Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Black and White Boxing

Chapter 43

“Your move,” the man before me said smugly.

Rosemary appeared beside him, holding her hands up, “okay, you can win this, Shane. You just have to play this smart, do not just-”

I flicked my fist right at him, aiming to knock him out in one hit. But his arm came up, followed by a loud boom sounding throughout the area as he blocked the attack.

My eyes flared open in anger as he continued to smirk, “another point for me.”

“Shane!” Rosemary snapped, “think before you act! A child could’ve seen that attack coming with how you telegraphed it.”

Taking a deep breath I slowly forced myself to relax, letting the tension leave my shoulders and neck.

“Alright, asshole,” I grumbled, raising my fist. “Your move.”

The man smiled as he got set up, staring into the eyes of my mask. 

“Watch his movements, the way he flexes his muscles, his eyes,” Rosemary said calmly as she pointed at each feature of the man, “each of those will give away what he’s planning to do.”

Taking her advice, I paid attention to each of his movements. His neck flexed, followed by his right arm and both legs. His waist began to twist as he threw a punch, which I could clearly tell was going to have some power behind it.

As it neared me, I smirked at him as I raised my arm and blocked the attack, which hit with such force that it moved me back slightly.

“Point,” I said as a little number one appeared on my chest.

He just shrugged, “good for you. You still need two more while I’m about to win.”

“Well get ready then,” I said as I prepared to attack him.

A little smirk played on his face as I began to tense up, obviously preparing to throw a very powerful punch.

I twisted my body as I continued to tense up more and more, my body giving away what I planned to do. I then threw a punch that seemed to rocket towards him.

The man simply raised his arm to block the attack, looking absolutely smug as he looked into my eyes.

Then my fist lightly tapped against his arm. A White Fist.

“Point,” I said in a smug tone to match the one he’d used earlier.

“What the crap was that?!” he yelped, shock taking over his face.

I just shrugged at him, an unseen smile on my face, “dunno what you’re talking about. You just suck at this game.”

“That was clearly a Black Fist! How’d you stop your attack like that?!” he asked, clearly wanting to understand what just happened.

“Come on, bro, take your turn,” I said, holding my fist up.

“Game point,” he grumbled as he raised his fist.

Doing the same as before I watched his body, watching as he tensed only his neck and threw a fast punch towards me. I did not block as his fist lightly bounced off of my face, a White Punch.

“Point,” I laughed as the two little pins disappeared off of his chest and appeared on mine.

“How?!” he asked, looking very upset, like he was about to throw a tantrum. 

“I’m just better than you, chump,” I replied, flexing and kissing both of my biceps.

He made a frustrated sound and spun around, walking away while cursing loudly.

“Holy shit,” Floria said in awe as I turned to them, giving them a little victory pose. “That was amazing!”

Domitor also looked impressed, “I don’t understand how you threw that second punch. Even I thought it was a Black Fist.”

I just gave a bow, “it’s called having complete control over your body.”

They both just rolled their eyes.

“That was an excellent maneuver, Shane,” Vanilla complimented, giving me a little clap that both felt genuine and condescending at once. 

“Thank you, I think?” I said as I looked at her face, her eyes hidden behind her goggles.

“You are welcome, sir,” she said with a little nod.

I really can't gauge her at all. 

“You and me, let’s go,” someone said from behind me.

Turning around I found myself face to face with a large Halwen, who was slightly taller than me, but had much larger muscles. He had two pins on his chest, which was exactly how many more I needed.

“You’re on, my guy,” I replied as I squared up with him. “Wanna go first?”

“Yes,” he said sternly as he raised his fist and stared me down. I wasn’t sure how to read him, so I might lose a point here just so I can get a feel for him.

His entire body tensed up as he appeared to double in size, throwing a punch with so much power I could feel it coming before it even reached me. My eyes went wide as I raised both arms to block the attack, and even with that I was sent skidding backwards as he landed the blow. My arms felt like they’d been hit by a freight train!

“It appears his tactic was to just knock you out in one hit no matter if you blocked or not,” Vanilla observed, pointing out the obvious.

“You think?!” I yelled back to her as I returned to my spot, rubbing my arms as they seemed to scream in pain.

“I’m surprised you can still stand after that,” the large Halwen laughed, flexing his muscles to make them dance around his body.

“Eh, I’ve had worse,” I said as I prepared myself.

“Well come on then,” he said smugly, “get your turn finished with, because I guarantee the next one is your last.”

“Okay,” I said with a smirk. “I’m going to throw a Black Fist.”

He laughed as I began to throw a very relaxed punch towards his face.

“You’re an idiot, no one falls for reverse psychol-” he began to say, but my fist suddenly slammed into his face, sending him flying backwards and tumbling across the ground.

“What the fuck was that?!” Floria screamed as she jumped up, bouncing in place as she held her head. “For real! What the fuck was that?!”

“Whew, that shit hurt,” I said as I shook my fist out. 

Looking in the direction I sent the large Halwen flying in, I saw he was just laying there, not moving. After a few moments I saw two little pins flying through the air, followed by them slamming into my chest next to the other ones.

“Shane, for real, what was that?” Floria asked as she ran up to me, shaking my shoulders. “You threw a punch so slow I had time to yawn!”

“It was nothing,” I laughed, but she shook me even harder, eyes begging me to tell her. “It was just my own variation of the One Inch Punch. All you need to be able to do is explosive movements and shit.”

“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” she exclaimed as I laughed nervously and pushed her back a bit.

“Yeah, thanks, Floria.”

Vanilla strolled up to me next, looking just as impressed as Floria was acting, “I will admit, in all my years I’ve never seen movement like you just displayed. Well done, Mr. Shane.”

“Beltosh,” I offered, “last name is Beltosh.”

“Shane Beltosh?” she said, tapping her chin. “I see. I’m not familiar with the name, but you must come from a well off family to have skills such as those.”

“I come from a GREAT family,” I threw back, taking offense to her words even if she meant well by them. 

“You are clear evidence of that, Mr. Beltosh,” she said with a smile.

… I really can’t tell if that is an insult or not. 

“Anyways,” I said, turning for the massive door covered in yellow energy, “let's get to the actual tournament.”


Quest complete! 7 skill points awarded!
You have 36 unspent points!

“This place is so much bigger on the inside,” Domitor said in awe as we walked down a long hallway, a few others ahead of us and coming up behind us.

“Yeah, this Galben guy must like big shit,” I commented, getting a giggle out of Vanilla.

“Galben is a Zmeu, and a very proud one at that. It will do you well to treat him with respect if you are ever face to face with him. Leaving the cursing behind would be of great benefit to you as well,” she said in her annoyingly proper voice as she walked with her hands behind her back.

“Thanks, princess, I’ll keep that in fucking mind,” I said with a smirk, watching as she frowned at me a bit.

“How brash of you,” she said in a low tone as she pursed her lips.

“Yeah, get fucked Skankhurst,” Floria laughed as she spun around and flipped the Halwen off with both hands. “We don’t need your advice up in here!”

“Be nice, Floria,” Domitor said without looking back at them. “Vanilla, while being a Cakehurst, did explain the game back there for Shane. If not for her, we’d have to go off of your version of the game. Which, as you said, was very different.”

“Why are you sticking up for her?” Floria asked as she shoved her hands in her pockets and looked a bit upset as she looked up at the ceiling.

“Because she hasn’t given me a reason to dislike her yet,” Domitor admitted.

Vanilla smiled towards him, “thank you, strange creature.”

“It’s Domitor,” he mumbled as he picked up his pace.

“Ah, Domitor. Means tamer, or vanquisher, depends on the translation,” Vanilla mused, tapping her chin. “A very strong name.”

“It’s a very stupid name,” I pointed out. 

“I think it is a very nice name for one such as himself,” she countered boldly, “a very attractive name that will attract a mate of a high calibur.”

As he heard her words, Domitor tripped over his own hoof and slammed face first into the ground, causing me to burst out laughing.

“What happened, Domitard? Get a bit flustered there? First time getting a compliment from a hot chick?” I mocked, laughing very loudly as I slapped my knee a few times.

“Screw off, Shane,” he grumbled as he pulled himself back up to his hooves and continued walking, leaving us behind.

“Hot chick?” Vanilla asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Don’t flatter yourself, I say random shit sometimes,” I replied, continuing on my way.

Floria just stuck her tongue out at Vanilla as she ran to catch up with Domitor.

“My, these are strange people indeed,” I heard the Halwen say from behind me as she began to walk after us.

The four of us continued forward, walking till we came to the end of the hall, stepping out into a massive and open arena. With high walls all around us with seats going all the way up to the sky. 

A bit excessive in my opinion.

The people who’d beaten us here were all standing in the middle of the dirt arena, looking unsure of what to do. So we just walked over and joined them, also not sure what we’re supposed to do.

About twenty more minutes passed as more and more people slowly trickled into the arena, all of them looking unique and weird in their own right.

To be honest, everyone who was winning the Black and White Boxing matches seemed to be the types of people you’d see in a comic book or something. All dressed very colorfully and walking with so much confidence that I felt out of place, and that’s saying something.

If I had to guess, I’d say they were all also Thorn users.

“Wowee wow wow!” Came the overly excited voice of Flavio over some loud speakers as he stood on a floating platform high above us. “We’ve got some strong competitor’s for today's event, wouldn’t you say so Galben?”

Movement on one side of the arena drew everyone’s attention to a massive and Royal looking pavilion jutting out on one of the arena's walls. A massive, buffed as fuck, creature sat there staring down at us, with a snake like body wrapped around himself. 

“We do not see a single worthy being among this gathered mess of flesh,” Galben said in such a pretentious tone that I had a visible reaction. 

I hate him already.

“Oh be nice, Galby! These groovtasic people are here to fight for your favor, so show them some love!” Flavio exclaimed over the loudspeakers, causing Galben to lean back and wave his large hand. “Look at that, folks! A hand wave from the great Galben! You should be as jestapitcal as I feel!”

What the actual fuck have I signed up for?

“Now cast your beautiful eyes up here to see the leaderboard!” Flavio called out as some floating text appeared next to his platform, displaying the tournament brackets with everyone’s names listed on them.

“This tournament will be super simple! With two even simpler rules!” He continued, moving around his platform flamboyantly, “rule numba one; have fun! This is a flemflamish once in a lifetime event!”

I facepalmed at this, as I was slowly losing hope in this being a serious event.

“Rule numba two: no flying around! Galben is grumpy today and would rather you all stay planted on the ground!” He came to a stop and struck a pose as he pointed down at us, “and that’s it! The tournament itself is a basic beat ‘em up! Fight till you knock out your opponent!”

“Can we kill them?” Someone yelled out, causing Flavio to come to a grinding halt as he looked over the platform, searching out the speaker.

“You want to kill your opponents?” He asked, then shrugged as he resumed his overly happy mood, “well yes my dubious friend! You can kill your opponents! Just know that’ll make you very unpopular with your fellow contestants!”

From the reactions of the people around me, they didn’t care for the approval of any of the others here. Which meant I’ll be fighting people willing to kill me to win this. 

Well, that’ll make things more interesting at least.

“But we do have a treat for you all!” Fabio yelled out as a spotlight came down on a door on the other side of the colosseum. “An amazing standby area provided by the great Galben! If you’ll all head that way now, we’ll finish preparations for today’s event! For all those here to spectate, feel free to find a seat anywhere!”

The doors opened as a few more spotlights shown on it. Slowly the crowd began to drift towards them.

“So do we go with Shane or…” Domitor asked as he looked around.

“We can either go with him, or find a place above to watch,” Vanilla replied as she waited for us to make a decision.

I just shrugged as I began to walk towards the doors, following the crowd. Behind me I heard the others come to an agreement and come after me.

This place better have some good ass food.


“Princess Nova,” a little voice called out, stirring her from her restless sleep. “Nova!” Someone barked from right in front of her face.

She gasped awake as she grabbed whoever it was with her magic and sent them flying across the room.

Louie yelped as he soared across the room, about to slam into a wall. But just as he reached it he was engulfed in magic, halting him moments before impact.

“Lou, have you never learned to not startle a sleeping Alicorn?” Nova asked as she pulled him towards herself and sat him down on the floor before her couch.

“I don’t know many Alicorn’s,” he chuckled as he scratched behind his ear. “Why you so jumpy?”

“Take a wild guess, my canine friend,” she replied as she stood up and stretched, groaning as she did so, the pain in her chest still present.

“Yeah, Champion is scary,” Louie agreed with a sigh. “Guys given me night terrors.”

Nova gave him a sad look as she walked towards the kitchen, ready to finally try to eat something.

“So something bad happened,” Louie said sheepishly as he watched the mare open the fridge.

She sighed as she pulled out a few items with her magic, glancing at him as she used her magic to start making herself some food. “What’s happened?”

“Well,” Louie began as he jumped up on the counter next to her, “you know how we told you a new group was being formed by Champion?”

“Yes, I believe their name was the Inquisitors, correct?” She asked as food items floated all around her.

“Yep, those guys,” he confirmed with a solemn look on his face. “Well they’re formed and already out hunting Bronies.”

“As one would expect,” she muttered as she finished preparing her food and used her magic to start heating it. “Is this the bad news?”

“Eh no, it’s part of it though,” he said sheepishly. “You know Barehoof and Jeff?”

“Of course,” she said as she checked how her food was doing, then stopped as she realized something. “Wait, are they okay?”

“Erm, yesish?” He said as he scraped his foot at the countertop. 

“Small Lou, tell me,” she said as she turned to him, stern look on her face.

“Barehoof tried to make contact with a friend of his in the Inquisitors, but she betrayed him and now they’ve been arrested,” he replied, looking everywhere but at her.

She let out a frustrated groan as she used her magic to carry her food into the living room. “More reasons for me to get healed. I need to be out there helping, not laying around here.”

“What’s your plan?” He asked as he followed after her, jumping into a chair as she resumed her place on her couch.

“It’s quite simple,” she replied as she began to slowly spoon food into her mouth. “I’m going to meet up with all the members of Phantasm Troupe and they’re going to grant me access to their Enforcer’s Order Hall so I may use this training chamber.”

“Then what?” 

She let out a sigh as she glanced towards him, “then I try and fix everything.”

“I guess if anyone can, it’d be a Princess,” he said with a nod. “If you’re going to become an Enforcer, can you convince them to make me one as well.”

“There’s no need for that,” she replied as she finished off her food. “You’re safer as you are, hiding in plain sight.”

He frowned as he whined a bit, “Nova, can I be honest and serious with you for a moment?”

She raised an eyebrow at him as she turned her full attention to him, “you may, my small friend. What’s on your mind?”

The small dog stared back at her, his little mustache twitching, “I’ve been a background character all my life with my friends. While they’ve been off fighting and dying, I’ve spent the past twenty something years just screwing around. I want to change that, I want to help fix all this crap.”

Nova nodded along with him, listening intently.

“But no one is listening to me, as always,” he continued, pawing at his ear, “so I’ve just been playing recon dog, just running around and spying on the enemy.”

“And that’s incredibly important work,” Nova assured him. 

“I know that,” he sighed as he began to scratch at the chair beneath himself, “but I was there when Barehoof and Jeff got arrested, and all I did was stand there and pretend to be a dog. Nova, I can’t just stand by like that and watch all my friends get taken. I want to be able to actively help them.”

The mare didn’t respond as she leaned forward, looking deep in thought as she stared at him.

“I want to get an Ego and I want to save my friends. I don’t want to just keep being Louie the Brony dog, the deadbeat dad,” he let out a whimper as he pawed at his face a few more times. “For the first time in my life I want to be proactive instead of just coasting through life.”

“Luke,” she said calmly, using his real name, “I understand where you are coming from. But you do understand the risk, correct? To join the actual fighting could mean your death.”

“I don’t care,” he said firmly, “I’ve been on the sidelines my entire life, it’s time for me to step up and take on some real responsibilities.”

Nova nodded at him, a little smile on her face, “if you feel this strongly about this course of action, I will see what I can do.”

His body relaxed as he laid down on the chair, “thank you, Princess Nova.”

“Please, just Nova,” she said with a smile. “I’ve never liked being called a Princess, nor wanted the title.”

“Well I’m sorry to tell ya,” he laughed as he scratched his ear, “but everyone here is already referring to you as our new leader. You know, since you’re the Princess and super powerful.”

“Wonderful,” she mumbled, clearly not a fan of this revelation.  She’d wanted to just get healed and then deal with her brother and his goons, not have everyone relying on her to lead them.

“We need a real leader, Nova,” Louie began, clearly seeing the conflict on her face, “all we have right now are the young members of Phantasm Troupe, and they’re great ponies, but they’re way too inexperienced to lead something like this. And Calypso is trying her best, but she’s stretched thin.”

Nova sighed and fell back onto the couch, rubbing her face.

“Everyone loves and respects you, Nova,” he said as he stood up and struck a confident pose, “they were all relieved to find out you were alive, and they want you to lead us. Just think about it, for us.”

“I shall think on it,” she grumbled, still not a fan of the concept.

“Awesomeness,” he said with a smile as he yawned and laid back down. 

She stood up and left the room, deciding to at least get her house set up in the meantime. Plus her clothes needed to be washed, and repaired.