//------------------------------// // Shattered Heart // Story: Colours of Dusk // by AlphatheGriffin17 //------------------------------// Shining hurried to the throne room when he was told about a message from his sister. If Twily was in trouble, no way was he going to be leaving her in a bind. He had a feeling in his gut that something was brewing and this all but confirmed it. Granted, he hadn't seen the message yet. But even so, he hadn't become Captain of the Guard by ignoring his instincts. Cadence was already reading it over by the time he arrived. Just by the look on her face, he could tell it wasn't good news. "What's the word?" he asked. "Bad," she answered. "Canterlot has been attacked by Soul and his associates. They've gone for now, but it's just Twilight there and she can't get in touch with Celestia or Luna." "Then she needs our help. Tell her we're on the way, I'll put together a force of guards if she needs backup." Just as Cadence sent somepony to fetch a quill and Shining was about to leave to round up some soldiers, the door burst open again. It was one of the guards, but he looked frantic. His eyes were wide and Shining could see something red splashed across his armour. "Your highnesses! We're under attack!" he reported. "Th-There's a pony, dressed in armour. I-It's impossible, he's an alicorn! He j-just appeared i-in the middle of the square, took out his sword and... it happened so fast, I couldn't-!" "Calm down, focus," Shining commanded. "Was there anypony else with him?" "N-No, sir. Just him. W-We were out on patrol, just in the streets and... and he was just there. We didn't e-even get to ask who he was before he... he..." "It's alright, soldier. You've done well, good work letting us know. Stay here. I'll take some others and deal with this." The guard bowed, still shaking and left. Shining looked back at his wife, whose grim expression mirrored his own. "I'll call together the crystal ponies, make them ready to use the Heart," she said. "Will that even work? He had to have known about it before he came." "It's our best chance of stopping him. You go, just be careful." She crossed over and kissed him. "I love you." "And I love you," he returned. They pressed their heads and horns together briefly before Shining went to don his armour. One of the guards was already bringing it, along with a weapon. An axe of reinforced crystal, along with a tower shield that had been enchanted with his own defensive shield spell. It wasn't as powerful as when he cast it, but it was good in a pinch. A couple of unicorn guards fastened it into place as he strode towards the door with six guards at his back. He wasn't difficult to find. He was out in the centre of the street that led directly to the Spire. A crowd of crystal ponies were gathered around the Heart, exuding feelings of steadfast resolve and fear. Cadence watched from atop the balcony. They locked eyes briefly before Shining marched towards the intruder. He'd heard descriptions of him, seen images of the pony he used to be. But actually seeing him in person was different. Almost as tall as Celestia, clad in armour with a purple plume rising from the top with a parody of a royal cloak draped around him. He wore a clasp with a red jewel on his chest, the head and wings of an alicorn sprouting from it. Its appearance struck a chord in Shining's memory, but he couldn't quite place it. It wasn't the only thing red. Three guards lay dead around him. His floating sword still glistened with their blood. "Prince Shining Armour, I presume." He inclined his head. "Mine greetings to thee." "Fallen Soul," he returned. "Stand down, now. I'm placing you under arrest for the murder of these ponies, not to mention everything else you've done." Fallen nodded slowly. "The very picture of authority and command. I am pleased to see the standards of the Captain of the Guard have not waned in mine absence, though thou no longer holds the title." "Put down the sword and surrender," he repeated. "You're outnumbered and we have the Crystal Heart. Whatever it is you have planned, it stops here." "Such assurance thy position affords thee. Yet, as these ones have discovered..." He gestured to the dead guards. "Positions of authority can be very swiftly reversed." Shining decided he'd had enough. He raised his voice to address the Crystal Guards. "Take him. With me, now!" He charged, raising his shield to bash him. A pair of guards flanked around him while two Pegasi took to the air. A pair of unicorns cast binding magic against him. Soul was forced to block Shining's strike and his legs and wings were bound by magic. He grunted when the two Earth ponies tackled into him, the Pegasi diving towards him. But then his wings flared. The binding was broken. He kicked the Earth ponies away and took off. His blade flashed and the Pegasi fell to the ground with a crash. They didn't stand back up. He hurled his sword at the unicorns. Shining heard a 'snick' and the sounds of something rolling away when they hit the floor. The sword zoomed around back to its master, striking one of the Earth ponies across the back. He knelt with a cry as Soul plunged the sword into the neck of the other before Shining could stop him. He swung the axe down towards Soul's head, but he blocked it. "A fine choice of weapon!" he remarked. "Simple, yet deadly. I commend thee." Shining responded by using his magic to strike Soul on the back of the head with his shield. He used it to block the alicorn's next swing, angling his axe to his right foreleg. It clanged off the armour, but it left a dent. It knocked him off balance. Shining rammed into Soul with his shield, battering him with no recourse. Soul only braced against them, weathering the blows. Shining didn't intend to give him an inch. He raised the axe again, going for his head. But Soul angled himself so it slid down his helmet and onto his shoulder plate. Once again, dented but not broken. He shoved against Shining's shield, surprising the former captain with his strength. "Thou art certainly skilled," said Fallen. "Thy hooves are light and fast, as are thy thoughts. Thou art not easily wrong-footed. Most noteworthy, Shining Armour." "I'm not interested in your praise, Soul!" he barked. "You've got a lot to answer for and I'm gonna make sure you do!" Soul didn't respond verbally. His helmet shifted to the remaining guard, still trying to stand from the slash across his back. Before Shining could act, Soul sent his sword shooting through the guard's chest. "A pity," said Fallen, flinging his blade to shake off excess blood. "I recall that the Crystal Guard seemed formidable in my time. Perhaps so much peace has dulled their fighting spirit." Shining glanced at Cadence. They hadn't expected Soul to come quietly, but they had a chance to stop him. They just had to keep him in place and use the Crystal Heart. He could see other guards start to approach, but he raised his hoof. The guards didn't come any closer, but waited to act at a moment's notice. Hopefully they wouldn't have to, with what Shining had in mind. If this guy was as old fashioned as he talked, maybe Shining could keep his attention by fighting solo. A thought surfaced in his mind. This would mark the second time a duel had been carried out in front of the Spire. Well, it wouldn't do to let Dusk show him up. It would be something to brag about at least, if he survived. "You want a fight?" Shining raised his shield and axe. "I'll give you a fight! I challenge you to single combat, Fallen Soul! Let's see how good you really are!" "A contest of blades? Excellent. Then come, Shining Armour!" Fallen took a stance. "We will use only our natural-born skills. Let us make this memorable!" The two stallions charged, their blades clashing. Shining hooked the wing of his axe around Soul's blade and forced it down. He slammed his shield into Soul's chin, then stuck it in the ground. He used it as a stepping stone to jump up, kicking Soul in the helmet. Soul blocked Shining's axe when he brought it down, but Shining used the momentum to somersault over his head. He straddled the alicorn's back, wrapping his forelegs around his neck and kicking his wings. But Soul bucked hard. Shining kept a grip on his neck, but he was knocked forward. He manouvered around to pull Soul's head down as he fell, kicking him twice in the helmet. Something flashed off to his right. He ducked, but winced when something sharp bit into the back of his neck. Soul's sword came around again, striking with a flurry of blows. Using both his axe and greaves on his legs, Shining blocked them. He winced again when the sword's tip snuck between the plates on his knee. He yanked it back before Soul could gain purchase and slammed his axe down on the sword. But Fallen strained his sword against the force of the blow and pushed back. The suddenness wrenched it from Shining's aura and sent it spinning away. He was able to block the next two blows with his greaves, but Fallen sliced through part of the straps on the right foreleg of one. He left a surface cut there as well. "I see the difference now," said Fallen. "Thou hast seen conflict. Thy mettle has been tested in battle. The position of guard now is one of pure ceremony, rather than function. Toy soldiers, propped up on the walls of the castles in a parody of soldiers. Their standards have slipped in mine absence." "You gave up your title as captain a thousand years ago," spat Shining. "You betrayed everything you fought for and for what? Because a mare hurt your pride and turned you down. Some soldier!" Fallen went quiet for a moment. His helmet tilted up towards Cadence, then back down to Shining. "I admit that my initial reasons for mine actions were… juvenile. Driven by wounded pride. He sensed it within me, my former master and twisted it to his own ends. I wanted nothing more than to feel as I once did, fighting every day under his reign." His hoof touched the clasp he wore. "But I have had a great deal of time to consider in my purpose, in the depths of Tartarus. I see much more clearly now, what I must do, with the power that I've been given. With the forces I command. Thou wouldst thrive in the world I envision, Shining Armour." "I like the world I've got right now, thanks." He took up another stance. "This is your last chance to stand down, Fallen Soul. It doesn't have to be this way." "But mine young successor…" Soul raised his blade again. "I'm afraid it does." Shining acted before his enemy could. He flung his leg at Fallen, sending the greave flying like a Frisbee and backed up. He summoned the shield to him, bracing against the next flurry from Soul. The shield was heavy and thick, yet he could still feel the alicorn's strikes, pushing him further and further back. Out of the corner of his eye, Shining glimpsed his axe, the head stuck in the ground. He tilted his shield up suddenly, forcing Soul to block and grabbed the axe in his aura. He felt his shield be knocked out of the way, just as he swung the axe around and struck Soul right on the side of his helm. Soul grunted and Shining raised the axe again, coming down on his back between his wings. His armour protected him from the axe itself, but dented it enough to make contact with his back. Soul's knees buckled and his wings went slack. Shining had hit an important nerve there. He knew it existed for Pegasi and the same was true for alicorns, it seemed. But he was already shaking off the effects. Time to end this. Shining's shield lay directly at Soul's hooves. He triggered the magic in it, activating a smaller version of his shield spell. One that left Soul trapped inside. "Everypony, now!" The crystal ponies closed their eyes and started to glow. So did the Crystal Heart. Cadence added her magic to the spell too, lifting their spirits with the love in her heart. The magic spread throughout the streets, the Heart spinning and glowing brighter. The energy reached a climax and Shining yanked his shield back, lowering the protection and exposing Soul. The alicorn didn't have time to move before he was engulfed in its light. Shining shielded his eyes, feeling his coat take on a crystal sheen. He didn't know what effect the Heart would have on him. Part of him hoped he'd be simply destroyed. Shining lowered his foreleg, squinting through the lingering glow. What he saw made him tense. Fallen Soul was still standing. The clasp on his coat was glowing with a dull orange light. Something else shone with the same light, an ethereal form that had appeared behind him. It looked like a large bear, that lay curled around him in the air. Like it was asleep. "The use of external aid means that thine victory is forfeit. Our duel is at end then," said Fallen, the glow and the bear fading. "A shame, truly. But all things come to an end eventually, do they not?" Shining quickly overcame his shock. He had a feeling that Soul would have prepared for this. It didn't make being right any better, but there was only one thing to do now. "All guards, to me! Get him!" "Shining, no!" Cadence called. "Get out of there, now!" He hated hearing the hurt in his wife's voice, but he knew his duty. So did the dozens of guards that rushed Fallen from concealed places, weapons of crystal drawn and spells being cast at their foe. The clasp glowed again and another spectral animal appeared behind Fallen. A black pig. No, a boar. He could see the tusks, its fat and bloated form beneath fur the colour of tar. The massive boar seemed to snort as it opened its mouth wide, and Shining could swear he felt as though he were being pulled in closer by some unseen force. The air shimmered and darkened around Fallen as the spells cast by his unicorn guards made contact, then simply… bent around him. Like they were being pulled or redirected away, the numerous beams of magical energy warped and twisted around Fallen's body before being drawn into the open maw of the spectral boar behind him. Then another flash of colour and spectral animal appeared. A gleaming golden-yellow snake, hissing loudly with its fangs bared. The snake coiled through the air, along the ground surrounding Fallen. The guards that reached it suddenly started screaming, the armour and fur around their legs sizzling as they sank into the ground. Their screams were silenced when Fallen arced his blade through their necks. Shining bellowed another cry to rally those faltering. Fallen's eyes found him and another animal flashed, an enormous lion behind him with deep blue fur and a blazing mane. It let out a deafening roar that made the attacking soldiers clutch their heads, but Shining pushed through. He hefted his axe and shield at Fallen, making him back up. Then he felt a sharp pain in the back of his leg. A crossbow bolt that went right into it, just above his hoof. More fired and they were coming from his own troops. "What are you doing?!" he yelled. "Adjust your aim, soldier!" "He's attacking the prince!" yelped a Pegasus mare, though her eyes were on Shining. "Don't let up!" Before Shining could correct her, he had to fend off a blow from a mace wielded by another guard. A spear jabbed into his side and he was forced to use his shield. He could see Fallen, backing away while he was mobbed by his own guards. Had he done something to them? The clasp then shone green. The guards barely had time to acknowledge who they were really attacking when an ugly, bulbous spectral toad appeared over a portion of them. Its eyes flashed and so did theirs with that same, green glow. The ponies who did bared their teeth and turned their weapons on one another, shouting insults and obscenities. Shining tried desperately to shout orders to his soldiers over the chaos, but his efforts were in vain. A new glow appeared behind them. A much more familiar and warming one. The other crystal ponies were trying again with the Heart. It was already beginning to spin. Fallen noticed it too and his clasp shone red. Fear filled Shining as he recognised the wolf-like form that appeared behind Fallen. The one he'd fought in the Everfree Forest with everypony else. As its eyes and open maw shone with hot, white light, he knew what was coming. The beam of light fired, directly at the Crystal Heart. When it struck, the Heart immediately stopped spinning, frozen in place. Then, it violently exploded into a thousand pieces. "NO!" Shining lowered his shield. He barged past other ponies, bringing his axe to bear. If he could just get one, good hit in. The axe raised. Fallen glanced at him. His sword swept upwards. Right through Shining's unprotected foreleg. He only had a moment to see his leg, circling away into the air, before a pain like nothing he'd ever felt rocked his body. He fell with nothing to support his right side, his axe dropping to the ground with a clatter. "Thou didst fight well." Fallen's dripping blade entered his vision before raising up again. He looked to see it, angled to his head. "Take pride in that." Shining braced himself. Then he was scooped off the ground and into the sky. A shrill scream met his ears, one that gave him enough of a shock to focus. "Cadence!" He looked up blearily at his wife, wincing. "You have to… have to…!" "Not now, Shining! He only grazed my leg! We need to get out of here, now or-!" She gasped and angled away, but a blast of white grazed her wings. They stopped flapping, smoking as she fell back to earth with a crash. She kept her forelegs clasped tightly around Shining, taking the brunt of the landing. Shining's vision was going dark. He clutched himself in Cadence's embrace. The last thing he saw before fading out was a golden glow of sunlight bathing their bodies…