword around and caught mine, easily deflecting it. “But you are an amateur with the blade. Barely any technique, just the bare fundamentals and brute strength.”

“You want technique?” I growled as I swung for him, watching as his blade flew up to meet mine again. But I stopped my attack and shot my left hand out, catching his blade. “How’s this for a technique!” 

All he did was raise an eyebrow as I swung my sword hard for him as I held him firmly in place. But as I neared him he punched a fist at me, sending a massive amount of wind right into my face, sending me flying backwards as I lost my footing.

“Always be ready for the unexpected,” he lectured as I stumbled across the ground and landed in a kneeling posture, eye twitching in anger. “Your mind seems troubled, Mr. Beltosh. As if you have a massive burden upon your shoulders.”

“Yeah, life be like that,” I growled as I stood up and placed my katana back in its sheath, resuming my fighting stance.

“Let me be serious for a moment, try and keep up,” he said as he sliced his sword through the air, causing all of the dust and dirt on the ground around us to fly upwards due to the sheer power of his movements, followed by him dashing towards me at an incredibly high speed.

I could just barely track his approach as I drew my sword and attempted to catch him, but he flew past me, resheathing his sword as he posed behind me. My eyes went wide as I felt a massive wave of pressure approaching. The air before me filled with flashes of his blade as the after images hit me with so much force I almost dropped my sword. But I held firm as I took a few too many hits before I got my own blade up to block a few of the attacks.

Finally it ended as I stood there, breathing heavily from the beating I’d just received. He was still standing right behind me, our sides right next to each other.

Shit… this guy is...

“You have potential,” he said calmly as I held my sword in front of myself, not ready to turn on him to attack yet. I honestly need a second to recover after that. “Attack me. I will only parry and counter.”

“Stop trying to teach me shit,” I grumbled as my Perception Field spread around me, catching him in it. Time seemed to stop as I spun around and went for a strike on his face, but just as it was about to make contact, his sword seemed to spin and hit my own, knocking it aside as I went off balance from missing the attack.

He struck out with his palm, hitting me in the face hard enough to knock me away from himself, and even sent my helmet flying away from me.

“Head wear such as that hinders your sight,” he pointed out as he turned to fully face me.

I just grinded my teeth as I rolled my shoulders, time to mix up my approach.

No flying messes things up, but they said nothing about ‘jumping’.

Time for me to be serious as well. Now he’s fucked.

Squaring up with him, I dashed towards him, eyes locked on his. As I neared I sliced my sword through the air, but he just parried it upward. However I let the momentum carry me as I dashed backwards and then jumped forward, using my wings to launch myself higher into the air. I came straight down on him, performing a front spin midair as I sliced vertically. 

He of course blocked that, but that wasn’t my real attack as my back foot came right behind my katana and caught him in the face. 

I landed on the ground in a ready stance as he stumbled back a bit, his still mostly closed eyes locked on mine.

“Now things are getting fun,” he said with a cool smile as he held his sword out to his side again.

Not wanting to have a dialogue I propelled myself forward, spinning through the air using my wings so that as I reached him I performed two quick attacks, which he easily deflected. I followed with my momentum as I slithered across the ground and used my tail to try and swipe his legs as I performed a heavy upward strike. 

His own tail shot out and wrapped itself around mine, holding tight as his sword parried my attack. We gripped each other's tails tightly as we held close as I began to attack him over and over again, putting everything I had into each strike as I tried to maneuver my blade around his incredible defense.

I kept pushing myself to increase my speed more and more, starting to move so fast that I’m pretty sure anyone watching could no longer follow our movements as my arms and upper body moved in almost a blur. But he was unaffected as he just matched my speed no matter how much I increased it.

Even activating my Perception Field didn’t help as he still moved to block any attack I threw out. Our tails were in a tug of war with each other as we tried to pull the other off of their feet.

“Now, I will fight back,” he announced as his stance changed. He blocked one of my strikes with his hand as his sword flew past my guard and hit me right in the face. My head recoiled back, but I held my ground as I kept up my attack, now having to block as he began to counter me.

Shit this isn’t looking good!

“Use it!” I heard Rosemary yell in my head.

Good enough time as any! 

As I blocked a counter attack, I flexed as I activated a skill. “VofKai!”

A cyan glow spread around my body as I felt myself increase in power. My attacks began to reach a point I could barely keep up with them, but he just smiled as he just matched my speed.

I gritted my teeth as my blade was now just leaving after images that he was still able to see and defend against. Not only that, he was countering me! What is this guy?!

Out of nowhere his hand shot out and grabbed my jacket, followed by his sword slamming right down into my left shoulder so hard that I crumbled in on myself. He followed this up by using his tail to sling me across the arena.

My body bounced and rolled across the ground a bit before I slid to a stop.

I grunted as I coughed and began to push myself up, seeing that he was waiting for me to stand up before reengaging me. My shoulder burned from the hit, but at least it wasn’t broken or dislocated.

“Come on, bro! Beat him already! My new body hinges on you winning this!” someone in the stands yelled out, causing Ensam to shake his head.

Ignoring the yelling guy in the stands, I focused as I kept up VofKai. 

The fact he was keeping up with me with this shit active is just dumbfounding. But that doesnt matter. I can still win this, I just need to stay focused.

“Mr. Beltosh,” Ensam said as he began to walk towards me. “I am sorry, but my protégé is a bit impatient. If you don’t mind, I’m going to go all out and end this, as a show of respect for you and your potential.”

“Go all out? Yeah, you do that, you’ll need it,” I grunted as I prepared myself.

“Do not do that,” Rosemary warned sternly, but I ignored her.

The music in my head changed from its normal tune to a totally different one as Ensam neared me.

He exploded towards me as I clenched my jaw as I yelled, “VofKai times two!”

Ego exploded out of my body as I felt myself get unbelievably stronger, but at the same time my body felt like it was burning up from the inside out. It wasn’t that bad, so I could withstand it!

The moment he reached me it felt like a wave of pressure slammed into me as his sword flashed so fast I barely could follow it, but thanks to my boost in power I was able to meet him with my own blade, our two swords clashing together violently as we tried to break through the others defenses.

We were now a match it seemed, as I could just barely keep up with him at his full power, but he didn’t seem phased as he kept up his assault. The area around us began to break up and get blown away as each of our strikes had so much power behind them that each time they landed they shattered everything around us.

I began to lose as his attacks began to increase in intensity and speed, reaching a point I feared was beyond me!

“Fuck!” I yelled out as I began to strain to keep up with him.

“NO!” Rosemary roared.

“VofKai times three!” 

It felt like my body was breaking as my power soared even higher, to a point I clearly was not ready for. But I pushed through it as I caught back up to him.

One of his attacks hit just right, causing me to be pushed back, but we didn’t relent as we began to dash around the arena, clashing swords each time we neared each other. And each time our swords clashed the ground around us exploded, leaving craters everywhere.

My body was burning up so fast I feared I’d drop before I was able to defeat him!

On one of our collisions he sent a wave of wind at my face, causing my vision to blur for just a moment. Which was long enough for him to parry my sword and get his sword through to my face.

But my hand shot up and caught his blade, slowing it just enough that when he hit my face it sent me flying back, but not knock me out.

I tumbled for just a moment before I caught myself and landed upright, sword up and ready.

Yet he didn’t push his attack as he stared at me with his eyes fully open, an impressed look on his face.

We began to approach each other again, but this time we didn’t attack each other as we got within a foot of each other, staring each other down as we held an intense stare between the two of us.

This guy… is incredible.

“Shane, you’ve impressed me,” he said as he continued to hold my gaze.

I grinned at him as I gave a nod, “I respect you, Ensam. I’ve never fought someone like you before.”

He smiled as he held out his hand, “then let’s acknowledge one another fully.”

My hand reached out and gripped his as we shook hands firmly.

“Now, let’s finish this,” he said as he broke the handshake and began to walk backwards.

“My real name is Shayla by the way,” I said as I took a few steps back, sheathing my sword.

“Shayla Beltosh,” he mouthed as he held his sword out to his side. “It has been a pleasure fighting you. Give me your all, right now. May the better swordsman come out on top.”

“I will if you give me your all as well,” I replied as we both lowered a bit.

Everything went quiet as we stared at each other. If we’re going all out, then this fight will end very quickly. I need to go beyond my limits here. 

I swear I could hear Rosemary groan as I prepared myself.

“VofKai…” I said slowly as the wind began to pick up around us as Ensam prepared himself as well. “Times…” He smiled at me, his body lurching forward as he moved right for me. “Five!”

The Ego exploded out of me so violently that it seemed to rival his wind as it bore down on me. My body screamed in absolute agony, but I pushed through it as I dashed forward as well.

As we neared each other, our blades flashed, followed by both of us sliding past each other as I sheathed my sword. The moment it clicked into its sheath I heard him gasp, bringing a relieved smile to my face.

But that was short lived as the realization hit me. My body jerked and twisted as I was pelted with so many hits I lost count and could only get beat like a rag doll. As soon as the onslaught ceased I fell to my knees, completely spent as VofKai ended violently, causing my body to expand and deflate, followed by blood pouring out of every orifice and wound.

“I warned you,” I heard Rosemary whisper as I sat there slumped on my knees.

Behind me I heard Ensam groan as he walked over to me.

Painfully I turned my head to see him, his left arm ruined and his chest wide open as my slice had so much power behind it that it sliced right through him as if it was a metal blade. But he was still standing as he raised his sword and put it right under my chin.

“Amazing, Shayla,” he grunted, seeming just as spent as me. “Now yield.”

I stared up at him, holding a stern gaze. But after a few moments I lost it and began to laugh hoarsely. It devolved into coughing as my body was done for and unable to do much now.

“Yeah… I yield,” I said after I recovered my breath, accepting defeat for the first time in my entire life.

Quest failed! ‘Rank S+: Win Tournament!’

A look of relief washed over his face as he put his sword away and fell to his knees next to me. “Thank you.”

“For what?” I grimaced, the pain in my body just increasing more and more as my adrenaline wore off.

“For making me go all out. It’s been far too long,” he said as he held his bleeding chest. He then regarded his shattered left arm, “if I hadn’t sacrificed this arm, you’d’ve won that exchange.”

“I did my best,” I admitted, coughing up a decent amount of blood.

“Amazingly dramatic finish, brodies!” Flavio exclaimed as he landed next to us and placed a hand on either of us, slowly healing our wounds. “Congratulations, Ensam Feng, you are our groovtastic winner! Galben will grant you your favor as soon as you are finished being healed!” He then looked at me with a look of sympathy, “I’m sorry, Shane. You put up an epic fight, but second place doesn’t come with any kind of reward.”

“It’s okay,” I groaned as it was taking a bit to heal my wounds. “I wasn’t going to be able to use it anyways. I’m under contract to-” I stopped talking as I saw the dark form of Rig’s shadow thing looming up behind Flavio, smiling right at me.

Flavio seemed to sense this as he turned and saw the shadowy creature. “Ah, so someone with a Contract style Thorn has you in their grasp?”

I couldn’t respond to that as I stared at the smiling face of the shadow creature.

“Unfortunate,” Ensam muttered as he finished healing before me, standing up. 

“Yes! You beat that weak guy like he was nothing!” the guy from the stands yelled as he rushed over to Ensam. “Now lets go get me my new body!”

Ensam regarded the man with a stern look, “if you will wait, I will. But I will remain here till my former opponent is healed and back on their feet.”

“Nah, forget them, go do it now!” 

“Barnaby!” Ensam snapped suddenly, causing all of us but Flavio to flinch. “Be patient or else.”

“Or else?! You promised, forget your opponent, you wiped the floor with them! Let’s just go get my new bod and get out of here!” the Halwen named Barnaby exclaimed.

Ensam began to rub his face, looking annoyed.

“You good, Shayla?” Domitor asked as he ran up to me and knelt down, looking worried.

“Yeah, I’m good,” I assured him, feeling a mixture of emotions after losing. Sure I accept it, but that doesn't mean I like it. This marks the one and only time I’ve lost a fair fight, and I wasn’t sure how to process that.

“Well, I thought you were amazing out there,” he said with a reassuring smile, reaching out and wiping some blood from my face. “I couldn’t even see you two for most of that fight.”

“Thanks, Domitard,” I said with a smile as I let him clean my face of blood.

“Cute little couple!” Flavio exclaimed with a wide smile, causing me to frown and push Domitor’s hoof away. That was enough of that then.

Domitor just rolled his eyes at me as he continued to help me by fixing my jacket and mane, which had come loose from its ponytail and was hanging all round my face now.

“Here,” Floria said as she walked up, holding my helmet for me. 

“Thanks, bud,” I said as I took it and put it away in my Personal Inventory to let it get repaired.

“Now how the fuck did you do all that?!” she asked excitedly as Vanilla stepped up behind her, looking the same as she had all morning.

“Just skill,” I winked, not wanting to explain everything.

“All good to go!” Flavio said as he stood up and smiled at all of us. “Thanks to you two, this event has been amazing! Out of all the contestants we had here, you two were the funniest to announce for!”

Ensam bowed gracefully, “it was my pleasure, my good sir.” He then turned to me and held out a hand. “And thank you, Shayla Beltosh, for an amazing duel.”

I couldn’t help but smile as I took his hand and allowed him to pull me up. “Hey, you’re the first person to fairly beat me in battle, so feel pretty proud of yourself.”

He chuckled at this, but then his face became serious. “I do not know what trauma or traumatic event you have faced, but there is no need to hide behind a mask and a false identity. You are strong enough to stand above all threats that you will face, you just have to take it all seriously.”

I regarded him with a conflicted look, feeling a mix of emotions. “Thank you, Ensam. But it’s honestly more complicated than that.”

“It doesn’t need to be,” he said in a wise voice. “Things are only as hard as we let them be. You can’t solve it all in a single day, but over time, you will triumph over whatever is troubling you.”

He didn’t know what I was going through, but hearing him say this made me feel a bit better. Things won't get better in just a few days, but if I keep pushing forward, then eventually I’ll be back to my normal self.

Or… what if I shouldn’t be fighting to get back to normal, but instead making a new normal for me that I’m just as happy with?

“That’s… very mature and profound of you,” Rosemary said in surprise, causing me to chuckle.

“Ensam, come on!” Barnaby whined, causing the Kejtdra to sigh. 

“Flavio my good man, lead the way if you will,” Ensam said as he put his hands behind his back.

I let out a sigh as I reached over and ruffled up Domitor’s braided mane, much to his annoyance. “Come on, you guys, let’s get out of here.”

“Oh, Shane,” Flavio called out as he spun to face me. “Hold up a moment, brodam, Galben and I want to talk to you once we’re done with Ensam!”

“Uh… Okay?” I said with a confused frown, causing him to laugh as he struck a pose and then spun away, resuming his walk for Galben’s own platform.

“Well that’s either good or bad,” Floria muttered as she leaned into Vanilla’s side. “What do you think, Vantastic?”

“I believe the Great Galben wants to talk with Shane,” she said in a monotone voice, a smile plastered there as always.

“Damn it, give me something, Vanilla!” Floria snapped as she grabbed the taller Halwen by the shoulders and shook her. “Come on, you were so expressive and happy last night! Go back to that!”

“I am sorry, but I was not in my right mind last night,” she replied calmly, letting herself be shaken around.

“Quit that bullshit, you’re my friend and I don’t care if we haven’t known each other long, you’re already apart of my life and I don’t want you acting all robotic and shit!” Flora yelled as she shook her harder.

“If it will help I can attempt to be more ‘expressive’, would you like that?” she asked in a voice that clearly showed she was just saying what was expected of her.

“No! I want it to be real!” Floria exclaimed as she let go of Vanilla and began to walk away, her hands in her pockets.

“Floria, are you-” Domitor began, but she cut him off.

“You two make sure she doesn’t do something stupid, I need to cool off,” she called over her shoulder as she stomped away.

Vanilla just waved after her and turned to us, giving us that same creepy smile.

“You need to cut this shit out,” I growled at her, just causing her to cock her head.

“What do you mean?” she asked in a way that made me want to deck her in the face right here and now.

Domitor must have seen me clenching my fist because he stepped between us. “Alright, let’s all just take a step back and cool off. Okay, Shayla?”

“Yeah,” I grumbled as I turned and looked away from her, not wanting to actually hurt her.

“Fuck me, this group is screwed up,” I heard Domitor mutter to himself.

Yeah, we are.