Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Fate: Tis better to have loved and lost...

Chapter 49

I glanced over my shoulder to see Domitor coming out, looking a bit shaken up.

“What?” I asked roughly as he walked over and sat down on a chair next to the railing.

“Nothing, just was a lot to take in,” he said, rubbing his face.

“I mean yeah, but oh well, they blue balled us by ending the fight like that.”

“It was actually a pretty mature way to end it,” he commented, causing me to roll my eyes.

“Yeah wish we could end our shit that easily,” I muttered, pulling my hood up to block out the wind.

He leaned back, staring at me, “who says we can’t? We just have to try and put in some effort, and we might actually become friends.”

“Nah,” I grunted, glancing at him, “we ain’t gonna be friends, jackass. Like I said, looking at you pisses me off. Nothing's gonna fix that.”

“Yeah, I guess,” he said, pulling the notepad back out and tapping at it with his pencil. “But I’d like for us to work through all this and become friends one day.”

“Geez, you just don't give up,” I groaned, sitting down in a chair across from him. 

We sat in silence for a few minutes as I watched him draw, my emotions flaring up randomly, but I did my best to not start a fight right now.

“Almost done, assface?” I asked as he just kept on fucking dabbing at the paper.

“Not yet,” he muttered, seeming concentrated. “I want this one to be right.”

“Just fucking show me,” I snapped as I leaned forward, holding out my hand.

He frowned as he made a few more dabs and then looked at me. “Okay, I’m going to let you see it now. Just be warned, I drew you exactly as I see you.”

“So you fucking made fun of me,” I deadpanned, eye twitching as I felt a bit betrayed.

“No,” he said as he held it out to me, face down. 

I took it and sat back, glaring at him as I flipped it over, revealing a beautifully shaded pencil drawing of me, a confident smile plastered on my face as I stood up straight, looking ready to take on the whole word, not caring if I was in clothes or not. The old me.

My eyes kept scanning the page as emotions I didn’t understand ran through me. 

Seeing this image of me, acting like I was the boss of the whole world, really affected me as I felt a bit light headed for a moment.

“So? Do you like it, Shane?” he asked a bit nervously, fiddling his hooves as he watched me.

“I…” I began, at a loss for words as I kept my eyes locked on the drawing's face, wanting so desperately to be like the old me again. “Yeah, I do…”

He just smiled at me as he let me have my moment.

“You…” I muttered, still trying to work out my emotions. “You can call me Shayla in private.”

This seemed to cause him to relax a bit as I just kept looking at the drawing, hoping one day I’d be able to be like that again.

“Thanks, Dom,” I said as I put the paper down gently, placing a book over it to keep it from flying away.

“I’m… actually really glad you like it,” he said with a wide smile. 

“Yeah,” I muttered, sitting back and staring right at him. “I’m just going to go right for it. Why were you friends with Lenrick?”

This caught him completely off guard as he recoiled hard, “uh what?!”

“You heard me, so answer the question,” I asked coldly, finally feeling like I can have this conversation and get it over with.

“It’s complicated,” he sighed, shaking his head.

“Then explain it.”

He looked at me with hurt eyes as he continued, “this will sound like an excuse, but he was my first real friend.”

My eyes narrowed at him, as that wasn’t answering the question.

“He threw a few compliments my way after I saved him, and he made me feel wanted, like I mattered to someone for once. It felt… nice…” he said while looking away from me. “I looked past all the horrible shit he was doing because he was being so nice to me. Then we met Floria and he started to act all weird, like a completely different person.” He frowned at this, shaking his head, “no, he wasn’t acting like a different person, he was just being himself. I was just too blinded to see that at the time.”

“He made comments that I should’ve taken as red flags and done something about, but I was so afraid of losing a friend…” he looked right at me, looking like he was about to cry. “I… I almost let him rape you…”

“Yeah, you did,” I said flatly, my heart rate increasing drastically.

“I let him go way too far, I should’ve stopped it a lot sooner,” he said, squeezing his front hooves together tightly. “But I just couldn’t move… I’m so fucking sorry, Shayla. If I’d just done something, anything, this wouldn’t’ve happened to you.”

I crossed my arms, letting him say his peace. I don’t know if it was helping me, but I needed to hear this.

“I can’t sleep anymore,” he admitted, his baggy eyes starting to make sense. “I drink to push the feelings away, but every time I see you in your armor I feel so damn guilty. I let that monster take your confidence away…”

“Stop,” I said, my body and mind no longer wanting to continue this. “I’m broken, Domitor. Like full on fucking broken. And yes, it is your fault, and you should feel bad.”

His head lowered as my words beat him down even further.

“But,” I said with a massive sigh, “I… I-” I coughed loudly, not able to finish that sentence. “Fuck, look, I’ll just say I’m sorry, happy?”

He raised his face to look at me, eyes narrowing a bit. “You know what? No, I’m not happy. We’ve both done so much shit to each other that a simple sorry from either of us won’t fix this.”

“Then fuck you, asshole!” I snapped, finally losing my cool as I stood up and glared at him. “I tried to be nice tonight, and I even said I’m sorry. Why can’t you just fucking accept it?!”

“Because I know you’re just saying it to make yourself feel better!” he yelled as he jumped up and got in my face. “I don’t want to hear fake apologies! I fucked up and let Lenrick almost have his way with you, and for that I’m fucking sorry, Shayla! But you’ve done some pretty horrible shit to me as well!”

“You bitch!” I snapped, head butting him. “I have not done a single thing to you that is on par with what Lenrick tried to do with me!”

“I’m not talking about one single thing, I mean ALL OF IT!” he roared, head butting me right back.

The doors to the balcony blew open and the other two ran out.

“Are you fucking serious?! You’re fighting again?!” Floria yelled, staring us down.

“Yep!” I growled, pulling the sleeves back on my jacket. “And I don’t want to hear it from you! I just sat through the stupidest fight ever between you two!”

“I give up,” Floria said, throwing her hands up. “Know what? Here’s what we’re gonna do; you two are going to go into one of the rooms and just beat the shit out of each other. And that will be the end of it! You fucking hear me?!”

“Oh I hear you,” I growled as Domitor and I held our gazes, both of us clearly ready to finish this. Once and for all.

“Then go! Beat the literal crap out of each other!” she screamed, clearly done with dealing with us.

Without a word I walked for the balcony exit and walked towards one of the unused rooms. I kicked open the door and walked over to the other side of the room, kicking tables and chairs out of the way so the floor was wide open.

Domitor came in behind me, huffing and puffing just as much as me as he slammed the door and stomped towards me, eyes ablaze with fury.

“Alright fucker, ground rules! No powers, and no weapons! I’m going to use my fucking fist to rearrange your face!” I yelled, cracking my knuckles.

“Then come on!” he yelled as he stood up on his hindlegs, front legs held out wide.

I roared and charged him, tackling him to the floor as I instantly began to beat the living shit out of his face. Of course he didn’t just let me as he got a back leg up on my chest and sent me flying off of himself.

He jumped up and blocked my next punch as we began to move around the room, me screaming with each hit and him grunting and yelling with each block.

“You’re an uncaring asshole!” he yelled as he slipped a punch and crashed a hoof right into my face.

“At least my fucking parents love me!” I screamed back as I grabbed his leg and punched him twice in the face before he broke free.

“Yeah I have a shitty father! But that’s not my fault!” he exclaimed as he dropped and swiped my legs out from under me, causing me to crash to the ground.

My tail shot up and grabbed him by the neck as I slammed him straight down into the ground, face first. “All you’ve done your whole life is follow in my fucking shadow!”

“You cast a pretty fucking big shadow, you fat fuck!” he jumped up and dodged my tail as he grabbed it and threw me across the room, sending me straight into the wall.

“Calling me fat doesn’t bother me, retard!” I roared as I hopped up and sprung forward, hitting him right in the gut with my fist as I grabbed his throat and lifted him into the air. 

“Yeah? At least I don’t have to have everyone's approval, like you,” he said with such force that I screamed and slammed him straight into the ground next to me.

He didn’t stay down as he just shot right back up and slammed a hoof into my chin, stunning me for a moment. “Do you know what it’s like, to be brought up in someone else's shadow?!”

Four punches connected to my chest and stomach as he took advantage of my stunned state. “It’s horrible! Everyone is putting you down, all the time!”

“Cry me a river!” I snapped as I blocked a punch and returned one of my own right to his face, bloodying his snout. “I tried to be friends with you once! On a camping trip when we were kids!”

He blocked a few of my attacks, followed by me blocking a few of his. 

“But then you fucking came back that next morning and fought me so hard you broke my legs!”

“Yeah!” he screamed, his emotions running high as he caught my hoof and kicked me straight in the knee, dropping me to the ground as he held my arm, pinning it to my back as he put me in a rear naked choke hold. “Because when I got home my father beat me for telling you all about his goals! I was angry with you!”

“That’s… a stupid… reason…!” I gasped out, the air and blood being cut off from going to my head as I fought against him, but he had the leverage on me in this position.

“I just wanted to be friends with all of you after that night! But my father broke me!” Domitor cried out, applying more and more pressure to my neck as I slowly started to lose the battle with consciousness.

Luckily I was able to rip my arm free and push myself up, causing him to lose his grip on my neck long enough for me to fully break free. 

I reached over my shoulder and grabbed him, and with a roar, threw him straight into the wall ahead of us.

“Then you should’ve said something! I’d of been willing to be friends with you back then if you’d just fucking spoke up! I actually liked your dumb ass for some unknown reason!” I screamed, stomping over and slamming an armored foot into his side. “My parents could've helped you! Instead you bottled it up and made it worse by attacking me over and over again!”

“Sounds exactly like what you’re always doing,” he coughed out as he slowly got to his hooves, only to receive a strong kick to the face as I roundhouse him. 

“At least I have friends to talk to about my problems!” I snapped, grabbing his braided mane as I pulled him up, raising my fist.

“But you don’t, you push everyone aside and just deal with it yourself, you fucking moron,” he groaned, staring at me with anger filled eyes.

I let out a yell and threw my fist for his face, but he exploded into action and caught my fist, causing me to lose my balance as he threw me to the floor.

He kicked me straight in the face as I tried to get back up, dazing me. Instead of continuing that attack he walked away, yelling in anger. 

“Yeah, I wish I could talk about my fucking problems,” I grunted as I stood up, blood pouring out of my mouth now. “But I can’t! I just fucking can’t!”

He spun around to face me, breathing heavily as he prepared to re-engage me. “Then stop making excuses and try to fix them!”

“Fuck you!” I spat back as I dashed in and began to try and slip a punch through his guard. “You don’t get it! I hate myself, Domitor! My emotions are all fucked up, and my confidence is all fake! What happened with Lenrick just made things so much worse!”

One of my fists got through his block and hit him right in the eye, causing him to yelp in pain. I took advantage of this by following that hit up with another to the side, right in the liver. He doubled over, groaning loudly in pain.

“You think I’m happy all the time?! I’m not! I’m faking it till I make it!” I yelled, slamming a knee into his face as he flopped onto his back. “Now stay the fuck down!”

“Then,” he coughed, getting up for some damn reason, “... we have a lot more in common than we thought.”

I snarled as I spun around and roundhouse him again, sending him stumbling sideways.

“We’re nothing alike!”

He coughed and wiped his face, squaring up with me. “Yeah, we are. I just wish… we’d’ve been friends when we were younger.”

“Yeah, well it didn’t happen!” I yelled as I rushed in and received a swift kick to the face, sending me backwards a bit. We began to exchange blow after blow, no longer blocking as we wailed on each other.

“You’re the fucking worst!” he yelled as he hit me in the face.

“You make my life a living hell!” I returned, getting him in the jaw.

“I hate everything about you!” 

“I wish you’d just fucking die so I can have some peace!”

“I wish you’d die! You are so unreasonable it hurts to be around you!”

“Fuck you, Domitor!”

“Fuck you, Shayla!”

We both connected at once, hitting each other right on the forehead. We stumbled away from each other, holding our faces.

After a moment we glared at each other.

“I should just end you right here, right now,” I growled in a low voice, my face and body beaten pretty badly.

“Yeah? Then do it,” he sneered back, his bruised and bloody face looking ready to finish this.

With a roar I ran into him, lifting him up as I slammed his back into the wall. I held him against the wall as I threw a few punches at his unguarded face, but he just threw a few right back.

“Come on! End me, bitch!” he spat out as I slammed my head into his forehead, getting my eyes right in front of his. We growled at each other as our blood mixed together, my shaking eyes almost touching his shaking eyes.

“Fuck you, Dom,” I sneered.

“Fuck you, Shay,” he growled back as we kept our eyes pressed together.

Without warning I grabbed him and pushed my lips against his, kissing him roughly. He yelped, but then grabbed my shoulders as he pulled me against himself, hard. We noisily made out, grunting into each other's mouths.

Finally we broke the kiss, leaning away from each other with wide eyes. We both looked shocked at what we’d just done, but it was me who pulled him right back into another kiss, this one much more passionate than the first as we stumbled backward, right into the middle of the room.

“What are we doing?” he asked in between kissing, panting heavily.

I didn’t answer him as I ran my hands up and down his side and back, pressing myself into the kiss even more.

His hooves ran up my own body, causing me to shiver, but not in an uncomfortable way as I’d've expected. 

After a few more moments I became bold as I reached down his front, finding him and giving him a squeeze. His head jerked back, eyes wide as he stared into my face.

“Yeah,” I mouthed, nodding to him. 

Taking my que he grabbed my jacket and pulled it off of me, leaving me topless. He then began to try and remove my pants, but he just fumbled as he tried to work the belt.

“Idiot,” I grunted as I pressed a few menu buttons, removing everything I was wearing.

We slammed into each other again, now full of passion as he lifted me up and spun us around. With a grunt he dropped us both on the bed, with him on top.

I laid on my back, covered in blood and sweat as I stared up at him as he propped himself up above me. His own blood and sweat dripped off of his face and onto mine, but I didn’t care as I just held his gaze. My body was shaking so hard due to the emotions and adrenaline, I could barely stand it!

“Come on,” I grunted, grinding myself against him. 

“You sure?” he asked, seeming very nervous suddenly.

“Very,” I confirmed, panting as I stared up at him.

He gave a nod as he pulled his hips back and reached down, trying to figure it out. We were both inexperienced at this, but it was a simple process.

Still, I had to reach down and take a hold of him, helping guide him in. 

“Careful,” I hissed as he pushed a bit too hard. He slowed down and after a few sloppy attempts was able to go at a steady pace.

I grunted with each small thrust, eyes locked on his. Once I knew I was ready I gave him a little nod. He pulled back and pushed all the way forward, causing me to let out a little feminine moan. My face burned at this and I suddenly threw a punch right into his face.

“Do not say a word!”

He just smiled back at me as he gave a nod, a silent promise to never mention what I’d just done.

With this he resumed his slow and steady pace, me doing my best to not make a sound. Mostly out of embarrassment.

He began to pick up his pace as we both grunted loudly. I had to bite my own arm to keep quiet, as I did not want to make another sound like that again. 

But I couldn’t help it as I reached a climax, throwing my head back as I let out a hoarse moan, body shaking violently as he reached his top speed, thrusting away into me. I reached climax four more times as he began to reach his first one.

“Should I…”

“Doesn’t matter,” I moaned out, grabbing hold of him as he started to go faster. 

He thrusts a few times really hard as his body went a bit ridged, a rough moan escaping his throat as he finished inside of me. With that he collapsed on top of me, breathing heavily.

I laid there, breathing just as heavily as my mind reeled with what just happened.

A soft whimper escaped my lips as everything hit me at once, all of the stress I’d been under and all the problems I’ve been facing. It was in this moment I finally realized just how screwed up everything so far had been. This being the one and only moment where everything made sense.

“Are you okay?!” he asked in a panic as he sat up, eyes wide as he looked down at my tear covered face.

“Yes you bitch!” I snapped, punching him in the face again. “Just… hold me, okay?”

He stared at me for a moment before giving a nod and laying down next to me. I crawled into his embrace and laid my head on his chest, my body still shaking. 

“It’s okay,” he said in a soothing voice, causing me to gut punch him. 

“... thank you, Dom,” I muttered, snuggling into him as I allowed myself to be held for the first time since I was a child. 

He didn't respond, just held me as requested, letting me cry into his chest when the urge hit me. He gently stroked my mane, helping me relax somewhat. 

It was going to be a long, long night. But at least I wasn’t alone.

I felt safe. I felt like myself.