Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Fate: Old views die hard

Chapter 48

“That was for sure Shayla?” Spark asked as the match ended and Flavio went off the air momentarily to heal the winner. “How certain are we?”

“Completely certain,” Scamp said confidently. “I just know that it was Shayla. I don’t know why she’d be pretending to be a guy, but she probably has her own reasons.”

“Whatever those reasons are, I’m sure they’re good ones,” Mallogory added as she reached over and took her wife's mechanical hand. “She did good though, huh?”

“Oh she did very good,” Scamp replied, smiling a bit. “I wish we’d actually seen it for real though.”

“Love, you’d’ve jumped into that ring the moment she started getting stabbed,” Mallogory teased, poking her mare in the side of the face.

“Yeah, but could you blame me?” Scamp said back, smirking at her wife. She reached out and stroked her face, giving a wink.

“Spark,” Scamp suddenly said, not looking at him. “Why don’t you go for a long walk?”

He groaned as he stood up, knowing what was about to happen. “Please, don’t destroy the room this time.”

“No promises,” Mallogory replied, placing a hand on her wife's hip. 

Spark stepped out of the room and closed the door, shaking his head. 

“Those two…” he muttered, but decided to get away from the door as he heard the sound of something breaking. He’d made the mistake once before of staying too close to the door, and he was not going to make that same mistake again.


“Huh, way too fancy for me,” I muttered as we all stepped into the lobby of one of the massive buildings that made up this city. Like Flavio had said, everything was empty. Which raised the question: why have this massive city if there were no people living here? Guess it goes back to Galben liking things big and showing off.

“I have heard rumors of the Great Galben’s luxury city, but I never thought I’d be permitted to enter it!” Vanilla exclaimed, clasping her hands together as she looked at the overly fancy décor around us. “It’s so wonderful and whimsical!”

“Oh yes it is,” Floria laughed as she kept grabbing random items and putting them in her Vacuole.

“Are you stealing?!” Vanilla basically screamed, getting a laugh out of the short Kejtdra. 

“Yep, what are you gonna do about it? Go tell Galben? Your family?” she taunted, sticking her tongue out at her.

“He is ever so gracefully letting us stay in his city, and you take that opportunity to steal from him?!” Vanilla exclaimed, looking about ready to pop.

“I mean, yeah?” Floria replied, just angering the Halwen even further, “Besides, he’s not here you can stop sucking his dick. No need to praise him so highly.”

“If you grew up with even a hint of class, then you understand why I am being respectful to our host,” she huffed, crossing her arms as she looked at me. “Shane, please stop her.”

“I’m staying out of this,” I laughed back, deciding to continue towards the elevator that led upward.

“Which floor are you staying on?” Domitor asked as he followed behind me.

“Top fucking floor, bud,” I laughed, stepping into the elevator and hitting the button.

“Hold it!” Floria yelled as she rushed over, kicking Domitor into the elevator with me as she jumped in behind me. “Okay now go!”

“Please hold the door,” Vanilla called out as she made her way towards us.

“No no no,” Floria said in a panic as she hit the close door button. “Come on!”

The doors began to slowly close as Vanilla tried to pick up her pace, but she wouldn’t make it.

“Bu-byeeeeee!” FLoria mocked, waving to the Halwen.

But then Domitor’s hoof reached out and caught the door, allowing the woman to make it onto the elevator with all of them.

“That was very close,” she exclaimed, a bright smile on her face. “Thank you, Domitor. Without your help I’d have lost you three in this massive building.”

“Yeah, thanks, Dom,” Floria said, crossing her arms as she leaned away from the Halwen.

Domitor just stood checking over his drawing.

“That picture done yet?” I asked as I tried to snatch the notebook from him, but he yanked it away from me before I could grab it. 

“No, it is not. Unless you want an unfinished product, Shane, then you should let me work,” he said roughly, causing me to glare at him. But I decided to let it go, this time.

“This is really exciting,” Vanilla said with an excited look on her face. “To be inside of this place that no one else has had the pleasure of seeing! It’s just amazing!”

“If you say so, Cakehurst,” Floria groaned, rubbing her face.

Finally, after a long ride of listening to Vanilla and Floria bicker, we reached the top floor. We stepped out into a very impressive lobby, with a mock living room set up in the middle of the floor, complete with a bar and everything. The room itself was circular with six doors running along the walls around the furniture in the middle of the floor.

“So elegant,” Vanilla muttered as she strolled forward, running a hand along a couch. “This furniture cost more than a single house, just so you know.”

“Ew,” I made a face as I walked past it, running a hand along the fancy yet rough fabric. I was not a fan of expensive furniture it seems. 

“So how we doing this room situation?” Floria asked, smirking at Domitor.

“I will be taking this one for myself,” Vanilla said as she strolled over to the center most one and opened the door.

“What? Not going to try and bunk with Shane over there?” Floria mocked, causing Vanilla to roll her eyes. 

“I value my privacy, I’ll have you know,” she huffed as she stepped into the room and closed the door.

“Shane?” Floria asked, looking at me.

“Alone,” was my simple answer as I picked the once closest to the elevator.

“Looks like it's you and me Dommy, rooming together, as usual,” Floria laughed, slapping his back.

“This is the first chance I get to have a room to myself since getting here, I am taking it. I’m sorry, Floria,” he said, giving her a sheepish smile as he quickly walked for the room on the other side of the room.

“Oh you bunch of party poopers!” she yelled, sitting down on the floor. “We’re all gonna at least hang out and talk tonight, right?”

I didn’t answer her as I closed the door and examined my room for the night. Just as the rest of the place, it was way to fucking fancy. 

Stepping over to the bed I found it was at least not as firm as everything else looked, so I’d at least have a decent night's sleep. Unless my mind decided I wasn’t allowed that.

One thing did catch my attention, bringing a smile to my face. “No way!” I rushed over to a table, finding a large pile of comic books just sitting there. But to my ever growing disappointment they were all just that weird comic book, Corn Justice Man. Damn it.

Groaning, with nothing else to do other than sleep, I grabbed a handful and jumped back onto the bed.


A few hours later

I closed the comic book I was currently reading, left more confused than anything. While these comic books were nothing like the ones I was use to, they at least were fun reads. Well drawn too. Could use a bit more variety though, but the dynamic of the two hero’s was fun to read about.

Letting out a yawn I slowly got out of the bed and made my way over to the door, wanting to go look for food in that bar I saw. 

Stepping outside of my room I saw everyone was out in the little lobby area, just sitting around talking with three couches pulled close together.

“Have a nice cat nap?” Domitor asked as he munched on something. 

“No, I read some books,” I replied, omitting that they were comic books. “Where’s the food?”

Floria waved her hand over the little table between them. “Come on, bro, help yourself.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle as I walked over and jumped over the back of a couch, landing next to Floria. “Oh hell yes,” I exclaimed as I saw just how much food there was.

“The cabinets here were filled with all kinds of ingredients,” Vanilla said as she sat curled up in her pajamas, drinking a cup of something hot. “So I did something a little special for all of you. Added my own personal flair to everything.”

“Flair?” I asked, taking a bite of a bread item, eyes going wide as the filling within filled my mouth. There was a bit of a kick to it, like something spicy was mixed in.

“Yes, my own personal flair,” she said, watching me expectantly. “I add hot spices to everything, is it to your liking?”

My mouth burned pretty badly, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle as I finished off the food in my hand. “It’s good. But maybe chill out on the spiciness next time, that’d kill the right person.”

“You like that?” Floria asked dumbfounded, sitting back defeated. “I thought you’d lose your crap like Domitor did.”

“Yeah, I couldn’t handle the heat,” Domitor said without looking up from his drawing pad. He was just staring at it, randomly making a little mark here and there with his pencil. 

How fucking long is he going to work on this single picture?!

“Yeah, I bet you couldn’t handle it,” I mocked, but even I didn’t feel that one as he just chuckled a bit.

I shoved a few more food items in my mouth, watching as Vanilla stared at me happily. “What?” I asked, food falling out of my mouth as I stared right back at her.

“Just happy someone else enjoys the little flair I put into the food, since most Kejtdra can’t taste spicy foods, and most Halwen can’t stand the level of heat I like. Everyone in my family tells me to stop trying to stand out and change things, though. But that’s good, is it not?” she asked as she waved her hand at the food and me.

“Yeah, it’s good,” I said back slowly, pushing another bite into my mouth. 

“Vanilla,” Domitor suddenly said, glancing at her, “you mentioned earlier your home life was just as good as any other Cakehurt’s home life. But tell us how you really feel.”

“How do you mean?” she asked, feigning ignorance. 

“Your parents beat your ass or something?” I asked with a mouth full of food, causing her to frown as she took off her goggles, placing them on the table behind her. 

“No, not exactly that bad,” she said, seeming to be gauging how much to actually tell us. “You all wouldn’t understand.”

“Try us,” Domitor said with a reassuring smile. “My home life was pretty terrible growing up.”

“Here we go again,” I groaned, much to his annoyance.

“Anyways!” he grumbled, ignoring me, “I don’t know how yours is, but I can say I at least might understand what you’ve gone through.”

“Thank you, but really, the Cakehurst family is very… unique,” she said, her face giving away that she doesn't want to talk about it.

“Bitch, come on, my fucking dad raped me and I’ll admit to that,” Floria suddenly said, causing me to start choking on my food loudly. Vanilla had a similar reaction, her eyes wide as she stared at the short Kejtdra.

“Floria, are you okay?” Domitor asked as Floria just sat there, a forced smile on her face.

“Yeah, I’m good. I’m just proving a point,” she said as she stared the Halwen down. “If I can say that, then you can talk about how bad the room service in your own home was. Or how your mummy forgot to give you money one time to buy that toy you so desperately wanted.”

“That is… not even close to the problems I’ve had with my family,” Vanilla growled, grinding her teeth. 

“Even Shane can talk about his problems more than you can! And that’s saying something!” Floria said as everyone looked at me.

I blinked back at them and shook my head. “No, I’m good. We’re not focusing on me right now, this is about Vanilla.”

“Yeah, so come on, Cakehurst! Spill the beans! What kinda sad little princess level problems have you had to deal with?” Floria demanded, smirking right at the Halwen confidently.

“I’d rather not discuss it,” she said in a small voice. “Please, let us drop this topic and move on to a much happier one.”

“What? Can’t confront the truth?” Floria said, standing up between us as she stared at Vanilla, her hands shoved in her pockets.

“I do not know what you mean,” Vanilla replied calmly, looking anywhere but at her.

“Alright, I’ll give everyone a brief little overview of the Cakehurst family,” Floria announced, jumping up on the table and knocking the food into the floor, much to my dismay as I continued to reach down and pick it up, eating it anyways.

“Careful, gutter trash,” Vanilla suddenly growled, now glaring up at the Kejtdra.

“Cakehurst are just mass produced products that the family just pumps out to further their business,” Floria said in a voice a teacher would use, eyes locked with Vanilla’s. “They all have the same damn Alchemy Thorn, and they use it to meddle in all the businesses of this world. Not only that, but they’ll lie and cheat to get what they want.”

The Halwen did not say anything in her defense, just frowning up at her as emotions played across her face. 

“You heard her earlier, she was with the woman Shane fought, saying they were together for family business. It doesn’t matter what she said afterward, they still came here together. She’s just using us to get that stupid favor, and she’s pretending to like Shane since he’s the one doing all the fighting!” she accused, growling a bit. “Admit it! You’re just trying to get on Shane’s good side so he’ll relent and give you the favor when he wins!”

“No, that is completely false,” Vanilla stated firmly, her lip quivering a bit, but otherwise she held her stern look perfectly. 

“Oh? So you just so happen to be interested in the one guy who’s in our group and winning the tournament?”

“If you recall, I joined you guys well before he started winning anything,” she pointed out, but Floria didn’t seem to care as she kicked more food into the floor.

“Cakehursts are always on the long con, you saw potential in him and you pounced on it! You’re a snake in the grass, just waiting for your moment to strike and take us for everything we have! That, is the fucking Cakehursts way of doing business,” Floria growled, as she shook slightly, clearing very worked up.

“You think so lowly of me?” Vanilla said as calmly as she could, standing up carefully. “Yes, Cakehursts are known to be horrible people, and yes, I have stories from my childhood that would make even you cringe in horror, but nonetheless; I. Am. Not. Like. That.” 

I very carefully picked up some more food, trying to keep their attention off of me as I ate. Domitor just looked very uncomfortable as he said on his couch, a bit curled in on himself as he watched the developing fight before us.

“Once a Cakehurst always a Cakehurst,” Floria mocked, leaning down so her face was near Vanilla’s as they stared into each other's eyes. “You can’t change your nature.”

“I could say the same to you, street rat,” she threw back, putting her hands on her hips. “Stealing anything you can get your hands on. Tsk tsk.”

“Don’t you fucking judge me, princess,” Floria snapped as she jumped down, squaring up with the other woman, who stood just slightly taller than her. “You have no room to pass judgment on anyone, what with you having literally the easiest life possible. All laid out before you like a red carpet.”

“You think my life has been easy?!” she yelled, but she pulled herself back, taking a deep breath before continuing in a calmer tone, “despite what you think or say, I have been an outlier in my family since I was very young. I haven’t never fit into the family hierarchy, and my entire family knows it.”

“Oh boo woo, let’s cry each other a river because of course both of our lives are so equally shitty,” Floria said, pretending to wipe away fake tears before spitting right onto Vanilla’s chest. “Screw you, Stankhurst. Don’t try to relate your rich people's problems with our real problems.”

The Halwen’s eye twitched as she looked down at the spit on her pajamas, then back to Floria’s face. Yet she didn’t say anything, seeming to be trying to keep herself in control of her emotions. She simply pulled out a handkerchief from her Vacuole and wiped the spot away on her chest.

“Guys, I think we should-” Domitor started to say, but Floria just started laughing in a very unhinged way.

“Just fuck! I can’t believe you’re trying so hard! We’re on to you, you’re not getting that favor! So just pack up your shit and go. Now.”

Vanilla glanced at me, but I offered nothing but a weak smile as I shoved even more food into my mouth, keeping it full so I didn’t have to talk.

“I have told you, I am not here for the favor. I am here on my own accord, because despite everything you’ve said to me, I’m intrigued by you three and wish to be near you,” she said as her lip quivered even harder than the first time.

“Well I don’t want you near us,” Floria shot back harshly, “you’re nothing more than a Cakehurst puppet who does what she’s told, no matter what happens to anyone else. As long as the family makes a little bit more money, huh?”

“I am not like that,” Vanilla growled, clenching her fist a few times as she held her ground. “And I am not a puppet.”

“Oh? Did that comment actually affect you?” Floria laughed, bumping chest with the other woman. “Well I’m sorry to say, but that’s exactly what you are, a lifeless puppet that does as she’s told. Like you’re doing right now, trying to infiltrate our group.”

“I am not trying to infiltrate your group!” she snapped, shoving Floria back roughly. “Please stop this!”

“Stop lying to yourself and admit it!” Floria yelled back, shoving her back just as hard. 

“I’m my own person!” she cried out, eyes welling up with tears. “I am not controlled by my family! I decide what I can and can’t do! I just have no choice but to listen to them!”

“And there it is, the whole ‘I have no choice’ line that all Cakehurst’s like to spew when they get caught in a lie,” Floria said triumphantly. 

“They will punish me if I disobey!” she said, clenching her fist as tears streamed down her face.

“Oh no! They’ll punish you? A week without your allowance, how tragic!” Floria mocked, “face it, you’re not your own person. You’re the face of your family and that’s all you’ll be till they use you up and toss you aside.”

Vanilla’s eye twitched as she stood stock still before Floria, who did not stop herself as she continued.

“You are just a dumb little slut without an original thought in your head! Nothing but empty space, just waiting for mommy dearest to fill it with commands!”

This seemed to push the Halwen over the line as she growled loudly, “yeah? Well here’s an original thought for you; you’re a bitch!”

Everything went silent as the two stared each other down. Just the sound of them breathing could be heard.

Then without warning Floria swung on Vanilla, hitting her right in the face with a closed fist. The Halwen stumbled to the side, but stayed standing as she turned back and growled as she struck out, slapping Floria across the face with her open palm.

“You just fucking slapped me!” Floria snapped.

“And you punched me!” Vanilla countered.

“Oh boy,” I muttered, waiting to see what would happen next.

“You have to hit someone with a closed fist, you idiot! Slapping doesn’t hurt as much!”

“It’s a sign of disrespect to be slapped instead of a brutish punch,” Vanilla stated as they kept looking at each other.

“Huh,” Floria said, seeming to change moods as she shook her head. “Answer this simple question: why are you really here?”

Vanilla, who couldn’t change her mood as easily as the other woman could, just growled as she crossed her arms, “I’ve told you! Multiple times! I want to be around you three, you make me not feel so… bland.”

“Uh-huh,” Floria muttered, walking back to her seat and sitting down. “Screw it. Welcome aboard.”

I just blinked at them as Vanilla went back to her seat as well, still upset but no longer engaging in a fight. 

“What just happened?” I asked aloud, getting two shrugs in response. “You two were really going at it though! You can’t just hit each other once and then end it! You gotta finish it!”

“It is finished,” Floria said simply, looking tired and depleted. “Not all of us are angry all the time like you. She said more to me with that slap than her words could have.”

“But you were so fucking angry, you’re saying that’s all gone now?!”

“Of course not, my opinion of her is still extremely low. But I also know when to drop something. She says she’s here on her own accord, then screw it, I’ll buy it for now.”

I looked at Vanilla, who just shrugged at me, looking just as tired as Floria. 

“I just don't want to fight anymore.”

“This makes no sense,” I muttered, putting my head in my hands. I expected them to rip into each other a lot more with how much shit they were talking. They got personal! How can they just… drop it after just hitting each other once?

“I need some air after that one,” I groaned as I stood up and walked for a door that seemed to lead to a balcony.

Stepping outside I took a deep breath, the stress of watching them fight like that finally revealing itself. Honestly, I feel cheated. Like they’d built up this big fight, then just ended it instantly. I’m… at a lose here.

Groaning, I stepped up to the railing and leaned on it, looking out over the dark empty city before me.

Behind me I heard the door open as someone stepped out with me.